Gentle Beast

Chapter 57: you worry about me


Raursis is not dead? ?

Ji Xiaoou suddenly remembered that when she was seriously injured by Raulses, she never asked Raulses' whereabouts after waking up.

She subconsciously thought that he had already been dealt with by Ren... If he hadn't died all this time, why did he come back now

Ji Xiaoou's heart sank, and the small hand placed by his side trembled slightly, and he slowly raised it to cover his abdomen.

After removing the scab marks, there are three ferocious and clear animal paw prints.

She sees it every time she takes a shower, just an inch above her navel, an ugly scar that doesn't blend in with the surrounding skin.

Ji Xiaoou once asked Ba Tan how to eliminate scars, and Ba Tan told her that there are several medicinal materials that can lighten scars.

Ji Xiaoou tried one by one, but unfortunately it didn't work much, the scar just faded a bit, turning into a light pink color, but it was still there and could be seen at a glance.

There is no laser scar removal here, and the level of medical treatment is very limited. It is impossible to completely eliminate these three scars.

Today, the mere mention of Raursis makes the place ache.

Ji Xiaoou wanted to ask some more questions, but the male orc had already turned around and left, continuing to look for Ren.

Ji Xiaoou had no choice but to stay in the yard, anxiously waiting for news from Ren.

At the same time, the edge of the Kamuda Valley.

An agile black figure jumped up to the treetops, its tail dragging behind it silently, its amber pupils staring closely at the Leopard clansman who was walking ahead.

Suddenly, he focused his gaze on the orc who was walking in the front, opened his mouth with sharp teeth, and rushed down!

The panther attacked without warning, and it was about to throw Rennes down. Renn used his legs hard and quickly backed away.

The panther jumped into the air, raised its eyes, and stopped a few steps away from Ren.

Ren stood still, saw the panther in front of him clearly, and squinted his eyes, "Laursis?"

In the next moment, Raulsis turned into a human form, with a slender figure, black leather clothes, and cold and indifferent facial features.

He raised one corner of his mouth and said wantonly, "I've let you down, Ren, I'm still alive."

At the beginning, he was slapped on the top of the head by Rennes, and then he was thrown down the hillside, and fell into a coma for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, there was a cave at the bottom of the hillside, and there was a rotting snow leopard in the cave.

The snow leopard had been dead for several days, perhaps because of the secret of the cave entrance, the body was not taken away by other prey. Raulsis didn't care whether he was bitten to death by a wild animal or for some other reason, relying on the corpse of his companion, he spent the days when he was most seriously injured and survived.

Ren's face remained unchanged, and he licked his teeth, "It's really a bit disappointing."

Raulsis swept across the clansmen behind Renn one by one, and sneered indifferently: "Why, you are still the leader now? When did the strength of the Leopard clan drop so much that no clansman challenged you?"

Ren's long, spotted tail hung down behind him, sweeping the ground casually and calmly, just like his attitude. "Of course," Ren said, "the premise is that you can beat me."

Raulsis' eyes were cold and sharp, "In that case, I shouldn't be alone."

Raulsis said: "If you don't mind, I will take your place as leader."

Ren smiled, and there was a bloodthirsty beast hidden deep in his blue eyes, and he was willing to accompany him and said, "If you have the strength."

"Tomorrow morning, Competition Heights, I hope you won't back down." After finishing speaking, Raulsis turned around and jumped onto the tree trunk, leaving the place.

Raulsis's home was not far from Ryan's, just separated by a wall, which was the main reason for his discord with Ryan.

A mountain can't even accommodate two tigers, how can a piece of land accommodate two strong men

When Raulsis passed by the door of Ren's house, he paused for a moment, thinking of something, suddenly jumped onto the wall and looked into the yard.

The courtyard was empty, so quiet that there was no sound.

A bamboo frame was set up in the center of the yard, covered with cotton, and neatly cut dried bamboo shoots and dried meat were placed on the side to dry.

In addition, the yard was neatly tidied up, and there were traces of female arrangements everywhere.

Raursis stepped on the wall with his leopard paw and walked around slowly, but he didn't notice any movement in the courtyard.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw the door of the bedroom being opened, and then a female rushed out, looking at the door in surprise, "Ren..."

The courtyard door was closed tightly, and Ren hadn't come back yet.

Ji Xiaoou lowered his head in frustration, he heard footsteps just now, why did he come out but there was nothing

She buried her head and glanced at her watch. It was already five fifty, and it would be dark if Renn didn't come back.

Lauersis stood on the wall behind Ji Xiaoou, with a roof blocking him, Ji Xiaoou couldn't see him.

It was cold spring, and the girl was wearing a gray half-length cashmere sweater, with the shape of an elk drawn out with needlework in front of her body, a pair of jeans underneath, and a pair of sneakers on her feet. Dressed in a weird way, Raulsis lightly "sneered", as expected, he was not dead, but his life was quite big.

Nevertheless, Raulsis did not leave.

The warm spring sunshine filled the courtyard, and the floating light passed over the top of the girl's head, covering her side with a layer of golden yellow.

The white cheeks were illuminated by the sun, clean and clear.

The long eyelashes drooped slightly, casting a circle of shadows on the greasy cheeks, and when they were raised again, the dark eyes were full of worry, and they never left the gate of the yard. The girl stood for a while, then simply sat on the threshold with her cheeks in her hands, waiting anxiously for Ren to come back.

Perhaps it was because the sun was too warm. After sitting for a long time, her eyelids gradually closed to cover those clear and bright eyes, and she fell asleep with her head tilted on the threshold.

Raulsis walked out from the corner, stared at the girl's sleeping face for a moment, then turned around and jumped off the wall neatly, heading towards his home.

The sky is dim, the night falls, and the leopard tribe is peaceful.

When Ji Xiaoou woke up, he was hugged by a pair of arms and walked towards the house.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, saw Ren's face clearly, and woke up instantly, "Ren, someone from the tribe is looking for you today..."

Ren stepped across the threshold with long legs and comforted in a low voice: "I know."

Ji Xiaoou looked up at him, "Then did you see Raursis? Did he do anything to you? I heard that he wants to challenge your leadership position. Is it true?"

Ren put Ji Xiaoou on the bed, lowered his head, saw the undisguised worry and nervousness in the girl's eyes, grinned, and suddenly smiled, "Are you worried about me?"

The little guy was not shy this time, he lowered his head and thought for a while, raised his face and nodded seriously, "Yes."

She was just worried about him.

Worried about Raulsis making trouble for him, worried about his injury, worried about everything about him.

Ren's heart warmed up, he hugged Ji Xiaoou's waist, his tall body covered her, he bowed his head and kissed her passionately.

Ji Xiaoou couldn't dodge in time, and was kissed hard by him for a long time.

It wasn't until the base of his tongue became sore from being sucked by him, and his breathing became more and more urgent, that Ji Xiaoou turned his head to avoid it, and reminded: "Hey, you haven't answered my question yet..."

Ren's forehead was pressed against her shoulder, and his voice came into Ji Xiaoou's ears accompanied by rough panting, "Huh?"

He completely forgot what Ji Xiaoou asked just now.

After all, all he could think about was copulating with her.

Ji Xiaoou repeated: "I heard that Raulsis is going to challenge you for the position of leader..."

Ren didn't deny it, and put one arm on Ji Xiaoou's face, "That's right."

"You agreed?"

"Race rules, the leader must accept the challenge of any clansman."

"..." Ji Xiaoou met Ren's dark blue eyes, hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help it, "Then...will you lose?"

Ren licked Ji Xiaoou's unpleasant little mouth, "If you lose to this kind of guy, do you have so little confidence in your masculinity?"

Ren didn't put away the barb on his tongue, and Ji Xiaoou was sore from his lick, shrank his body and complained: "I'm just worried that you'll get hurt."

Ren sometimes didn't know what to do with this little guy. Her little mouth was like a hook smeared with honey, which made his heart drip with blood at one moment, and made his heart quiver with sweetness at another moment.

"Don't worry, your male doesn't want you to worry." Ren kissed her lips again, his voice rough and deep.

Every leader of the Leopard tribe is elected at the competitive highland behind the tribe.

This is not the first challenge Rennes has received since he became the leader, but it is definitely the most interesting one.

Who in the clan doesn't know that Raursis and Rennes are on par in strength.

When competing for the position of leader ten years ago, Raulsis and Rennes fought for a long time, and finally lost to Rennes by a narrow margin.

For ten years, Raursis was in a subordinate position, and he had been brooding about it.

A while ago, Ren was injured and disappeared without a trace. Raulsis encouraged the tribe to re-elect a new leader.

The tribe gradually accepted the news of Ryan's death. Everyone thought that Raulsis would replace Rennes as the new leader, but Raulsis suddenly lost the news. Unexpectedly, Rennes returned to the race unharmed.

Now that the two leopards are standing together, this duel that has been separated for ten years has begun again.

Last night Ren told Ji Xiaoou that she was not allowed to go and watch. Ji Xiaoou was worried, and when he opened his eyes this morning, he sneaked to the competition high ground.

When Ji Xiaoou arrived, there were already orcs standing around him.

The orcs were taller than each other, completely blocking Ji Xiaoou's sight. Ji Xiaoou jumped up and down twice, but couldn't see anything.

Fortunately, she was petite and cheeky bent over to get into the crowd of orcs, and squeezed to the front after a while.

When I raised my eyes, I saw the black panther leaping up swiftly, pounced towards the opposite side, stretched out its sharp and long claws, and stabbed at the opponent's abdomen—

Ji Xiaoou was startled, the scene of being stabbed by Raursis flashed past, he opened his mouth, and almost shouted the word "Ren".

Ren stretched out his front paws in time to block Raulses' attack, and his hind legs suppressed Raulses' body, turned over, pressed Raulses under him, and instantly reversed the situation.

The dark blue eyes were fixed on Raursis' neck, and he opened his beast's mouth and bit down on the blood vessels in his neck!

Raulsis stretched out his paws to grab Ren's shoulders, and kicked Ren's body far away with his hind legs.

Ren landed firmly on the ground, stretched out his tongue and licked the sharp fangs, thoughtfully.

—The strength of Raulsis has improved a lot.

In Ji Xiaoou's space, his physique and strength have improved a lot, and Raursis can still fight him evenly.

What happened during the time when Raulsis disappeared

The black panther and the cheetah each occupied the two sides of the competitive high ground, staring at each other, and the scene was tense.

Suddenly, Raulsis jumped up and attacked Ren's badly injured hind leg from the side.

Ren quickly dodged, and his long and thick tail swept past Raulsis's face, hitting him hard on the face.

Gradually, Raulsis was obviously exhausted, and the sound of panting became a little disordered.

After one round, he was thrown to the ground forcefully by Rennes. Ren pressed one of his paws on the top of his head, and the other claw stretched out its nails, just like how he stabbed Ji Xiaoou back then, stabbing at his abdomen.

Nails pierced through the flesh, Raursis snorted, rolled his eyes, glanced at Ji Xiaoou who was standing in front of him, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, rolled his throat, and said in a tone that only he and Ren could hear: "If my guess is correct, the female named 'Ji Xiaoou' is human, right?"

As soon as the words fell, Ren's nails pierced his abdomen heavily.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Laurses's mouth, and he continued indifferently, "Changing the family rules for her, it seems that you care about her..." After a pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "However, Ren, if the people in the family know the news, you Guess what will happen to her?"

Human beings are a species that should have been extinct in this world long ago. They are intelligent, wise, and possess the ability to compete with nature.

At the same time, it is also the natural enemy of animals.

Ren's eyes darkened, "I advise you not to seek death, Raulsis."

Raursis noticed Ren's relaxation for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he grabbed Ren's front paws. At the same time, he kicked Ren far away with force from his hind legs!

Behind Ren is a very high mountain. The mountain is steep and bottomless, and the bottom is covered with jagged and sharp rocks.

The moment Ren fell down the mountain, his tail tightly wrapped around Raursis's forelegs, dragging him down the cliff together—

! ! !

The leader fell off the cliff with Raulsis? !

The orcs watching the battle around were stunned. Before they could recover from the fierce fight just now, they saw that the competitive high ground was empty, and the figures of Ren and Raulsis disappeared.

Elder Bosen quickly came back to his senses, and hurriedly ordered, "Quickly, gather a few clansmen and go down to find the leader!"

Wen Te heard the order and immediately arranged for the tribe to go down the cliff.

Ji Xiaoou stood at the side in a daze, her heart beating fast, she saw that Raulses seemed to say something to Ren, Ren stopped his movements, and was taken advantage of by Raurses.

Regardless of scolding Laursis for being despicable, Ji Xiaoou also wanted to follow the leopard orcs to search, but was stopped by Wen Te, "The road down the mountain is rough, you should stay here and wait for news... In case the leader knows that you are injured, The leader will take care of us."

"Besides..." Wen Te scratched his head, a little speechless, "You will slow down our search."

"..." Ji Xiaoou had no choice but to give up and wait on the edge of the cliff.

About an hour passed with no news.

Ji Xiaoou became more and more worried. Winter said that the ground was full of rocks. Will Ren be injured

Raulsis is also below, will it be bad for Rennes? Can Winter and the others find Ren

Half an hour later, a male orc came and left with the elder Bosen, "Elder..."

Elder Bosen said: "Have you found news about the leader?"

The male orc shook his head and pointed at the entrance of Kamuda Valley, "Holden led the wolf clan to attack us again!"

At the entrance of the Kamuda Valley, groups of wolves lined up, facing the leopard tribe, raised their necks and howled loudly.


The sound spread far away in the empty valley, reaching the ears of Elder Boysen.

It was the first time that Elder Bosen encountered such a thing when he came to serve as an elder. Now that Ren is not here, he was not sure, so he hurriedly asked the orc on the opposite side: "Have you found the leader?"

The male orc who sent the message said: "No, Wen Te and the others haven't come back yet."

The wolves howled one after another, as if a thin thread wrapped around Elder Boysen's brain was constantly tightened, causing his brain to ache.

This damned wolf tribe, if you don't come sooner or later, why come at this time!

Of course, Elder Bosen didn't know that Holden came here on time.

Why was Raulsis able to escape from the snow mountain with serious injuries? It was Holden who helped him behind the scenes.

The strength of Raulsis is comparable to that of Rennes. Holden guessed that after he recovers from his injury, he will definitely return to the Leopard Clan to challenge Rennes.

Holden doesn't expect Raulsis to defeat Rennes, as long as he can hold Rennes down, both sides will suffer.

Just like now, without Rennes, it would be much easier to capture the Leopard tribe.

Here, Elder Bosen managed to calm down and said: "Young warriors in the assembly clan, listen to my orders. Dordo, Kelu, you lead the clansmen to the entrance of the Kamuda Valley. Before the leader returns, be sure to block the wolves. Clan attack!"

Dordo and Kelu accepted the order and led the warriors of the clan to the entrance of the Kamuda Valley to fight.

Dordo and Kelu are both powerful young warriors of the leopard clan. Dordo is quick-witted and good at defending; Kelu is explosive and good at attacking.

The two leopards lead a part of the tribe respectively, guarding each entrance of the Kamuda Valley.

Just like when Rennes led the battle, it was in good order.

Elder Bosen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the report from the tribe that there was no problem with Dordo and Kelu for the time being.

However, it didn't take long for this breath to be relieved, and another clansman came over and said: "Elder, the wolf clan has come in from the swamp!"

The swamp is the boundary line between the wolf clan and the leopard clan. After passing the swamp, not far away is the place where the leopard clan lives.

Usually, with Renn around, these wolves dare not step into the swamp.

Elder Bosen was taken aback, "Have you already attacked?"

The clansman said: "Not yet, the remaining males in the clan are fighting against the wolf clan in the swamp, but..."

The wolves must have come prepared, the number of people who attacked from the swamp was large, and the rest of the leopards were no match at all.

Knowing this, Elder Boysen couldn't help cursing, but there was nothing he could do.

Ji Xiaoou stood beside Elder Bosen and heard their conversation from beginning to end.

They spoke some words too fast, Ji Xiaoou barely understood them, but he generally understood what they meant.

"Elder, if you don't mind, can I help you?" Ji Xiaoou hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and said.

Although she promised Renn not to use explosives in front of the orcs, if she didn't use them at this time, the leopard tribe would soon be captured by the wolf tribe.

She didn't want Ren's race to fall into the hands of others.

In the past few days, Ji Xiaoou used the composition ratio recorded last time to develop a lot of explosives one after another.

Because Ren didn't allow her to use it in front of people, Ji Xiaoou kept hiding in the space and hadn't tried it yet.

I don't know how powerful it is, but it should be no problem to scare away the wolf clan on the opposite side and delay the leopard clan for some time.

Ji Xiaoou and Elder Bosen came to the swamp together.

Not far away, the leopard orcs are trying their best to stop the invasion of the wolf orcs.

It's a pity that they are outnumbered, and the leopard orcs have a faint tendency to lose.

Ji Xiaoou hurriedly led four male orcs, and buried the gunpowder he had developed himself on the flat ground on both sides of the swamp.

The wet mud of the swamp is rotten, and once you step on it, you will sink into it, and the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. If the wolves want to pass by, they can only walk on the flat ground on both sides.

The four male orcs didn't know what Ji Xiaoou asked them to bury, and wanted to ask, but seeing Ji Xiaoou pursing his pink lips, he didn't have time to answer, so he swallowed his doubts back.

Forget it... whoever calls her the leader's female, she can do whatever she wants.

After the gunpowder was buried on both sides, Ji Xiaoou and Elder Bosen immediately hid behind a nearby big rock.

Elder Bosen asked the doubts in the hearts of all the orcs: "What did you bury just now, and what is its function?"

Ji Xiaoou thought for a while, "... it can temporarily hold back the pace of the wolves."


To be honest, Elder Bosen really doesn't have much confidence in Ji Xiaoou.

This female looked small and weak, and it was difficult for her to protect herself. How could she hold back the wolves

But now, Elder Bosen has no choice but to ask this small and weak female for help.

Soon, more than a dozen leopard orcs were defeated by the wolf clan. The wolves broke through the line of defense and rushed towards the swamp!

Elder Bosen was so anxious that his flesh pads were covered with sweat, and his tail kept slapping the ground, "Female, the pack of wolves is coming!"

"Hush." Ji Xiaoou made a silent gesture to Elder Bosen, saw the timing, bent down on the ground, and lit the fuse in front of him.

The lead wire started to burn from this end, accompanied by a faint "sizzling" sound, and continued to extend from the ground until the end where the gunpowder was buried.

the next moment,


Suddenly there was a huge explosion on the grass, and two wolf orcs passing by above the grass were unable to react in time and were injured one after another.

Explosions sounded one after another, and thick smoke billowed around. The wolf orcs were trapped in the middle of the gunpowder, in a dilemma.

Seeing the wolf orcs being wounded by gunpowder one after another, Elder Bosen stood behind the stone with a group of leopard orcs, dumbfounded.

What kind of magic is this

How could they kill so many wolf orcs in an instant