Gentle Beast

Chapter 59


Early the next morning, before Ji Xiaoou woke up, Elder Bosen came to Ren's house again and knocked on the door outside the courtyard.

Ren let go of Ji Xiaoou's arm, lifted the quilt to cover her ears, and then walked over to open the door.

Elder Bosen saw Ren, and said straight to the point: "Leader, regarding what I said yesterday, I hope you and your female can reconsider..."

Ren walked out the door, closed the wooden door with his backhand, and asked directly, "What are you thinking about?"

After Ren came back yesterday, he only heard that Elder Bosen hoped that Ji Xiaoou would teach the leopard clan the method of studying gunpowder, but he still didn't know the details.

Elder Bosen quickly expressed his thoughts: "It's like this..."

Elder Bosen intends to select a few bright-minded male orcs, and follow Ji Xiaoou to learn how to study gunpowder.

If the research is successful in the future, gunpowder can be used in racial struggle.

With the power of gunpowder, there will be no need to worry about the attack of the wolf clan in the future, and there will be no opponents of the leopard clan in the entire Bolnia continent.

" don't need to waste too much time with your females, just teach them half the morning or half afternoon every day until they learn how to make gunpowder by themselves. If this thing can be successful, it will be a feat that will change the history of the leopard clan... "

Ren chewed slowly, "Teach the tribe to study gunpowder every day?"

Elder Bosen thought that Renn thought the frequency was too frequent, so he quickly changed his words: "If you think every day is inappropriate, you can change it to once every two days or once every three days."

Ren was silent, but not because the time was inappropriate.

On the contrary, he was seriously thinking about Elder Boyson's proposal.

His clan left too many bad impressions on Ji Xiaoou, that little guy always regarded himself as an outsider, even though he gave up the idea of "going home", he never opened his heart to accept his race.

If she took this opportunity to get in touch with his people, would it change her mind

"Yes." Ren said briefly, and he made a decision in an instant, "Once every two days, the location is set at my home. As for the list of clansmen who come to choose, and they must be males who already have a spouse."

Elder Bosen was overwhelmed with surprise, and he didn't care to think about the harsh conditions put forward by Ren, "Great, I'll go prepare now!"

After Elder Boysen left, Ren returned to the house.

Ji Xiaoou had already woken up, wearing beige pajamas, Wu Shun's hair was draped behind him, rubbing his eyes, and asked in a deep sleepy voice: "Ren, who were you talking to just now?" She heard Voices came from the door.

Ren hugged her on his lap, ran his palms along her hair, cupped her chin and kissed her, "Bosen."

Ji Xiaoou turned his head, a little bluntly, "What does he want you for?"

Ren then told her Elder Bosen's proposal, and finally asked Ji Xiaoou, "Are you willing to agree?"

The spring morning was still a bit cold, leaving the bed, Ji Xiaoou subconsciously shrank into Ren's arms, put his arms around his waist, and asked strangely: "Didn't you say before that I'm not allowed to use gunpowder in front of them?"

She rejected Elder Bosen yesterday, partly because of this.

Ren enjoyed her throwing himself into his arms very much, and holding her little butt, he gave it to him again, "Then did you do it?"

"..." Ji Xiaoou buried his face in his chest guiltily, and defended himself, "The situation was too urgent at the time, so I didn't think too much about it."

Ren raised an eyebrow, "What are you thinking?"

"...I can't tell you." Ji Xiaoou pursed her pink lips and rolled her eyes. She didn't want him to know. She was thinking about him at the time, "I can promise him, but he has to sign a contract with me." Several conditions."

Ren asked: "What conditions?"

"After the gunpowder is developed, it can only be used to defend against the attacks of foreign races, and cannot actively attack other races. It cannot be passed on to other races, let alone kill herbivorous species indiscriminately." Ji Xiaoou had already thought about these things. Yes, when Ryan asked, he answered quickly.

Ren thought for a moment, "Yes."

Even without gunpowder, the leopards can still hold their own territory, but Ren just wanted to hold her back.

What's more, the wider the use of gunpowder and the more races know about it, the worse it is for Ji Xiaoou.

The next day, Ji Xiaoou signed a treaty with Elder Bosen, which was the condition Ji Xiaoou raised yesterday.

Elder Bosen was heartbroken. He originally wanted to use gunpowder to dominate the entire Bolnia continent. Now that his hopes have been shattered, it is hard to say that he is not uncomfortable... However, the leader agreed. What can he do as an elder

But after thinking about it, it is still beneficial, at least in the future the leopards will no longer be afraid of other races' attacks.

So Elder Bosen selected four male orcs that day and went to Ren's house to "learn" from Ji Xiaoou.

These four male orcs all have spouses according to Ryan's requirements, and they are intelligent.

Besides Winter, the other three are named Walker, Jolo, and Selwyn.

Ji Xiaoou had no similar experience before. The only time he taught others was during Chinese New Year last year when he taught math problems to children from distant relatives.

Now, having her teach chemistry to four burly orcs... is tricky.

Fortunately, these four orcs are very smart. Except for being a little confused at the beginning, they all learned very quickly in the next few lessons.

Especially the orc named Qiao Luo, after Ji Xiaoou demonstrated the process of making gunpowder in front of them, he will already know how to make gunpowder the next time he comes.

However, there are still many deficiencies in the details.

Ji Xiaoou corrected them patiently.

Sometimes when it gets serious, even Ryan is left behind.

Winter and the other orcs watched as their leader's face darkened day by day, and they acted more and more cautiously.

"This ether can't be placed like this, it's very dangerous..." Ji Xiaoou quickly stopped Walker's move.

Walker obediently put the ether in a safe place, and when he looked up, he saw their leader standing at the door with his shoulders against the door frame, his arms folded, and staring at him. Unable to help shaking, he spilled everything in his hand.

Ji Xiaoou was anxious, and pointed out, "How can you pour all the saltpeter powder into it? Didn't I just say that only half of it is enough..."

While listening to Ji Xiaoou's words, Walker took two steps back, kept a safe distance from Ji Xiaoou, nodded repeatedly, "Sorry, I will pay attention next time..."

Seeing his sincerity, Ji Xiaoou stopped talking about him.

Since then, every time Ji Xiaoou taught Wen Te and the others, they automatically and consciously kept a distance from her.

Once they got close, the eyes of their leader swept over, it was no joke.

Half a month later, it was finally a small success.

Ji Xiaoou specially led several male orcs to the flat ground behind the race to test the power of the gunpowder they made.

Qiao Luo's achievements are the most remarkable. The gunpowder produced is enough to blow up a stone half a person's height to pieces.

Followed by Walker, then Selwyn.

There seems to be something at Winter's house that hasn't arrived yet.

Ji Xiaoou took a notebook to write down their grades, pointed out their strengths and weaknesses, and asked them to go back to practice.

After waiting for a while, Wen Te was still nowhere to be seen.

Ji Xiaoou is going to teach them how to arrange gunpowder first, "The arrangement of gunpowder is as important as the production of gunpowder. If the arrangement is not good, it is easy to shoot yourself in the foot if the other party finds out..."

Ji Xiaoou taught for an hour, but because the venue was too big, it was not easy to explain, and the three orcs only had a half-knowledge.

Ji Xiaoou rubbed his cheek, a little embarrassed, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have drawn a "topographic map" of gunpowder, which was designed according to the terrain around the Kamuda Valley when he was idle and bored. If you show them that picture, it will definitely be easier to understand than talking about it yourself.

"Wait for me, I'll go back and get something." Ji Xiaoou remembered that it seemed to be in the cabinet of the cabin, hesitated for a moment, and said to the three orcs.

It's not too far from Ren's house. It took about 30 minutes to go back and forth. Ji Xiaoou speeded up and returned home in only ten minutes.

She went straight to the cabin, stood in front of the cabinet and rummaged on tiptoe, but found nothing after five minutes.

Strange, isn't it here

Ji Xiaoou frowned and thought, could it be put in the cabinet in the bedroom

It's not impossible. Every time she slept too late, Ren would put away the flashlight in her hand, hug her to the bed, and order her to sleep. She had no choice but to put the things on the side cabinet.

Ji Xiaoou turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Ren was not at home. He led a dozen or so people to hunt outside the valley early in the morning. Ji Xiaoou searched and found the topographic map she drew on the second floor of the cabinet. Surprisingly, he folded it up and put it in his coat pocket, ready to go out.

Walking to the courtyard door, he put his fingers on the door panel, and just about to open it, he heard a voice outside the door: "Boss!"

It's Winter.

Ren responded and walked towards the door.

"Didn't you lead Dordo and the others to hunt? Why are you back?" Winter asked curiously.

Ren simply said: "The weather is bad."

Winter looked up at the sky, and he saw thick dark clouds in the distance, and the black clouds were pressing over the Kamuda Valley, moving quietly to this side.

"The rainy season is coming?" Winter suddenly exclaimed, animals are very sensitive to changes in the weather, "Oh, I have to tell Su Zhana to put away all the clothes!"

After Wen Te finished speaking, he turned around and went back to his home.

Ji Xiaoou stood behind the door, remembering that he should go to the back mountain with him today, but now he was standing here chatting, couldn't help opening the door to remind him.

"By the way, leader." Winter thought of something and stopped, "Your female has already chosen to stay in our race, why do you want to keep her in this way?"

Ji Xiaoou subconsciously paused with his fingers.

Wen Te continued: "I still have to run outside in this kind of ghostly weather. If Su Zhana were to be, she would have to be angry with me!"

Ren was silent for a moment, and seemed unwilling to discuss this topic with Winter, "She is different from Suchana."

"What's the difference?" Wen Te was puzzled, and asked: "Aren't females the same? You need to rely on males to survive, even if you don't deliberately keep her, she will be homeless! After all, I told her in person that Pat has already died."

Ren raised his foot and was about to push the door in. When he saw a gap in the courtyard door, he stopped suddenly, frowned, and wanted to stop Wen Te.

It's a pity that Winter has already said:

"Unless she finds out we're cheating on her, there's absolutely no way she'll want to leave here."