Gentle Beast

Chapter 62


She has come back

Ji Xiaoou was dizzy and still a little dizzy.

The last scene in my memory is that she is sitting on a tall tree, looking at the dark night in the distance, waiting for the dawn.

At that time, I just felt too tired, so I wanted to close my eyes and rest for a while.

But there was a strong force pulling her, as if to drag her into some kind of space. Just like when it brought her to this strange continent, her body kept sinking, sinking, and finally passed out from exhaustion.

Lost consciousness, Ji Xiaoou had no memory of what happened next.

How did she get here

Who saved her

Ji Xiaoou wanted to ask someone to ask, but she was the only one in the ward, and the two beds next to her were empty.

The infusion tube above the head was not finished, and the sound of "tick, tick" was very clear in the quiet ward.

Through the transparent infusion tube, she saw the door of the ward was pushed open, and then a boy in school uniform walked in.

"Are you awake?" The boy stood at the head of the bed, his handsome facial features showed a trace of surprise, he quickly reacted and asked, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat?"

Ji Xiaoou stared at him blankly. It had been a long time since he had seen him, and even called his name a little awkwardly, "Lu... Qichang?"

The other party nodded, "The nurse said that your fever has almost subsided, you can eat some lighter food."

Ji Xiaoou was stunned, "You, why are you here?"

Lu Qichang is her high school classmate, sitting right in front of her, is the mathematics committee member of the class, and his grades are among the best.

The windbreaker that Ji Xiaoou wore in the beastman world was his.

This is not the point, the point is... Why is he with himself

Lu Qichang paused, and explained with a normal expression: "Yesterday, I happened to pass by the mountain where we went for an outing, and saw you passed out by the side of the road, so I rescued you."

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

Lu Qichang said again: "I have notified your parents, they will come over soon."

Ji and Lu's fathers are high school classmates, and the two families have frequent contacts, so it is not unusual for Lu Qichang to be able to contact her parents.

Don't look at what Lu Qichang said so easily, just pick it up on the side of the road, and you can "pick up" Ji Xiaoou who has been missing for half a year.

After Ji Xiaoou disappeared, Ji's father and mother were hit hard, especially Ji Xiaoou's mother, shed tears all day long, regretting not stopping a group of them from going to such a dangerous place.

In the first three months of Ji Xiaoou's life, Ji's father and mother went to the cliff to search every day, and even asked about the nearby villages one by one.

But there is still no whereabouts of Ji Xiaoou.

Until recently, Ji's father and mother didn't go there so frequently, but they still didn't give up the idea of looking for their daughter. Father Ji filed a case at the police station and has been waiting for news from the police.

Today, there is no news from the police.

Instead, he waited for news from his old friend's son.

As for whether this old friend's son "passed by" that mountain by accident, probably only he himself knows.

When Lu Qichang picked up Ji Xiaoou, she passed out by the side of the road, with a high fever, her clothes and shoes were soaked and covered with mud, as if she had escaped from somewhere, she was in a state of embarrassment and pitifulness .

—Where have you been during this time

Lu Qichang looked at the girl on the bed, wanted to ask this sentence, but was afraid of touching some bad memories of her, in the end, he still didn't ask anything.

Lu Qichang went to buy a breakfast near the hospital, preserved egg porridge with lean meat and bean paste buns, and said, "There's nothing else nearby, you should eat some first to fill your stomach."

Ji Xiaoou nodded. Until now, it still feels a little unreal, like having a dream. After waking up from the dream, the two worlds are completely different.

When he took his first mouthful of porridge, Ji Xiaoou held the handle of the spoon, pursed his lips, and slapped his thick eyelashes again and again, a teardrop overflowed the corner of his eye and rolled down.

If only it were a dream.

She could forget those scenes in the dream when she turned her head.

But those things that have been really experienced can never be forgotten no matter what.

Lu Qichang looked at the crying girl in front of him, thought for a while, took two tissues from the table beside him, handed them to her, and said, "It's all over."

Ji Xiaoou knew that he had misunderstood something, but he couldn't explain it to him, so he didn't say anything and cried silently for a long time.

When Father Ji hurried over from school, Ji Xiaoou just finished his last mouthful of porridge, raised Wu Run's eyes, and said to Lu Qichang, "Thank you."

Lu Qichang looked away and looked out the window, "You're welcome."

"Ninny." Father Ji stood at the door of the ward, looking at his longing daughter, and called softly.

Ji Xiaoou froze, turned his head, his nose suddenly became sore, the tears that had just stopped almost fell again, and he called, "Dad."

Ji's father immediately went to the hospital bed, looked at Ji Xiaoou up and down, saw that there were no obvious signs of injury on her body, breathed a sigh of relief, took her into his arms, and repeated with lingering fear: "It's good to come back, come back Just like..."

Ji Xiaoou's fever has subsided, and after Ji's father asked the nurse, he went downstairs to handle the discharge procedures for her.

After returning, he kept thanking Lu Qichang.

Lu Qichang said seriously: "This is what I should do."

In any case, the Ji family owed the Lu family a favor from now on.

On the way back, Ji Xiaoou sat in the passenger seat, looking at the endless crowd outside the window, still in a daze.

High-rise buildings, shopping malls, streets... She seemed to have not seen these things for a long time. Both familiar and strange.

Ji's father held the steering wheel, waited for the gap between the traffic lights, and asked Ji Xiaoou, "Ninny, do you want to go home and rest first, or go to the hospital to see mom?"

Ji Xiaoou remembered the phone call that day, immediately turned around, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with Mom?"

Father Ji sighed, and told Ji Xiaoou the whole story.

Just a few days ago, Ji's mother was walking on the road and saw a girl who looked a lot like Ji Xiaoou, she was excited and hurried to follow.

Passing through an intersection, I didn't pay attention to the vehicle running a red light beside me, and was hit hard by the car, with a broken right leg, a slight concussion, and a serious injury.

After hearing this, Ji Xiaoou's nose turned sour, and he murmured, "I want to see my mother."

So Father Ji drove the car to another hospital in the city center, and took Ji Xiaoou up to the sixth floor of the inpatient department.

Mother Ji lives in Ward 608, which has only two beds, and the other is an elderly lady.

The old lady fell down the stairs and accidentally broke her bone.

When Ji Xiaoou walked to the door, he heard the old lady on the opposite bed talking to her mother: "Mr. He, what are you looking at?" Ji Xiaoou's mother is surnamed He, and she is also a university teacher. The old lady likes to call her by that after she knows it. she.

Mother Ji sat on the bedside, holding a photo in her hand, smiled slightly, and said gently: "Look at my daughter."

The old lady came over curiously upon hearing this.

The photo was taken last year by Ji Xiaoou, wearing a fiery red riding suit and a unicorn helmet, holding the reins with both hands, riding on the horseback, turning his head and smiling brightly at the camera.

Ji Xiaoou's eyes were very bright, and when he smiled crookedly, like two crescent moons, it made his entire facial features brighter.

The old lady saw it and couldn't help but praised in dialect: "Nong's daughter is so beautiful!"

Mother Ji smiled and admitted generously: "Well, like her father."

The sunlight from outside the ward came in and shone on Ji's mother's head, exposing a few silver-white strands in her hair.

Ji Xiaoou took a step forward, choked up and said, "Mom."

Ji's mother was stunned, and slowly raised her head. When she saw Ji Xiaoou at the door, her eyes quickly turned red, "Ninny..."

As early as when Lu Qichang found Ji Xiaoou and informed Ji's father and Ji's mother, Ji's mother wanted to go there with Ji's father.

It's just that her leg had just been put in a plaster cast, and the doctor told her not to go to the ground, so she endured it.

Now seeing her daughter standing in front of her intact, tears could not help but roll down suddenly.

Ji Xiaoou quickly threw herself into Ji's mother's arms, just like when she was a child, rubbing her cheek lightly against her shoulder, calling over and over again: "Mom, mom, I miss you so much..."

Ji's mother hugged her body with trembling hands, weeping barely a word, "Mom misses you very much too, niece... Mom misses you very much."

"I'm sorry, I made you worry..." Ji Xiaoou buried her mother's shoulder, and couldn't hold back her tears.

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried for a long time. The old lady in the next bed thought that Ji Xiaoou was worried about her mother's illness, so she kept comforting her: "Good boy, I want to cry, what's the matter with my mother..."

At noon, the crying of the mother and daughter gradually stopped.

Ji's father glanced at the watch on his wrist, and said, "It's noon, what do you want to eat? Dad will buy it for you."

Ji Xiaoou sniffed, wiped his tears with his fingers, thought for a while, and said, "Braised eel."

Ji's mother disagreed: "It's not that you still have a fever in the morning, it's better to eat something light."

Ji Xiaoou wasn't very persistent either, so he changed his mind and said, "Then dad will watch and buy it for me, I can eat anything."

After Ji's father left, the old lady in the next bed went to the bathroom, and Ji's mother took Ji Xiaoou's hand and sat on the bedside, gently waving her palms one after another.

"Ninny, tell mom, what happened to you during this time?"

Mother Ji could tell that her daughter was different in some places, but she couldn't tell what was different. Just now in front of her husband and outsiders, she didn't ask, but now there are only two of them in the room, Mother Ji said.

Ji Xiaoou lowered his eyelids and was silent for a long time, before slowly spitting out, "I went to a place far, far away..."

She also said this sentence on the phone, and Mother Ji asked, "How far is it, and how did you get there?"

Ji Xiaoou opened his mouth, "I don't know how I got there, I was in that place when I woke up."

Ji's mother held her hand tightly, thinking that she was being coerced, "Then... who do you stay with during this time?"

A figure suddenly flashed in my mind, strong, brutal, and profound.

Ji Xiaoou shook his head, his voice was weak and earnest, "I don't want to say, Mom, can I not say..."

Mother Ji's heart hurt even more, she carefully hugged her into her arms, and coaxed her: "Okay, okay, don't say anything if you don't want to. As long as your daughter is well in the future, she will always stay by Mom and Dad's side and never leave us again. That's enough."

Ji Xiaoou froze slightly, then nodded lightly, "Mmm."

small theater:

Mr. Lei: Father-in-law and mother-in-law, your daughter has been with me all this time.

Mr. Huo: And me.

Mr. Lao: And me.

Mr. Lei: Get lost.

Father Ji & Mother Ji: ... Our daughter went to the zoo for a stroll