Gentle Beast

Chapter 68


"If you dare to mention these two words again, I will let Wen Te slaughter that stupid deer and his people."


After Ren finished speaking, he led Ji Xiaoou to continue walking.

But his steps were too big, Ji Xiaoou couldn't keep up with his small steps, and accidentally stepped on a protruding stone by the roadside and staggered.

The rope tugged at her wrist, causing her to hiss suddenly in pain.

The rough castor rope was tightly wrapped around the wrist without leaving a single gap. After a long time, it made the hands ache.

Coupled with Ji Xiaoou's delicate skin, he couldn't bear such rough treatment at all, and soon two red marks appeared, in stark contrast to the white greasy surrounding.

Ren heard her voice and paused slightly.

Ji Xiaoou stabilized his figure and watched his back silently.

Ji Xiaoou knew he was angry with her, so he didn't complain.

She shouldn't have left him three years ago.

Thinking about it now, there may have been a better solution at the time, but they chose the most extreme one.

In the past three years, she has thought a lot, and the most thorough thought is probably her feelings for Ren.

— She likes him.

I like him to say "no" with a calm mouth;

Like him frowning and clumsily making fish soup for her;

Like him sticking out his tongue and licking her cheek;

like him to kiss her;

Loved when he put her in his arms and said "this is my spouse";

I like him so much, so much that I can hardly hide my whole heart.

When she just returned to the real world, every night when she closed her eyes, his appearance would appear in front of her eyes.

At that time, she thought it was guilt, but as time slowly accumulated, his figure was not only not blurred, but became clearer and clearer.

Even though he has many shortcomings, rough, brutal, cruel, and unreasonable, she still fell in love with him without hesitation.

So when she learned that she might be able to travel freely between the two worlds, she had been preparing for the reunion.

Knowing how unreasonable and perilous this world is, I still came back here.

Because he is here.

But when I really came back, I was afraid to see him again.

This kind of feeling is probably called being close to the hometown.

Ji Xiaoou thought of many scenarios where they would meet again, but there was no one where he tied her with a rope and treated her like a "prey".

Ren didn't know where to take her. After walking for more than two hours, he still didn't intend to stop.

Ji Xiaoou's legs were sore, and his wrist was worn out by the rope. He gradually felt aggrieved, and his voice became lower and lower, "Ren, I can't walk anymore..."

Ryan didn't seem to hear it.

She raised her arms, tilted her head to rub her sore eyes on her shoulders, and unconsciously said in a coquettish tone, "Let me go, will you?"

She said: "I won't run again this time..."

Ren finally stopped under a cliff.

Ji Xiaoou raised his head and looked around, surrounded by dense forests, stacked mountains, and a stream on the left, nothing special, why did he bring her here

Before Ji Xiaoou could speak, Ren led her to the cave ahead.

There were many stones piled up at the entrance of the cave, Ren raised his foot and kicked the stones aside, and walked in with Ji Xiaoou.

The cave is very spacious, much larger than ordinary caves, the ground is flat, and the walls are neat and tidy. It doesn't look like it was made naturally, but it seems that someone has built it on purpose. Going inside, there is a slightly smaller cave below, the light is dim, and it is also neatly tidied up.

However, it wasn't these things that surprised Ji Xiaoou.

There are neat furniture in the cave, tables, stools, cabinets, beds...

Even the hearth for making a fire is neatly built in the corner.

It's just that because it hasn't been used for a long time, there is a thick layer of spider webs on the top of the stove, and there is a huge spider lying on it.

The spider moved slightly when it heard the sound.

Ji Xiaoou subconsciously hid behind Ren.

"Ren... where is this?" Although he asked, Ji Xiaoou actually had an answer in his heart.

The bed in the small cave inside was covered with the two quilts that she had sewed by herself.

Ji Xiaoou couldn't tell what it was like, his throat was choked, as if a fishbone was stuck, and after being softened by the vinegar, all the sour taste and pain flowed into his stomach.

Ren didn't answer her question, tied one end of the rope to the wall, and walked out.

After a while, he came back with a goat.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Ji Xiaoou standing there, avoiding the huge spider with his dark eyes.

Ren's tied rope was too short, and she couldn't walk very far. Seeing that the spider was about to climb to the top of her head, Ji Xiaoou's eyes quickly turned red, and he almost cried out of anxiety.

Ren threw the goat on the ground, walked up to Ji Xiaoou, and untied the rope tied to the wall without changing his expression.

After the big spider encountered Ren, it obediently retreated to the corner of the web.

Ji Xiaoou raised his eyes, flattened the corners of his mouth and asked unbearably: "When are you going to tie me up, Ren?"

Ren's voice was very weak: "Until you never run away again."

"I won't run away this time."

"Then there's no need to untie the rope."

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

Ren seemed determined not to untie her. After saying this, he went to the side to clean the goat's fur and internal organs.

There was dry firewood in the cave. After cleaning the goats, Ryan lit a fire and put the whole sheep on the fire.

The flames were crackling, Ji Xiaoou thought for a while, then walked over and sat opposite Ren.

Across the jumping sparks, Ren frowned indiscernibly.

When Ren came back, he picked some seasoned plants, pinched the wild fruits and plants in the palm of his hand with his claws, squeezed out the juice, and smeared it on the skin of the roasted sheep.

After a while, there was a fragrant smell of roasted whole lamb.

After walking for a day, Ji Xiaoou was already hungry, so he couldn't stand the smell. However, once she thought that the mammals here could turn into humans, and that the whole roasted lamb in front of her might be a talking orc for a second, she dismissed the idea.

Ren took out a sharpened stone knife from his waist, cut off a piece of roasted mutton, and began to eat it.

The strong fragrance kept drifting into Ji Xiaoou's nose, Ji Xiaoou stared at his hands, thinking silently, she is not hungry, not at all.

Yet her stomach betrayed her.

A loud cry came from her stomach, Ji Xiaoou's ears turned red in an instant, and he looked at Ren with resentment and pity. Seems to be complaining about why he ate in front of her.

"Want to eat?" Ren asked through a bonfire without raising his eyes.

Ji Xiaoou nodded.

Ren's voice was low: "Come here."

Ji Xiaoou had no choice but to stand up, sit again on the vacant seat beside Ren, raised his hands in a useless manner and said, "You help me untie the rope, I can't eat..."

As soon as the words fell, Ren had already sliced a small piece of cooked meat from the roast leg of lamb, and raised his arm to feed it to her mouth.

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

Ji Xiaoou hesitated for a long time, but still opened his mouth and bit down, eating the piece of meat into his stomach.

She thought, since this is the law of survival in this world, whether or not she eats this piece of mutton will not change in any way.

Just as she accepted Rain, she also accepted his living habits.

"More." After comforting himself, Ji Xiaoou eliminated many obstacles, licked the oil stains at the corner of his mouth, and said while looking at Ren.

The tip of his pink tongue licked his full lips, Ren narrowed his eyes, closed his eyes, and sliced a piece of mutton again.

Ji Xiaoou was very obedient when eating. When Ren fed her, she opened her mouth, puffed her cheeks and chewed slowly, like a greedy kitten.

It's just that the kitten didn't have a big appetite, so after a while, he shook his head and said, "I'm full."

Ren glanced at the cut part of the leg of lamb, which was less than the size of his palm.

Ren didn't say anything, he cleaned up all the leftover mutton that Ji Xiaoou ate, and cleaned up the cave again, when it was already dark outside.

This valley was already quiet, but after nightfall, it became even more silent.

The night covered the valley, like a scroll soaked in thick ink, black and dense.

Ji Xiaoou saw that it was getting dark, but Ren still didn't untie her, so he was a little anxious. He had tied her up for four or five hours, isn't he relieved

Or is it really as he said, he will keep her tied up

How about that

Ji Xiaoou thought about it quickly, and when Ren turned around, he picked up a clay cup on the table and threw it on the ground.

With a "pop", the pottery cup shattered.

Ren turned around, and saw Ji Xiaoou standing behind a pile of debris, raised his hands, and looked at him eagerly, "Ren, my hands are numb, can you untie them?"

Ren: "..."

"If it is tied for too long, the blood vessels will be blocked, and both of my hands will be useless."

Ren subconsciously looked at her hands.

"At that time, I won't be able to cook, write, make gunpowder... and I won't be able to hug you."

Because the binding time was too long, after the rope was loosened, Ji Xiaoou left two obvious red marks on his wrist.

The marks are very deep, even a little blue.

Ji Xiaoou's skin was already tender, so looking at it like this was even more shocking.

Ren's fingertips lightly rubbed against the circle of red marks, and Ji Xiaoou flinched suddenly, yelling, "Woo, it hurts."

Ren lowered his eyes, and there was no reaction on his face, but the force of touching her became much lighter. He raised his eyelids and asked her, "What did you say you wanted to do?"

Ji Xiaoou tilted his head and thought for a while, then deliberately asked: "Which one are you referring to?"

Ren was silent, staring at her closely.

Ji Xiaoou used to be afraid that he would be angry, but now he just likes seeing him holding back his anger. After admiring his appearance enough, she straightened her upper body, raised her hands and slowly hugged his neck, fingers crossed behind his back, her soft cheek rubbed against his chin, and said softly: "What I just said was a lie. your."


Ji Xiaoou said: "I will never leave you and walk away again." She was referring to the sentence that threatened him to "go home".

"I'm sorry." She hung her whole body on him, and there was almost no gap between him, and said, "But you were wrong at that time, you and Wen Te teamed up to lie to me, and you didn't tell me after I found out. I admitted my mistake, and then locked me at home and didn’t come back for a whole day. My mother is sick, so forget it if you don’t let me go home, and…” She paused because it wasn’t a good memory, "... You were at fault anyway."

"Why did you come back?" After a long time, Ren was hoarse before saying this sentence.

Ji Xiaoou blinked, and his eyelashes brushed his cheeks, "Didn't you say you wanted to pursue me as your spouse?"


Ji Xiaoou let go of his neck, Wu Run looked at him and said clearly, "I promise you now."

The next moment, the world was turned upside down, and she was completely crushed by Ren. Before she could react, he bent down and blocked hers with his lips.

Ji Xiaoou's hands were clasped tightly by him, and the injured part rubbed against the bed board under her body, causing her to frown in pain.

However, her struggle was so trivial that it was quickly swallowed up by his kiss.

Ji Xiaoou was frightened for a moment, then slowly relaxed, closed his eyes, loosened his teeth, and let his tongue come in.