Gentle Beast

Chapter 69


Outside the cave, the night is low, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The rustling autumn wind rolled over the treetops, taking away a few withered and yellow leaves.

The owl on the tree stared at the opening of the hole emitting dim light with its round and divine eyes.

The bonfire in the cave is raging, and two hazy figures are reflected in the jumping flames.

"Woo, Ren, my hand hurts..." Ji Xiaoou finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head to escape from his kiss, and acted coquettishly with a soft voice.

The bed was made of stones with a rough surface, and there was no soft mattress, only a simple rattan mat, rubbing against her bruised and swollen wrists, the pain was unbearable.

Ren clasped her two small hands with one hand, rubbed his thumbs gently on her wrist, felt her trembling, pulled the quilt aside with his other hand, and placed it under her body. At the same time, he pressed his tongue against her cheek and licked it lightly.

The quilt hadn't been exposed to the sun for some time, and although it didn't accumulate dust, Ji Xiaoou couldn't help frowning due to the damp from the pavement, and protested: "Don't want this..."

What a hassle.

Ren frowned slightly, but he still took off his animal skin jacket and wrapped it around Ji Xiaoou's wrists.

His leather jacket is made of suede, with a layer of soft fluff on the surface, separated by a layer of fabric, it is much more comfortable than before, Ji Xiaoou finally stopped being picky.

However, in this way, she has no room to resist.

Ji Xiaoou buried his whole face in the quilt, at this moment he didn't care whether it was dirty or not, how long had it been since he washed it, tears kept spilling from the corners of his eyes, biting his white teeth like shellfish, trembling and sobbing.

Worried that the little guy was suffocating himself to death, Ren slowed down his attack a little, while sticking his index finger into her mouth, separating her tightly closed teeth, and reminded in a scorching, hoarse voice: "Huh!" gas."

Ji Xiaoou took advantage of the situation and bit his finger, only caring about crying pitifully, not listening to his words.

- She was dying of pain.

Ren probably sensed that she didn't like this position, so he turned her around and hugged her tightly again.

Ji Xiaoou was suffocating for breath, he almost couldn't catch his breath, subconsciously stretched out his arms and wrapped them around his neck tightly, opened his small mouth and bit down on his shoulder as if venting.

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is silence outside the cave, except for the occasional "cooing" of the owl.

Ji Xiaoou woke up again from a coma, and was held tightly in Ren's arms, his strong arms strangled her waist sorely.

She was not used to such close and seamless contact, and moved her body, wanting to separate from him. Unexpectedly, he woke him up. In the dark night, Ren looked at her like a falcon looking at its prey, with precision and spirit. Before she could refuse, he rushed towards her again.

The night seemed endless.

At dawn the next day, the morning sun sprinkled all over the valley, and the dazzling sunlight rushed into the cave.

The girl on the bed curled up, her slender neck exposed outside the quilt was covered with red marks, her eyelashes were wet with teardrops, her eyes were red and swollen, and she could tell at a glance that she had been bullied badly last night.

She was the only one in the cave. She opened her dark eyes and looked around, but she was slightly relieved to find no trace of Ryan.

His whole body was sore, as if he had been dismantled and reassembled, every part of his body was complaining of great discomfort.

Ji Xiaoou put his legs together, and the pain there was even more unbearable. She moved her body, trying to get up from the bed, and when she looked up, she saw Ren's tall figure walking in from the hole, immediately retracted the little feet that had just been stretched out, and hid the whole person under the quilt again.

This quilt is not the one from last night, it looks like some animal's fur, rough and a little prickly.

Ren held two live perch in his hand, and put the fish on the table casually, his deep-sea blue pupils looked inside.

There was a bulging little bag on the bed, and the little guy covered himself tightly, like a small turtle with a shrunken head.

There was a wave of movement in Ren's eyes, and he quickly hid it again. He looked back, walked to the stove, cleaned the cobwebs and dust on it, lit the fire and started cooking.

He's fine with not eating for a day, but not the little guy.

In the middle of the night last night, she hugged his neck and buried him in the pit of his neck, weeping and crying, "I don't want it anymore, I have no strength".

Ren thought that if she was fed enough, she would have strength. She was too delicate, as if she would break if touched.

Not long after, Ren made fish soup, put it in a pottery bowl and brought it in front of Ji Xiaoou.

Ren wrapped her up in a human and animal skin blanket and put it on his lap, exposing her pink and delicate face. He scooped up a spoonful of fish soup and fed it to her mouth, rubbing the drops of water on her eyelashes, Said: "Drink the soup."

Ji Xiaoou was indeed a little hungry, so he took a small sip and drank it without being polite.

As soon as he got down, Ji Xiaoou frowned, and said with a flat mouth: "It's not good..." It didn't taste at all.

Ren took a sip by himself, but couldn't taste it. He could eat raw meat, so he couldn't tell whether it was good or not.

"We'll continue mating if we don't drink the soup." Ryan said in a low voice, staring at her pink lips that were soaked in fish soup and glowing with a little luster.

Ji Xiaoou opened his round eyes, staring at him as if frightened.

Do you want to continue?

Ren was noncommittal, and put the fish soup in his hand aside, as if if she didn't drink the soup, he would "continue" with her.

Ji Xiaoou quickly stretched out his small hand, grabbed his arm, and compromised: "I, I drink..."

So Ren picked up the fish soup bowl again, fed it to her mouth spoon by spoon, and watched her drink it slowly.

I don't know if it's the same for all human beings. They eat very slowly and can only drink a small sip at a time.

If it was on someone else, Ren would have been impatient for a long time, but watching Ji Xiaoou drink the soup slowly, every time he drank it, he puffed his cheeks to cool it down, and then drank it in small sips, his eyelashes flapping , somehow made him feel itchy.

Like a vacant part of the body, it is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming more and more uncontrollable, until the sky is covered with turbulent waves.

Ji Xiaoou had just finished drinking the bowl of fish soup, and before he had time to speak, Ren quickly threw the bowl aside in his hand, and fell onto the bed with her in his arms.

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

For five whole days, Ji Xiaoou lived in darkness, and he didn't even take a step out of the cave's door.

Ren stalked her day and night, as long as she was awake, he would never let her go. Of course, she didn't let it go when she fell asleep.

Ji Xiaoou was frightened of him. When Ren did this kind of thing, it was like a black hole with no bottom and no end.

Once Ji Xiaoou got anxious at night and was too embarrassed to solve it in the cave, so he broke away from Ren's arms and walked outside the cave.

When he came back, he saw Ren standing at the entrance of the cave with red eyes, his eyes were on the verge of tearing apart, and his whole body exuded the aura of a violent trapped animal.

That night Ji Xiaoou was covered under him, and he tossed and tossed for a whole day and night, until he didn't even have the strength to scream, only pitiful sobbing and uncontrollable tears remained.

Ji Xiaoou regretted coming back a little bit, who knew that he was greeted with such terrible torture

So when Wen Te and another clansman came to find her, she actually had the illusion of seeing the sun again.

Wen Te and another leopard orc stood at the entrance of the cave and glanced inside. There was a strong smell inside.

Thinking that the leader had been with his little female for five days, he quickly guessed what was going on.

This cave was specially built by the chief for his little females, because his little females did not like his race.

Ren made plans for the future early on, and after a new leader in the clan confided him, he brought Ji Xiaoou to live here.

All the tables and chairs here are made by him.

Winter was planning to come up to help, but was chased out by Ren's eyes.

Later, before the cave was completed, Ji Xiaoou took all her things and flew away, without leaving any thoughts for Ren.

After all, when Ren asked her if she would come back that night three years ago, she clearly expressed her refusal with silence.

Later, Ren never came to this place again. The stones that fell from the mountain blocked the entrance tightly, just like his mood, it was always dark.

Now that the rain is over and the sky is clear, Wen Te and another member of the tribe are relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, the leader finally found his little female.

"What are you here for?" Ren put on the animal fur jacket, and the pants hung loosely around his waist, looking unhappy to be disturbed.

Wen Te and the clansman were worried that he would get angry, so they quickly explained: "It's like this, leader, our clansman has arrived in the Wilnos Valley, but without your guidance, a dispute arose between Raulsis and Dordo. Disagreement. Now that the two sides are not on the same page ... I hope you will go and host."

Speaking of the last sentence, Winter was obviously a lot more cautious.

Sure enough, Ren's expression became even worse, and he bared his teeth, "What about the other clansmen, are they all trash?"

Winter said truthfully: "None of the other clansmen are the opponents of Raulsis and Dordo..."

After all, seeing Renn's expressionless face, he hurriedly added, "Why don't I send your female back to the race first, this place is not far from the Kamuda Valley, and it will arrive soon."

Ren remained calm, his eyelids drooped slightly, as if hiding a bottomless abyss, and after a long time, he said slowly and firmly, "No, she is with me."

Before Ji Xiaoou had a good rest, he was wrapped in a blanket of animal skin by Ren Renren, and walked out of the cave in his arms.

Ji Xiaoou hadn't seen the sun for several days, the light pierced her eyes, she buried herself in Ren's chest uncomfortably, her sleep sound was full of exhaustion: "Ren... where are we going?"

This sound was crisp and soft, with a slight hoarseness. It penetrated from the ear and numb to the bone.

Looking at her side face exposed outside, it was white and clear, with a hint of red tide, and further down, it was clear that she couldn't see anything, but it caught Wen Te and the orc involuntarily looking away.

Ren raised his eyes and took a deep look at them, then raised the animal skin blanket to cover Ji Xiaoou's head, and said, "Hunting."

"..." Ji Xiaoou was a little overwhelmed, why did Hunting take her? She tried to get out of the blanket, yelling, "I don't want to go..."

All she wants now is a good night's sleep and a few days off.

Ren tightened his arms and briefly explained, "The prey has no right to refuse."

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

After being warned by Ren, Wen Te and another orc obediently put away their gazes and set off one step ahead of schedule.

After a while, Ren supported Ji Xiaoou's leg with one arm and her head with the other, jumped onto a tree and followed.

The Wilnos Valley is thousands of miles away, and even Rennes arrived after a day and a night of walking.

They shuttled through the jungle all the way, jumping up and down, extremely bumpy, but Ren's arm holding Ji Xiaoou was steady, without any change from the beginning to the end.

Ji Xiaoou curled up in Ren's arms and slept peacefully all the way.

At the entrance of the Wilnos Valley, all the male orcs of the leopard clan rested here.

From a distance, they saw the vigorous and flexible figure of their leader driving in the jungle, holding a sleeping petite female in his strong arms.