Gentle Beast

Chapter 76


"Ninny, come here."

After sending Ren away, Ji's father and mother returned to the living room and said to the girl hiding behind the restaurant.

After a while, Ji Xiaoou walked out from the corner slowly and called, "Dad, Mom."

Father Ji looked at her with a serious expression, "Is that why you don't want to go to Ireland with us?"

Ji Xiaoou hesitated for a moment, then nodded seriously.

After a while, Father Ji sighed almost inaudibly, "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I..." Ji Xiaoou explained, she originally planned to confess everything to her parents this morning, but she didn't expect that Ren would come over suddenly, which made her unprepared. However... these words came to her lips, but she swallowed them again. She drooped her head and said in frustration, "I'm sorry."

When Ji's father saw his daughter admitting her mistake, he didn't mean to embarrass her. It's just that it happened so suddenly that both he and Ji's mother were too surprised.

"Forget it, your mother and I already know about it, and we won't stop you. You've grown up, and it's your freedom to talk about friends or not."

Ji Xiaoou raised his eyes and asked expectantly: "Then... do you agree with me staying?"

"Father didn't say that." Father Ji ruthlessly dismissed her expectations, saying, "Everything is different. We will continue to prepare immigration procedures for you."

Ji Xiaoou was anxious: "Why, are you dissatisfied with Ren?"

Father Ji said: "It has nothing to do with this, Nannan."

He was not dissatisfied with Ren, on the contrary, he was even quite satisfied with this "future son-in-law".

However, satisfaction and acceptance are two different things. Although he was satisfied with Ren, it didn't mean he was willing to give his only daughter to him.

Ji's father didn't tell Ji Xiaoou these words, he took off his coat from the coat rack, walked outside and said, "Mom and Dad still have an appointment today, and they are already an hour late, so I have to hurry there now, I'll talk to you when I have anything to say. "

Ji Xiaoou struggled: "Father..."

Ji's father touched the top of Ji Xiaoou's head, but his tone was unnegotiable, "Be obedient, don't think about it again."

Ji Xiaoou watched helplessly as Ji's father and mother left the house, but there was nothing he could do.

She was the only one left in the room. She stood in the living room for a long time before slowly moving back to the room.

His chest seemed to be blocked by a boulder, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

Ji Xiaoou didn't know how to convince her parents that she didn't want to go to Ireland, she just wanted to be with Ren.

She has never been a rebellious child since she was a child. This is the first time she has the idea of rebelling against her parents, but she did not expect it to be so difficult.

My head was a mess, filled with all kinds of voices, my parents', Ren's, my own...

— so loud that she couldn't even hear what was going on outside the window.

A little leopard with gray background and black spots was standing outside the window, stepping on the window sill with all four limbs, looking at her with dark blue eyes.

The next moment, it jumped in from the window sill, came into the house, and jumped onto the girl's bed.

The girl didn't notice its arrival, her head was still buried in the pillow, thinking about life.

It stuck out its tongue and gently licked her exposed earballs.

The girl shivered suddenly, sat up hurriedly, Wu Run's eyes were full of panic, and the moment she saw it clearly, her eyes were replaced by relaxation, "Ren!"

The little leopard stared at her cheek, and after a while, a hoarse voice rolled out of his throat, "Why are you crying?"

Ji Xiaoou touched his cheek, it was really wet. She sniffed and said in a muffled voice, "My parents still don't agree with me staying."

The little leopard licked his teeth, his pupils were dark, and there were not many surprises.

Humans are different from leopards, whose parents have always been too lazy to interfere with the growth, freedom, and mates of their offspring.

But human parents can't wait to tie their offspring to their side for a lifetime.

The girl didn't notice the little leopard's abnormality, and hugged it into her arms, with her soft fur on her cheek, and asked, "Ren, what should we do?"

Ren didn't speak. After a while, the girl rubbed against its neck and said pitifully, "I don't want to be separated from you..."

"We won't be separated." Ren licked the corner of her mouth and stated slowly and forcefully, "You can only stay by my side."

"But my parents..."

"I will find a way to make it easier for them to keep you." Ren was silent for a moment, and said, "As long as you are willing to wait for me to come back."

Ji Xiaoou heard his subtext, raised his head and said, "What are you going to do?"

Ren jumped out of her arms, propped his limbs on the mattress, "Leave for a while and go to do something."

Ji Xiaoou said: "What is it?"

Ren grinned, "Things that can make your parents willingly hand you over to me."

Saying that, before Ji Xiaoou could react, he jumped from the bed to the window sill, stepped on the tall building under his feet, and prepared to leave.

Ji Xiaoou followed in a panic and asked, "Ren, where are you going?"

Ren didn't answer her words, only leaving a sentence "Remember, wait for me to come back", and jumped out of the window.

The nimble body shuttled through the buildings, and disappeared without a trace after a while.


Ji Xiaoou was still worried, and ran downstairs quickly without thinking about changing his clothes, looking for Ren's figure.

But the downstairs was empty, and there was no trace of Ren at all.

She asked several passers-by nearby, but no one saw a small animal running down the stairs.

Ji Xiaoou was a little annoyed, Ren didn't know anyone here, where was he going

He said he was going to be away for a while, but how long was he going to be away

She gritted her teeth and searched several nearby parks again.

Until the night fell and the sky was dark, Ren was not found.

When Mother Ji called, Ji Xiaoou was sitting on a chair in the park, rubbing his eyes and sobbing.

"Ninny, why aren't you at home? Where are you so late?" Mother Ji asked worriedly on the other end of the phone.

"I..." Ji Xiaoou opened his mouth and looked at the dark surroundings, "I'm in a nearby park..."

"Where are you doing?" Mother Ji said, "It's not safe outside recently, come home quickly."

Ji Xiaoou bit his lip, originally wanted to refuse, but after struggling for a while, he finally nodded and agreed.

Back home, Ji Xiaoou went straight to his room without talking to his parents.

She stood on the window sill where Ryan left during the day, looking at the brightly lit night scene outside the window, feeling a little empty in her heart.

Ryan said to find a way to get her parents to agree to her stay, what is the way

This place is not like the Bornia continent, the law of human nature is more terrifying than the law of the jungle, and his identity is so special, what if someone with a heart finds out

She would rather not have brought him into this world than to have him suffer a little harm.

The whole night, Ji Xiaoou was so worried that he didn't close his eyes.

The next day, Ji's father and Ji's mother went through the immigration procedures for Ji Xiaoou as usual.

They didn't seem to see the resistance in Ji Xiaoou's eyes, they filled out the application, waited for the approval, and processed the visa, everything went so smoothly that it was almost cruel.

A month passed quickly, and during this month, Ji Xiaoou was looking forward to Ryan's sudden return almost every day.

But no, until the night when Father Ji booked a flight to Ireland, Ryan still didn't show up.

That night, Ji Xiaoou resisted Ji's father for a rare time, but Ji's father said: "Unless you are not our daughter, it is impossible for us to leave you alone in the country."

Ji Xiaoou felt a surge of despair from the bottom of his heart, that kind of despair seemed to be tightly bound by vines covered with thorns, the more he struggled, the more he suffocated.

At night, when Ji Xiaoou was lying on the bed, sleeping like a drowsy sleeper, he seemed to be embraced by a pair of arms into a familiar embrace.

She had a sore nose for no reason, subconsciously hugged him back, and did not forget to call his name when she fell asleep: "Ren..."

In an instant, the other party leaned over and pressed down on her, holding her lips and sucking hard.

Ji Xiaoou was so kissed that he couldn't breathe, and wanted to avoid it, but the other party held the back of her head, leaving her no room to resist.

Ji Xiaoou woke up the next day, looking at the empty room, feeling dazed for a while.

Was everything last night a dream

But the embrace of her is so real, even the force of kissing her is so fierce, the root of her tongue is aching now...

But if it was really Ryan, why didn't he wake himself up

Ji Xiaoou lowered his eyes and curled up silently. When will Ren come back

February 15th was the day when the Ji family flew to Ireland.

The sky was bright and clear, and the sky was blue.

The golden sunlight covered the earth, shuttled over the entire city.

— But it couldn't illuminate the shadow in Ji Xiaoou's heart.

Ji Xiaoou turned his head almost every step he took, and even now, he still believed that Ren would come back.

But no, even if she walked into the security checkpoint, she didn't see Ren.

In fact, she knew in her heart that it was impossible for Ren to come here. How could Ren find it so far away from her home

She stood in the waiting hall, lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, feeling a little resentful in her heart.

Why doesn't he show up

He told himself to wait for him, and she waited obediently, but where was he

Was he not afraid of never seeing her again

Ji Xiaoou felt sore and uncomfortable, and didn't want to show it in front of his parents, so he hurried to the bathroom.

Mother Ji looked at the direction in which her daughter was leaving, sighed, and said to Father Ji: "I came out in a hurry this morning, my daughter didn't have breakfast, I'll go buy her something to eat."

Father Ji nodded and said, "Go, I'll watch and salute here."

After Ji's mother and Ji Xiaoou left, Ji's father sat down, shook out the newspaper and began to read.

There was no special news in the newspaper, he glanced through it hastily, and saw that Ji's mother and Ji Xiaoou hadn't come back yet, so he read it again.

Looking at it, there was a sound of footsteps head-on.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of heavy military boots suddenly appeared in his sight and stopped firmly in front of him.

Father Ji raised his head and followed the other person's straight body to look up, until he met a pair of cold and deep blue eyes, and then stopped.

Not only did Ji's father not have any accidents, but he had a headache, "What do you want to do this time?"

With a respectful attitude, the other party reached out and took out an envelope from the pocket of the military-colored coat, handed it to Father Ji, and said slowly in a low and hoarse voice, "Sorry, I still want to take your daughter away."

When Ji Xiaoou and Ji's mother came back, Ji's father had already put the letter into his jacket pocket.

At this time, the flight has already started to board, and the passengers who took the same flight with them have started to line up.

Ji's father and mother also went to the back of the line, waiting for the ticket check.

Ji Xiaoou's mood had sunk to the bottom, and he followed behind his parents distraughtly, with a blank expression on his face.

When it was about to be their turn, Father Ji suddenly took the salute from Ji Xiaoou's hand and said, "Okay, baby, just send it here."

Ji Xiaoou was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously said: "Father, what did you say?"

Father Ji said helplessly: "In order not to let you blame me and your mother for the rest of your life, I won't force you to go to Ireland with us."

Ji Xiaoou couldn't make up his mind, "But... haven't the immigration procedures been completed?"

Mother Ji explained with a smile: "Your father didn't go through the immigration procedures for you at the beginning. Only my name and your father's name were written on the application form, and the visa for you was to go to Ireland."

Ji Xiaoou was shocked, "Why?"

Mother Ji said: "Even if you are allowed to go to Ireland with us, that child Rennes will probably run to get you back. For the sake of your father and I's old age, I decided not to bother."

... Rain? ? What's the matter with Ryan?

Mother Ji's next sentence solved all her doubts, "Ren has been looking for your father every day for the past month, and every time he goes, he will bring a medical report, so that your father is afraid when he sees him later."

Ji Xiaoou forgot to be surprised, and asked, "Why do you need to bring the medical examination report?"

Mother Ji smiled, "Your father asked the same question at the beginning..."

As a result, Ryan stood there and said calmly: "I want you to know that no matter where you take her, I have the power to bring her back."

It does sound like something Ryan would say.

Ji Xiaoou wanted to ask more questions, but it was Ji's father and mother's turn to board the plane. Father Ji touched the top of her head and said, "If you have anything else you want to ask, you can go out and ask him yourself, that kid is waiting for you outside now."

Ji Xiaoou was a little flustered, "Dad..."

Father Ji said: "We will contact you when we get there. If you miss us, you can visit us at any time."

Ji Xiaoou couldn't accept the sudden departure from the same trip.

Mother Ji finally hugged Ji Xiaoou and said, "Ninny, take good care of yourself, mom hopes you will always be happy."

There were still many people waiting to board the plane, Ji's father and mother couldn't stay long, so after saying goodbye to Ji Xiaoou, they walked into the boarding gate.

Ji Xiaoou followed and took two steps forward, looking at the backs of the two, tears rolled down unexpectedly.

But they went farther and farther, and never looked back.

Ji Xiaoou stood at the boarding gate and cried silently for a long time, until the tears on his face were completely dry before he moved his footsteps.

She remembered what Father Ji said, and ran out of the airport quickly.

There has never been a moment in her life when she ran so fast, as if there was wind under her feet, which was more impatient than her mood.

After finally getting outside the airport, the glare of the sun cast down, and the eyes were in a trance.

The sun shone under the huge flower bed in front of her, and she saw a familiar figure in this dim light.

The crisp coat, the profound facial features, and the eyes that are always watching her.

With a sore nose, Ji Xiaoou flung himself into his embrace vigorously.

Ren bent down to catch her firmly, put his arms around her waist and hugged her, and before she could speak, he held her small face and kissed her heavily.

Probably due to long time no see, Ji Xiaoou didn't evade, but took the initiative to respond to him.

So, at the gate of the airport where people were coming and going, Ren kissed her for more than ten minutes before stopping.

Ji Xiaoou buried himself in the crescent of his neck, his cheeks were flushed, and he gasped slightly, only then did he feel embarrassed.

Ren touched her head with his palm, pressed his lips against her ear, and asked, "Have your parents gone?"

Ji Xiaoou nodded, remembering what his mother said, he hurriedly asked: "Ren, where have you been these days? My mother said that you would look for my father every day, why did you never look at me? How did you find out?" Here? Did you see my dad just now…”

The little guy chattered, asking questions one after another. Ren raised the corner of his mouth and bit her ear and coaxed, "Hey, ask one by one."

Ji Xiaoou pursed his lips and thought for a while, "Was it you who entered my room that night?"

Ren said frankly: "It's me."

Ji Xiaoou was puzzled, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Ren paused, and said in a low voice: "Once I wake you up, what I want to do is not as simple as kissing you."


Seeing the shy little guy in his arms, Ren couldn't help but tilt his mouth and asked, "Can we go back?"

Ji Xiaoou nodded subconsciously, and then quickly realized that the "go back" in Ren's mouth definitely did not refer to her home.

She put her arms around his neck, thought for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "Yes."

Ren asked, "When?"

- "What do you say?"


The wind is warm and the sun is warm, and the floating light is golden.

The car drives smoothly and freely on the winding mountain road.

Rows of high-rise buildings are getting further and further away, as if covered with a thick layer of mist, hidden in the rolling mountains.

Ji Xiaoou was sitting in the passenger seat, replying to his parents' text messages, his toes moved, as if he had kicked something.

She bent down to check, and saw a rectangular black leather case with an unfamiliar appearance standing in front of her.

Ji Xiaoou's family has never had such a suitcase, and he would never put the suitcase in such a place.

Whose is this

Curiously, Ji Xiaoou pulled the suitcase out from under his feet, put it on his lap, and started fiddling with it.

The style of the suitcase is complex, with a lock on each side and a digital code in the middle.

Ji Xiaoou struggled for a long time but failed to open it, so he couldn't help muttering: "What is this?"

Ren left the steering wheel with his right hand, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, handed them to Ji Xiaoou, and whispered: "The password is 1002."

Ji Xiaoou caught the key and asked in surprise, "This is your box?"

Ren nodded.

Ji Xiaoou lowered his head and used the key to open the locks on both sides, and it did. He tried the password in his mouth again, only to hear a "click", and the box opened in response.

Ji Xiaoou raised his head, "Why did you set up this password?"

Ren didn't change his face, "Because it's the date of our first meeting."

Ji Xiaoou was a little surprised, he actually remembered when they first met

But the next moment, when Ji Xiaoou lowered his head to see clearly what was in the box, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

The black leather case is full of guns, and the dark barrel exudes the unique coldness of weapons.

The barrels of each gun were polished brightly, hitting Ji Xiaoou's eyeballs.

Although she didn't know much about guns, she knew that most of them were extremely dangerous weapons.

— There are even two small grenades hidden in the corner of the suitcase.

Ji Xiaoou was so frightened that he almost threw the box out, closed the lid suddenly, and asked in shock: "Lei, Ren, where did you get these things?"

Ren looked ahead, turned a corner, and explained, "Army."

Ji Xiaoou opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, "Have you ever been to the army?"

Ren nodded, "I've been there for a month."

One month, do you mean...

Ji Xiaoou was even worse, "Did you go to the army during the time you left?"

Ryan didn't deny it.

Looking at the suitcase in his hand, Ji Xiaoou suddenly felt a little tricky, "What are you doing there? These guns...couldn't be you who snatched them?"

If that's the case, she won't dare to come back in the future!

Ren raised the corner of his mouth and pinched Ji Xiaoou's face with one hand, "Are you so worried about your own male?"

Ji Xiaoou pursed his lips and didn't speak, thinking to himself... When did he let her feel at ease

Everything the little guy thought was written on his face, Ren suddenly smiled, took out a red book from his coat, put it in front of Ji Xiaoou, and said, "You said that only soldiers are qualified to hold guns. "

Ji Xiaoou subconsciously took the notebook, only to see three striking big characters written on it——

Military|official certificate.

Ji Xiaoou opened it and looked at it. The photos and information inside were all correct. She couldn't describe her feeling in shock. She held the certificate and digested it for a long time before she found her voice, "How did you get it? Arrived?"

He obviously does not belong to this world, has no identity, no background, why can he enter the military camp

Ren grinned and rubbed her head, "I said, don't underestimate your male."

Ever since Ji Xiaoou and Renn went out that day and saw armed policemen with guns on the LED screen, Renn paid attention to the so-called "soldiers" in this world.

Later he learned that human beings have unimaginable admiration and respect for "soldiers".

In addition, marrying a soldier is also protected by more "laws".

— This is why Ren left Ji Xiaoou.

Although he didn't ask Pat about the way to the real world, he got something more important, that is "identity".

In the human world, without an identity, it is impossible to move an inch.

Using Pat's fabricated identity, he successfully entered the military camp, and quickly adapted to the survival rules of this world in a short period of time.

Then take an hour every day to turn into a little leopard and leave the barracks to meet Ji Xiaoou's father.

The reason why he didn't go to look for Ji Xiaoou was because he was afraid that after seeing her, he wouldn't be able to leave.

When he learned that she was going to leave that day, he was waiting for the approval from the higher authorities. Father Ji told him that he would not use it in the future. On the 15th of this month, the family was going to fly to that ghostly place called Ireland.

That night, he took the risk and came to Ji Xiaoou's bedroom. Looking at the little guy sleeping comfortably on the bed, he finally couldn't hold back and kissed her lips fiercely.

Then, after the application was completed, he rushed to the airport immediately to return his little female.

Ji Xiaoou didn't know any of this.

Ji Xiaoou repeatedly looked at the military|official certificate, and was very puzzled, "Why do you want to be a soldier?" Is it just because of these guns

Ren reminded in a low voice: "For the next piece of paper."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoou curiously turned to the last page, found the piece of paper that Ren said, and unfolded it.

After seeing the above content clearly, the whole person was stunned for a while, and said in astonishment: "This, what is this?"

Ren tilted the corner of his mouth and said deliberately: "Marriage application, you should know what it is better than me."

"But..." Ji Xiaoou was in a hurry, even more shocked than when he saw the box of weapons just now, and said incoherently: "Why, you..."

Ren parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the bewildered girl beside him, leaned over and covered her under him, licked her slightly opened mouth and explained: "Only in this way, your parents will be willing to take care of you." You leave it to me."

If I'm not mistaken, marriage is the most stable shackle in the human world, binding two unrelated people together without being questioned by outsiders.

Military marriages are stronger than ordinary marriages, and destroying military marriages is even a crime.

Although he disagreed with human laws, this rule won Ryan's heart.

——Although Father Ji's face turned dark when he saw this certificate.

Ji Xiaoou didn't know what Ren's plan was, and was overwhelmed by the news, his mind was in a mess, and he was too surprised to speak.

She... Was she "married" just like that?

He is obviously a leopard, how could he have such a deep routine...

An hour later, Wren drove to the cliff where the "1002" tree was located.

Ren carried Ji Xiaoou to the base of the tree, and put his palm on the trunk of 1002 just like when they came here.

Attracted by gravity, white light suddenly appeared.

The next moment, the place where they were standing was empty.

Standing on the primitive and silent land again, Ji Xiaoou looked at the Kamuda Valley in front of him, and had the illusion of a world away.

It is still a cold winter here, with layers of snow covering the mountains, and the whole world is a vast expanse of whiteness.

The bitter cold wind hit his face, Ji Xiaoou shivered instantly, and reflexively crawled into Ren's arms.

Ren took off his coat to wrap around her body, supported her buttocks, jumped up and headed towards the leopard tribe.

During the time they left, there was a full month of blizzards.

The snow almost submerged the entire Polynesian continent, and many tribes had to migrate to other places in order to survive.

Fortunately, the terrain of the Kamuda Valley was a bit higher, and it survived the snowstorm, otherwise the leopards would have to relocate collectively.

When Ren returned to the gate of the tribe, a spear pierced straight down from the high observation tower, accompanied by an arrogant voice:

"Stupid wolves, go back to your clan!"

Ren quickly jumped aside, protecting Ji Xiaoou's coat with his animal palm, squinting his eyes, and said in a deep voice—

"Keep your eyes open for me, Frick, and see who I really am."

Through the thick snow fog, the other party finally saw Ren's face clearly, couldn't help but his legs and feet softened, and said in surprise: "Boss, boss?!"

Ren opened his long legs and ordered towards the other party as he walked: "Let Bosen and Winter come to me immediately and report to me the situation in the clan during this time."

Frick immediately ran down from the observation deck and said respectfully: "Yes, leader!"

Bosen and Winter managed the clan very well. Except for a few carnivorous species trying to attack the Kamuda Valley and being repelled by the clan led by Dordo and Kelu, there were basically no major problems.

Surprisingly, there are no wolves among these carnivorous species.

Holden, the leader of the wolf tribe, finally gave up the Kamuda Valley and occupied the territory of the red fox tribe next door. He probably learned to be honest. He hasn't attacked the leopard tribe for a while.

After all, being attacked by Rennes with gunpowder for three years in a row, it really needs to die down and recharge your batteries.

After Ren learned about the general situation, he drove Winter and Bosen out and began to tidy up his house.

He had been away for so long, and it had been snowing that the whole yard was covered in snow. Ji Xiaoou stepped on it, and the snow almost covered her calves.

The house was also unbearably cold, with ice on all sides, like an icehouse, and it was impossible to live in.

Ren wrapped Ji Xiaoou tightly in his coat and placed her on the wall, and carried her down after the yard was tidied up.

The fireplace in the house has been lit, and the temperature has warmed up. The ice on the wall has gradually melted, and it is no longer as cold as it was at the beginning.

Ji Xiaoou walked into the house with great interest, took out the things he brought back from the space, and prepared to decorate Ren's house well.

Because when she lived here before, she never regarded it as a warm belonging, and she only wanted to return to the real world. But now, she has decided to stay with Ren for the rest of her life. This is not just a "house", but a home shared by her and Ren.

Since it is a "home", she can no longer be as sloppy as before. She has to add everything that Renn didn't think of.

Mattresses, wardrobes, rugs, dressers, coat racks...everything is there.

It's just that in order to avoid being noticed by other clansmen, Ji Xiaoou didn't dare to arrange it too presumptuously. He only changed the tables, chairs and cabinets in the main house, and kept other things as they were.

As for the bedroom inside... it is completely according to her preferences.

When Ji Xiaoou tidied up the room, Ren didn't interfere. When she finished tidying up and went in to have a look, her eyebrows twitched, and a crack finally appeared on her perennially calm face.

The style of the room was similar to that of Ji Xiaoou's room in the real world, with pink sheets, pink curtains, and even Ren's wall covered with beast skins, which she replaced with pink wallpaper.

——It is like two styles of painting from the previous cold and simple style.

Ren leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, looking at the busy little guy in the room.

His eyes were calm and his face was complicated. After a long time, he closed his eyes and revealed an imperceptible smile.

He clearly should feel a headache, the leopards don't like their territory being invaded, but this feeling is not bad.

If she wanted to, he thought, he'd probably want to put the whole bottom line in her hands.

This is not a good thing, but he is willing to do so.

After tidying up the house, Ji Xiaoou looked at the time, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

She took Roll out of the space, fed it some cat food, and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

This time when Ji Xiaoou came back, he brought Gun Gun with him.

It was impossible for her to keep Gungun at a friend's house all the time, and she was reluctant to give it away, so she discussed with Ren for several days before Ren agreed to let a cat clan live in his race.

However, Ren's original words are as follows: "If one day it enters the stomach of the tribe, I will not save it."

Ji Xiaoou thought about it for a long time. They are also cats... Leopards shouldn't eat cats, right

And Gun Gun stays by his side most of the time, and rarely goes out alone, so it shouldn't be a problem...

Thinking so, Ji Xiaoou still brought it here.

Gun Gun just arrived in a strange world, very uneasy, tiptoeing, it will follow Ji Xiaoou wherever he goes. Even when Ji Xiaoou was cooking, he had to lie on the stove next to him.

Amber eyes followed Ji Xiaoou, afraid that she would leave him in the next second.

Fortunately, Ren went to investigate the environment around the race in the afternoon, otherwise he would not tolerate it pestering Ji Xiaoou like this.

It's just that at night, Gun Gun is not so lucky.

Ren came back from the outside, picked up Gun Gun who was sleeping next to Ji Xiaoou, and mercilessly shut the door.

Gun Gun stretched out his paws and scratched at the door outside, his cry was pitiful.

Ji Xiaoou wanted to go down and carry it back, but Ren stopped him.

Ryan bit her ear and said, "If you want a stupid cat to watch us when we mate|mate in the future, I don't mind putting it in."

Ji Xiaoou hesitated for a while, but finally gave up fighting.

Outside the door, Rolling scratched for a while, and after realizing the fact that the owner would not open the door for it, he walked around outside a few times, then turned and ran towards the main house.

There is a warm fireplace burning in the main house, and there is a small nest that Ji Xiaoou built for it during the day, and it voluntarily curls into it, intending to sleep.

However, not long after, I heard a strange sound coming from the next bedroom——

"Woo, Ryan, wait a minute... It hurts..."

Then, Ren said in a hoarse voice: "Relax, the pain will stop in a while."

"You get up first... Woohoo, you haven't worn that yet..."

The girl's voice was soft, shy and depressed, painful and uneasy.

Thinking that its owner was being bullied, Gun Gun quickly got up from the cat's nest, jumped to the door of the bedroom and kept scratching the door, "Meow Meow" trying to rescue its owner.

Inside the house, Renn hadn't touched his little female for more than a month, and of course it wasn't something a stupid cat could stop.

He grabbed Ji Xiaoou's ankle, pressed it down hard, kissed her pink lips, and coaxed: "Be good, that kind of thing is useless to me."

All Ji Xiaoou's groans were blocked back into his stomach by him, and tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

That night, Ji Xiaoou was tossed back and forth by Renn many times, and finally cried until he lost his voice, and Renn was willing to let her go by licking the corner of her mouth.

When I woke up the next day, my legs were sore and sore, and I couldn't even get out of bed.

Ji Xiaoou shrank into the bed, angrily ignoring Ren.

How could anyone be so cruel? She begged him like that yesterday, and said a lot of embarrassing things according to his request. He didn't let himself go until dawn...

Ren sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed the top of her head lightly and said, "Suchana seems to have some medicine, I'll get some for you."

Ji Xiaoou stretched out his small hand from under the quilt, grabbed his fingers and said sullenly, "Don't go."

If he went, according to Su Zhana's mouth, wouldn't the entire Leopard tribe know that she was "used" by him

Ren guessed what she was thinking, smiled crookedly, and said the news that made Ji Xiaoou even more ashamed and indignant:

"When I left with you, they thought we went to the cave to 'mate|mate'."


Later, Ren still brought the medicine and helped Ji Xiaoou apply it on the injured area himself.

Ji Xiaoou tried to stop him many times but failed, and then let him do whatever he wanted.

Fortunately, three days later, Ji Xiaoou's injury was almost healed.

Otherwise, if Ren continued to give her medicine, she doubted that she would be eaten alive by his eyes...

In the past few days when Renn came back, there were many things every day.

Arrange hunting for the tribe, clear the snow at the entrance of the valley, and solve the hyenas that are about to move in the back mountain...

But no matter how busy he is, he will come back on time every night to prepare dinner for Ji Xiaoou.

Ren left very early that day, and Ji Xiaoou couldn't see him when he woke up.

Ji Xiaoou got dressed and got out of bed, took out the canned cat food from the space and fed it to Rolling, and then went to the kitchen to make something to eat, when he saw a bowl of stewed fish soup on the stove.

The fish soup was roasted on the stove, and it was still hot when Ji Xiaoou ate it.

The taste is fragrant and delicious, smooth and delicious.

Ji Xiaoou was a little surprised, when did Ren cook so deliciously

I think when he made fish soup for Ji Xiaoou for the first time, he couldn't even scrape the fish scales.

Ji Xiaoou held the fish soup and smiled foolishly for a while, before eating it slowly in small mouthfuls.

After eating the fish soup, she went back to the house to play around.

Gun Gun gradually became familiar with this place, not as stiff as at the beginning, but more and more at ease.

Lying on Ji Xiaoou's lap, he scratched her palm one after another.

At about two o'clock in the noon, Ji Xiaoou fell asleep a little, so he hugged Roll back to the bedroom to sleep.

She is prone to drowsiness recently, as if she can't wake up, and she doesn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning, and she dozes off again not long after.

This sleep lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon, the house was quiet, the courtyard was silent, and Ren hadn't come back yet.

In the past, Ren always came back around 5:30, Ji Xiaoou was not in a hurry, and waited for Ren to come back while reading a book.

At about five forty, Ryan hadn't shown up yet.

Ji Xiaoou turned his head and looked outside the door, did something delay him today? That's why you came back so late

Ji Xiaoou waited for a while with his cheeks in his hands, until night fell, the sky was completely dark, and he did not see Ren.

Ji Xiaoou was a little worried, so he took out the flashlight from his backpack and prepared to look outside.

Walking to the door, the moment he put his hand on the latch, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Ji Xiaoou staggered back two steps, and when he saw Ren's face clearly, he slowly let go of his raised heart, "Ren, where have you been? Why did you come back..."

Ren leaned over and hugged her, with the cold air still remaining on his body, and said to her, "Take you to a place."

Ji Xiaoou put his arms around his neck, tilted his head and said, "Where are you going?"

Ren took out a coat for her from the room and put it on, with the peak of his lips against her forehead, and whispered: "You will know when you arrive."

As he said that, he jumped up onto the roof and headed for the distance.

In the distance, the huge moon hangs heavily in the sky, like eyes that are about to close in the night, quietly watching the two tiny figures in the night sky.

Ren moved nimbly over the leopard tribe, his powerful legs stepped on the roof, and his tail followed behind him, raising a ostentatious arc.

Ren held Ji Xiaoou in his arms and jumped for a long time, before finally stopping on the edge of a cliff.

"It's here." Ren said, and gently placed Ji Xiaoou on the flat ground.

Ji Xiaoou supported his shoulders to stand firm, and was about to ask him why he brought him here, when he raised his head, he saw a breathtaking scene above him.

The gorgeous and magnificent aurora burst out from the distant horizon, stretched and spread around, and suddenly hit her eyeballs.

Countless bright stars float past the eyes, like paint splashed in the sky.

The bright green light surrounded her and Ren, which was unbelievably beautiful.

Ji Xiaoou stared blankly at this wonderful scene, almost forgot to speak.

After a long time, he turned around and hugged Ren's waist, and asked in surprise, "Ren, how did you find out about this place?"

Ren scratched the tip of her red nose and corrected: "I didn't find out, your male has been guarding here for several nights."

Ji Xiaoou blinked in astonishment, is he guarding here? Is it because of this that he left early and returned late these days

Ji Xiaoou was puzzled: "Why do you want to do this?"

Ren bent down, kissed her lips and said, "Don't all human beings like these things." Although in his eyes, it was a very common natural phenomenon. But he didn't mind doing something stupid as long as his little one liked it.

Ji Xiaoou really liked it very much, as if his whole body was embraced by the night sky, only her and Ren.

She hugged Ren's neck and said softly, "I want to sit in front and watch."

Ren hugged her body as promised, walked to the edge of the cliff in front, rubbed her cheek and asked, "Do you like it?"

Ji Xiaoou nodded vigorously, with bright eyes, "I like it, I like it very much." After finishing speaking, he looked up at Ren, his pink lips slightly raised, and added: "I prefer you who prepare these for me." .”

Ren was stunned for a moment, then raised the corners of his mouth, squeezed her soft palm, and asked, "Then what do you want to say?"

Ji Xiaoou thought for a while, cupped his face with his small hands, kissed his lips actively, and gently inserted into his mouth.

Ren hugged her, clasped the back of her head with the beast's palm, and deepened the kiss without hesitation.

After a long time, Ren slowly let go of the breathless little guy in his arms.

He leaned against her forehead, stared at her with blue eyes, and said, "As long as you like, I can do anything for you."

Ji Xiaoou blinked and asked, "Does it include picking the stars and picking the moon?"

Ren was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about what was so special about these two things. After a while, he said solemnly: "If you want, the stars over the entire Boernia continent can be yours."

Ji Xiaoou heard the deep meaning in his words, and was afraid that he would really occupy the entire Bornia continent, so he quickly changed his words: "I'm just joking, I don't want the stars or the moon..."

She said, "I just want you to be with me."

After all, when he remembered something, he leaned on his chest and said with a low voice: "Just don't disappear suddenly again."

Ren said: "No."

Immediately afterwards, the brows moved slightly, reminding: "You too."

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

Ji Xiaoou and Ren sat under the aurora for a long time, until the middle of the night, Ji Xiaoou finally couldn't hold on, and fell asleep in Ren's arms.

The moonlight sprinkled on her porcelain-white skin, as if coated with a layer of shimmer, which was the most precious treasure God gave him.

Ren gathered the coat on her body, wrapped her tightly, and looked at the valley in the distance calmly.

Until Qingming the next day, the sky was completely white and bright.

The sun shrouded the two of them, and Ren gently picked up Ji Xiaoou in his arms, and headed back towards the Leopard tribe.

(full text)

The author has something to say:

Overhaul 2.0~

After I finished writing the ending, I looked at it myself, and there are indeed many places that were written too hastily.

Later, I discussed it with my friends, determined a few places that need to be modified, and decided to modify the ending.

It may be that I was lazy after finishing it, and I didn't finish it until today. I don't know if there will be girls who will see it

= ̄ω ̄=I was worried that no one would pay attention to me, and I was crying, so I will give a small red envelope to all the comments in this chapter~ The time starts from now and ends at 12 noon tomorrow~

In a few days, I will write a side story about Xiao Ou and Mr. Lei giving birth to steamed stuffed buns. Well, I will explain all the remaining things that have not been explained.

[Another notification~]

A few girls asked if "The Beast" will be published before. Let me tell you here, because of the subject matter, it is unlikely to be published.

However, Fat Moon can open a personal journal by herself. The content of the personal journal includes the main text of "The Beast" + extra episodes, which include Jinjiang's extra episodes, and 2-3 new extra episodes will be added at that time (Mr. Mr. Nianlei's extra episode, there is still one to be determined), and some things you know will be added appropriately.

For specific content, you can follow Fat Moon's Weibo, and I will count the number of people at that time, and then decide how many books are suitable. For fear of trouble, the customization is only opened once, girls who like "The Beast" don't miss it~(≧▽≦)/~