Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 10


Fast forward to mid-July, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the village has entered a short slack for farming. On this day, there is good news on the loudspeaker. The county projection team is going to the countryside. In the evening, two movies will be shown on the threshing field of the team. People from several brigades in Shangyao Village will come.

There were no entertainment activities in this day and age, and everyone was very happy to hear that there were movies to watch, and they were in their own team, so they didn’t have to carry benches and chairs to go long distances.

When the loudspeaker announced, Qiu Xiaochan was washing mulberry by the well. She found it by the river while hunting hogweed. She wrapped half a bag with mulberry leaves.

The wild mulberries are big and sweet, and they are even more delicious than the ones that Qiu Xiaochan bought at a fruit shop at a big price before. They are fresh and juicy.

"Xiao Chan, you should also watch the movie in the team at night. The little girl should go out more often, and she can't be bored at home all day."

Qiu Xiaochan originally planned to go, she nodded while eating mulberries, "Well, I'll go and see when it gets dark, Mom, are you going? If you want to go, I will reserve a good seat for you in advance."

Zhang Daying shook his head and said, "I won't go, if I meet your sister-in-law, I'll be angry, it's better to stay at home and be clean."

The women on the team all love to visit and chat, Zhang Daying is a clear person in comparison, otherwise he would not be able to control his daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law of this era has a natural majesty, and many daughter-in-laws have to deal with setbacks after marrying into their in-laws. of.

Aunt He said that Zhang Daying was too honest, and he treated his daughter-in-law with all his heart and soul as soon as he came up. He didn't build up the prestige of her mother-in-law. Get off the horse and set the rules, maybe it will be another look.

But there are never ifs in life, human personality is difficult to change, unless you change your mind like Qiu Xiaochan or experience a huge life change, otherwise you will be what you should be.

When it was getting dark, Qiu Xiaochan talked to Zhang Daying, and went to the threshing field unhappy with the bench.

The wheat field is in the direction of the village, not far from the cowshed. Along the way, there are as many people from our brigade and other teams as if going to a market. Unlike Qiu Xiaochan who goes alone, most of the others travel together .

When we arrived at the wheat field, the field was full of darkness, and a white screen was pulled on the side of the field, and the projector was being adjusted. Today's movie was the classic "Heroes and Daughters" and "Tunnel Warfare". After glancing at it twice, she no longer had any impression of the specific content. She found a place near the back and stood up. Looking around the audience, she didn't see the person she was looking for.

In fact, she was not interested in watching movies, she came here to see if she could run into Gu Wenqian.

She was watching the people in the wheat field from the corner, but she didn't know that there were also people watching her from the dark.

Li San was talking with his cousin Li Chunhua in the corner. Li Chunhua still hated Qiu Xiaochan, and made her lose face in front of the captain that day.

"San'er, it's right for you not to marry her. This girl is as smart as a goblin, and she won't be safe if you marry her back. You can live a good life with the Jiang family girl, and give birth to a big fat boy for your mother after marriage."

Li San responded vaguely, his eyes glued to Qiu Xiaochan's body as if reluctant to leave, even if he only had one eye to see, it didn't make him feel itchy.

At that time, I saw Qiu Xiaochan from a distance and thought about it, so I wanted to talk about marriage through Chen Guilian. Who knew that Chen Guilian didn't work hard, so the family turned to the Jiang family.

There are so many girls on the wheat field, in Li San's opinion, no one can compare to Qiu Xiaochan for attracting people. The fair-skinned girl can pinch water, and her waist is slender. Even wearing loose clothes can't hide her exquisite curves. The slender, pointed chin, the bright red lips, and the sparkling talking eyes can make him feel tender for a long time at a glance.

He imagined the beautiful touch of holding her in his arms, it must be as soft and light as cotton, and he would be willing to die if he could kiss her twice.

"I'm talking to you again, are you listening? What's so good about that girl, you're about to get married, don't think about her anymore, just take it easy and live a good life, you know?"

Originally, the girl from the Jiang family was also coming today, but there was a temporary errand at home. After Li San arrived in the first team, he went to his cousin's house for dinner and drank some wine with his brother-in-law. Although he was not drunk, his mood was worse than usual Even more fluctuating, if seeing Qiu Xiaochan before was very exciting, then today it is 120% exciting.

Qiu Xiaochan has always been a hot topic on the team. In the past, she received attention because of her good looks, and good-looking people are the focus of attention everywhere. Now, she is not only attracted attention because of her good looks, but also because of the many deeds that happened to her recently. There were quite a few people talking about her before the movie started.

After the opening of the movie, everyone concentrated on watching the movie. Qiu Xiaochan only watched the university for about a quarter of an hour. She roughly guessed the direction of the next plot and lost interest. Since Gu Wenqian was not there, she was going to go back, but when she left After a little thought, I deliberately detoured past the cowshed to see if I could meet Gu Wenqian.

She had just set off and Li San followed from afar. Qiu Xiaochan's hearing was sharp and she sensed that someone was following her. She asked the system, "Who is behind? They don't want to put a sack on me, do they?"

Since she came here and offended many people, it cannot be ruled out that someone became angry and wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Li San, the system has detected that the opponent's damage value is relatively high, please take personal safety precautions for the traverser."

Qiu Xiaochan chuckled, "Those who didn't know thought you were advertising condoms."

The system was helpless, "This is your illusion."

Xiao Chan has seen a lot of people like Li San in the missions. Because of her disability, she is more or less perverted in her heart, coveting the beauty of the original owner.

She was sure that she would not be harmed in the face-to-face, and the system also had self-defense weapons, but she decided to seize this opportunity to break through the relationship between herself and Gu Wenqian.

At the fork in the road, the left is the direction of the cowshed, and the right is the direction of home, Qiu Xiaochan slowed down, waiting to see Li San's movements, if she is the perpetrator with evil intentions, this is an excellent perpetrator At the scene, waiting for her to go home, there are dense residents on both sides of the road. Although most of the people in the team have gone to the movies, it is not ruled out that someone will show up just by shouting.

Sure enough, when Qiu Xiaochan slowed down, Li San's footsteps quickened, and even started to trot. Qiu Xiaochan pretended to be surprised and looked back. It looks a little scary.

She asked in a panic, "Who are you? You are not on our team."

Li San smiled and stopped two meters away from her, "I'm Li San, I told you that I was close, you should know me."

His blind eye was terribly red because of the excitement. Qiu Xiaochan's "frightened" eye sockets turned red and she trembled unconsciously. She was as frightened as a little white rabbit to please Li San. The abnormal psychology hidden deep in the heart.

He approached Qiu Xiaochan step by step, and said as he walked, "From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Every night I dream of your shadow, but you don't want to marry me, which makes me very angry." , You said why you refused to marry, I like you so much, if you marry me, I will love you very much."

While talking, Li San was already very close, Qiu Xiaochan backed away in fear, and ran forward screaming before Li San grabbed her arm, running in the direction of the cowshed.

Gu Wenqian didn't go to the movies at night. He has no friends or relatives here. He often feels that he is a passer-by in the hustle and bustle. The more lively the atmosphere, the more painful thoughts he can arouse.

There was no electricity in the village, and every household was illuminated by oil lamps. In order to save lamp oil, Gu Wenqian picked a leaf and sat on a wooden pier outside the house to play the flute during this time when he was still sleepy.

He found this wooden pier when he went to the mountain to collect firewood. As a high-achieving student in the Department of Architecture, he is better at discovering the unremarkable beauty in life. The earthen thatched house, but the exquisite ancient courtyard, it really complements each other.

When Qiu Xiaochan's shout sounded, Gu Wenqian had just finished playing and stopped, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination, and then heard another cry.

After Gu Wenqian identified it as Qiu Xiaochan, he got up and ran out with a whoosh. From a distance, he saw a girl in white running in a panic, followed by a man who was chasing after her.

Gu Wenqian let out a loud voice, "Who? Hurry up and stop, or don't blame me for doing it."

Li San didn't dare to go forward after hearing this, and was afraid of being recognized, so he stopped and walked back cursing.

As if seeing a savior, Qiu Xiaochan burst out with amazing potential and ran towards Gu Wenqian, her legs were so weak that she was about to fall to the ground after meeting him, Gu Wenqian supported her.

"What's wrong? Who's that guy?"

Qiu Xiaochan's heart was beating like a drum, and the weight of her whole body was leaning on his arm, she said out of breath, "It's Li San, Li Chunhua's cousin."

Gu Wenqian didn't know that Li San had asked for a marriage, and thought that Li San was revenge on Qiu Xiaochan for Li Chunhua.

"The siblings are too much, I will talk to the captain tomorrow."

Qiu Xiaochan pressed his arm and shook her head, her watery eyes looked at him anxiously, "No, I don't know what to say after being found out."

Gu Wenqian frowned puzzledly, and even disapproved, Qiu Xiaochan explained in a buzzing voice, "This Li San once proposed marriage to me, but I didn't agree to marry him, and he has no good intentions in following me today, if people know , White can also be painted black, I can't explain it even if I have a hundred mouths."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Gu Wenqian imploringly, "Comrade Gu, I know you are a good person, thanks to you for saving me today, but three people become tigers, and one mouth makes money, so please keep quiet."

Gu Wenqian's heart seemed to be tightly held by something, the warm touch of the palm, the elegant fragrance from the tip of the nose, a beautiful girl looked at her expectantly, and she was just one step away from a devastating disaster.

He once again felt the injustice of life, and despite his throat tightening, he still nodded to her request.

"Okay, I promise you.