Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 100


Ye Nianqi's appearance came at a time when the audience was fatigued, and the ratings had dropped a lot. Therefore, when the stage was filled with smoke and a classical woman in white fell from the sky and flew down, the audience was stunned and screamed again and again. Even the audience who were sleepy before were awakened.

"Who is this, it actually flew out!"

"The host announced the curtain just now, Ye Nianqi, that pretty girl with a big smile."

Big fragrance, no puppy love, and beautiful smile are all part of the audience's memory of Ye Nianqi, and anyone who has watched the show will be able to recognize Ye Nianqi.

The dance soundtrack is a piece of classic "Ink and Wash Orchid Pavilion" chosen by Ye Nianqi. The tune is cheerful, and the dance steps also come in line with the style of the music. The artistic conception is that after an ancient girl meets a man she likes, she hides shyly and heartbeats, and then she can't hold back her heart The story of the love of the girl who dresses up in order to impress the man.

Dance is to describe emotions through body movements. The woman in white on the stage has a blushing complexion, flowing eyes, and soft movements. Although the audience in the audience does not know the story situation at all, they can clearly feel the emotions that the dancers want to express.

Almost from the moment she flew out of the sky, every second brought surprises to the audience. The audience at the scene was mesmerized, and the audience in front of the TV was full of praise.

"Finally saw a different one, I was tired of seeing those before."

"This girl is so sharp and she can dance well. We must vote for her."

"It's so pretty, it's like watching a martial arts drama, the heroines are always so stylish when they appear on stage."

"The shape of the white dress looks like a little dragon girl."

The backstage staff who were concerned about the ratings gave a "drink" and hurriedly informed the person in charge of the program, "Director, the ratings have gone up."

The director clapped his hands, fixed his eyes on the monitor, and ordered Liu Lu, "The camera zooms in, the close-up and long-range intersect, pay attention to her expression, and the changes in her expression must be photographed."

As the hero who saved the ratings, the director decided to cut a close-up shot of her when it was rebroadcast. At the same time, he was also glad that he promised to build a stage for her to use Wia in the communication a few days ago. He predicted that this dance would become a classic in the competition over the years. scene.

Zhang Xianzhi in the auditorium was the same as other audiences, even more shocked than the audience.

As a boyfriend, Ye Nianqi in his eyes is a delicate girl who needs to be taken care of all the time, the kind who needs to be peeled to eat shrimp and hugged when walking. He especially enjoys the feeling of taking care of her like a baby.

At this time, she was shining brightly on the stage, like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, which gave him the urge to hide her and not let anyone find out.

Jin Guofu on the side didn't notice that Zhang Shao was clenching his molars tightly, and turned to share his excitement with him during the dance break.

"It's great. Nianqi's performance is really great. I didn't have such an intuitive feeling during the rehearsal. I didn't expect to set up the stage and change into costumes to be so beautiful!"

Zhang Xianzhi's eyes still stayed on the stage, and he didn't respond to Jin Guofu's broken thoughts. After Ye Nianqi's performance was over, he frowned and asked, "So you already knew that Nianqi had this performance. ?”

Jin Guofu was dumbfounded by the question, nodded and said, "Yes, this is Nianqi's own performance. Originally, I advised her that everyone should play the piano and sing gracefully. She doesn't have to work so hard. Facts have proved that her decision is correct. of… "

Zhang Xianzhi was not interested in his psychological dynamics, and only ordered, "In the future, report to me all of Nianqi's movements, and I will pay you."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Jin Guofu was about to refuse, but immediately swallowed the words on his lips after hearing the second half of the sentence, who can refuse the money in hand? Besides, the relationship between the two is like a family, so he thinks he has an extra boss, anyway, there is nothing to talk about as an artist.

Of course, Jin Guofu also has other careful thoughts. He has been thinking about voting. With Nianqi's current limelight, it is a pity not to be the champion. It was a grand occasion, and if a player who was not as good as her bought a ticket to overtake in the subsequent games, he would not bear it any longer.

Zhang Shao likes Nianqi so much and is rich, so if he said something tactfully in front of him, would he still worry about having no money

I have to say that in this respect, Jin Guofu's brains are indeed quite fast.

After Ye Nianqi's classical dance ended, there was another piece of piano performance. The backstage staff found that the ratings that had just risen fell again. The director's expression was not good when he found out. Although the ratings of the competition were not bad compared to other programs, But as the person in charge of the program, the director still wants to strive for excellence.

To a certain extent, Xiangjiang people rely too much on metaphysics, because Ye Nianqi has saved the ratings twice in a row, and the director regards her as a lucky star of the show. He had a good impression of her at first, but now it is getting better. I am really willing to give her the throne of champion.

After each contestant's performance, the judges will express their own comments, some from a professional point of view, and some from a subjective perspective. The judges all saw the scene atmosphere during Ye Nianqi's performance, and three of them gave praise. Another said that she was unconventional, and that the stage of a beauty pageant does not match classical dance, and that it should be more modern and international.

This remark raised eyebrows. After all, the rules of the competition did not allow classical dancing. Since it is a personal talent show, it should learn from others. This is the broad mind of an international metropolis and high-end programs that accommodate Baichuan.

The audience in front of the TV was furious.

"Hey, what kind of judge is this? We all think it's good, so why should he say it's bad!"

"It's just that he has been out for more than ten years. For every piece of work that can be sold, he can't sing or act, and he has the nerve to comment on others."

"Why don't we call to protest and tell him to get off the show."

Ye Nianqi didn't know anything about the situation outside the competition. After returning to the backstage, she first changed into a new little black dress. This was a new model from a well-known luxury brand. There were only two in Xiangjiang, one black and one silver. Bought by Zhang Xianzhi as a gift to Ye Nianqi, the reason why she changed into this skirt was to show her boyfriend to see it, and to let others know that she is not easy to mess with. Although she did not sign a big company, it does not mean that she is weak and can be bullied .

Yes, she already knew that there was an unofficial champion in the competition, and the candidate was the fifth place Jiang Fuxiang, and her financial backer had spent 10 million sponsorship fees for her.

Although she is only fifth now, Chen Qiongying is destined to be eliminated. Zheng Guiyun, who is currently ranked first, and her, who is third, are very likely to be stepping stones on Jiang Fuxiang's road to championship. , the second to sixth places also have rankings, and her ranking is likely to be among these rankings in the end.

But since she came to participate in the competition, she would be the number one. Even if she did meet the mastermind in the end, she would still be the uncrowned king, and increasing the degree of discussion and exposure was the key factor to achieve her goal.

After Ye Nianqi put on her makeup again, the performances of the thirty contestants were all over. The host informed the contestants to re-enter. The audience originally wanted to see Ye Nianqi wearing ancient costumes, but they didn't expect her to change into a black off-the-shoulder skirt, outlining the Perfect bust and waist, slender legs without a trace of fat, a pearl necklace on the slender neck, matched with a pair of earrings, complementing each other perfectly.

During the two-hour recording time, she changed into three sets in total. The white cheongsam with red flowers on the stage, the pure white Hanfu when dancing, and the black elegant skirt at the moment, are actually three different flavors, each side is beautiful, It's not even possible to choose which side is better.

Cen Zhixiang stood in the center of the stage and marked the end of today's game. He said, "Time flies, today's show has come to an end, the old rules, after a week, all the votes of all contestants will be counted. In the next game, only the previous contestants will be counted." Twenty contestants have qualified for the competition."

In other words, there will be ten elimination places in this game, and some players who feel that the game is not going well today have shown sad expressions.

In the auditorium, Zhang Xianzhi's eyes were deep, and he said to Jin Guofu beside him, "Go to the backstage and tell Nian Qi that there is no need to change clothes. I will wait for her in the garage."

Jin Guofu nodded in response, thinking that Zhang Shao's arrangement was very good, he left before the media could react, lest the two meet and be exposed by the interested media.

It can only be said that Jin Guofu, who has never been in a serious relationship, doesn't understand the little fun between lovers, and his thinking is completely wrong. Ye Nianqi, one of the parties involved, immediately understood something after hearing his message.

Jin Guofu escorted Ye Nianqi all the way into Zhang Xianzhi's car. Today he was driving a new car, and he usually drove another car when traveling, so even if he was photographed, no one would guess that he was in the car.

After Ye Nianqi got into the car, Jin Guofu looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he decided not to follow the car. He would have to go back and drive his own car back later.

He took care of Ye Nianqi, "Try not to go out these few days, and call me if necessary. I guess there will be a lot of news about you in newspapers and magazines tomorrow."

Ye Nianqi knew that he was nagging because she cared about herself, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I will pay attention, and you should go back to rest early."

After the door was closed, the inside of the car could no longer be seen from the window. Ye Nianqi was pulled into Zhang Xianzhi's arms and sat on his lap.

The car started slowly and drove out from the parking lot. Since the distance between the driver's cab and the seat was relatively large, and the seat back blocked it, there was no need to worry about what the driver would see, so Ye Nianqi sat on him and only wrapped his arms around his neck to prevent herself It fell, but made no sound.

After all, just because you can't see doesn't mean you can't hear.

Zhang Xianzhi caught her mind, directly lowered his head and sucked her lips, stroked her shoulder with one hand, and moved along her smooth legs with the other, and hugged her waist tightly after kissing deeply.

Ye Nianqi adjusted her breathing while agreeing, but she didn't dare to make any noise, so she pushed hard on his chest if she couldn't breathe.

Knowing that he was annoyed, Zhang Xianzhi smiled and moved away, but still refused to let go of her waist, and Ye Nianqi breathed smoothly.

"Do you want to make the headlines tomorrow, 'Zhang's eldest grandson kissed a woman late at night, kissing a woman for hypoxia'."

Zhang Xianzhi raised her chin and stroked her cheek with his fingertips, "Wrong, what I want to do is not just kissing."

After speaking, he raised his lips and smiled, there was an indescribable evil charm in the car with only a gleam of light, Ye Nianqi's heart also jumped up.

From the sublimation of the relationship between the two, the way of getting along has gradually changed. If it was a sweet apple before, it is now a juicy peach. A kiss and a look in the eyes, even just thinking of this person will be full of longing.

From the first second he saw her on stage tonight, he never wanted to hold her in his arms and taste her sweetness, even the quarter of an hour away from the apartment felt extremely long. , please keep in mind:,.