Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 115



"Love for the Tiger" started filming in mid-January and ended in early April, and expedited post-production to be released in summer.

During the three months from April to mid-July, apart from her studies, Ye Nianqi was also invited by TVB to make a guest appearance in a fashion drama. Although she only appeared on the scene for more than ten minutes, her fashion style and cute personality in the drama were still well received. Few audiences love her, and some media analysts say that she is born with audience popularity, so even if she falls in love early, it will not affect her development momentum.

"...not only the three courts and five eyes are standard, but also a sense of innocence and innocence. This kind of appearance is very deadly, and it is easy to make people feel protective."

"It's good-looking, but it's not aggressive and good-looking, but the appearance of a good girl. An eighty-year-old mother and a one-year-old child will have a sense of intimacy."

"In terms of appearance, Ye Nianqi has a standard Wangfu face, with a full forehead, bright eyes, and a perfectly high nose. In addition, her horoscope is the main gold, maybe this is the reason why she can manage a wealthy family."

When the movie was released, it was natural to run publicity. At the premiere, Ye Nianqi received a huge bouquet of champagne and roses. The host was still Cen Zhixiang, and he joked, "It's such a big deal, don't think it must be that one, everyone knows Know who I'm talking about?"

The main creators on the stage laughed one after another, while the audience and fans in the audience shouted the word "Zhang Shao" loudly.

Ye Nianqi and Zhang Xianzhi have become well-known young couples in Xiangjiang. If the gossip magazines at the beginning were just a joke and people still didn’t believe that Ye Nianqi could really marry into a wealthy family, then one day the famous Entertainment Weekly broke out that After Zhang Xianzhi showed up on the golf course with his girlfriend and grandfather Zhang Guofu, everyone knew that Ye Nianqi's journey to a wealthy family was going smoothly without any obstacles.

Later, when Zhang Xianzhi’s mother Sun Rongzhi participated in the event, she was asked about her son’s relationship issues, whether she supported her, etc. Sun Rongzhi’s answer was, “Young people today have their own ideas. Although we are elders, we rarely intervene. Dating or marriage, as long as they think it's right."

Although there was no positive response, it also showed from the side that she would not be an evil mother-in-law who "beats mandarin ducks with sticks".

The box office of the film on the premiere day was as high as more than 4 million. From interviews with reporters, we learned that everyone loves this kind of light-hearted and innovative romantic comedy, and the costume of the county lord in the film is also well received.

Fans praised, "As expected of a beauty pageant champion, how you look good in ancient costumes."

"It's so tender. It's so tender that the water comes out. It's like a fairy coming down to earth. As a woman, I can see my heart rippling. No wonder the Crown Prince of the Zhang family settled her down so early."

"Not only is he good looking, but he is also a student in a prestigious school, and he gets A's in every subject. If you want to chase stars, you have to chase this kind of thing."

When Ye Nianqi participated in a talk show, she was asked by the host about her relationship with Zhang Xianzhi. She had never made it public on a formal occasion before, but this time she had to reveal some details under questioning.

"In fact, our acquaintance is not at all the banquet occasions like food and wine that everyone imagined. I went to Zhang's for an internship for a month because I wanted to feel the working atmosphere in advance. He also just came back from abroad, hiding his identity from an ordinary intern. , probably because of the same status as a rookie in the workplace, he naturally came closer, he confessed to me before the end of the internship, and it was only then that I knew his true identity."

This is simply the realistic version of "Prince and Cinderella". Countless girls have dreamed of meeting a handsome and wealthy son, but it actually happened to her, comparable to a romance novel!

After the broadcast of this program, the love story between the two has been widely circulated, and the number of girls applying for Zhang's internship has also increased several times compared to before, which forced the company's personnel to increase the intensity of intern assessment, and only those who pass the assessment can obtain the internship qualification , While curbing the momentum, it also raised the level of interns.

The first time Ye Nianqi attended the Zhang family dinner as Zhang Xianzhi's girlfriend was Zhang Xianhua's engagement ceremony, and his fiancée was Dong Xiaolian, daughter of the Dong family.

When Zhang Xianzhi and Ye Nianqi arrived at the hotel, Zhou Shangyun was marrying a group of ladies from Social, Zhang and Dong, and the marriage was a strong combination. Naturally, compliments were indispensable from everyone. Like a couple.

Seeing her nephew and Ye Nianqi appear, she first sized up Ye Nianqi without looking for traces, and compared her future son with her in her heart. Although Dong Xiaolian was not as delicate as Ye Nianqi, her family background was enough to give her away eighteen points Street, so she looked down on Ye Nianqi from the bottom of her heart.

Zhang Xianzhi smiled and congratulated her, "Today is a good day for my second brother, and I also want to congratulate my aunt for getting her wish."

He knew that his second uncle and aunt had put in a lot of effort in order to be able to marry the Dong family. After all, the son-in-law that the Dong family had initially looked for was not Zhang Ershao, who had accomplished nothing.

Zhou Shangyun was very kind in front of the ladies and wives, "Xianhua is engaged, I don't know when I will be able to attend your engagement banquet, auntie can wait for the wedding wine, you are the eldest brother who is not married, younger brother It’s not easy to get ahead of you.”

After speaking, she took Ye Nianqi's hand and praised, "Miss Ye looks better in real life than on TV."

With a decent smile on Ye Nianqi's face, she shook hands with Zhou Shangyun and withdrew her hand.

Only Zhou Shangyun, the person involved, could perceive this action, and the others couldn't see it at all, so Zhou Shangyun couldn't show it even if she was angry.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Xianzhi took Ye Nianqi to meet other people, and Zhou Shangyun stared at their leaving backs for a while before looking away.

A lady smiled and said, "I didn't expect your sister-in-law to be so shameless that she would actually allow a little star to come in. Is this a good thing coming?"

Zhou Shangyun sneered, "She is used to being virtuous, and she has no objection to what the father-in-law and uncle agreed to."

Otherwise, how could she be called a good daughter-in-law and good wife

The noble lady who had become friends with her comforted her and said, "That's fine, if the big house really finds a daughter-in-law who is well-matched, wouldn't your sister-in-law be even more proud."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, the C position in the rich and wealthy circle, although everyone flattered Sun Rongzhi in front of Sun Rongzhi, they often spoke ill of her behind their backs.

The unspoken rule of the wealthy family is that the wife is always a supporting role for the husband, and her status in the circle of noble ladies is only the epitome of the husband's worth.

In short, it was Zhang Bingquan who determined Sun Rongzhi's absolute status.

On the other side, Zhang Guofu, Zhang Bingquan and his son chatted with the powerful people of various wealthy families. Zhang Xianzhi wanted to bring his girlfriend over to say hello and leave, but was left behind by the old man Zhang Guofu.

"I heard that your movie is coming out, and I asked Xianzhi to book a few shows for you. When you're done, remember to come and drink tea with grandpa and play chess."

Ye Nianqi smiled and nodded, "As long as Grandpa doesn't think I'm annoying, I'll come here every day to drink your good tea."

Zhang Guofu laughed loudly, "Grandpa has a lot of good tea here, just come here."

Everyone laughed after the old man finished speaking, and the way they looked at Ye Nianqi also changed. This is undoubtedly the old man's public recognition of her identity. Needless to say, everyone will take care of her more. It can be said that from today onwards, no one in Xiangjiang will look for her openly. Ye Nianqi's unhappy, unless she sincerely wants to make things difficult for Zhang Shi.

Zhang Xianzhi couldn't stay with Ye Nianqi all the time, so he asked Sanfang's cousin Zhang Huiyan to take care of her.

Zhang Huiyan is sixteen years old, she looks very calm despite her young age, she is not warm to Ye Nianqi but still takes good care of her.

She is not as curious about the entertainment industry as ordinary people, but talks more about academic matters.

Before the banquet, Sun Rongzhi led Ye Nianqi to meet several noble ladies, all of whom were well-known in the entertainment industry.

Although she didn't like Ye Nianqi as her daughter-in-law at first, but since her father-in-law and husband agreed, she would not continue to resist. Now, even if it was only for the benefit of this house, she would hope that Ye Nianqi would get better and better.

This banquet had originally attracted the attention of gossip magazines. Ordinary people were full of curiosity about the life of the wealthy family, and because of Ye Nianqi's appearance, the sales of all newspapers and magazines were more than 30% higher than before.

"Ye Nianqi Appears at Zhang's Wedding Banquet"

"Ye Nianqi firmly established her status as a wealthy young lady"

"Hundred Billion Daughter-in-Law Ye Nianqi"

The headlines are more explosive than the last one, and the content is also very detailed. Apart from many photos, even Zhang Guofu's words about inviting his future granddaughter-in-law to drink tea are published verbatim.

It was the summer vacation, and the promotion of the movie was over. Ye Nianqi was going to rest for half a month before starting a new job, but Zhang Xianzhi didn't have the opportunity to take a vacation at any time. He only stayed with her for a day before returning to endless work.

This morning she was lying on the bed wrapped in a thin quilt and watched him get dressed with his back naked, his slender and powerful legs stretched into the bottom of his trousers, his abdomen was tight and he had six-pack thin abs.

The arms were tucked into the shirt, blocking the broad shoulders and strong and beautiful muscle lines.

Beauty is fascinating, and this beauty does not only refer to women, but also men.

She indulged in admiration for her own man, and asked leisurely, "How many days are you going?"

Zhang Xianzhi straightened his cuffs and turned around, smiled and asked, "Reluctant to let me go?"

After finishing speaking, he leaned over and kissed her lips, sucked and then ravaged and harassed her in her mouth, as if he wanted to overdraw the kisses in the next two days in advance.

Ye Nianqi gradually felt lack of oxygen, she beat his chest to make him let go, then panted and said, "What are you doing, I wanted to go with you, since you are like this, then forget it, lest I die inexplicably .”

He is going on a business trip to the mainland, where his business is growing and there are more and more projects that require him to make decisions. He used to go two or three times a month, but now he goes there almost every week.

After hearing her words, Zhang Xianzhi's eyes lit up instantly, and his expression changed from reluctance to surprise.

"Really? That's great. If you go too, we can stay for a few more days and accompany you around there."

He was afraid that she would change her mind, and he took her out of the quilt with his hands, even the thin pajamas couldn't hide the traces all over her body, especially on the jade white skin.

This overly lively scene made his Adam's apple roll uncontrollably. He picked up the phone and called the assistant directly, delaying the departure time by three hours.

Soon, the clothes he had already put on were taken off again and scattered by the window, and there were small noises in the room. By the time he got dressed again and left the room, it was already two hours later.

Ye Nianqi in the room woke up slightly annoyed, and had to finish taking a bath, having breakfast and packing her luggage within an hour.

Someone may know that she is too much, not only bought breakfast, but also relieved her pressure of packing luggage.

"You don't need to prepare too much, if you lack anything, just buy it over there."

Shenzhen has developed very rapidly in recent years, and there are many shopping malls. You can buy goods from all over the world with just a little money.

Zhang Xianzhi is naturally not short of money. , please keep in mind:,