Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 21


The husband and wife had a total of 15 days of family leave. Counting the consumption of travel, they stayed in the capital for ten days.

During these ten days, Qiu Xiaochan went to many scenic spots and bought a lot of things. Although she repeatedly stated that she didn't lack anything, it was obvious that the elders didn't think so. Sun Jiarong rushed to pay for Xiao Chan's purchase of a coat for Zhang Daying.

As long as Qiu Xiaochan said no, Sun Jiarong would stop her with one sentence.

"You are all a family and you still have to be polite to us? These are gifts for your wedding."

The night before returning to her hometown, Qiu Xiaochan was packing her luggage in the house, and her mother-in-law He Suling came over and gave her a pair of jade bracelets.

"Mom, this is too expensive. I don't need such fine jewelry in the countryside, so you should keep it."

He Suling took her hand and put two bracelets on her. The color of jasper made her fair hands more delicate.

Although she is a rural girl, the original owner is also a person who has not done much work, with ten fingers.

He Suling's eyes were full of reminiscence and sadness, she said to Qiu Xiaochan, "This is a gift from my mother-in-law when I married Wen Qian's father, the jewelry that the Gu family has passed down from generation to generation, there are still some, But throw it away and sell it, and the rest is the best pair of bracelets."

Qiu Xiaochan thought to herself that this is more than just high-end, this pair of bracelets will be worth a lot in a few decades, enough to change a villa in a first-tier city.

"Mom, thank you. I will definitely keep this pair of bracelets safe."

He Suling smiled, and reached out to give her a hug, which was also the closest contact between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law since they met.

"Have a good time with Wen Qian. If there is anything unhappy in his heart, you can explain him a few more words."

Qiu Xiaochan understood what her mother-in-law meant, and nodded solemnly.

"Mom, I made an agreement with Wen Qian that I will go to the Northeast to visit relatives in the spring of next year. Maybe my father will come back after a few more years of persistence."

Originally, Gu Wenqian wanted to find a chance to go this time, but he heard that the Northeast has entered the cold winter, and the transportation is inconvenient, so he can only wait for the spring to thaw before going.

Qiu Xiaochan euphemistically reminded He Suling that she didn't understand, and only regarded her daughter-in-law as comforting her.

And the reason why Qiu Xiaochan hinted secretly was that she knew that there is more hope in waiting with a goal than in endless suffering.

The train ticket for the return journey was prepared by his cousin He Zeting. I am afraid that I spent a lot of effort for the two sleeper tickets.

It was already the end of November when I left the capital. I had two suitcases when I came here, and I had two more when I went back. The sleeper ticket is indeed much easier than the seat ticket. At least my waist is not so tired. It’s just that Gu Wenqian still didn’t close his eyes along the way. Loaded with a lot of valuable things, the car is full of fish and dragons, and no one can guarantee whether there will be pickpockets.

After more than 30 hours of train, I arrived at the county seat and then took the bus to the town. I thought I was going back to the village with my luggage, but I happened to meet the ox cart that came to the grain management office to hand over the corn. Gu Wenqian got a ride after sharing half a pack of cigarettes. gone back.

There are not many men who are not good at smoking. It turned out that what he shared was peony, and everyone was reluctant to smoke. Some smelled it under the tip of the nose, and some hooked it on the pinna. It was like eating meat and not being able to wipe your mouth. It's the same as walking around the village, otherwise who would know that you ate meat

They had to take the cigarettes back to the village and smoke among the crowd.

"This is a good thing that only cadres can get."

Gu Wenqian smiled, "I didn't have anything to bring outside, so I bought two packs of cigarettes and shared them with everyone."

Regardless of whether others believe this or not, it sounds comfortable anyway, and people are soft-spoken, so everyone will naturally pick up the good-sounding words at this time.

"You have all seen the big world, the capital city, we have only heard of it in this life but never seen it."

"It's not easy to want to go. You can buy a train ticket for tens of dollars and come back after walking around. You have seen it."

"It costs hundreds of dollars to come and go, and it costs money to live in a guest house. How much do we earn in a year?"

The remaining work points after deduction of food, calculated on the basis of nine points per work, even half of the ticket money, I am afraid I will not be able to go in this life.

The bullock cart returned to the village along the winding path, and the news spread all over the village as soon as it entered the village. It happened that it was in a slack state during this time, and all those who liked to join in the fun ran over.

"Xiao Chan, you guys are back from the capital?"

"Hey, with so many boxes, you must have brought a lot of things, right?"

"It goes without saying that Comrade Gu's family has a background. What kind of capitalists are like the big landlords in the past. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and no matter how poor it is, it is better than us."

"This girl has really fallen into the nest of blessings. Maybe she is born with gold."

Otherwise, how could the first betroth the son of the landlord's family, and the second marry a man from the city.

Although they were sent down, Shangyao Village never tortured these comrades. Besides, those who really had problems had already gone to those places with difficult conditions, and those who could come here had no serious problems.

As long as there is no request from above, they are happy to be good people.

The ox cart stopped directly at the gate of Qiu's courtyard. When getting off the cart, Qiu Xiaochan stuffed some snacks for Uncle Lu who was driving the cart.

"Hey, girl Chan, what do you mean, I met my uncle."

Uncle Lu wanted to return it, but Qiu Xiaochan naturally refused to accept it, "Uncle, it's just a bag of snacks, take it home for the children to eat, maybe I'll give you a ride next time I go to town."

She said that Uncle Lu is not hypocritical, and such a direct and reciprocal relationship makes people feel comfortable.

"That's fine. Next time you want to use the car, you can come to see Uncle. If you can do it, Uncle will definitely not refuse."

While speaking at the door, Zhang Daying heard the movement in the room and came out.

"Oh, you guys got home so early? I thought I'd have to wait another two days."

Zhang Daying smiled all over his face, and after speaking, he greeted Uncle Lu and invited him to enter the house for a drink. Uncle Lu declined and drove the ox cart away. Zhang Daying hurriedly welcomed his daughter and son-in-law into the house.

"Are you tired on the road? I don't know if you're coming back today. You haven't made dinner yet. I'll cook what you want to eat?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Daying was about to go to the kitchen to cook, but was stopped by Qiu Xiaochan, she said with a smile, "Mom, don't bother, just have some porridge, there is still a lot of food in the box, we have to tidy up quickly." one time."

Vacuum-packed ones can be left untouched temporarily, fresh food should be eaten earlier, such as the five catties of stewed beef that my aunt stuffed into the box, and some roasted chicken and roasted ducks. I know Qiu Xiaochan likes to eat fresh meat buns. Before leaving My aunt also asked Sister Luo to pack fifty of them.

The husband and wife opened several boxes, took out the things and put them away in different categories. When everything was in order, Zhang Daying went from shock at the beginning to numbness at the end, and even the Eight Immortals table in the living room couldn't fit.

There are a lot of things to eat, use, and wear.

"Mom, this coat belongs to you. You can try to see if you can wear it. If it's too tight, ask a tailor to repair it. And this sweater, it's very thick, and you won't be afraid of the cold if you wear it in winter."

Zhang Daying took the clothes. Although she didn't understand the market outside, she knew that it must not be cheap when she touched the material. She knew how much money her daughter and son-in-law had. She couldn't buy them even if they emptied their pockets. of.

"Oh, you said I'm already my age, mom needs to wear such nice clothes, why bother spending money on them?"

As she said that, she turned to her son-in-law and smiled, "Wen Qian, is your mother okay when you go back this time? Are your uncles and aunts okay?"

Gu Wenqian nodded, "It's all good, and they asked me to come back to greet you."

"Thank them for me. This time they cost a lot, and even spent money to buy me clothes. Our village doesn't have this custom."

Qiu Xiaochan knew that her mother was embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Mom, we are all one family, and we will prepare any good things for uncles and aunts in the future, so that we can only kiss when we come and go."

Zhang Daying glanced at his daughter with a smile, and said to his son-in-law with a smile, "My girl is big-hearted and stupid, but stupid people have stupid blessings. Seeing her so happy, I feel relieved."

These days, she was always worried that her in-laws would look down on Xiao Chan and make her daughter wronged, but now she knew the answer without asking.

In the evening, Zhang Daying cooked half a pot of rice porridge, cut half a catty of beef, and stir-fried vegetables. The dinner table that had been cold for half a month finally became lively.

"I've been showing you your mushrooms. I've already cut off the first crop. In a few days, the next crop should come out."

Before going to the capital, Qiu Xiaochan asked Gu Wenqian to make ten wooden basins, including the first batch of fifteen wooden basins. After Qiu Xiaochan came back, she went to see them. Every basin came out very well, with a 100% success rate.

Qiu Xiaochan discussed with Gu Wenqian, "Why don't we sell it when it comes out?"

In this season, there are no mushrooms in the mountains, and there are only radishes and cabbage in the fields. She wants to test the market demand first, so that the sales volume can continue to expand. Improve food.

Gu Wenqian nodded, "Okay, last time I went to the county town to ask about bicycles, he said that there would be a letter of approval in half a month to a month, and it's almost time, I'll go see the situation tomorrow."

This is also what they have discussed before. Having a bicycle is convenient for business, and it will not attract attention if you go out early and return late.

After returning home, Uncle Lu brought the snacks to his wife, saying that Xiaochan and his wife brought them from the capital.

"I don't know what it is, take it apart and have a look."

As soon as her daughter-in-law listened to the ones brought by the capital, she was very careful. She cut a small mouth with scissors, and the golden bee cake with a sweet smell lay quietly in the oiled paper bag. Of course, the couple didn't know this. What is the name of dim sum, but it does not affect their love and attention to dim sum.

This is made of flour, and the fragrance is sweet, so how much sugar and oil do you need to put in.

His daughter-in-law said with emotion, "Oh, this is a good thing, and it's too expensive."

Uncle Lu nodded, "Yeah, she's a neat person. Since I've given it to us, I'll accept it. If I want to use a car in the future, I'll make it easier for her without saying a word."

The cattle are the property of the team, but Uncle Lu is in charge of the ox cart. Except for the team’s business, he will go to the town every few days to lead the team members. The degree of freedom in the middle is very high, and the relationship is good. It's okay to go there just for someone.

"It should be, people are no better than before."

I don't know when it started, the silent and introverted girl in everyone's impression became smart and generous. I thought I couldn't marry a good family, but who knew that she married Comrade Gu in the city.

Comrade Gu is also strange, he didn't realize that the conditions were so good before, otherwise he would be sent down for four years, how could the girls in the village let him go easily.

These dim sums are expensive, so they can't be spoiled by the children all at once, only three yuan a day, one piece for each of the three grandchildren, and the dolls can't help licking their hands after eating, which shows that the taste is good.

In addition to Uncle Lu, the team leader's family, Aunt He's family, and those who helped out when they got married also received gifts from the Qiu family. Everyone felt that the days of the Qiu family have risen, and they will definitely get better in the future. . , please keep in mind:,.