Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 24


For adults, the meaning of Chinese New Year lies in reunion and visiting relatives and friends.

The New Year in Shangyao Village is very lively. On the first day of the first lunar month, every family cooks dumplings and eats them. After eating, groups of people go to pay New Year's greetings, laughing at everyone, and full of auspicious words.

The children are much happier. Not only can they wear new clothes on this day, but they can also eat sweet fruit candies. No matter how naughty the parents are, they can always be more tolerant and will not be easily beaten.

As newcomers, Gu Wenqian and Qiu Xiaochan also walked on the team, scattered a few packs of cigarettes, and collected half a bag of candy peanuts. The second day of the first lunar month is the day when a married daughter returns to her natal home. Nothing special about it, just a little more lazy than usual.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the young couple only brought gifts to Changfu Village to pay New Year’s greetings to their uncle’s family, and then went home after lunch. Because Gu Wenqian was a good accompaniment to the wine, his uncle and cousin praised him all the time.

Xiao Chan's stomach has also received everyone's attention. According to the elders, the chance of pregnancy is the highest in the first three months of marriage. They also asked her to have more children. It is best to have a son in the first child. Who told Gu Wenqian It is the only seedling in the family, and the countryside is very particular about the inheritance of incense.

Xiaochan always listens to these words and forgets that she has only been married for three months, and she is not in such a hurry to have a child. Even if she has been influenced by the propaganda of "late marriage and late childbearing" and "only one child", she can't bring the child to her. as the primary goal of life.

For this reason, she even had a special chat with Gu Wenqian, asking him what to do if she couldn't conceive or give birth in a year or so

His answer was, "I chose you first to have our marriage. Children are the continuation of our relationship. We are obliged to fulfill our responsibilities as parents, but whether we have children or not will not and should not affect our relationship. feelings, what do you think?"

What responded to him was Xiao Chan's approving kiss.

After the Waking of Insects, everything came back to life. According to the plan, Gu Wenqian took Xiao Chan to visit her father in the Northeast, but before leaving, Xiao Chan found out that she was pregnant.

In the beginning, it was just that her menstrual period was delayed by two days. She had a hunch in her heart but was not sure. Three days later, she exchanged the early pregnancy test strips from the system, and saw two red vertical lines and finally confirmed it.

She told Gu Wenqian after she fell asleep at night, and the two were about to make the next move after being intimate for a long time. She declined his hand and pushed away, leaning on his shoulder and saying, "No, it's not convenient for me now."

When she was on her menstrual period, Gu Wenqian rubbed her waist and rubbed her into his body, sniffing the fragrance of her hair, trying to calm himself down, and said in a hoarse voice, "It will take a few more days, will you be on the road like this?" inconvenient?"

Qiu Xiaochan looked up at him in the faintly illuminated curtain, bent her lips and moved his hand to her abdomen, and could feel the warmth of his palm through the thin shirt, she smiled and said, "Fool , not a few days, you have to last for a few months. I am pregnant, and you are going to be a father."

Gu Wenqian's eyes froze, from disbelief to ecstasy, he forgot to let go of his hands, and just hugged her in an extremely uncoordinated posture.

He digested the information he heard, and repeated her words to make sure he heard correctly.

"You have? I'm going to be a father?"

Qiu Xiaochan nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's just been a month."

Excitement flashed in Gu Wenqian's eyes, and he hugged her tightly, and after hugging her tightly, he was afraid that his movements would be too heavy and eased his strength.

He stared deeply at Xiao Chan, his gaze extended from her delicate face to her abdomen, as if he had already seen through there the child who was about to be born in a few months.

After the excitement, he remembered another thing and asked, "Can you take the train if you are pregnant?"

Perhaps it was because his mother often talked about the dangers and hardships of his birth when he was a child, so his parents had only one child. For Gu Wenqian, pregnancy and childbirth are extremely serious matters, even though he cares more about his wife's health than the unborn child. , but now his wife and children are one, and in the countryside with backward medical care, he really dare not take his wife to take risks easily.

Qiu Xiaochan has no experience of being pregnant, she only knows that she needs to pay special attention to the first three months, so she made up her mind to read a book on pregnancy and parenting.

She said, "I don't know, it would be better if I could buy sleeper tickets."

Standing tickets are absolutely unavoidable, and sitting tickets is also a test of physical fitness. Qiu Xiaochan is not sure if she can persist during the long journey.

Gu Wenqian frowned and lay down, put his arms around her shoulders and said, "I'll see what Mom has to say tomorrow, if it doesn't work, don't go this time."

Qiu Xiaochan said "hmm". She was the first to tell Gu Wenqian the news, and she hadn't told her mother yet. With her mother's anticipation, she must be very happy to know tomorrow.

The next day, early in the autumn, Xiaochan just woke up and heard Zhang Daying's voice full of surprise outside the house, "Really? Pregnant? Oh, thank God, it's so wonderful. I'll do the math, it's March, then It was born in October, the day is good, neither hot nor cold, and you don’t have to suffer during confinement.”

Qiu Xiaochan couldn't laugh or cry, she was confinement when she was just pregnant, but October was really good, she touched her still flat belly and thought, this little guy really knows how to choose a day, autumn is not only suitable for weather, but also It is a good season for a good harvest.

After Zhang Daying finished speaking, it was Gu Wenqian's deep voice, "Mom, can Xiaochan take the train if she is pregnant?"

"Oh, I forgot that Xiao Chan is going to the Northeast with you." After she finished speaking, she suggested in a somewhat embarrassed way, "She is not yet seated, and it is not suitable for running around, or she won't go this time. It’s over, or you can change the time and wait until the first three months have passed.”

Gu Wenqian nodded, "Okay, Xiao Chan's body is the most important thing now, this time I will go alone, so that Xiao Chan can raise her baby at home with peace of mind."

It is not easy for women to get pregnant and give birth. The month is not the key point. Whether it is the early stage or the middle and late stages, all risk factors must be excluded.

As for the father, after Xiaochan gives birth safely, he can take the child with him.

After the agreement was made, Gu Wenqian left on the original date, and Qiu Xiaochan lived a miscarriage-safe life at home like a rice bug.

The team's work stopped, and Zhang Daying didn't let her interfere in the family affairs. He ate three meals in different patterns every morning, noon and evening. Half of the eggs laid by the six reed chickens went into her stomach.

Mi Chong's life is also very exhausting. Qiu Xiaochan found a system that had been offline for a long time, and asked it to help her detect her pregnancy status.

The system said with a "ding dong", "I'm sorry that I can't provide relevant data, but please rest assured, the host, you have more than sixty years in this world before you die, so there is no need to worry at all."

Qiu Xiaochan felt that the system had been resting for too long, and even her tone of voice became cute.

She is twenty-two years old now, and if there are more than fifty years left, it means that her final life expectancy is between seventy and eighty.

"What about Gu Wenqian? Should I go first or he go first?"

The system responded, "According to the mission guidelines, the traverser obtains the love value by completing the resulting mission, 60 points pass, 90 points are excellent, full marks can get additional rewards, the traverser points are provided by the task object, when the traverser dies Sync upload."

That is to say, Qiu Xiaochan will walk in front of Gu Wenqian, Qiu Xiaochan is satisfied, she is a person who is afraid of parting, and it is better to walk first to be happy than to be left behind.

With the system's endorsement, Qiu Xiaochan completely lost her fear of pregnancy. In order to raise children more scientifically, she exchanged a lot of books on parenting, and even took advantage of Gu Wenqian's absence to steal a lot of long-awaited snacks , such as chocolate, milk tea, etc.

In mid-March, Gu Wenqian came back from visiting relatives, with a dusty look on his face, and brought back some specialties from the Northeast, and even bought malted milk essence for Xiao Chan.

Qiu Xiaochan noticed her husband's forced smile, and when they were alone together, she took his hand and asked, "What's wrong with you? Did your father suffer a grievance over there? I think you look unhappy."

Gu Wenqian took her hand and put it to his lips, moved by her sensitivity.

Only when you really care about a person can you easily see how strong the other person is pretending to be.

"Father's health is not very good. He is sick for a few months every year. He always reported good news to us but not bad news in the correspondence. This time I went to find that he was old, with gray hair and many wrinkles on his face."

As a son, seeing the stalwart and excellent father in his memory become a real old man, even though his eyes are still wise and gentle, not resentful, not sad, and not complaining, Gu Wenqian still feels heartbroken and blames himself.

He wanted to spread his wings to protect the relatives he admired, but in the end he found that he was powerless, and instead asked his father to comfort him.

Qiu Xiaochan opened her arms and hugged him, "What's wrong with Dad's health, why don't we find a way to find some medicine and send it over, we can buy whatever we lack in life, as long as we take care of our health, other things will change leeway."

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. If you persist for another five or six years, everything will be fine. Qiu Xiaochan once comforted her mother-in-law He Suling with these words.

Gu Wenqian hugged her silently for a long while without speaking, Qiu Xiaochan knew that what he needed at the moment was just comfort, there were many things they couldn't solve and couldn't change right now, and it was better to figure it out on their own during the painful process.

Relatives in the capital sent a big package after hearing the news of Xiao Chan's pregnancy, including food for the pregnant woman, and clothes, shoes and socks for the child, which showed everyone's anticipation and joy for the unborn child.

Zhang Daying took out the child's clothes and looked through them one by one, preparing to wash them and put them away for the birth of his grandson (daughter).

"The material of these clothes is really soft, and the little doll must be very comfortable to wear. The dolls in our countryside are all born from other people's old clothes. How can there be such good conditions."

Qiu Xiaochan said with a smile, "Children don't choose what to wear. Adults can wear what they want for children. Our Guoguo can wear good clothes as well as old pudding clothes."

Qiu Xiaochan gave the child in her belly a nickname "Guoguo", which can be used by both boys and girls.

Zhang Daying nodded after listening, "You're right, I'll go get some rags tomorrow and sew a Baijiayi, and I'll wear that."

Especially those with the surname "Liu" and the surname "Chen", the homonyms "Liu" and "Cheng" are all auspicious words. That's all.

The business in the county is still going on, but after the spring, the mushroom business is not ideal, the price has dropped from 40 cents in winter to 20 cents. Qiu Xiaochan focuses on making food, such as bacon rice dumplings, glutinous rice chicken, Kimchi pies, cold and stewed vegetables, etc., have a monthly profit of about 20, plus Gu Wenqian's occasional labor costs for helping the villagers make furniture, and save 150 in half a year.

The main reason is that Zhang Daying does not make Xiao Chan too tired, so that Xiao Chan can't exert all her strength to do her career. Now she is looking forward to the birth of her child soon, and it is really inconvenient to have a big belly. , please keep in mind:,.