Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 26


Xiaochan was discharged from the hospital on the third day after giving birth. The mother could not see the wind. Zhang Daying wrapped Xiaochan's head with a scarf, put a hat on her, and covered her body with a thick quilt. She lay behind the tractor like a mummy. on the cart.

Guoguo fell asleep peacefully along the way, and Gu Wenqian held her tightly, for fear of waking the child up.

After entering the village, the villagers rushed to see the child enthusiastically. Guoguo has evolved from a red monkey at birth into a white fruit.

"Hey, this doll has grown up by taking advantage of its parents, and it will be amazing when it grows up."

"I remember that Xiaochan looked like this when she was a child, white and tender as if she came out of a New Year painting, or the Zhou family..."

The topic came to an abrupt end, and the aunt who said the wrong thing hurriedly changed the subject to cover it up. Zhang Daying was also a little uncomfortable, but Xiao Chan, who was the person involved, was fine. After all, it belonged to the past of the original owner. She looked at her husband, and his expression was expressionless. It's unnatural, as if you didn't hear it.

Zhang Daying bid farewell to everyone at the right time, "Hehe, Xiao Chan has just been discharged from the hospital and needs to rest, so we will go back first, and when the child is full moon, please eat red eggs."

When the tractor left, the crowd all chattered, "Did you lose your head just now, why don't you tell the Zhou family what to do?"

"Yeah, isn't this a disappointment."

"Hey, I don't know what's wrong, I just said it casually, but fortunately, I reacted quickly and quickly used other words to get over it."

After arriving home, Gu Wenqian handed Guoguo to Zhang Daying, and together with the quilt, he hugged Xiaochan from the cart, and he did not forget to turn his head to thank Jiang Sheng, "Brother Sheng, I have made you tired again today, please wait another day." you drink."

"You are welcome, then I will go back first, and I will let you know if there is anything in the future."

After talking about the tractor's "chug chug" leaving, Gu Wenqian also carried Xiao Chan into the yard.

The room was tidied up. After entering the room, Gu Wenqian put Xiaochan down and covered the quilt. Zhang Daying also came in with Guoguo in his arms.

"The child woke up as soon as he entered the yard. I'm afraid he knew he was home."

"Mom, you are Mythical Guoguo, how can she have so many thoughts at such a young age."

As she said that, Xiaochan took Guoguo, and she knew she was hungry by the small mouth she sucked. After changing a diaper, she began to feed Nunai.

A few months earlier, Gu Wenqian had built a crib for Guoguo, and after eating, Guoguo soon fell asleep again. Gu Wenqian put her in the crib, and his father tucked her in the quilt full of love.

Zhang Daying came in with rich egg soup, sesame oil was added to the soup, and it was too late to make other things when he got home, egg soup was the most nutritious and quickest.

The soup bowl was hot, Gu Wenqian was afraid that Xiao Chan would burn her hand, so he took the bowl and fed her with a spoon, the mother had to eat it while it was hot, not cold.

Xiao Chan leaned on the bed and looked at him, and asked after taking a sip of soup, "You don't seem to have asked me about the past? I was engaged before, would you care?"

Gu Wenqian looked at her with deep eyes. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy. He didn't answer directly, but asked instead, "Do you have feelings for him?"

Xiaochan shook her head, "We have known each other since we were young, and he is like an older brother to me. I didn't understand anything at that time, I only know that he is very kind to me and takes good care of me."

Gu Wenqian nodded, "He is gone, and you are my wife. I don't care about the past. If there weren't so many sufferings, we wouldn't have met each other. So I cherish everything I have now."

Xiaochan's confinement period is very comfortable, Guoguo is very obedient, she rarely cries, she eats and sleeps during the first half month, and when she is hungry, she will yell a few times to attract the attention of adults instead of pulling her throat cry.

The relatives and neighbors who came to see the confinement boasted and praised, "This child is here to repay the favor."

"That's right, if it wasn't for knowing that Xiao Chan was born, no one would have guessed that there is a child in the family."

On the day of the full moon, Zhang Daying invited someone to come home to shave Guoguo's head, and dyed hundreds of red eggs as a return gift for confinement. Xiao Chan was finally able to soak in the bathtub and wash her hair comfortably. The bath water was boiled by Gu Wenqian in advance. Good wormwood water, fill two large pots, fill it with a wooden barrel and pour it into the bathtub. The water temperature will naturally drop to more than 40 degrees and then wash it. This is a method handed down from generation to generation in the countryside. confinement disease.

After confinement, Xiaochan took care of the child while doing business. As long as it didn't rain, Gu Wenqian would go to the county every morning and come back with wages. He was so busy until the twelfth lunar month, and he had already saved more than four hundred yuan. The appearance is fully opened, which is extremely cute.

"Shall we spend Chinese New Year here or go back to the capital?"

Xiaochan asked for her husband's opinion. On the one hand, Guoguo was still young, and she had to suffer more or less from the 30-hour train ride; , but the lines are full of love for Guoguo.

Considering her mother-in-law He Suling's poor health, Xiao Chan handed over the decision to her husband.

Gu Wenqian looked at his daughter's carefree little face, and when he looked over, he smiled brightly, waving his hands for a hug, he took her out of the car, and kissed her on the face.

"I also don't want Guoguo to suffer, but Mom really wants to see Guoguo. How about I go to the county seat tomorrow to see if I can get a sleeper ticket. If I can buy it, we'll go back. If we can't, let's wait a while."

Xiaochan agreed, "Okay, then it depends on the ticket purchase situation, if you can't buy it, then wait for the decisive daughter to come back."

More than 30 hours of driving, plus the time to and from the train station, Guoguo must drink Nunai. If she only has a ticket, she can't let her breastfeed in front of so many passengers, and changing diapers is inconvenient , if it is a sleeper, it is much more convenient.

The next day Gu Wenqian went to the county seat. He went to the train station first, and the sleeper tickets were gone. Then he didn't go home directly, but found a man and asked him to help him find a way.

The man said, "I can't guarantee that I can buy it, but I will try to help you find a way."

With his words, Gu Wenqian felt relieved, patted the man on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, I'll accept whatever you want."

The two have known each other for several years, and the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, but if a person can help you when you are in trouble, you must always keep it in mind whenever you can repay.

Sometimes even relatives can't do it in a timely manner.

Three days later, when Gu Wenqian sent food to the county seat, the man gave him two tickets, "I bought them from the train conductor. He likes the bacon rice dumplings made by your wife. Next time, he will make some more and bring them here."

There was no mention of money, and Gu Wenqian didn't even ask him for money.

"Okay, I'll deliver the meat dumplings in two days, so I won't say much about my thanks."

The man raised his eyebrows, "This is some hidden cause and effect. If it wasn't for the delicious meat dumplings made by your wife, I wouldn't be able to connect with him."

After Gu Wenqian went back, he told Xiaochan about it, and Xiaochan immediately took out bacon, glutinous rice, and a bundle of fifty zong leaves.

Although the value of fifty meat dumplings can't keep up with two sleeping berths, there are only so many materials left in the house, and there is no way to pack any more. I will find a way to repay this favor later.

The two tickets are due a week later, on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, the team members are welcome to ask for leave, so Xiaochan is worried that her mother will be too deserted to spend the New Year at home alone.

Gu Wenqian thought for a while and said, "I'll go and tell Mom, if she's willing to go back to the capital with us, I'll buy another ticket, and you can take Guoguo to sleep in the sleeper."

"Mom definitely doesn't want to go, but you can tell her to make her feel better. Let's try to go back as soon as possible."

Depart on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and come back after the New Year. Even if you come and go for twenty days, you should be home on the eighth day of the first lunar month.

"You guys are worried about me. Wen Qian didn't go back to celebrate the New Year last year. I should go back this year. I have nothing to do at home alone. I don't lack food or drink. Life is good enough, but don't worry about Guoguo. Take care of me on the way. Don't let me go. She catches a cold, and the child suffers from a cold and fever."

"Mom, I'm Guoguo's own mother, how can I not be devoted to her? You can put a hundred and twenty hearts at ease."

"You have given birth to Guoguo, but you are still a child in my eyes. I worry how normal you are."

Mothers worry about children traveling thousands of miles, no matter how old they are, they are still mother's children.

Clothes and diapers accounted for half of the luggage when going out with Guoguo. The couple had brought enough for Guoguo, and they themselves packed lightly.

On the day of departure, Jiang Sheng was asked to send them to the county railway station as usual. In the cold winter months, I was afraid that Guoguo would be frozen. The car was covered with thick cotton wool and covered with a quilt. This was the first time Guoguo traveled far. Looking at it, the little face was blown into a plateau red, and when I left the village, I lost interest in watching it, and lay in Xiaochan's arms and fell asleep.

It is not easy to travel with a baby, and the two sleeper tickets helped a lot, but the passengers in the same compartment worried that Guoguo would make noise and affect everyone's rest when they saw that they had brought their children.

Xiaochan put the sleeping Guoguo on the bed, and put a layer of blankets brought from home. First, she was afraid that the bed sheets on the train would be dirty, and second, she was afraid that the bed sheets would not be disinfected carefully.

"Don't worry, everyone, the child is very good and won't disturb everyone's rest."

Although Xiaochan told the truth, some people did not believe it.

"Who would believe that such a big child doesn't make noise, and this is a closed space, the child smells so bad after urinating, everyone spent money, why should I accommodate you."

These words were so aggressive that even Gu Wenqian, who was always reluctant to argue with others, frowned.

"Comrade, please be more tolerant of each other when you are away from home. We are not the kind of people without public morality. We will consider these issues you mentioned and try our best not to affect others. But if you slander us out of thin air, we will break up with you." In the end, since there is no such thing as not being allowed to bring children in the ride, you don’t take it seriously. What’s more, in public places, there are people who snore while sleeping, some who take off their shoes can suffocate people to death, and some who open their mouths smell worse than a cesspit. If you really care that much, you can only book the whole train and sit alone."

Xiaochan immediately opened up when she had something to say, making the other party's face blush, and some people who watched the excitement couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Gu Wenqian patted his wife on the shoulder, and then looked at the lesbian who raised objections, "Don't worry, we will strictly abide by public order. It is fate that everyone can live in the same carriage, so don't get angry over trivial matters."

The other passengers also spoke out to be peacemakers. The other party stopped talking and put away his luggage and lay down on the bed directly, but he did not give up finding fault. It is a pity that Guoguo did not give the other party such a chance. The diaper was also carried by Xiao Chan to the bathroom, but she gained the love of many uncles and aunts along the way.

The next night, when the train arrived at the destination, Gu Wenqian picked up the luggage, and Xiao Chan wrapped Guoguo tightly in thick swaddling clothes and got off the train, followed the flow of people to the exit, where she saw her uncle, cousin, and mother-in-law who came to pick her up at the station.

The two walked over quickly, and after exchanging pleasantries, Gu Wenqian asked, "Mom, why are you here because you're playing like this and the weather is cold?"

He Suling's gaze stayed in Xiaochan's arms, she didn't have the mind to pay attention to her son at all, the uncle smiled, "Guoguo is here, your mother can't sit still, she just came to pick you up together."

Xiaochan walked to her mother-in-law with a smile, lifted a corner of her swaddling clothes and let her mother-in-law take a look at Guoguo who was already asleep.

The little baby's face was white and fleshy, her cheeks turned red when the wind blew on the road, her eyebrows were curved and her eyelashes were long, her small mouth was ruddy, and she breathed gently, He Suling covered her heart with a look of emotion.

"It's great, it's great, I've been thinking about when I can see her since she was born."

She put down the swaddle, her eyes were wet, she wanted to hug the baby, but she was afraid that she would not be able to hold it for long with the strength in her hands.

Xiaochan saw what she was thinking, and said with a smile, "Mom, I'll hug Guoguo when I get in the car. She's so good, she doesn't make trouble at all."

He Suling nodded hurriedly, "Okay, you have worked hard to take care of the child, let me take care of it these days, even if I can't hold it anymore, I will stay with you."

In the car, Xiaochan put Guoguo into her mother-in-law's arms. There was no wind in the car. He Suling opened the corner of the swaddle and looked at her granddaughter carefully, looking at her eyes, nose, eyebrows, and mouth.

"I know what Guoguo would look like after she was born, just like what I imagined."

Xiaochan laughed and told a lot of interesting things about Guoguo.

Guoguo woke up on the way, opened her eyes and looked at He Suling. At first, she saw that the person hugging her was not her familiar parents, and she showed a confused expression. Those eyes looked at He Suling curiously, the unblinking look was cute.

He Suling held her little hand and said with a smile, "Guoguo, do you know who I am? I am grandma. This is the first time we have met, but grandma always misses you."

After speaking, Guoguo actually smiled, her eyes curved, the corners of her mouth raised, and she made a "giggle" sound, which surprised He Suling.

"You are smiling at grandma, you know grandma likes grandma, right?"

Guoguo smiled at her again.

The uncle also happily turned from the co-pilot and said with emotion, "The blood relationship is engraved in the bones and cannot be deceived. She is not only the blood of the Gu family, but also the blood of our He family."

He Suling nodded, looking at her granddaughter's cute appearance, her heart melted. Unfortunately, her husband is far away in the northeast, and she doesn't know when she will be able to enjoy such family happiness.

The car stopped at the door of the house, and Xiaochan wrapped Guoguo in swaddling clothes and got out of the car. As soon as she entered the courtyard, her aunt and cousin came out, and even Zhuzhu and Qingmin were still awake.

Qingmin walked up to Xiaochan and said anxiously, "Auntie, where is Guoguo, can I watch Guoguo?"

The cousin patted Qingmin's head and smiled, "The two have been looking forward to seeing my sister, and they refused to go to sleep. They also saved up a lot of food and play for my sister."

Xiao Chan praised, "Really? That's really great, my sister is also looking forward to seeing her brother and sister, shall we meet my sister after we enter the house?"

My aunt also asked them to enter the house quickly, "It's warm in the house, don't let the fruit freeze.", please keep in mind:,.