Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 29


There is only one room, and at night Gu Zhengping goes to live in Comrade Zhou's room together, Gu Wenqian and Xiaochan live in this room with Guoguo.

Although life is inconvenient, such as bathing, toilets, etc., Gu Wenqian tried his best to meet Xiao Chan's needs, and Xiao Chan did not complain because of the bad environment, but tried to find the beauty in life.

The next day, Gu Zhenping logically had to go to the field to pick cotton, and Gu Wenqian went with him. He was quick on his hands and feet, and he finished his original work in half a day. When he returned to the pig farm, Xiao Chan had already cooked lunch.

Salted edamame, stewed mountain duck with potatoes, stir-fried lettuce, and a large plate of dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork.

Except for the ducks brought from her hometown, Xiaochan spent money and tickets to exchange them in the canteen of the farm. As long as she has a sweet mouth and makes some profits, the chef in the canteen is also happy to give you a favor. Why not do it.

As long as he was not working, Gu Zhenping would hang around with Guoguo in his arms, teaching her to recognize while watching, even though Guoguo was not good at talking, the grandfather and grandson could chat.

Comrade Zhou said, "Lao Gu is happy these two days, and he smiles more than usual in a year."

Gu Wenqian looked at the father and daughter in the distance, sad and speechless, hoping that his father would be so happy forever, but the reality did not allow it, he only hoped that time would pass slowly, he could help his father with more work, and let his father enjoy this family happiness.

The two of them lived in the Northeast with Guoguo for half a month and went back to their hometown. Gu Wenqian didn't let his father send him to the station. Before leaving, the father and son turned thousands of words into a firm hug. Every parting in the past is sad.

He stood at the intersection, watching the tractor drifting away, without moving his eyes for a long time, until the shadow of the car disappeared into the edge of the sky and the earth.

Comrade Zhou patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Oh, go back, we are all counting the days, your son and daughter-in-law are so filial, maybe you will bring your granddaughter to see you next year."

Gu Zhenping smiled, didn't say anything else, and followed his old friend back to the thatched hut. The happy time was short, but this short period of more than ten days gave him the light to face countless pains alone day and night.

Time flies to the autumn of 1976. On the day of her mother's death, Xiaochan took her husband and daughter to the back mountain to worship.

Zhang Daying passed away the year before last. She was not in good health. It is reasonable that Xiao Chan would not be there the second year after her arrival. She thought her life expectancy would increase when her life improved, but she only lived for three more years.

In the last few years of her life, she sent her daughter to marry, watched her daughter find a man worthy of entrusting her life, and also witnessed the birth of her granddaughter, helping to take care of her for three years. Her life has no regrets, and the only thing she looks forward to is her daughter's family Able to live smoothly and smoothly in the future.

"Mom, today is your death day, we brought Guoguo to see you."

Hearing her mother's words, Guoguo kowtowed to her grandma on the ground, and said to the tombstone, "Grandma, I miss you very much. I know you have been watching me from the sky. Don't worry, I will eat well and listen to my parents." If you study hard, you will be useful to society in the future.”

Gu Wenqian lit the paper money and fiddled with the flames quietly.

There was a rustling sound of feet stepping on the leaves behind him. Looking back, it was Qiu Shunwen who came. Seeing Xiaochan's family, Qiu Shunwen flinched for a moment, but finally came over.

Zhang Daying did not forgive his son until his death. The elders in the village came to persuade her to let go of the conflict by sending her grandchildren away, but Zhang Daying still refused.

"I thought I didn't have this son for a long time. I can't enjoy his blessings alive, and I don't care about him when I die. It doesn't matter if I don't have a son or grandson. I have a daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. I know they will take care of the funeral after I leave. Every day during Qingming and July half, I will burn paper money."

In the concept of Chinese people, the dead are the most important, and there is a saying that "a person who is about to die is good at his words". Zhang Daying's unwillingness to forgive his son's family before his death completely nailed Qiu Shunwen to the pillar of shame.

What a disappointment and deep resentment it must be for a mother not to forgive her son until she dies.

It was also from that time that Qiu Shunwen's hair turned gray almost overnight, and he looked like forty or fifty years old in his thirties.

Poor people must have something to hate, Xiaochan ignored Qiu Shunwen, she could not replace the original owner or Zhang Daying to be a good person, if she easily forgives all the pain because she has not experienced it herself, then she has nothing to do with the villain who made trouble What's the difference

After the worship, the family of three prepared to go down the mountain, leaving the bowl of white rice for worship.

Qiu Shunwen wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. After watching them leave, Qiu Shunwen knelt in front of his mother's tombstone, tears falling silently, and all he could think of was the days when he was a child.

With the presence of parents and the harmony of the family, I never thought that one day life would be like this.

He wanted to blame others, but found that he could not blame anyone, only blamed himself for being cowardly and not taking responsibility for today's bad results.

In September, my uncle sent a letter from the capital, saying "dawn is coming" on time. In October, when Gu Wenqian was working in the field, he heard the news of the downfall of a certain gang on the radio, and the members of the commune burst into joy.

After returning home, Gu Wenqian hugged his wife tightly, his voice was trembling with excitement, "That's great, I didn't expect this day to come, Xiaochan, I'm very happy."

Xiaochan also hugged him tightly. Although she knew all this would happen, when she was in the torrent of history, she still had a sense of magnificence as if she was there. She is happy for him, for her parents-in-law and countless helplessly separated families, and for all the people who have suffered.

"Father must have also received the news. I will write to my uncle, asking him to help clear up the relationship and transfer my father back to the capital."

Because of long-term labor and harsh environment, Gu Zhenping suffered from severe arthritis, and his body was in pain every day. Even so, he could not get rest and treatment. The condition didn't really help.

"Wen Qian, my idea is that maybe our country will undergo a major change. Those trumped-up charges will all be washed away with the passage of time. Not only father, but one day you will have the opportunity to return to the familiar environment and play your part. deserved value."

He is a college student, a high-end talent that the country needs most, and he will not be buried forever in this remote mountain village. Even his uncle will not agree, and he will definitely find a way to get him back to Beijing.

Gu Wenqian recalled himself ten years ago, following the footsteps of his predecessors to carry forward the architecture of our country with high spirits, but he had no ambitions, and he was already sent to Shangyao Village with the hat of "five black classes" before he was successful.

The sadness, incomprehension, and grievances of the past have been buried in time. When he decided to forget everything, join hands with his beloved wife for the rest of his life, and accompany his daughter to grow up attentively, the surprise came quietly.

Guoguo, who was playing in the yard, saw her father come home, and ran over to hug her, but her father, who always held her up when she got home, ignored her and hugged her mother.

Guoguo stopped walking and raised her head. After standing for several minutes, her father didn't notice her, and suddenly she became a little "jealous".

When Gu Wenqian turned around after talking with Xiaochan, he saw his daughter's aggrieved face.

"What happened to Guoguo? Who made Guoguo angry?"

Guoguo pouted and said, "Bad dad, I've been waiting for you to come back, but you didn't see me and hugged my mother for a long time."

Gu Wenqian and Xiao Chan looked at each other and laughed, "Then are you angry that Dad didn't see you first, or are you angry that Dad hugged Mom?"

Guoguo answered unhappily, "Father didn't see me."

Xiao Chan squatted down with a smile and asked, "Can Dad hug Mom?"

Guoguo nodded, "Yes, but I also want to be hugged by Dad."

Xiaochan continued teasing her daughter and asked, "Then do you only want to be hugged by daddy or not by mommy?"

Guoguo jumped into her mother's arms, and muttered in that lovely voice, "No, I want my mother to hug me too."

Gu Wenqian stretched out his hand to hug his wife and daughter together and said, "Then let's hug each other, shall we?"

Guoguo smiled in the arms of her parents.

Gu Wenqian wrote a letter to his uncle in the capital that night, asking for the latest news, and proposed the idea of transferring his father back to the capital, while Xiaochan was thinking about studying. She knew that the college entrance examination would resume next year. A high school diploma, of course, this is not the most important thing, but she knows that her husband will return to the capital, and will not abandon herself and her daughter, but after returning to the capital, she has to have her own career, a person who does not even have a high school diploma, and does not have any What kind of work can a young rural woman with work experience find

If you want to have the right to choose, you must at least have the ability to match, and education is a kind of ability.

She wanted to review in advance, but she didn't know how to explain it to her husband, so she thought about buying a set of high school review materials from the system and studying it while Gu Wenqian was away from home for work.

After Gu Wenqian's letter was sent, he received a reply from his uncle very soon. In the letter, his uncle told him a lot of inside news about the capital, and told Gu Wenqian that he was already actively working on related matters, including the household registration of Gu Wenqian's family of three. The problem of returning to the capital from Shangyao Village.

This letter made Gu Wenqian very grateful. He said to Xiaochan, "Perhaps I will never be able to repay the kindness of my uncle and aunt in my life. They have helped me so much. If it wasn't for my uncle, my mother might not be here long ago."

Xiaochan leaned on his shoulder and comforted him, "Of course we should be grateful, and we will do our best to repay them as long as we have the ability in the future, but I think uncle and aunt do these things not because they want to repay, but because they really care."

Gu Wenqian hugged his wife's shoulders and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're right, family love is priceless, what about you, if uncle succeeds, are you willing to go back to the capital with me?"

Xiaochan raised her head to face him, her eyes filled with untold affection, "What you are asking is nonsense, unless you want to leave me and go back by yourself."

Gu Wenqian was in a hurry, and quickly explained, "You understand that's not what I meant. From the day I decided to marry you, I swore in my heart that I would treat you well for the rest of my life. If you don't want to go to the capital and want to stay here, then I won't." go back."

Xiaochan knew his sincerity towards her, but she was really touched when she heard him say that she would rather give up the chance to go back to the capital and be with her.

She said angrily, "What a fool, what are you doing here as a college student, wanting to be a carpenter for the rest of your life? Besides, you have always wanted to reunite with your parents. If I stop you from letting you go back, you will say yes but you will not in your heart. "

Gu Wenqian hugged her with a smile, and admitted his inner thoughts, "You are right, I want to reunite with my parents, but I also care about your feelings, if you really don't want to leave, I am willing to stay with you, knowing them Life is good, and I will feel at ease when I have time to go back and see them often.”

Xiaochan smiled, "It's easy to find a priceless treasure, but it's rare to have a lover." She has no regrets in meeting and staying with him in this life. , please keep in mind:,.