Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 3


Qiu Xiaochan concentrated on harvesting pigweed. At this time, the sun had not yet risen, and it was the best time of the day for work. There were many aquatic plants by the river, and the bamboo baskets were filled with bamboo baskets in a short while.

She was about to leave when a young man came over to talk to her.

"Xiaochan, is this basket heavy? Let me carry it for you."

Qiu Xiaochan turned her head and saw that the person who spoke was Dalin, with a simple and honest face, with big white teeth when she smiled, as vigorous as a willow tree by the river, he was one of the young people who had a good impression of the original owner.

Qiu Xiaochan refused, "No, I can do it myself, thank you Brother Dalin."

Shi Dalin touched the back of his head and smiled, "You still remember me, I thought you forgot me."

"How could people in our village forget it?"

In the memory of the original owner, Shi Dalin really liked her very much, but unfortunately his family looked down on Qiu Xiaochan, saying that she was delicate and weak and could not work, and the family could not afford such a charming lady.

Qiu Xiaochan has always disliked being sloppy in her relationship, since she has a target to attack, she won't waste time on other people, besides, Shi Dalin is not her type either.

She picked up the bamboo basket and said, "Brother Dalin, then I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Xiaochan left with her twisted braids. She had extremely fair skin, a pair of peach blossom eyes, and the tails of her eyes were slightly raised. Her pink lips were curved and beautiful when she smiled. With light blue meridians, such hands are reluctant to let it do a little work, Shi Dalin wished he could do it for him.

He stared blankly at Qiu Xiaochan Qianli's back until his mother slapped him on the back of the head.

"What to look at, whether it can be eaten or something, stop thinking about what you shouldn't have, and go to work quickly."

Shi Dalin stiffened his neck and said, "Mom, Xiao Chan is pretty good, you can see that she can earn work points by beating pigweed every day."

Aunt Shi sneered, "I can't support myself with three work points. Whose daughter doesn't earn six or seven work points at such a young age? Do you think she is so thin and looks like a good child? You want our family to have no descendants!" .”

She gave birth to four daughters before she got a son named Dalin, and she clings to him for everything that is good, so she raised her son's unrealistic ideas. Aunt Shi decided not to be picky, and she had to quickly choose her daughter-in-law. , With a daughter-in-law and son, you can rest easy.

Qiu Xiaochan ran into her sister-in-law Chen Guilian on the way to the pig farm. It was rare to see her sister-in-law go out. Chen Guilian still remembered what she said the day before yesterday that she couldn't get married, so she squinted and said sarcastically, "Hey, isn't this the landlord's daughter-in-law? Why do you have to come out to hunt pigweed by yourself?"

Qiu Xiaochan is not the soft temper of the original owner, she smiled and said back, "Sister-in-law, our country has long been ruined, you always talk about landlords and others think you miss the past What about the day?"

Chen Guilian might as well say that my sister-in-law dared to retort, and even labeled herself indiscriminately, becoming even more furious.

"You are less bloody and spitting, and you are still eloquent, so you can do it, and you will feel better in the future."

After speaking, Chen Guilian spat on the ground and left. Qiu Xiaochan looked at her back and smiled. It's good that Chen Guilian didn't mess with her in this life, but if she messed with her even in the slightest, she would never let it go, and take revenge with the original owner in her previous life. .

As the saying goes, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good. It's not that the time has not come for not repaying.

After five days like this, Qiu Xiaochan gradually became familiar with Gu Wenqian's life rules.

The cows are herded around 7:00 in the morning, and after they are settled, they will clean the cowshed and transport the cow dung to the designated place for fermentation. After that, he will do some carpentry and prepare a simple lunch. Feed water, take a lunch break for one hour after eating, and go back to herd cattle at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The days are simple and fulfilling. Occasionally, he will go out or someone will come to him for something, but the frequency is not many.

After understanding his life pattern, Qiu Xiaochan was ready to act, and chose the time from 3:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon. During this time, the heat outside the house was still hot, and most of the villagers gathered under the old locust tree at the east end of the village to enjoy the cool air. , or working in the fields, it is not easy to wander around the village.

She made full preparations before departure, and changed into a bright yellow short-sleeved shirt. There was a reason why she chose this one. Although this dress was wet, it would fit tightly but would not disappear. The other two white shirts Wearing it on the body after soaking has the same effect as see-through clothing. There are people coming and going in the village, and if someone sees it, it will be her who will suffer.

When going out with a bamboo basket on her back, Qiu Xiaochan suddenly developed a brave and fearless spirit. After living for decades and doing so many tasks, this was the first time she took the initiative to seduce a man.

Perhaps because she was thinking about something, Qiu Xiaochan walked in a hurry along the way, and lost the interest in admiring the scenery of lakes and mountains in the past. When she walked to the river and saw Gu Wenqian grazing cattle on the field, she took a deep breath and squatted down beside the river embankment Fetch water plants, and pay attention to Gu Wenqian's situation while beating.

Soon Gu Wenqian walked from the field to the cowshed, and Qiu Xiaochan also carried the bamboo basket to cut grass in the direction of the cowshed. In order to be true, she reached for a water plant far away from the shore, pretending to slip and fall water.

At this moment, she showed her acting skills of 120 points, and kept making psychological hints that she was a person who couldn't swim, and out of survival instinct, she jumped in the lake and shouted for help, and choked on water as soon as she made a sound What's more unlucky is that her ankle was somehow entangled by water plants. Now Qiu Xiaochan really became anxious, thinking that if Gu Wenqian didn't hear the movement or the group didn't want to come out to save people for a while, then how could she Not really finished

Qiu Xiaochan was about to ask about the situation outside the system when she heard a loud noise in the water, and someone jumped down. She opened her eyes and looked through the spray, and saw Gu Wenqian's sharp eyes and strong arms on the water. , was rowing towards herself, she was relieved immediately, and let her body sink with the force of the water flow, she quickly exchanged her points for a "delicate body and weak" skill to make herself dizzy more realistically.

Before her consciousness disappeared, Qiu Xiaochan felt her body hit into a warm and strong arm.

Before Gu Wenqian came, he had already guessed that the person who fell into the water was Qiu Xiaochan, who appeared every day recently. He was not talkative, and he occasionally heard people talking about her in the village. Not bad, seeing her close her eyes and fainting in his arms at this time, she could feel her soft touch even through her clothes, resisting the urge to withdraw her arms, pursing her lips and leading her to the shore.

When she was approaching the shore, she was met with resistance, and only then did she realize that her feet were caught in the water plants. Gu Wenqian pulled the water plants apart with all his strength, and then successfully pulled her ashore.

At this time, those in the village who were closer heard the movement and rushed over. There were old and young, men and women. From a distance, they saw Gu Wenqian, who was wet all over, holding a girl who was also wet in his arms. Someone with sharp eyes spotted the girl. It was Qiu Xiaochan.

"Ah, isn't that Xiao Chan, who fell into the water for no reason."

Everyone stared at the two of them. Normally, it would be very immoral for a man and a woman to hug each other in broad daylight, but today it is to save people, so naturally they can't talk about that, but Qiu Xiaochan and Yunying are not married. At this time Lying in the arms of a man with a curvaceous body drenched all over, the discerning elder still has something to say, not to mention her reputation is not very good in the first place.

Gu Wenqian put Qiu Xiaochan on the ground, saw that her face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she had lost consciousness, and she first probed the tip of her nose, her breath was weak, and there was a certain danger.

He had learned first aid and knew that after drowning, he had to deal with it quickly. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately reached out and lifted Qiu Xiaochan's jaw, opened the airway, and pinched the tip of his nose to perform artificial respiration. During the whole process, his fingers did not touch her lips. But the jaws of the onlookers dropped in shock.

"Is this a kiss?"

"It should be, I think it's already lip-to-mouth."

"Is there anyone who saves lives like this? Isn't Comrade Gu taking advantage of it?"

"No, Comrade Gu is a literate comrade who has gone to university."

"What's so good about Qiu Xiaochan, she should be taking advantage of Comrade Gu."

"Then Xiao Chan is a girl, and she hasn't married yet."

"If she can marry, why not marry early?"

"That's true, but to be honest, one of them is a descendant of a capitalist, and the other is a former daughter-in-law of a landlord's family. They are quite right in composition."

On the ground, after performing artificial respiration, Gu Wenqian looked at Qiu Xiaochan nervously. She woke up with a cough, curled up and spit out the water that had choked into her stomach. Gu Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got up and stood one meter away from her in the open space outside.

He has heard the whispers of everyone, and knows that there will be gossips for a while, but he is here to save others, and he has not really met her, so he has a clear conscience about it, but he has long understood a truth, some things are not relying on The explanation will make it clear.

People's words are scary, since people have nothing to do, they naturally have to keep their distance.

Qiu Xiaochan lay on the ground and coughed for a while, she really admired those people who jumped to death, they were so courageous, it was absolutely impossible for her to try again, fortunately she had a system to cheat and pretend to be unconscious.

Not all the onlookers were cold-eyed onlookers. After the initial shock, some elders came up to express their concern for Qiu Xiaochan. Among them, two younger generations also wanted to come over, and were severely pinched twice by their own elders just give up.

An old woman with a kind face knelt down and asked concerned, "Xiaochan, are you okay? Did you accidentally fall into the river? Fortunately, Comrade Gu saved you. If something happens to you, your mother will die in a hurry."

This Mrs. He and Zhang Daying's natal family are from the same village, and they have always been close relatives.

The river doesn't look big but it's very deep. Some children in the village had an accident while playing in the water, so the elders ordered the children in the family to forbid them to play in the water.

Qiu Xiaochan responded weakly, then raised her head to look at Gu Wenqian who was not far away, with watery eyes and red nose, looking both innocent and pitiful, she said gratefully, "Thank you, Comrade Gu, if it weren't for you and me dying in the river."

Gu Wenqian just glanced away before avoiding his eyes, nodded and said, "Just pay attention in the future, if you have nothing to do, go back quickly."

A girl's house, lying on the ground soaked is not elegant, and it is summer, and everyone wears little clothes. If you take off your clothes for her, others will be shirtless.

After Gu Wenqian finished speaking, he got up and went to the direction of the cowshed, leaving behind Qiu Xiaochan and a group of villagers watching the fun.

Qiu Xiaochan is not in a hurry when he sees him gone. For her, he has achieved a strategic victory if he can come forward to save her. The rest will naturally depend on the strength of the people. Let her down.