Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 30


At the end of 1976, the family left Shangyao Village and returned to the capital, where they lived in the original courtyard of the Gu family located in Lishi Hutong. According to Gu Wenqian, this house would not have survived if it hadn’t been for his uncle’s hard work.

After Gu Wenqian came back, he entered the design institute, and his father-in-law also returned to his original work unit. After experiencing the painful parting, the family cherishes their current life very much.

Because her mother-in-law is not in good health, Xiao Chan is responsible for all the affairs at home and outside the house. Whether it is three meals a day or human relations, she is also busy with the family of five. Later, she asked her aunt to introduce a nanny, which made it easier. up.

Guoguo, who is six years old after her birthday, has already reached the age of school, but when they came back, the semester course was coming to an end. After the couple completed their school registration, they did not rush to send Guoguo to school, but took the entrance examination , Guoguo has a strong learning ability. Although she did not go to school systematically in the village, the couple never slacked off on her education. In Xiaochan's view, Guoguo's knowledge reserve can at least reach the level of a third-grader in elementary school.

After Xiaochan explained Guoguo's situation to the principal, the principal agreed that Guoguo would pass the exam.

The two subjects of Chinese and mathematics took less than 70 minutes in total. Guoguo completed the four test papers of the second grade and the third grade, all with full marks.

The grades were announced on the spot, and the principal pushed his glasses with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Gu Ying's grades are very good. Considering all aspects, the next semester can start from the third grade."

According to this score, you may be able to pass the fourth or fifth grade exam, but it is amazing for a six-year-old child to go to the third grade, and further upgrades are not good for the child's growth.

The couple had no objection to this, and replied, "Okay, thank you principal, I am looking forward to Gu Ying's study and life in your school."

On the way back, Xiaochan held her daughter's hand and was very satisfied with her performance today. Whether it was her grades or her character, she not only gave full play to her abilities, but also showed her natural and generous temperament.

"Student Gu Ying, you are very good today. Mom and Dad are proud of you. You will be a third-grade student in two months. You are a big kid. You have to work harder than now, you know?"

Guoguo's name is Gu Ying, so she naturally has to use her first name when she goes to school, but everyone in the family still likes to call her by her nickname.

Guoguo nodded, and the two ponytails flung out beautiful arcs at the back of her head, "Mom, I know all this, 'Young people don't work hard, the old ones are sad', if you don't study hard when you are young, you will become a moth in society when you grow up , I can’t even afford to eat.”

"You're right, look at our family, grandparents and father are all college students, your mother taught you, 'the blue is better than the blue', you have to be better than your father."

Guoguo asked half-understanding, "Mom, what about you, why aren't you a college student?"

When his daughter asked this question, Gu Wenqian looked at his wife. This was due to social reasons, but he still wanted to hear his wife's answer.

"My mother used to live in a rural area without such learning conditions, and the universities in our country have not recruited new students for a long time due to some special reasons, so my mother has no way to continue her studies, but she is very eager to go to university in her heart."

Guoguo looked at her mother distressedly, and comforted her, "It's okay mom, you can go to school after the university recruits students. Didn't you say that it's never too late to study?"

Six-year-olds don't understand that there is an age limit for going to school, but Guoguo's childish words inadvertently predict an upcoming big event.

In the summer of 1977, Gu Wenqian obtained internal information in advance that the country would resume the college entrance examination, and workers, farmers, educated youths who went to the mountains and countryside, demobilized soldiers, cadres, fresh graduates, etc. could participate.

He always remembered what his wife said that if he had the opportunity to continue his studies, he told her the good news when he got home.

Xiao Chan pretended to be surprised and asked, "Really? You can't be lying to me, are you?"

Seven years have passed, and time has not left any traces on her body. Xiaochan wearing a white dress is as beautiful as when she first saw her, adding a mature charm, fragrant and fragrant like plump and juicy peaches, with a frown A smile easily captured his heart.

"Of course not. I dared to mention it to you only after repeated confirmation."

He picked up the cold drink on the table and drank it, the rolling Adam's apple was full of masculine taste.

Xiaochan walked up to him and sat down, looked at him with those autumn-like eyes and asked, "Wen Qian, you know that it has always been a regret in my heart not to be able to go to college. If the news is true, then I It is necessary to participate, will you support me?"

"Of course, I'll support you in whatever you want to do."

He hugged his wife's shoulders and let her lean on his shoulders, "If I don't support you, I won't tell you, take this time to study hard, and ask Aunt Huang to take care of the family affairs, at worst, give her more salary .”

Aunt Huang is the nanny at home, so he has thought about these things, so he has seriously considered them.

She asked intentionally, "Then what if I fail to pass the exam after preparing seriously, will you be disappointed in me?"

Gu Wenqian chuckled, kissed the top of her hair and said, "With me here, from today onwards, I will be your high school teacher, and I will review all the courses with you."

He was the No. 1 student in the college entrance examination in the capital city. With him, there is no way that his smart wife would fail the exam.

Said that it will start today, and there is no high school textbook at home, so Gu Wenqian gave Xiao Chan a few math problems from memory. Mastered the key points of knowledge by drawing inferences from one instance.

"Very good. If you review at this speed, it won't take long for you to master the knowledge of the three years of high school."

Xiaochan smiled slyly, "The students learn well, which means the teacher teaches well. I have Mr. Gu who only takes the college entrance examination, so I am not afraid."

Gu Wenqian carried her into the bed curtain, and upholding the teacher's duty, he taught biology by himself.

The parents-in-law are 100% supportive of Xiaochan's decision to go to university. What they value is not academic qualifications, but that university can teach students a lot of life principles in addition to knowledge and guide students to form unique values.

The exam did not officially start until December. The science subjects that Xiaochan took were politics, Chinese, mathematics, and comprehensive physics and chemistry. The total score was 400. She scored 376 points, ranking third in the city, and was designed by Tsinghua University. Admission to majors.

It was a happy event to be admitted to university, and my parents-in-law even specially set up two tables for relatives and friends to eat, and everyone at the dinner table couldn't stop praising Xiao Chan.

"I didn't expect that there would be another college student in our family. It's really a canoe for thousands of people. It's not easy to get such a result."

More than 5 million people applied for the exam, and 270,000 people were admitted, which is only 4.7% of the admission rate.

Originally, some people felt it was worthless to find a village girl for Gu Wenqian, but now that Xiao Chan's worth has doubled after she was admitted to university, there is no question of whether it is worth it or not.

When someone asked Xiaochan why she took the college entrance examination because her family was so good and she had no worries about food and clothing, she said, "Once a person is satisfied with material conditions, he will pursue spiritual wealth. This is the process of finding and realizing himself." .”

Another meaning is that she hopes that she can be a role model for her children, an independent new-age woman, not a housewife who circles around an acre of land every day.

Originally, Xiaochan was thinking of having another child after graduation. Guoguo has grown up and often envies other people's older brothers and sisters, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. During her junior year, Xiaochan got pregnant unexpectedly. Everyone abides by the convention.

Given Xiaochan's current age and physical condition, it is most suitable to stay, but she still has to make a report to the college.

She asked her husband, "What do you say if the school disagrees? Do you support me to continue my studies, or do you want me to give birth to the child?"

A woman's life is inseparable from "work", just like "whom the mother and wife will save first when they fall into the river", Xiaochan asked this to get her husband's attention and to hear the answer she wanted to hear, but in fact she had There is no standard answer.

Gu Wenqian knew his wife well, hugged her quietly and raised the corners of his lips and said, "I have always respected your opinion, but if you ask me what I think, I naturally want to have it both ways, and it is really impossible to suspend school for a year."

He only blamed himself for not paying attention to contraceptive measures when he came back from drinking outside that day. He moved his palm to his wife's lower abdomen, where a new life was safely pregnant. If you don't want it, it will also damage your wife's body.

He also graduated from Tsinghua University, knew many old professors, and had already planned to go back to school in the next two days.

Xiao Chan leaned in a more comfortable position in his arms, and was barely satisfied with his answer. The expected date of delivery was just around the summer vacation of the last semester of senior year, so as long as the class was not delayed, it would not have much impact on her studies.

"I'll go ask tomorrow first. The head teacher is very talkative, and maybe he will help me find a way."

"Do you want me to come forward?"

"I don't need it for now, a good knife will be revealed at the end."

Gu Wenqian chuckled, "Then I hope that the heroine can use this knife."

The head teacher is a very gentle middle-aged woman, because they are the first class after the resumption of the college entrance examination, and the personal situation of each student in the class is quite complicated, and the head teacher cares about them as if they are family members.

Xiaochan knocked on the door of the office, the head teacher looked up from behind the desk, saw Xiaochan and smiled and let her enter the room.

"Why did you take the initiative to come to me today? I saw your design plan last time, and it was very good. Every time Professor Jiang sees me, he has to praise you once."

Xiaochan sat down and said with a smile, "Teacher, I'm here today because I have a personal problem to answer."

This time the homeroom teacher was even more surprised, because Xiao Chan's family background is not bad. Although she is only a rural girl, she married the only son of the Gu family who was sent to the countryside by chance. She was admitted to university with high spirits, but the class teacher really couldn't think of any personal problems that she needed to respond to.

Xiaochan said with some embarrassment, "Teacher, I got pregnant by accident. I want to ask if the school allows such a situation?"

The head teacher looked at her belly in surprise, "Are you pregnant? I really didn't see it."

"I just got pregnant. I calculated it. The expected date of delivery is June next year."

The head teacher thought for a while and said, "Actually, as a school, subjectively, I definitely don't want students to have their studies affected by personal problems, but since it has already happened, we still have to consider it from a humanitarian standpoint. It's only been a little over a year, and I have a child in the process, so I think the school will try to accommodate it as much as possible."

Xiao Chan nodded her thanks, and the homeroom teacher gave her another vaccination, "Of course, that's my opinion. As for the approval of the leaders in the courtyard, I can't guarantee it yet. I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you teacher, then I will wait for your news."

"Okay, go back to class first, you are in a special situation now, take care of yourself."

The final opinion of the college leaders is that they hope that Qiu Xiaochan can give birth safely without affecting her studies.

At the end of June 1981, the second daughter, Gu Yin, was born. She was nicknamed Xiaoxiao, because she was born in the early morning, meaning morning dawn.

Xiaoxiao's personality is different from her sister's. She has been a bully since she was a child, and her hobbies and interests are more boyish. She has a student haircut and does not wear skirts since she was a child. She is always misunderstood as a boy, so Xiaochan is not less worried.

"You said that she is a little girl like a kid. When I went to pick her up from school yesterday, a little girl confessed to her that she likes her. Do you know what she said?" Sorry, I can't promise you, because I can't pee standing up ’, can you imagine how I felt at that time?”

Xiaochan, who stayed in school to teach after graduation, patted her heart, as there was a great possibility of fainting at any time. Gu Wenqian took her into his arms and comforted his wife's emotions.

"Every child's personality is different. There is nothing wrong with Xiaoxiao like this. She is very confident and cheerful, isn't she? As for what she said, it may be that someone once taught her the difference between boys and girls. She She is only four years old, we should give her more time to grow up, so don't worry too much."

Xiaochan reluctantly accepted her husband's consolation, and later found out that the culprit was her sister Gu Ying, who once emphasized the difference between boys and girls, who knew that Xiaoxiao only remembered this sentence in so many words

Xiaoxiao, who gave Xiaochan a lot of headaches, was selected into the city's swimming team because of her outstanding athletic talent and became a swimmer. She later joined the national team and won many honors on behalf of the country.

One day many years later, when Xiaochan heard the long-lost system voice, she knew it was time to leave. She was very calm and calm. She smiled at her husband sitting beside her, held his hand and said: , "Wen Qian, I am very happy to meet you in this life. We agreed before that no matter who leaves first, don't be sad. Those who should come will come, and those who should go will also go."

Gu Wenqian didn't know why his wife suddenly said these things, he just held her tightly back, his eyes were still hale and hearty despite his age, filled with indescribable love for decades.

"I'm also very happy. The two of us are fated. If I leave before you, don't be sad. I will wait for you below."

The night after Gu Wenqian finished speaking, Qiu Xiaochan left in her sleep. Tears blurred his unclear vision, he caressed his wife's face, and pressed a final kiss on her forehead. , please keep in mind:,.