Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 53


Subscribe some more, and the little cutie can immediately see me who is so excited that I am crazy~

Now that the candidate has been determined, the next step is how to marry him. With the current strict environment, it is definitely not feasible to fall in love generously.

Qiu Xiaochan was thinking, when the system spoke again, "Your thinking is correct. As the master of luck, Gu Wenqian is naturally resolute, and ordinary methods can't deal with him."

"I know that too, but what kind of means do you think can deal with him?"

"Sorry, I refuse to answer questions related to the core of the mission."

Qiu Xiaochan rolled her eyes in her heart, saying what she said was in vain.

After thinking for a long time, Qiu Xiaochan couldn't come up with a reason. She decided to take a detour to find out the truth while hunting pigweed in the afternoon. The opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared. If you don't contact, you will never make progress. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be successful. Fight a hundred battles.

In midsummer, the countryside is beautiful, surrounded by green mountains and green waters. The sun was very strong in the afternoon, Qiu Xiaochan went out with a bamboo basket on her back, and quickly filled a basket full of pigweed.

This body is really delicate, but it is just a basket of grass on her back. A thin layer of sweat is already dripping on her body, and her breathing rhythm is also a little disordered. She sat in the shade of a tree and rested for a while. Instead, he detoured to the direction of the cowshed at the entrance of the village based on his memory.

Shangyao Village raised two buffaloes, so the cowshed was built next to the paddy field. Gu Wenqian didn't really sleep with the cows, but lived in a grass shed next to the cowshed.

Because it was summer, the children were on vacation. Along the way, I saw many children swimming and fishing, as well as villagers working in the fields. Usually, I hide from people, and the big guys can’t see her easily. Fang Fang was walking on the road, everyone was quite surprised when they saw her, they whispered in the field, "Isn't that Xiao Chan?"

"Yeah, it should be hogweed."

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Don't mention it, this girl is really good-looking. No wonder she is so memorable."

"Today, the two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law of Qiu's family quarreled again. Chen Guilian took money from Li's family and wanted to tell my sister-in-law to Blind Li. Tsk tsk, she is also a master who only recognizes money but not people. She is cruel."

"Hey, if you want to blame it, blame it on their family who used their daughter to climb high branches and marry the landlord's family. Who would have known that the sky would change in a few years. If the wishful thinking is wrong, you can only accept your fate, so people can't be greedy."

At that time, the girl everyone envied became a poor wretch who couldn't get married. It was really a turn of events.

Qiu Xiaochan knew that others were talking about her, but she ignored it. She walked along the river bank and soon arrived near the cowshed. She turned a corner and saw a tall figure in a shirt with long sleeves rolled up to the elbows and buttoned up. At the top, bent over, doing carpentry.

He has bronze-colored skin, and his side face has smooth lines. Because he lowered his head, the hair on his forehead blocked his eyebrows and eyes. Even when he was doing rough work, there was an indescribable literati temperament in his body, as if what he was doing was not simple carpentry. , but like any high-level model, it is very different from the shirtless men in the village.

This is the target she is about to attack. After seeing it, Qiu Xiaochan is even more satisfied, and even the veins on his arms look extraordinarily attractive.

Perhaps because he sensed Qiu Xiaochan's gaze, Gu Wenqian, who had his head down, suddenly looked up, his eyes were sharp and deep, and the corners of his lips were slightly pursed. .

After she left, Gu Wenqian continued to concentrate on his work. He was not used to getting along with the opposite sex since he was a child, and he never had a girlfriend until college.

When he was first transferred to Shangyao Village, even though his status was not good, by virtue of his excellent external conditions, many girls still expressed their affection euphemistically, saying that they didn't care about his "five black" status and would marry him as long as he nodded, Gu Wenqian They all declined.

At that time, he was suffering from great suffering and setbacks in his heart, and he had no intention of dealing with those so-called "favorites".

Today they are still a family, but tomorrow they will become strangers. He has seen such scenes too many times, and he has long since ceased to believe in love.

It took two years for such troubles to gradually disappear. In addition to raising the two buffaloes, he also helped the villagers with some carpentry and bricklaying work.

"Cannibalism is soft, and manpower is short." His efforts finally paid off. The life in the village was not bad except for being barren. At least his heart was peaceful, which was better than his parents who were constantly suffering from spiritual torture thousands of miles away. Much more peaceful.

Gu Wenqian never imagined that the dignified Tsinghua University's top students in the Department of Architecture can only use what they have learned in such a place.

Qiu Xiaochan sent the cut grass back to the pig farm, and Aunt Zhu at the pig farm saw her panting and sweating and told her to sit down and rest quickly.

"Your body is really bad. Which of our rural girls is not strong?"

Aunt Zhu has more contact with Qiu Xiaochan than others, and she still feels sorry for this girl. In her opinion, how a person lives in this life depends on fate. Bad luck.

Qiu Xiaochan smiled and said nothing, sitting aside and watching Aunt Zhu mix pig food, and after a break, helped Aunt Zhu clean up the pigsty, and did not go home until the sun went down.

After arriving home, Zhang Daying had already prepared dinner, sweet potato porridge mixed with shredded cucumber, only salt was added to the shredded cucumber, and nothing else was added. Naturally, the taste was not very good, so Qiu Xiaochan drank a bowl of porridge without being picky. Deciding to get up early tomorrow morning, she can see that if you want to eat delicious food, you have to occupy the kitchen yourself. Even if you can't change the ingredients, at least you can work hard on the seasoning. The taste of the same ingredients is amazing Different.

With nothing to do at night, Qiu Xiaochan took a shower early and went to bed, thinking about how to solve Gu Wenqian's problem.

First of all, he is a person from a wealthy family, has received higher education, and has suffered hardships in life. Such a person is very wary and is not easy to get close to. Not to mention that he definitely has no intention of getting married now, even if he did, he would not want to look for it in the countryside. People with cultural heritage are more inclined to find a partner who is compatible with each other.

As for myself, the current identity is a village girl with a bad status. The only advantage is that she looks good, but Gu Wenqian is obviously not a lustful person, otherwise she would not grow up so old. With his identity and background, casually making a move is Bai Fumei level.

In addition, contact is also a problem. In the era when holding hands can be judged as a crime of hooliganism, there is no way to cultivate relationships. The only way is to cut directly to the point. She recalled the plots of women chasing men in romance novels.

She asked the system, "What do you think of 'hero saving the beauty'? After saving me, I will 'promise with your body'?"

The system mechanically said, "I'm just an emotionless machine. If you insist on asking for my opinion, the following is what I found. I hope it can be helpful to you."

Qiu Xiaochan was amused when she saw it, and saw on the screen of the system that there were "sell yourself to bury your father", "play hard to get", "by mistake" and other cheats for chasing men, and the two ways Qiu Xiaochan said were also impressively listed.

"Okay, let's do it like this. I fell into the river and pretended to be drowning. He will definitely not refuse to save me. When he saves me, I will have a hundred reasons to rely on him."

The scheming Bai Lian in the novel all operates in this way, and it just so happens that the cowshed is surrounded by water, which is simply the right time, place and people.

"What if he doesn't save you?"

Qiu Xiaochan asked back, "Will the system choose such a heartless person as the Lord of Luck?"

Anyway, she can swim and won't drown, there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that if he doesn't save her, she will swim up by herself at worst.

However, the system still reminded her that she must be fully prepared before falling into the water.

After thinking of a way to solve the problem, Qiu Xiaochan went to sleep peacefully. The next morning, she woke up at dawn, steamed sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes, and made two bowls of egg drop soup. Olive oil and pepper were added to the egg drop soup. The taste is not bad.

Zhang Daying asked suspiciously while drinking the egg drop soup, "Our hen has been laying eggs so frequently recently, and there are eggs to eat these two days."

There is only one hen in the house, and it usually picks up one egg in a day or two. Since Qiu Xiaochan was cooking yesterday, she has been using several in a row.

Qiu Xiaochan said nonsense without blushing, "Yes, I heard that feeding the hens to eat insects lays more eggs. It seems that this method is really effective. Our chickens have been laying hard these two days."

Zhang Daying believed in his daughter's words, and a smile appeared on his weathered face, "That's a good relationship, but in the future, just leave the eggs for you to eat, don't make them for me, I'm so old, eating it is a waste .”

"Mom, don't always talk about being discouraged. You should eat more when you are older. If you are not nutritious, your body will not be able to bear it."

Zhang Daying smiled gratifiedly, "I know you are filial, but life is hard, so save as much as you can, and the eggs you save can go to the supply and marketing cooperative to exchange for something back."

Qiu Xiaochan didn't explain too much, she just hummed and said, "Mom, I will work hard in the future, and our life will definitely get better and better."

After eating, Qiu Xiaochan went out to hunt pigweed with a bamboo basket on her back. This time she walked to the river at the head of the village, and saw Gu Wenqian from a distance, driving the cows out of the shed to graze.

She didn't get close to Gu Wenqian, but was hunting pigweed far away from him.

Seeing that she hadn't acted, the system asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to act?"

Qiu Xiaochan shook her head, "There's no rush, I have to take care of his daily routine."

Only in this way can a more detailed plan be made. After all, the trick of falling into the water can only be used once, and it must be ensured that nothing will go wrong.

What's more, sharpening the knife does not miss the woodcutter, let him get used to appearing in this area, so that even if she falls into the water, she will be convincing.

Just imagine, if a woman suddenly appeared, she suddenly fell into the water, and after being rescued, she would rely on herself, even if she didn't use her head, she would know that the other party had a conspiracy, right

The system is a combination of programs and data, similar to the AL system, which cannot handle complex human emotions, otherwise there is no need for the traverser to complete the task, so in many cases it can only play an auxiliary role, and the real decision-making still has to be made by Qiu Xiaochan herself.

"Sister-in-law, you misunderstood. Mom has been ill for more than ten days. I saved up eggs and went to the town to exchange meat for mom's health." Please keep in mind:,.