Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 63


After Jiang Tao helped Song Yuemin send out the manuscript, she began to look forward to the reply every day. She was more anxious than Song Yuemin himself. When she didn't receive it in the first three days, she still asked Song Yuemin in front of her. After three days, she stopped talking. The response hit Song Yuemin's self-confidence.

The sixth day was the weekend, and the night school did not arrange classes. Fu Juan also rested today, and asked Jiang Tao to go to the market early in the morning to buy vegetables and come back to make dumplings.

Ginger and peach are mixed with pure meat stuffing, Fu Juan is mixed with cabbage and pork stuffing, and Fu Juan also kneads the noodles.

"Yuemin has loved eating dumplings since he was a child. We used to be busy with work and didn't have time to come back to cook. We were afraid that he would be hungry after school, so we often made dumplings and kept them at home. He can eat them when he comes back and boils water."

Fu Juan was in a good mood, and told Jiang Tao a lot of interesting things about Song Yuemin's childhood. It turned out that he was also a mischievous ghost who caught insects and played with birds, and did many "bad things" with his friends.

"At that time we lived in Tongzilou, and several families shared the same kitchen. Whoever cooked something delicious had to be delivered to each house. In the end, there were not fewer dishes but more dishes."

"I remember one time when I was cooking porridge, someone called me downstairs, and I asked Yuemin to help watch the pot. The child ran to play within two minutes after watching it, and the fire was not turned off. When I went upstairs, the porridge would be boiled. gone."

Jiang Tao asked curiously, "And then? Did you get scolded?"

Fu Juan smiled and said, "Of course, the food was so precious at that time, and he was reluctant to waste even a single grain of rice. He was so good, he wasted a pot of porridge, and in order to teach him to be responsible, from the beginning to the end, that meal was starving until he was hungry. Secretly wiped away tears in the middle of the night, saying that next time I would never play again."

Jiang Tao listened with interest, as if she had participated in Song Yuemin's childhood.

She had seen the photos of Song Yuemin when he was a child. He was a handsome boy who didn't like to smile when taking pictures. She thought he was a serious "little old man". She didn't expect to be "deceived" by the photos.

The two were talking, when the car bell of "Dinglingling" rang at the door, and the postman shouted to the half-open door, "Is Song Yuemin here, there is a registered letter to sign for."

Jiang Tao let out a "ah" and put down the dumpling in her hand, and said to the dazed Fu Juan, "Auntie, it should be good news. Brother Yuemin wrote two manuscripts and sent them to the newspaper. Did the newspaper reply?"

Fu Juan didn't know at all that Song Yuemin didn't mention it to his parents at all. As for the reason, he just wanted to wait for the definite result.

The door of the study opened, Song Yuemin came out in a wheelchair, Fu Juan was still digesting the news just heard, Jiang Tao was already excited to push Song Yuemin out.

"Brother Yuemin, do you think it's a letter from the newspaper office? It's really nerve-wracking."

It took only a few tens of seconds from the house to the gate. The postman saw them coming out, got off the bike, set up his bicycle, and took out a kraft paper envelope and a signature slip from the army green bag. He had to sign for the letter before handing it over. The whole process took less than a minute.

Jiang Tao had already seen the header on the envelope, it was from the newspaper office, and she couldn't wait to say at the gate, "Brother Yuemin, what is written in this letter, has your article been accepted by them?"

Song Yuemin saw that she was so curious, so he handed over the envelope, with a doting smile in his eyes, "I don't know, how about you read it for me."

Jiang Tao resisted not answering, shook her head and said, "No, such an important matter is only meaningful if you look at it yourself."

Over there, Fu Juan also came out of the house and waited with Jiang Tao for Song Yuemin to open the letter.

Song Yuemin was amused by their attitude, as if he was certain that what he had received must be good news, but it was true. In the envelope, besides the acceptance letter, there was also a remittance slip, which was Song Yuemin's manuscript fee for two articles, totaling 36 yuan , It is equivalent to a month's wages of ordinary workers.

"Brother Yuemin, you are too good. There are so many manuscript fees for two essays. This is the first time you have published."

Fu Juan was also quite shocked. She took the remittance slip and looked at it again and again, and there were too many emotions in her heart, such as pride, pride, relief, and regret.

"I didn't even know you had such a talent. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you waste two years at home."

From receiving this letter, Song Yuemin was completely relieved about his life, maybe everything is the best arrangement, just like what Jiang Tao said, when God closes a door, he will definitely leave a window.

Although his legs are disabled, his mind is not disabled, and he can still create his own value.

"Mom, every day is not a waste to me."

When he doesn’t go out, he reads and thinks at home, and writes down a lot of life insights. Letting those meteor-like inspirations jump onto the paper instead of disappearing is a very meaningful thing in itself.

With tears in Fu Juan's eyes, she opened her arms to hug her son, touched the top of his hair, and said, "You have always been our pride. If your father knew about it, he would be so happy."

This moment was so sensational that even Jiang Tao felt moved, for Fu Juan's maternal love, and also for Song Yuemin's "accepting talent with love" and "rewarding ambition".

The dumplings at noon happened to be a "celebration", and Song Yuemin gave Fu Juan the remittance slip, which was the first time he had given back to his parents in his 24 years as a son.

The remittance slip has to be withdrawn at the post office with my ID card within a month. Jiang Tao joked, "Auntie, maybe there will be more than this amount this month."

Did she know that Song Yuemin had sorted out a thick stack of manuscripts there.

"Really? That's a good relationship, but I'm happy to go there a few more times, I'm happy."

Song Yuemin looked at Jiang Tao helplessly, betraying him so easily, he wanted to be lazy at first, but now he can't do without working hard.

When Song Jianlong came back, Fu Juan couldn't wait to share the good news with him. Song Jianlong couldn't help being relieved and encouraged. Although his expression was more restrained, the shock to Song Yuemin was even stronger. Perhaps this was the relationship between father and son. It weighs a thousand ounces.

The days flow slowly, and Jiang Tao is fulfilled every day. Housework, classes, and cultivating relationships with the target object, Song Yuemin's favorability has increased from 40/100 to 50/100, but Jiang Tao is not happy at all, because Song Yuemin even No matter how much I like it in my heart, I just feel bored and refuse to express it.

He is very kind to Jiang Tao, understanding her hard work, taking care of her emotions, even his eyes are gentle and doting, but that kind of love is full of distance, and Jiang Tao can't feel the warmth after thousands of mountains and rivers.

When Jiang Tao was thinking about how to open his heart, suddenly there was an opportunity. A male classmate in the night school expressed his affection for her. Jiang Tao refused several times and still did not give up. She asked Jiang Tao to watch a movie.

Song Yuemin didn't know that the other party confessed in private a few times before, but this time it was Jiang Tao who was invited in front of Song Yuemin.

From the moment the other party came over and opened his mouth, Jiang Tao felt the low air pressure emanating from Song Yuemin's body, but he looked down at the textbook in silence, and didn't even look at Jiang Tao. This made Jiang Tao feel very unhappy, and decided to Give him a good "stimulation".

So instead of directly refusing as before, she asked curiously, "Movies? Are there any good movies recently?"

Hearing her question, the other party immediately became happy, and replied excitedly, "Yes, "Love in Lushan Mountain", "Snow in the Mountain City", and "Flower Branches" are all good. We can watch whichever one you like."

Jiang Tao secretly observed Song Yuemin's reaction, not only didn't turn a page for a long time, she didn't even notice that the paper was crumpled with her fingers, her brows were furrowed, and she just kept silent.

Jiang Tao held her chin and smiled, and it was Song Yuemin who was laughing, but she made the male classmate who was standing in the aisle nervously waiting for her response very happy.

"Then, are you agreeing?"

"Huh?" Jiang Tao raised her voice, knowing that the other party had misunderstood her, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't go on weekends, but thank you for your invitation."

The smile on the other party's face disappeared immediately, even though he was disappointed, he pretended to be strong and said it was okay.

"Then next time, I will show you when you have time."

He looked at Jiang Tao with burning eyes, as if she would not leave if she didn't agree. Jiang Tao really wanted to tell the other party that she would never fall in love with him, and told the other party not to waste time on her, but she had already said these words Having said that, the other party obviously doesn't care, and Jiang Tao has nothing to do with him.

Fortunately, the class bell rang, and the male student returned to his seat. Jiang Tao looked at Song Yuemin, and found that he had dug out another textbook, pretending to listen to the class seriously.

Jiang Tao was bored playing with the pen, thinking about what to do next, not even knowing what the teacher was writing on the blackboard.

Until a hand with sharp bones appeared in sight, and it tapped twice on her desk, Jiang Tao looked at the owner of the hand, which was Song Yuemin.

He said in a serious voice, "Listen to the class carefully and don't think about it."

Jiang Tao nodded quickly, her eyes were shining brightly, Song Yuemin froze for a moment, but held back what she wanted to say, turned her head and looked seriously at the teacher who was giving a lecture.

In fact, his heart was also in a mess. He had already noticed that he liked Jiang Tao, but he didn't know whether or how to start, let alone whether Jiang Tao had the same emotion for him.

Before, he was thinking more about what kind of life he could give Jiang Tao. This question was answered after he found his direction in life and received his first manuscript fee. At least he could be financially independent, but his leg injury was still serious. An objective existence that cannot be ignored.

At the end of the two classes, Jiang Tao waited for the classmates to leave the classroom as usual before pushing Song Yuemin away. Both of them were silent on the way.

After walking for seven or eight minutes, Jiang Tao said, "I read in the newspaper that "Love in Lushan Mountain" is very good, and the love between the hero and heroine is very sincere and touching."

Song Yuemin was a little puzzled by her sudden words, but he remembered that it was the movie Li Fei mentioned to Jiang Tao just now.

He replied, "Do you want to see it?"

Jiang Tao said "hmm", "I really want to watch it, but it's not interesting to go to the movies alone."

Song Yuemin became nervous instantly, although he didn't understand why he was nervous, it was almost as unexplainable as an instinctive reaction.

He asked, "Since you want to watch it, why did Li Fei ask you to go and you refused him?"

It took Jiang Tao two seconds to realize that Li Fei was the classmate who confessed to her and asked her to watch a movie.

She replied meaningfully, "It's not the movie that I rejected, but him. How can you watch a movie with someone you don't like?"

A smile floated on Song Yuemin's face, and the boredom that had piled up for more than an hour could be disintegrated.

"Do you want to see it? If you want to see it, I can accompany you."

He asked this question from his own heart, and only returned to his senses after he finished the question, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to pretend that nothing had happened. , please keep in mind:,.