Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 70


Subscribe some more, and you will be able to see me who is so excited that I am crazy~ People’s thinking is very strange, bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the norm. In the past, Qiu Xiaochan was cautious and careful, wishing to bury her head in the ground like an ostrich. After being bullied, everyone's evaluation of her has become better now that she has become more powerful.

Qiu Xiaochan's trip to buy meat was postponed to the next day. On this day, she got up early as usual and went out with eggs on her back. When she passed the cowshed at the head of the village, she specially gave Gu Wenqian the eggplant cakes fried in the morning.

Gu Wenqian had just cooked breakfast, steamed sweet potatoes and corn on the cob. He was actually not good at cooking. He used to have a nanny to prepare everything at home. He didn't even set foot in the kitchen at home. When he came to Shangyao Village, he dealt with food every day. Occasionally, he would use the food stamps sent by his mother to go to the town to exchange for some rough steamed buns, but the frequency was very small, because he knew that it was not easy for his mother to save food stamps, so he couldn’t bear to use them, so he always mailed the food stamps back the next time he sent a letter back. .

After a few times, my mother also used a little "scheming" to send him notes near the date, so that he couldn't keep them, and after the deadline, they would become useless waste paper, which must not be wasted.

"Comrade Qiu, if it's a thank you, last time's pancakes are enough, I can't accept today's pancakes."

Qiu Xiaochan put the porcelain bowl containing eggplant cakes on the table with missing corners, and said with a slight smile, "Comrade Gu, thanks to you for helping me speak yesterday, you don't have to think about it, we live in the same village, and neighbors give each other gifts." It’s common to order food. I made this with fresh eggplant, stuffed with chives and eggs. I heard that you are from the north and you must love dumplings. Although this eggplant cake is not as good as dumplings, it is fresh and clean. You might as well stay and try."

After finishing speaking, she pursed her lips and lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes concealed the agility in her eyes, and raised her hand to tighten the bamboo basket on her back, giving off a kind of affectionate feeling for no reason.

The most beautiful scenery in the world is the natural and unpretentious scenery. The 21-year-old girl is naturally sculpted, and every frown and smile comes from her heart. Gu Wenqian is just not good at getting along with the opposite sex rather than lacking in aesthetics. Naturally, she can be found shy like a cool breeze As beautiful.

A gentleman should not look at evil, he still turned his eyes away from her, and at the same time expressed his final attitude, "Comrade Qiu, even neighbors give gifts to each other. How about I give you nothing in return?" Keep taking your things. Besides, saving people is the right thing to do, I will save anyone who falls into the water, so I don’t deserve your thanks again and again.”

After saying this, Qiu Xiaochan's face turned red and then turned white. If other girls heard this, they might hide their faces and run away. Qiu Xiaochan also complained in her heart that this target is a tough nut to crack.

"Comrade Gu, I understand what you mean. You have a noble character, and I am not a person who does not reciprocate favors. I promise this is the last time, and I will never bother you again."

Her voice trembled slightly, and even with her head down, she could see the uncomfortable expression, as if she was about to cry, the morning sun shone through the treetops into the low eaves, casting a brilliant light on her fair face, Gu Wenqian turned around From the first glance, I saw her shiny white neck in the sun and the soft broken hair around her ears.

He explained with a tight voice, "I didn't mean that..."

But he couldn't even figure out what he meant, so he stopped in the middle of speaking.

Qiu Xiaochan didn't wait for his next words, she glanced at him, turned around and ran away, Gu Wenqian saw the crystal tears in the corners of her eyes, and the back of her raising her hand to wipe away the tears while running.

Turning around the high haystack, the system said, "Don't run, he's gone."

Qiu Xiaochan pursed her lips, her eyes were full of smiles, she didn't look uncomfortable at all.

"Your acting skills are good."

"This is all practiced to complete various tasks. If one day I leave the company to work in the entertainment industry, it will be no problem at all."

Therefore, qualified traversers are all "liars" with superb acting skills, but the degree of deceit is different. Some have no sincerity at all and just want to accomplish their goals, some are half-truth and half-fake to enjoy themselves, and some lie and fall behind. Sincerity, in the end even lied to myself.

The system asks, "So which one are you?"

Qiu Xiaochan looked at the rolling hills in the distance and said in a little trouble, "It's half true, half false, I have a good impression of him, but I don't know if I will like him very much in the future."

As a modern person, it seems that she has lost the ability to love, afraid of being let down, and has become an exquisite egoist. She must see the other person's 100% sincerity before entrusting herself. This is the reason why she has remained single in the real world.

I have done my best for life, so I don’t have the extra energy to fall in love. If I have the time to sleep, it would be great to have a spa or have afternoon tea with my girlfriends.

Not to mention how Gu Wenqian finally ate the warm eggplant cake with complicated thoughts, Qiu Xiaochan also arrived at the nearest small town after walking for more than forty minutes. This was the first time she came out of this world. village.

It is said that the town is actually very small, and you can see the end at a glance. It is full of weathered green walls and gray tiles, and there are also wooden sheds. The supply and marketing cooperatives, post office, and grain management office are all on this street.

In the 1970s, free trading was not allowed. The only shopping place in the whole town was the supply and marketing cooperative, which could buy everything people needed for life.

Qiu Xiaochan had no money or tickets, so she went to the special counter with a bamboo basket on her back to exchange eggs.

Fearing that the eggs would be broken before departure, she put thick straw in the bamboo basket to prevent the shock, and none of them were broken.

"Your egg is a bit small, it can only be divided into one quarter, and one piece of thirty eggs is two."

Qiu Xiaochan knew that the other party was nitpicking, and what she brought was a high-quality egg from the system. It was big, tasty, and highly nutritious. If it wasn't for the lack of money at home, she would not be willing to exchange it.

But she knew that it was useless to argue with reason. In this day and age, a salesperson is a solid job, and he can't be a job if he has no family background. It is normal to have a bad attitude. If you can't be hard, you can only be soft.

She put on a smile on her face and said, "Sister, my chickens are well-fed. Even the egg yolks are red, and they are not small. You can add more."

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, mainly because Qiu Xiaochan calls her "sister", unlike some people who call her "big sister" and call her old, and looking at Qiu Xiaochan's sincere face does not seem to be lying, not to mention that the egg is really It's not too small, so he said loosely, "Okay, let's weigh it by the catty, forty-five cents a catty, if you lie to me next time, I won't accept your eggs."

Qiu Xiaochan hurriedly smiled and thanked, "Thank you sister, don't worry, this egg is definitely worth the money."

The salesperson weighed it again, and the total was more than three catties. After paying Qiu Xiaochan's ten cents, it was twenty cents more. Don't underestimate the two cents, it's enough to weigh three taels of pork.

With Qianqiu Xiaochan, she went straight to the meat stand, first to see how other people bought it, and found that everyone wanted meat tickets when buying meat, and they only liked to buy those fatty parts. She looked cute, and asked with a smile, "Girl, are you buying meat?"

Qiu Xiaochan stared straight at the meat on the chopping board. In her eyes, it seemed that it had become a series of delicacies, such as braised pork, soy pork knuckle, lion head, roast fat intestines, honey sauce pork knuckle...

"Brother, I want to buy it, but I don't have a meat ticket, can I buy it?"

The stall owner was in a bit of trouble, and at this time, there was no one else in front of the meat stall except Qiu Xiaochan, so he glanced to the side and said, "Some of them can be sold without a ticket, but you came here late today, and only a pair of pig's lungs are left , and some bones with the flesh removed."

Qiu Xiaochan was a little disappointed, but soon became happy again. It was better than nothing, at least she could taste the meat, and said quickly, "Okay, I want the pig lungs and bones, brother, how much is the total?" .”

The stall owner took out the things from under the table, and handed them to Qiu Xiaochan with a straw rope, "Just give me 50 cents, the pig's lungs are quite big, and although there is no meat in the bones, the marrow inside is also a good thing."

Usually, if no one buys these things, the stall owner will take them back.

Qiu Xiaochan hurriedly paid the money and took it, put the things in the bamboo basket, and finally, perhaps because she closed her eyes, the stall owner gave her a piece of meat, only half a catty, no ticket, and asked her to pay thirty-five cents .

This was a complete surprise. Qiu Xiaochan kept thanking him, but the stall owner just smiled and said nothing else. He sells so much meat every day. Those who are acquainted with each other will be accommodating. The reason why I gave Qiu Xiaochan this convenience today may be that Qiu Xiaochan is a bit like the little sister in his family. The fate between people is sometimes unclear.

After the most important thing is resolved, there is nothing to go shopping. Other daily necessities can be exchanged in the system. The most troublesome thing is that some things can only be purchased with a ticket.

She complained to the system, "Why don't you develop the function of exchanging bills? I don't even want to have a meal of braised pork."

Not to mention sauced elbows and pig feet.

"Sorry, due to the complicated exchange rate issues involved, this system does not provide this service for the time being. If necessary, travelers can obtain it by themselves."

Qiu Xiaochan accepted this explanation, and it seemed that if she wanted to live a life of drinking and eating meat, she had to work hard on her own.

Qiu Xiaochan looked in the direction of the child's finger. A group of young people from the village came here carrying poles, and Gu Wenqian walked in the front.

Children love to be lively, so they ran over to watch it, and then quickly came back to tell Qiu Xiaochan, "Auntie Xiaochan, I saw a lot of furniture, all of which were made by Uncle Gu."

The people in the yard came out of the house when they heard the movement, and they were very surprised to see the battle.

"Ah, so much furniture, where did it come from? Didn't you buy it?"

"Comrade Gu knows carpentry, maybe he did it himself."

"Whether you buy it or make it yourself, you always have a heart."

Qiu Xiaochan never thought that he would secretly give herself such a surprise, and kept it from her for a few months. When Gu Wenqian led the crowd to the gate of the courtyard, he smiled and looked at Xiaochan amidst the booing of the crowd. Someone pushed her from behind, Xiaochan couldn't stand still and fell forward, Gu Wenqian immediately reached out to support her.

The children immediately clapped their hands and jumped up, circling around them, shouting, "Oh oh oh, the bride and groom are hugging each other."

After Gu Wenqian helped him, he let go of his hands. The two of them had shame on their faces. Zhang Daying stood up and asked everyone to carry the furniture into the yard.

A knowledgeable person knocked on the wooden board of the furniture and asked, "Is this the best beech wood? It's a good thing. It will last for decades without any problem."

"It's not just decades, it's enough to be a family heirloom."

Although it was a joke, the wood is indeed good wood. Although it is not as good as mahogany and ebony, it is enough for ordinary use.

"The style is good too, Comrade Gu, did you really make these yourself?"

The young man who helped carry the furniture said with a smile, "Let's testify to Comrade Gu that he really did it himself. He even bought the palm oil and brushed it himself."

Qiu Xiaochan squinted at Gu Wenqian, who stood aside and kept a low profile, feeling very satisfied in her heart. As she said before, no matter how good or bad the current conditions are, what she likes is this man's sincerity to her, and he can In such an environment, it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare a few large pieces of furniture in only three months. This kind of intention is much more precious than a rich person buying a diamond ring and a yacht.

She walked over and whispered in his ear, "Thank you, I like this surprise so much."

He raised the corners of his lips and nodded, and replied in a deep voice that only she could hear, "That's all I can give now, and I'll buy you better furniture when the conditions are better.",Please keep in mind:,.