Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 77


When Song Jianlong returned home, Fu Juan fell asleep by herself, and woke up again when she heard the door opening.

"Come back? Did you drink today?"

Song Jianlong nodded, and asked while taking off his clothes, "Guess who I saw today?"

"Who? Old Liu or Old Chen?"

These two people are friends of the couple, and they are also from government departments. They have more opportunities to meet at dinners.

Song Jianlong shook his head and said, "No, you would never have guessed it. It's Xiaotao. She interpreted for the German foreign guests in the inspection team. She was the German interpreter who applied to the Cultural Affairs Bureau years ago."


Fu Juan sat up from the bed in shock.

"Don't believe it? I thought I was dazzled when I saw her."

Fu Juan's first thought was the same as Song Jianlong's, that is, Jiang Tao has this ability, why does she come from a family as a nanny? Thinking that Jiang Tao came directly to the house at the beginning, and did not contact through housekeeping, could it be that Jiang Tao came here on purpose? Just to talk to Yuemin

But she quickly denied this idea to herself, preferring that everything was just a coincidence. Jiang Tao is an orphan, so she doesn't know about her own affairs. Besides, when Jiang Tao was at home, she was really competent in her work.

"I applied for the job a few years ago and why haven't I said anything?"

If I say it... so what, will I accept Jiang Tao because she has a decent job

Fu Juan herself didn't know the answer to this question.

Song Jianlong replied, "Maybe I didn't find the opportunity. It shouldn't be concealed on purpose. Didn't Yue Min say anything?"

Fu Juan stopped talking, thinking that her son would rather move out without mentioning it, she might be complaining to herself in her heart.

"Don't think about it too much. It's a good thing that Xiaotao has joined the Cultural Bureau. At least her life is guaranteed. This job is still very promising."

Fu Juan nodded, "I know, I just feel that the world is unpredictable."

I have to admit that if I met Jiang Tao as an interpreter from the Cultural Bureau instead of the Song family's babysitter, my attitude would definitely be different.

People can't stand it. Fu Juan just found out about Jiang Tao's work the day before yesterday, and ran into her in the urban area the next day. Jiang Tao accompanied foreign guests to buy Chinese specialties and took them back as souvenirs. Fu Juan happened to be there too. shopping on that street.

She saw that Jiang Tao was wearing a decent suit, with high heels on her feet, long hair and a shawl, and her thick bangs were combed sideways to form a three-seven point, which enhanced the three-dimensionality of the facial features. The scent is even better.

She said to the foreign guests in fluent German, "Mr. James, this is the most distinctive porcelain in China. It is produced in Jingdezhen and enjoys a high international reputation. If you like it, I think it is very worth buying. "

Mr. James picked up a piece of porcelain and looked at it carefully, nodding from time to time after listening to Jiang Tao's words, and after confirming that the porcelain could not be damaged by consignment, he selected a few favorites.

The owner of the porcelain shop was very happy to make the deal. In order to thank Jiang Tao for bringing the foreign guests over, he even offered to give her a piece of porcelain, but Jiang Tao declined.

"Boss, I didn't bring guests here to get kickbacks. If you are really grateful, you can give the guests a discount. This is also a contribution to the friendship between China and Germany."

The boss laughed twice, and he wiped a zero for Mr. James, and was thanked by Mr. James.

Fu Juan stood behind Jiang Tao, so she watched the whole process of Jiang Tao's shopping, but Jiang Tao didn't see her.

After buying the porcelain, Jiang Tao took James away and went to the next shopping place. This time it was a tailor shop with a sense of history, and there were many unique silk fabrics and products.

This is the first time Fu Juan has seen the other side of Jiang Tao, and I have to say that it shocked her a lot. It was just a change of job, but it was like a different person. If Jiang Tao was a clam shell, then Jiang Tao is now Peaches are like pearls in clam shells, exuding dazzling brilliance.

After the delegation left, Jiang Tao got a three-day vacation. It happened to be May and the weather was suitable. Jiang Tao made a travel plan, including lake tours, mountain climbing, and parks.

Her argument is, "People will feel more and more comfortable when they go to nature. We can't stay in this small courtyard with three acres of land every day."

With a smile on his face, Song Yuemin didn't say yes or no, he just pressed her down and kissed her, and said vaguely, "We will go as soon as you wake up."

Jiang Tao was so angry that she wanted to curse, but just as she was about to speak, someone stepped in, and she didn't say a complete sentence all night, so her plan of swimming in the lake or climbing the mountain naturally fell to naught. , please keep in mind:,.