Get Married In The Chronology

Chapter 88


In the afternoon, Ye Nianqi and Zhang Xianzhi participated in the newcomer training. The main content was Zhang’s corporate culture, goals and development status. This is the first lesson for every new employee, and the purpose is to strengthen the newcomers’ sense of belonging to the company.

The personnel supervisor in charge of the training explained the content of the usual PPT and found that both of them were familiar with the content, and said with satisfaction, "Very good, it seems that you have a good understanding of the company's situation. What Zhang needs is a strong initiative. employees."

After the training, there was an assessment, and both of them got full marks. After leaving the training room, Zhang Xianzhi praised Ye Nianqi, "I didn't expect you to learn about the company's information seriously just because you came here for an internship. You are very serious."

Ye Nianqi smiled and said, "You too, so should I praise you back?"

Zhang Xianzhi laughed again, of course he didn't mean it that way, as a descendant of the Zhang family, it's normal for her to know about her family's property, but in essence, her preparations are more adequate.

Ye Nianqi's enthusiastic attitude towards work infected Zhang Xianzhi, making him face all the next tasks with greater enthusiasm.

Zhang Xianzhi quickly became familiar with the job content, and from the third day onwards, he already had independent tasks, while Ye Nianqi still read the materials by herself.

He often leaves at noon with his backpack and returns before get off work. His main task is to visit all dealers in the Xiangjiang area to understand the sales situation of the whole quarter and issue a sales report. The team leader's requirement is to complete it within a week.

This task was not easy, and the reason why Jiang Zhiyue entrusted him to complete it was because of an entry report submitted by Zhang Xianzhi, which was very rich in content.

In Jiang Zhiyue's view, if Zhang Xianzhi can do it, he can add a general to the team, but if he can't, it means that he is a paper talker and Zhao Kuo is not worth mentioning.

Jiang Zhiyue's life credo is survival of the fittest and survival of the strong. He only wants excellent team members, so the working atmosphere of their team is very serious, which is in stark contrast to Ye Nianqi's team.

There was a regular meeting in the team on Monday, Liu Haisheng got angry because of the decline in sales, and the team members were silent and no one dared to speak.

If Jiang Zhiyue is the kind of leader who has always been strict with requirements, Liu Haisheng is usually very loose and doesn't even care much, but when he wants to see the result, he must give him the corresponding result, otherwise the consequences will be serious. He belongs to the same kind as Jiang Zhiyue in his bones, both are conceited and demanding.

"You guys are given one day to find out the reason for the decline and submit the corresponding sales plan. If you still make half-dead profits next week, you can all pack up and leave."

As an intern, no one asked Ye Nianqi to write it, but she still gave full play to her subjective initiative and prepared it. The title is "The Necessity of Opening up the Mainland Market", explaining from the huge market and demographic dividend in the Mainland, and giving examples of other foreign-funded enterprises entering the Mainland. The amount of her successful experience is no less than a small financial paper. What is amazing is that all the data were collected within one week after she joined the company.

All the team members are earnestly completing the task, even Qin Yongmei who troubles Ye Nianqi from time to time is silent, and it will be time to get off work soon.

"It's finally over, and there's still time to go to the appointment for dinner."

"Yeah, let's find out the reason. Who knows, it's only three percentage points. Maybe it's because the weather is too hot recently and people don't want to go out for shopping."

"Oh, don't worry about it, the team leader writes as soon as he asks, and I have written a lot before. It's a commonplace."

Everyone left one after another. Ye Nianqi hadn't finished writing yet, and she didn't like to give up halfway. She wanted to work hard and go back after finishing writing. The most important thing was that she had discovered that Zhang Xianzhi would delay work by one to two hours every day. It's too obvious that she didn't have a job to stay, so she left on time every day. Of course, she had to find a way to get in touch with such a good opportunity today.

She only has one month. Zhang Xianzhi is a workaholic. Even in an office, there are few opportunities to communicate. Before, we could have lunch together. In recent days, he always goes out. Ye Nianqi has not had the opportunity to "exchange feelings" with him for a long time. up.

When the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock, Zhang Xianzhi was about to leave after finishing the finishing work of the day, and saw Ye Nianqi still sitting upright, typing on the keyboard non-stop.

He picked up his bag and walked over to ask, "Nianqi, it's getting late, do you still have to work overtime?"

Only then did Ye Nianqi's attention turn away from the computer screen.

It may be that he was typing too seriously and didn't even notice when he got up.

"Is it so late? I forgot to check the time."

Zhang Xianzhi smiled understandingly and said, "Once you sink into the working atmosphere, it will be like this, but it is not safe for you to go home alone as a girl. If you are working, you can leave it until tomorrow, what do you think?"

If it was Zhang Xian to himself, he would naturally choose to stay in the company to finish it, but as a man and a good friend, since we met, he must ensure Ye Nianqi's safety.

He already knew that Ye Nianqi was only eighteen years old, so he naturally took care of her like a younger sister.

Ye Nianqi nodded and said, "Well, then I will file the document and write it at home."

During the operation, Zhang Xianzhi saw that her title was "The Importance of Opening up the Mainland Market", and he was touched, because this idea coincided with his own, and he was sure that he had never shown too much in front of Ye Nianqi No, not even in front of the family.

He just came back from the UK. Although he joined the company to work according to his grandfather's wishes, his current position is not at the decision-making level, but just a small employee at the grassroots level.

Real knowledge comes from practice. He is not sure whether his ideas are correct or not, and he needs to constantly use the results of his work to support his arguments. Unexpectedly, Ye Nianqi wrote the report first. It was undoubtedly a strong collision of thoughts. At this moment, he even had a kind of The urge to sit down and read what she wrote from beginning to end, but his self-cultivation and personality prevented him from making such a request. He just asked, "Do you also think the mainland market is important?"

Ye Nianqi turned her head in surprise, as if wondering why he asked this suddenly, but she nodded naturally, "Of course, if you don't mention the huge market share and demographic dividend, just look at the national policy, the development prospects are endless. I personally think Zhang should Accelerate the pace of entering the mainland."

Strictly speaking, it's not that the Zhang family has no development in the mainland, but it is still focusing on the cooperation with Western countries, but it is understandable, after all, Xiangjiang only returned last year.

If Zhang's is compared to a giant commercial ship, which sails smoothly on the sea without wind and waves, it will undoubtedly require great courage to change the direction of sailing suddenly, and this decision must be made by the captain Zhang Guofu.

At this moment, Zhang Xianzhi undoubtedly admired Ye Nianqi very much. This kind of appreciation was more three-dimensional and more mellow than before, but he carefully took this throbbing into his heart.

He has no experience in feelings, so he doesn't know what this means. In addition, love is a serious matter in his heart, and he will not easily regard good feelings or heartbeats as love.

But by this time, Ye Nianqi was already a special existence in his heart, and he could tell that his concern and care for her was not only out of politeness, but more because he wanted to do so.

Ye Nianqi sent the file to her mailbox, quickly put away her backpack and left with Zhang Xianzhi.

Originally Zhang Xianzhi wanted to invite her to have dinner together, but his mood fluctuated too much just now, so Zhang Xianzhi gave up this idea and just asked, "How do you usually go home?"

"I take the subway."

Zhang Xianzhi nodded, his identity was hidden, it was not appropriate for Uncle Sun to take her off, so he called a taxi for her on the side of the road, and handed over the note with his number written on it when he sent her to the car, "This is my number, call or text me when you get home."

In 1998, mobile phones were not fully popularized, and there was no one in everyone's hands, but Zhang Xianzhi, as a descendant of the Zhang family, must have had one, but he rarely gave his private number to others, and today is considered a special case.

Ye Nianqi took it with a smile, and waved to him through the car window, "Thank you, then I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

Zhang Xianzhi also nodded with a smile, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

He watched the taxi drive away, took a breath before turning around, and walked to the place where Uncle Sun usually parked.

In the taxi, Ye Nianqi looked at the string of mobile phone numbers on the paper, and instinctively realized that this was a huge improvement, so she called the system and asked, "What's the progress of the task now?"

The system "Ding Dong" replied, "12/100, congratulations."

They had only known each other for a week, let alone the time traveler who challenged this mission before, who didn't even meet Zhang Xianzhi during the whole mission, Ye Nianqi can be said to have found a different way, worthy of being a frequent visitor of perfect missions, indeed very good.

But Ye Nianqi is not as optimistic as he is. It is not difficult for her to pry his heart open, but it is not easy for him to unswervingly choose herself and marry her. Fortunately, her plan for this month is just to be with her. He knew each other, so he didn't really think that he could be taken down in a short time.

However, Ye Nianqi was quite surprised that he could trust her in such a short period of time and give her a private number.

"Should I buy a cell phone too?"

I didn't buy it before because I was short of money, but I felt that there was no one to contact, except Jin Guofu, but now I have a reasonable reason to buy.

The taxi stopped at the gate of the community half an hour later, Ye Nianqi took out her wallet and asked, "Master, how much is it?"

The master waved his hand and said, "Get out of the car, that gentleman has already paid for it."

Ye Nianqi recalled the previous details, but couldn't think of when he paid the fare, but her affection for this man has reached a new level.

Even for the mission objects selected by the system, the favorability is accumulated and superimposed. It is not that there is affection after meeting. It is a happy thing for the traversers to appreciate and fall in love with their mission objects.

People like Zhang Xianzhi, even if it's not because of the mission, are the ones she is willing to associate with.

When she got home, her parents were there, asking her why she came back late, and told her that the kitchen had left her food.

Ye Nianqi responded and went back to her room, logged into the social networking site with a computer, and sent a message to Zhang Xianzhi's number.

"I've arrived home safely, don't read it. Miss Ye expresses his gratitude to the gentleman's Mr badge, and has the opportunity to treat you to dinner."

When Zhang Xianzhi received this message, he had just returned to his bedroom to take a shower, and he smiled unconsciously, and replied, "Okay. Work is hard, go to bed early, good night."

This sentence has two meanings, one is to respond to Ye Nianqi's treaty, and the other is to let her pay attention to rest.

The next day, I went to the company to submit a report to the whole team, and Ye Nianqi naturally submitted it too. Last night she wrote until eleven o'clock before going to bed.

Qin Yongmei saw that she printed out a few pages more than her own, and said sarcastically, "It's just an intern, what useful insights can be written, some people want to run before they learn to walk."

After speaking, she actually wanted to kick out Ye Nianqi's report, this was the first time Ye Nianqi had a direct confrontation with her.

"Miss Qin, you have exceeded the rules. You are not the team leader and have no right to interfere with my work. Please respect yourself."

The whole group was silent, no one dared to speak, Qin Yongmei's face was particularly ugly, she stared at Ye Nianqi fiercely and said, "Okay, since you are so confident that you insist on handing over, let the facts show you."

On the desk not far away, Zhang Xianzhi noticed the situation over there, looked at it with concern, and brought her a cup of mandarin duck milk tea while he was out doing errands. He remembered Ye Nianqi said that drinking milk tea would Let her have a sense of happiness.

Because of what happened in the morning, the atmosphere in the group was gloomy. Everyone was waiting for the group leader to send a message, and they waited for three hours.

With a "snap", all the reports were thrown on the desk, and Liu Haisheng, who was not wearing sunglasses, looked worried.

"Is this the answer you gave me? I'm so easy to pass? Have you done market research seriously, sitting in the office and imagining it?"

After scolding severely, he highlighted Ye Nianqi.

"He's just an intern. He just came here. If you don't mention the content, your work attitude is more correct than yours. Don't even think about blowing your mind comfortably this afternoon. Go out for a field trip for me, write it and submit it again. This is I will give you one last chance.", please keep in mind:,.