Get Rid Of The Male God And Marry The Rich

Chapter 17


Does he think Daocheng is more romantic or is the love suite more romantic? But with such a polite person, he should simply mean the scenery and romance, right

Meng Yu said, "Does Mr. Chu like Daocheng?"

"I can't say I like it, I just think it looks more romantic."

"… "

"But the decision is up to you. If you like Provence, we will go to Provence."

Meng Yu felt that if she wanted to choose her in Daocheng and Provence, she would rather choose Provence. Meng Yu thought about it and said, "Then go to Provence."

"it is good."

The location was decided in this way, Meng Yu stood up, "Then I'll go upstairs first."

She was about to leave when Chu Xiujin said again, "You accompany me to a banquet tomorrow, and the other party invites our couple to go together."

"Okay." Meng Yu replied, "What kind of banquet is it?"

"It's a birthday banquet."

For birthday parties, dress conservatively and low-key. Meng Yu chose a black long-sleeved dress, a bit like a ballet skirt with an extended skirt. The upper body is very slim, which outlines the curves of the figure, and the lower body is a pleated skirt, which drapes well and looks gorgeous.

Chu Xiujin is still wearing a suit and trousers, but this time it is a casual style, not as formal as going to the company.

The banquet was held in a leisure club, which has been wrapped up and a lot of security has been added.

Before entering, Chu Xiujin gently bumped her with his elbow. Meng Yu turned his head and glanced, and saw that he stretched his elbow towards her, she looked at him in surprise.

"Huh?" He gestured with his eyes.

Meng Yu understood, she turned her eyes to the side, pretended to be calm and pulled his elbow.

These two are the focus figures, one is powerful and handsome, the other is tall and beautiful, and the two immediately attracted the attention of the audience when they walked in.

Chu Xiujin rarely attends such banquets. The Zheng family originally thought he would not come. Seeing Chu Xiujin appearing, the Zheng family was flattered and hurried over to say hello.

The Zheng family makes automobile raw materials and has cooperation with Beiyue Automobile, and it is also because of the North Vietnam that many foreign auto companies find the Zheng family to be the original car factory, so the North Vietnam can be said to hold the lifeblood of the Zheng family. For Chu Xiujin, the leader of North Vietnam, the Zheng family is of course respectful.

Today's banquet is Mr. Zheng's birthday. Mr. Zheng brought his son and daughter-in-law over to greet Chu Xiujin and his wife.

It is said to be a birthday banquet, in fact, it is more like a gathering of the automobile industry. Many people in Yancheng who are related to the automobile industry were also invited to participate, including the Wang family, Wang Weiguo, his wife Qi Mei, and their daughter Wang Shuyuan.

After a few people said hello, Qi Mei took Meng Yu's hand and looked her up and down, she smiled with satisfaction, "Your complexion is much better, it seems that your marriage life is very good, my mother sees that. You can rest assured that you are happy."

She and Qi Mei were not that kind of close mother-daughter, but in front of so many people, she still smiled at her.

This time, Mr. Zheng's birthday banquet was attended by the person in charge of Wopai. Because of the North Vietnamese connection, the Zheng family became Wopai's raw material foundry a few years ago. The two companies cooperate closely. Of course, Mr. Zheng will invite each other for his birthday banquet.

The person in charge of Wopai is French. Although he works in Germany, he doesn't understand German very well. He usually communicates in English, so Chu Xiujin introduced Meng Yu to him in fluent English.

Meng Yu shook hands with him and was about to say hello to him, but someone took a step ahead of her and said, "Hello, Mr. Leon, I'm Meng Yu's sister. My sister's English is not very good. I'll say hello to you on her behalf."

Meng Yu frowned and looked at Wang Shuyuan, but she heard Wang Shuyuan say again, "I'm sorry to make Mr. Leon laugh, but Mr. Leon also saw it. My sister is a rare beauty, and Mr. Leon also knows that a great beauty is always better than a great beauty. Girls are generally more beautiful, so when she was in school, she spent most of her time on makeup and neglecting her homework. She also hired an English tutor at home.

Mingming seemed to be talking for her, praising her as a great beauty, and apologized to Mr. Leon for her because she was not fluent in English. Secretly, he was telling everyone that Meng Yu was just a sloppy bastard who only knew about Aimei, and even if she hired a tutor, she couldn't study well, so that now she is Chu Xiujin's wife, but she doesn't even know English when she comes out to socialize.

In fact, Wang Shuyuan's purpose is not only this, not only to let everyone know that Meng Yu is an ignorant person, but also to let Chu Xiujin know how his wife who only looks at the face and chooses to embarrass him.

Wang Shuyuan's words made others a little embarrassed, especially Mr. Leon, who didn't know how to answer. Wang Shuyuan chatted with Mr. Leon on some other topics. She talked about the car and the prospect of domestic engine technology, showing the charm of a socialite.

Wang Shuyuan said that she is an ignorant person, but she still graduated from a first-class university in China. Although she is not an ace major, although she is only one or two points higher than the admission line, but in Wang Shuyuan's view, she is just lucky, she always felt that she was just lucky to get such a high score in the college entrance examination. .

Meng Yu has always been suppressed by Wang Shuyuan in the Wang family. She can't be too outstanding, she can't be excellent, only one Wang Shuyuan is excellent in the Wang family.

She still remembers that when she was in junior high school, she got a certificate of merit and went home, but her mother was not happy because of it, but said a lot to her with sincerity. She told her to study hard in class, but she didn't need to be so serious in exams. She didn't expect her to be a pillar of society. She only hoped that she could become an ordinary person and live a peaceful life.

Shit! In fact, it was because Wang Shuyuan felt uncomfortable when she saw that she took the certificate, and lost her temper. At that time, Wang Shuyuan was not very accepting of her stepmother, so she had to think about her everywhere. Although Wang Shuyuan didn't say it clearly, Qi Mei knew that Wang Shuyuan was unhappy when she saw Meng Yu received the award. She didn't want Meng Yu to be better than her, or rather, she hoped that Meng Yu was someone who was only beautiful and not as good as her in everything else. people.

The most thing her mother said to her since she was a child was to let Wang Shuyuan, because they eat and live in the Wang family, she can go to school and eat enough because of the Wang family. This is what they owe Wang Shuyuan. She can't support her alone. They can only depend on the Wang family, so she must let Wang Shuyuan do everything.

She can't be excellent, she'd better be an ordinary person with only beauty, only her ordinary can set off Wang Shuyuan's excellence.

However, she is no longer in the Wang family, and she has already repaid Wang Shuyuan's favor by marrying Chu Xiujin. She no longer owes them to them, so why should she still let Wang Shuyuan.

"Mr. Leon, my sister doesn't like me, so she likes to belittle me in front of outsiders, but she obviously doesn't understand me..." After Meng Yu said, he spread his hands to Mr. Leon.

Mr. Leon's eyes lit up, of course he was very cordial when he heard someone speak his native language, and his face was excited, "Mrs. Chu speaks French so well?"

"I have learned it since I was a child, so there is no problem with communication."

"However, why doesn't your sister like you?"

"My mother is her stepmother, she is not my sister, and my sister is very jealous, she does not allow me to be better than her."

Leon gave Wang Shuyuan a complicated look, and he said to Meng Yu, "I really feel sorry for you."

"It does not matter."

The two used French the whole time, and Wang Shuyuan couldn't understand it at all, but when Mr. Leon's meaningful eyes swept towards her, she saw it, and she didn't have to think to know that Meng Yu must have said something bad about her.

However, she had no idea what she was talking about.

And... Is her bird language French? Why does she speak French? When did she learn to speak French

Meng Yu and Mr. Leon talked and laughed freely, and Wang Shuyuan even saw his admiration for Meng Yu in Leon's eyes.

Wang Shuyuan's fingers holding the red wine glass gradually tightened.

The conversation between Meng Yu and Leon came to an end, Leon turned his head and said to Wang Shuyuan, "It seems that you don't know your sister, she is very talented."

He spoke English, which most of the people present could understand.

The corners of Wang Shuyuan's mouth twitched, she pretended to be calm and smiled, "Really?" She glanced at Meng Yu with a smile, "I never knew my sister was so talented, I'm really happy for her." She finished speaking He raised his glass to Leon and Chu Xiujin, "I'm sorry, I'll excuse me first."

When Wang Shuyuan left, Chu Xiujin lowered her head and asked her in Meng Yu's ear, "Do you speak French?"

It wasn't very close, but his warm breath swept across her auricle, Meng Yu felt a little stiff, she adjusted her breathing to keep calm and said to him, "I can not only speak French, but also German, English and Japanese. ."

"so smart?"

Meng Yu tried her best to ignore the heat that Chu Xiujin was blowing in her ear and said, "My grandma spent time in France and Germany when she was young, so she taught me French and German when I was very young, but not long after my father passed away, she taught me French and German. Passed away. Because I have been studying since I was a child, there is no problem in ordinary communication. Later, after I went to university, I chose Japanese as a major, and then took German and French as electives, so German and French have never been left behind. I started to learn, so I am sure I will.”

"It seems that Mr. Leon is right, your sister really doesn't know you."

Of course she doesn't know her. In fact, Wang Shuyuan sometimes lives too much. She only believes what she wants to believe. She only wants to believe that Meng Yu is inferior to her in every way. How could she find out carefully? What about her language talent

Wang Shuyuan really did not expect Meng Yu to speak fluent French. She looked at Meng Yu, who was chatting and laughing with Chu Xiujin, the Zheng family, and Mr. Leon. She was humble and polite, but neither humble nor arrogant. She used to live in her. The people under the light are so dazzling at the moment.

Wang Shuyuan has been a frequent guest at banquets since she was a child, but Meng Yu seldom attends banquets. Her lack of experience will inevitably make her look clumsy. She thought that suddenly marrying Chu Xiujin and becoming a wealthy wife, she would be ridiculous like a nouveau riche. But like a fish in water, it is easy to deal with.

Instead, it was her, because she had just made a big oolong, but she could only stand outside the crowd at this time.

When exactly did Meng Yu learn French, she looked at Qi Mei again, Qi Mei did not express surprise, but was relieved because her daughter was able to do it with ease.

This mother and daughter are really low-key, so low-key is annoying.

Wang Shuyuan burst into anger from her heart.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and Wang Shuyuan picked it up to see that it was from Yan Wenwen.

She picked it up, and Yan Wenwen said to her, "It's done, Zheng Yu is on his way back to the banquet now, it shouldn't take a few minutes."

Wang Shuyuan nodded, "You did a good job."

She hung up the phone and sneered. The last time Meng Yu used Chu Xiujin's power to force her to apologize, she hadn't forgotten. She suffered such an insult, how could she not ask for it back.

Zheng Yu is the grandson of Mr. Zheng Lao. He is the same age as Meng Yu. The junior high school and high school are in the same school, but they are not in the same class. Because the Zheng family and the Wang family are somewhat related to the Xia family, they also have contacts. Zheng Yu has a good relationship with Wang Shuyuan and Yan Wenwen, and has visited the Wang family before. However, Meng Yu and Zheng Yu were not familiar with each other, so she didn't know that Zheng Yu, a shy and introverted person on weekdays, became like a different person after drinking, and she didn't know that Zheng Yu who was drunk would talk nonsense. Will call her name over and over again.

Zheng Yu likes Meng Yu, which is something both Wang Shuyuan and Yan Wenwen know.

As Zheng Yu's family, Mr. Zheng and Zheng Yu's parents of course know that Zheng Yu likes to talk nonsense when he drinks, and they say something related to Meng Yu.

The Zheng family knew that Zheng Yu had a crush on Meng Yu and didn't do anything. In their opinion, Meng Yu was just the stepdaughter of the Wang family, and she was not worthy of her status, but now that Meng Yu became Chu Xiujin's wife, it was different.

So today Mr. Zheng severely warned Zheng Yu not to drink alcohol.

However, Zheng Yu was already an adult. Although Mr. Zheng called people to look at him, he couldn't bear it. Zheng Yu disappeared in a blink of an eye, and when he came back, he was very drunk.

He doesn't actually drink much, but he doesn't know how to drink, and gets drunk when he touches it.

Zheng Yu stumbled back to the banquet, and he saw the girl at a glance, the girl he hid in his heart and dared not speak out.

He grinned like a lunatic. He didn't seem to be able to see anyone around him, but only saw her standing there slim.

He ran towards her quickly, but he didn't care if he bumped into someone on the road.

"Meng Yu, Meng Yu..." He called out her name.

Mr. Zheng's daughter-in-law was the first to see Zheng Yu, and she was startled when she saw him like this. She hurried over to support him, and scolded, "Didn't I tell you not to drink?"

Zheng Yu didn't seem to see her. He stared at Meng Yu and called her, "Meng Yu, Meng Yu."

With such a big movement, other people naturally noticed it.

Zheng Yu's mother hurriedly covered her son's mouth. She called the security guard over and ordered them to help take him down. However, Zheng Yu, who was drunk, was brute force. He pulled his mother's hand away and said to Meng Yu, "Meng Yu. , why don't you like me? Why don't you want to look at me when you sleep with so many men?"

Zheng Yu's mother was startled and yelled at him, "Don't drive me crazy, go back to me."

Zheng Yu was taken out by the security guard. He struggled to speak again. The security guard hurriedly covered his mouth. Zheng Yu was so angry that he took a bite on his hand. Yu said, "Meng Yu, I don't despise you, no matter how messy your private life is, I don't despise you, no matter how many men you have slept with, you are my goddess."

Meng Yu's hands on both sides of her body were tightly clenched into fists. She was not familiar with Zheng Yu at all, and she didn't know that Zheng Yu liked her. In her impression, Zheng Yu is a very shy boy, even talking to people in a soft voice. She never thought that this shy and reserved boy would shout loudly in public, and he would say it so unpleasantly. if.

Meng Yu's reputation in high school was not particularly good because she was beautiful and many boys in the school liked her. I don't know when the school started to say that her private life was chaotic. It was said that she stepped on several boats, often dated different boys and opened a room, and even assisted her in dating.

High school was the darkest time in her life. Everywhere she went, there would be someone pointing at her behind her back. Although she was still sunny, no matter what others said about her, she still had to dress up beautifully every day with the most beautiful posture. appear in front of people. She looked so light, but no one would know how scared and helpless she was when she was shrouded in shadows. No one would know that in the dead of night, she secretly hid under the quilt because of the rumor and cried hoarsely.

Later, when she went to college, she met more people and met Xiao Qi, and she gradually forgot the dark days in high school.

But now, it was as if someone had suddenly tore open the wound she had finally stitched up and spread it out in front of everyone. When she was alone in high school, she was insulted when others insulted her, but now she is married, and she is still standing by her husband, who is also the chairman of North Vietnam.

As the wife of the chairman of Beiyue, she has such an unbearable past. People often stand higher and fall more miserably. When she was just Meng Yu, maybe she could straighten her back and not be afraid of everyone's eyes, but now she is not just Meng Yu.

Facing the gazes that came over, she tried her best to calm herself and straighten her back.

But there was something stuck in her chest, she just felt that she was about to breathe out.

Why is this happening? It's clear that everything is going in a good direction. She has left the Wang family, and the husband she married treats her well. When she is in a social situation, everyone respects her. Her life is obviously getting better. so

She felt her calf tremble violently, and when her feet softened, she was about to fall and sit down, but a hand supported her in time.

She looked at him subconsciously, and Chu Xiujin stared at the front with a cold face and said, "Mr. Zheng, please explain this matter to me as soon as possible."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and asked her, "Can you go?"

She opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound.

"excuse me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he bent down and directly picked her up, and the people around him immediately gave way.

His arms were strong, holding her firmly, his chest was warm, and leaning on it made her heart gradually calm down.