Get Rid Of The Male God And Marry The Rich

Chapter 24


After eating, Chu Xiujin received a call. After hanging up, he said to Meng Yu, "Xia Jing has been arrested, because he is also suspected of his father's affairs."

Meng Yu "… "

Chu Xiujin waited for a while and she didn't speak, then he asked, "Aren't you going to ask me if his arrest is related to me?"

Meng Yu shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's related to you or not. Those who make mistakes should be punished."

Meng Yu's words can actually be understood as two meanings. The first one, even if it is related to him, Xia Jing was arrested because they shot him first, and it is understandable for him to fight back. Second, even if it has nothing to do with him, Xia Jing should be arrested for being suspected of money laundering.

Chu Xiujin said, "You are right, those who make mistakes should be punished."

Meng Yu received a call from Xia Han the next day, and Xia Han asked her out for afternoon tea. However, Meng Yu knew that Xia Han might not just ask her out for afternoon tea.

The place agreed with Xia Han is the dessert shop where the two often go together. When Meng Yu entered, he saw Xia Han sitting on a familiar seat. Xia Han saw her and said to her, "I ordered you for you. My favorite milk tea."


Meng Yu sat down and Xia Han said to her, "Xia Jing has been arrested."

Sure enough, she guessed right, Xia Han asked her out for Xia Jing.

"I know, I heard Mr. Chu say it yesterday."

Xia Han rubbed her fingertips on the edge of the coffee cup. She was silent for a while and said, "Struggling for power and profit, brothers fight against the wall, this kind of thing is really tiring. I didn't want to care about their affairs anymore. How they fight has nothing to do with me. But Wen Qing came to me with her child in her arms, she cried and knelt on the ground and begged me, I had no choice. Chu Xiujin is busy cleaning up the Xia family's big house in the company and has no time to see me, so I can only find you here ."

Wen Qing is Xia Jing's wife, and they have a one-year-old son.

"So, do you want me to help tell Mr. Chu to let him release Xia Jing?"

"Yeah." Xia Han replied succinctly.

"But weren't Xia Jing and Uncle Xia arrested for money laundering?"

"Actually, whether they were caught for money laundering or for murder and arson, it all depends on Chu Xiujin's mood. He thinks that he can produce evidence for how they get caught. Which of the people living in the turbid world is unsullied? Everyone makes mistakes, even a small mistake, if there is a way to magnify it, it can turn into a big mistake that puts people in jail."

"… "

Xia Han's meaning can also be understood as, Chu Xiujin holds the evidence of the Xia family's big house's mistakes in his hand. No matter whether it is a big or a small mistake, he can use the evidence as long as he needs it.

"Even so, Brother Xia Jing has murdered Mr. Chu after all. I'm going to beg him to release Brother Xia Jing. Brother Xia Jing is bound to become a threat to him."

Xia Han said, "During the time when my uncle was arrested, Chu Xiujin has cleaned up a lot of people around him. Even if Xia Jing is released, Beiyue will not have a place for him anymore. Be a wealthy and idle person, and live a normal life with the shares of North Vietnam."

Meng Yu lowered his head and said in a voice like a gnat, "Even so, it is still a threat to him after all."

Xia Han squinted at her slightly, "Meng Yu, tell me the truth, do you fall in love with him, or why do you think about him everywhere?"

Meng Yu was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "How can I fall in love with someone so easily? It's just that after I married Mr. Chu, he was also very kind to me, and he helped me many times, if I knew that Brother Xia Jing was a threat to him. He also begged him to let him go, feeling ungrateful, like a white-eyed wolf."

"I know you're in a difficult situation, and I'm not forcing you. I came to you to shirk, but Wen Qing's begging, I just did what I was supposed to do, and I won't blame you for what choice you will make. "

Meng Yu didn't speak any more, and the two fell into silence. In the past, the two would go shopping together after having afternoon tea, but today, everyone said goodbye to each other after drinking tea.

Meng Yu thought about Xia Han's words on the way back.

She and Xia Han met in junior high school. At that time, she had just moved to Yancheng with the Wang family. She was unfamiliar with her life here. In addition to the roles of Wang Shuyuan and Yan Wenwen, the classmates in the class deliberately isolated her and did not want to be with her. Play.

One time when she was running in gym class, she accidentally sprained her foot. She squatted on the ground alone and it hurt so much that she couldn't get up, and she didn't know how long she had been squatting. One hand reached out to support her, and then a clear voice sounded, " Are you OK?"

That was the first time she saw Xia Han. She was in the same school and different class as her. She wore a high ponytail, neat school uniform, and a clean face.

Later they became friends.

After high school, the two went to different schools. High school was the darkest day in her life. Once Xia Han came to the school to look for her, she happened to be pointed at by a girl in public. Xia Han slapped her directly and warned the girl and the people watching the fun very domineeringly. Don't bully her again.

She remembered that they used to ride a bicycle together to go far away. At that time, there was sunshine on the head, the school uniform was soaked in hot sweat, and the body was full of youth. The two girls rode the bicycle fast on the deserted street, smiling. The sound leaped overhead from where they passed.

Xia Han has always acted as the person who took care of her in her youth, and because of her company, her youth was not so bad.

She has taken care of her a lot and this is the first time she has come to beg her.

In the evening, after Chu Xiujin came back, Meng Yu walked to the door of his study and knocked on the door. His voice soon came from inside, "Come in."

Meng Yu hesitated for a while before entering.

"Anything with me?" Chu Xiujin asked.

He was mentally prepared, but when he really faced him, Meng Yu felt that he couldn't speak.

"What's wrong?" he asked again.

"Xia Han came to me today." She finally spoke.

He was silent for a while and asked her, "She asked you to help Xia Jing beg for mercy?"

She lowered him and didn't dare to look at him, "Well." She took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I clearly said before that he should be punished for his mistakes, but in a blink of an eye, he ran to you to plead for him. .I know he is threatening you and begged you here, I'm really sorry."

She was silent for a long time, and the feeling of oppression almost made her breathless.

"Okay, I let him go," he told her.

She looked at him suddenly, his expression was calm, neither disappointed nor sad.

She was only for her friend, and her friend wanted her to help. If she didn't do anything, she would not feel well, so she opened her mouth to him, but it was one thing for him to answer or not.

He could have refused, and even she hoped in her heart that he would refuse, so that she could feel better, but he actually agreed.

He knew better than anyone that Xia Jing wanted him to die, and releasing Xia Jing would surely pose a threat to him.

"You... why did you agree?" Meng Yu asked him.

He sat on the back of the chair, his expression did not change, "You ask me, I have to give you face no matter what."

Meng Yu hurriedly said, "Why is my face so important, I only did it because Xia Han found me... You don't have to agree at all."

"Of course my wife's face is important," he said.

"… "

Meng Yu didn't know what to say for a while, he regarded her as his wife and respected her. But she pleads for someone who threatens him.

Meng Yu felt like a white-eyed wolf, something stuck in her heart, making her uncomfortable.

"You... you're busy, I'll go out first."

Meng Yu went back to her room and hurriedly washed her face. Her nose and eyes were sore. She felt so guilty that she really wanted to cry.

At this moment, she really wanted to do something for him, she had to do something, this feeling of guilt was really uncomfortable.

Meng Yu thought that he had given her some materials a few days ago and asked her to help translate. The cooperation between her and Yamasuke Ryota has been negotiated, and some materials have been sent there, all in Japanese.

A thick stack of materials, and many professional terms in it have to refer to reference books. Meng Yu stayed up all night and finished it all, and she didn't fall asleep until noon the next day.

This sleep lasted until the afternoon, when she woke up, he had already returned from the company. Meng Yu showed him the translated material. After seeing it, he was surprised and said, "Didn't I say give it to me in a week? You translated it so quickly?"

"I just want to finish it for you soon."

"Don't be in such a hurry, or do you have something to do? I remember that you seemed to tell me that you were going to write a manuscript for the publishing house. Did I take up too much of your time?"

Meng Yu hurriedly said, "No, no, I just want to do more for you."

Chu Xiujin probably understood, "If it's because of Xia Jing's matter, you don't have to do this. I understand the embarrassment you are caught in the middle, and I'm willing to make compromises for you."

It was because of this that she was even more embarrassed, and she hoped that he would not understand her that way.

"Don't think about it so much, go get ready, and come to Japan with me in a few days."

Meng Yu took a deep breath, "Okay."

Before the two left for Japan, Chu Xiujin went to visit Xia Peng at the detention center. In a visiting room that was not well lit, Xia Peng was brought in, his hands were handcuffed to a specially made table, and Chu Xiujin was sitting opposite the table.

As Chu Xiujin's eldest brother, Xia Peng was more than a year older than him, and he could be his father.

Chu Xiujin looked at the old fox who was elegant and easy-going in the shopping mall, but cunning and cunning behind his back. A few days in prison made his complexion a lot worse, but those shrewd eyes were still as sharp as a wolf.

"I came to tell you that Xia Jing was arrested because of you."

Xia Peng sneered and said, "Cut the grass and remove the roots, the method is clean and neat, you really have won the true inheritance of the old man in the family."

Chu Xiujin smiled lightly, "I really don't dare to do it."

"So you came to me today just to tell me how you killed our family?"

"No, I'm here to talk to you, do you want to help release Xia Jing."

Xia Peng looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You are so kind?"

"Of course I don't have this kindness. I never like to cause trouble for myself when I do things, but you should be thankful that someone helped Xia Jing beg me here."

"Who will help to intercede? Xia Han? How did Xia Han convince you? Or what deal did you reach? Xia Han has nothing to do with this matter, you'd better not involve her."

"It doesn't matter who is interceding anymore. In short, I've been persuaded and I'm willing to let Xia Jing go."

Xia Peng stared at him silently for a long time, "So... what do you want me to do?"

"Sure enough, it's easy to talk to smart people. It's very simple, plead guilty as soon as possible, and put the money laundering on one person."

Xia Peng clenched his roasted hands, his eyes burning with anger, "Money laundering? Is it money laundering when I help people transfer money abroad?"

"Since there is evidence to prove that you are money laundering, then you are money laundering. What's more, do you want me to convict you of your crime? If the outside world knows what the Xia family will think of killing each other, I'm just protecting Xia. family's reputation."

"Preserve the reputation of the Xia family? As a bastard with dirty blood, do you have the heart to protect the reputation of the Xia family?"

Chu Xiujin slowly swept his gaze towards him, his eyes were sharp and cold.

"You are right, I do have dirty blood flowing in my body. Do you know why I have been reluctant to change my surname? Because half of the Xia family's blood in my body is dirty enough, I don't want to carry it on my back again. Xia's filthy surname."

Xia Peng's feet and hands were roasted, but he didn't know if Chu Xiujin's words irritated him. He became emotional. He supported the table with his hands, and his body almost lifted the heavy chair. Staring at Chu Xiujin, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn him to ashes.

"It is unfortunate that the Xia family has such a sinister person as you." Xia Peng said to him through gritted teeth.

Chu Xiujin remained calm. He stood up, straightened his collar, and patted the negligible dust on his shoulders.

He stared at Xia Peng, who wanted to turn into a beast and rush towards him.

He suddenly hooked his lips and smiled lightly, the dim light fell on his face, his smile seemed to float on the surface, and behind the smile was a bottomless terrible darkness.

He came closer and said softly to him, "Is the Xia family a good family? You know better than me, the people of the Xia family..." His voice was even deeper, "One is better than the other."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Xia Peng's scolding completely behind him.

Chu Xiujin went to Japan this time not only to see the samples of the screw caps, but he also wanted to buy the drawings of the screw caps from Shansuke, and Xia Han went with him as his portable translator.

"This translator is very useful, you can try it first."

On Chu Xiujin's private plane, Meng Yu gave him the translator he had just bought.

She pressed a button and put it to his lips, "Just say something."

Chu Xiujin casually said hello, and the translator quickly translated it in Japanese.

Chu Xiujin heard this voice and asked, "What is your voice?"

What a smart person Chu Xiujin is, he thought that Xiao Qi is doing intelligent voice, he asked again, "Is this translator made by Xiao Qi?"

"He did it. I helped to record the sound at the time. Of course, it was not an obligation to help. He paid him."

"I shouldn't be able to use this."

"This thing is very convenient, just in case, it's better to bring one with you."

"In case? What in case?"

Meng Yu said, "I'm not always by your side."

Chu Xiujin glanced at her and said, "Then you are probably thinking too much. Since I want to take you there, I won't allow this kind of emergency."

"… "

What does he mean, he will let her be by his side all the time

He was obviously serious, but Meng Yu somehow heard an ambiguous ambiguity in his words.

Meng Yu didn't understand why Chu Xiujin was so reluctant to use this translator. Could it be because Xiao Qi made the translator? But she thought that Mr. Chu had said that he would not care about the past, and he didn't look like the kind of person who was particular about small details. That time Xiao Qi went to her apartment to find him, and he had a very polite fight with him. call.

The two arrived in Japan, and Mr. Yamasuke sent someone to bring them home. After having a feast at Shanjie's house, Shanjie took Mr. Chu to the study to talk about things.

Meng Yu also followed, acting as Chu Xiujin's interpreter, and Mr. Shansuke was also accompanied by an interpreter. Overall this conversation was a pleasant one.

Shansuke was very refreshing, and directly showed Chu Xiujin the sample of the screw cap. After Chu Xiujin looked at it, he was also very refreshed and decided on the number directly.

Then Chu Xiujin proposed a design that would be enough to buy a nut.

Generally speaking, this kind of design is the foundation of an enterprise, but Shansuke agreed without thinking for a long time, and sent the design to Chu Xiujin before he left the study.

I have to say that Mr. Yamasuke is a very efficient person.

After the two came out of Mr. Yamasuke's study, they were taken to a certain wing by a servant in a Japanese kimono to rest. The wing room was quite big, but Meng Yu didn't find the second bed after walking around. She stared at the huge tatami in the corner of the house in a daze.

Chu Xiujin noticed her strangeness and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that there is only one bed." And there are no extra sheets and quilts, even if you have to make a floor.

"..." Chu Xiujin was silent for a while and asked her, "Do I need to remind the Shansuke couple that we slept in separate rooms?"

"Would that be weird?"

It was strange to tell people that their husband and wife slept in separate rooms.

Chu Xiujin nodded, "It's really a bit strange."

Meng Yu coughed lightly and looked away, "It looks like I can only sleep in one bed today."

Chu Xiujin said, "If you don't mind."

"… "

do you mind? She doesn't seem to mind either.