Get Rid Of The Male God And Marry The Rich

Chapter 30


Meng Yu came back to her senses after a brief shock, she suddenly pushed Xiao Qi away and said to Chu Xiujin, "That Mr. Chu...I..."

Only then did Xiao Qi see Chu Xiujin.

"You go upstairs first." Chu Xiujin said to Meng Yu.

His tone was cold, terribly cold.

Meng Yu didn't dare to say anything more, and went upstairs obediently.

Chu Xiujin looked at Xiao Qi, he looked at his red eyes, too many emotions were hidden in his eyes and it was too late to hide. It seems that holding his wife makes him very excited.

"I was really sincere in cooperating with President Xiao, but I didn't expect that President Xiao was a drunkard instead of drinking."

He slowly took off his gloves and walked towards Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi quickly hid the emotions in his eyes, he looked straight at him and said to him, "How can you let her go? I promise you anything you want, and I can even give you the intelligence you want for free. car systems.”

Both gloves had been taken off, Chu Xiujin threw them on the ground casually, all movements were done slowly, and the steps towards Xiao Qi were also slow.

However, after Xiao Qi said this, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Xiao Qi's collar. Before Xiao Qi could react, he squeezed his fist and punched him in the face.

"Dare to touch my wife, do you think I'm dead?" he said softly, his tone still so elegant, but there was a chill in every word.

Chu Xiujin punched so hard, Xiao Qi staggered a few steps and slammed into the glass wall. There was a brief buzzing in his head, and it took him a while to get better.

He slowly straightened up and looked at Chu Xiujin, then sneered, took off his jacket and threw it on the ground, he quickly walked over to counterattack.

Chu Xiujin had already anticipated it, he tilted his body to avoid his fist, but Xiao Qi had practiced Sanda in college, and his movements were nimble and agile. Chu Xiujin dodged once but did not dodge the second time.

He was punched in the right face.

The scene instantly turned into a fight between two men. In the end, Chu Xiujin had the upper hand. Xiao Qi's actions seemed to him to be pretentious. Before Chu Xiujin was recognized by the Xia family, his life was very dark, with fights and fights. It is commonplace, and when it comes to beating people, Xiao Qi is not his opponent at all.

He was very ruthless, the kind of ruthless and cold-blooded.

After being punched by Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi's fist never hit him again, but he, punch after punch, punched Xiao Qi firmly until Xiao Qi lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

The proprietress of the hotel was stunned. Xia Han and Han Moran were stunned when they entered the hotel. Xia Han wanted Han Moran to separate the two, but Han Moran shrugged and said, "I don't want to go to many rivals. What's the matter? Let's talk about it... This guy Xiao Qi is clearly here for Meng Yu and tricks me into wanting to ski, he really deserves to be beaten up."

After Chu Xiujin beat him, he put on his clothes and asked Xia Han, "Which room is Meng Yu in?"

Xia Han sucked in a breath of cold air. At this moment, Chu Xiujin was too scary. Even though she asked calmly, there was still a murderous aura on her body. She adjusted her breath and replied, "207."

Meng Yu was pacing in the room at this time. Chu Xiujin asked her to go upstairs and she went upstairs. She didn't know what was going on below.

I was anxious when there was a knock on the door.

Meng Yu opened the door, Chu Xiujin stood at the door, but Meng Yu was stunned when she saw him. There was a wound on the corner of his mouth, and the suit inside the coat was obviously wrinkled.

"You... you didn't fight with Xiao Qi, did you?"

Chu Xiujin walked into the room and took off his coat and threw it on the bed. He took a wine glass from the cupboard, poured a little wine, raised his head and drank it, then turned to look at her, "What? You feel sorry for him?"

Is it really a fight? Meng Yu was really stunned. She didn't expect that someone like Chu Xiujin would choose to solve the problem in such a rude way.

"Who moved first?"


"… "

It was his hand that moved first.

However, Chu Xiujin felt that a fight was nothing at all, so he walked to the sofa and sat down, subconsciously tugging at his tie.

"Why did you fight him?"

With a polite person like him, she couldn't figure out how he would do it this way.

"This is the most direct way to let him know the pain, and only the pain can teach him a lesson."

"..." Meng Yu stared at the corner of his injured mouth and said, "But you are also injured."

"Well, it's also a lesson for myself, that I didn't take good care of my wife."

"..." Meng Yu lowered his head, "Sorry, I didn't know Xiao Qi would appear."

"I don't mean to blame you, I blame myself."

Meng Yu really did not expect that a shrewd and capable person like Chu Xiujin would solve the problem in such a simple and rude way. So he started because his wife was molested or did he start because the person Xiao Qi was molested was her

Meng Yu felt that it was useless to struggle with these, and she asked again, "Why are you here?"

"I called you but didn't get through. I was worried so I came to have a look."

Worried about her so she ran all the way here? This feeling of being worried is really unfamiliar. Since she became an adult, Qi Mei didn't care about her much. Later, when she was with Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi wouldn't even ask her about her affairs. He didn't care about how late she played and where she went.

But now, someone has let go of what he was doing because he couldn't reach her and came here to find her.

Unfamiliar, sour, but wrapped in a layer of warmth that makes people feel comfortable.

"Thank you," she said.

"Thanks for what?"

"Thank you for worrying about my safety."

Chu Xiujin said, "Isn't this what a husband should do?"

Is this what a husband should do? But she was still moved, look at how much she lacks love...

Meng Yu said, "I'll go downstairs and get some medicine for you. The corners of your mouth are a little swollen."

"it is good."

People who come to ski are often injured, so the hotel also sells some commonly used medicines, but there are not many medicines. Meng Yu bought a bottle of iodophor.

"Am I helping you or yourself?"

"You help me."

Meng Yu used a cotton swab dipped in iodophor to help him apply it to the corner of his mouth, but he was in trouble before he started. His legs were very long, and it was not enough for her to block her. The armrest of the sofa was too wide if he stood on the side.

So she suggested, "Mr. Chu, can you sit outside a little bit."

Chu Xiujin moved forward a little. Meng Yu was about to step forward to help him apply the medicine, but he didn't pay attention to his leather shoes. She was accidentally pinned, and her whole body fell forward, and she fell directly into his arms without any accident. Moreover, due to the effect of gravity, the tendency to fall is too great. She sat on his lap, as if she was sitting in a place where she should not be sitting.

Meng Yu immediately got up from his arms, and she felt her cheeks start to heat.

She bit her lip and said, "Sorry, I accidentally tripped over your foot."

She didn't dare to look at his face, but she seemed to hear him chuckle and he said, "It's not like you've never sat before, why are you so panicked?"

Meng Yu thought of the time she went to Japan that time. She seemed to be sitting on his lap and was carried to the bed by him.

Meng Yu felt embarrassed for a while, and only felt a wave of heat rushed to his face. She lightly coughed and straightened her face, and then she cautiously leaned over and smeared the iodophor on the corner of his mouth.

Meng Yu just went downstairs to get some cold medicine. After helping him, she took two cold medicines to eat. Seeing this, Chu Xiujin asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Meng Yudao said, "I went skiing too crazy yesterday. I might catch a cold. Take some medicine to prevent it."

Chu Xiujin nodded. He glanced out the window, and it started to snow outside, "What's your plan next? Are you going to go skiing?"

"I might not go when it snows."

Chu Xiujin said again, "The plane can't fly even if it snows. I can only be here temporarily today, but where do I sleep at night?"

Meng Yu met his gaze, and she avoided it subconsciously, "Sleep in the same room with me if you don't mind."

It's not that they haven't slept in the same room anyway.

Chu Xiujin said, "I don't mind."

During lunch, Meng Yu and Chu Xiujin went out to eat together. Han Moran and Lu Yunchen would probably stay here for one night, so they also stayed to eat together, but Meng Yu didn't see Xiao Qi, and she didn't ask.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and there was nowhere to go. After dinner, Meng Yu and Chu Xiujin went back to the room. They each took a book to read. Meng Yu felt that her cold seemed to be getting worse. Before dinner, she couldn't hold it any longer, so she went to bed first.

Chu Xiujin went downstairs and brought her something to eat, but she was sound asleep, so he couldn't wake her up.

Chu Xiujin read the book for a while before going to bed. He climbed onto the bed and approached her only to realize that her face was a little abnormal. She frowned, looking a little uncomfortable.

Chu Xiujin reached out and touched her face, it was a little hot, she seemed to have a low-grade fever. The medical conditions on the mountain are not good, and it is not easy to go down the mountain when it snows. Fortunately, the low-grade fever is not very serious.

Chu Xiujin was about to take his hand away, but she didn't want her little face to rub against his hand.

Slightly hot face, smooth skin, comfortable to touch. She seemed to feel a little more comfortable rubbing his hand like this. He remembered that she once said that when her face was hot, she liked to be exposed to cold things, so she was sticking to his hand like this

Chu Xiujin lay down beside her, with one hand on her face and the other on her elbow. He also left a table lamp beside the bed, the light was not very bright, but it was enough for him to see her face clearly.

The face is really small, not as big as his slap.

Chu Xiujin's thumb subconsciously rubbed her face, the touch was really comfortable. But unknowingly, the thumb touched her lips. Originally, he just wiped the corner of his lips. He paused for a few seconds, and then simply put his thumb directly on her lips and gently rubbed it.

Very soft lips, a little hot, he remembered the last time she was drunk in Japan, and he kissed the hot and soft touch on her lips...

For a while, Chu Xiujin looked at her with a dim light in his eyes.

When he was absent-minded, her face suddenly fell out of his palm. He looked back at her, only to see that she suddenly arched towards him and buried her whole face in her arms.

Her body curled up next to him. Compared with him, she was really small, like a small animal.

Chu Xiujin heard her shrill voices, he leaned in to listen, and heard her softly calling next to her, "Dad."

Chu Xiujin "..."

Um? Chu Xiujin frowned, did she think she was her father

His mood suddenly became very complicated.

Is there such a strong aura of fatherly love in him? With this sound, Dad really killed all the evil fires.

But she and Xia Han are good sisters, and he is Xia Han's uncle. In terms of seniority, he can be regarded as her elder.

Okay, okay, daddy just daddy.

Chu Xiujin rubbed her head twice and comforted, "Go to sleep, dear daughter."

When Meng Yu woke up the next day, she was in an embrace. The firm embrace was very warm, and the man's arm was still around her shoulder.

She looked up, and Chu Xiujin just happened to be looking down. He met her gaze and asked, "Awake?"

"… "

Why are they hugging each other

This situation made Meng Yu a little dazed. She was stunned for a few seconds before she stood up. She laughed dryly to ease the embarrassment, "How... how did we hug each other?"

Chu Xiujin also sat up, and he said, "You had a fever last night and hugged me into my arms."

Meng Yu "… "

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch her forehead naturally, and said, "It's okay, the fever is gone."

Meng Yu "… "

He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and said to her as he walked, "Get up and get ready, the snow has stopped, we should go back."

Meng Yu glanced out the window. The snow had indeed stopped. It seemed that it had been falling overnight. The snow outside was thicker, and the track they skied off yesterday was also buried.

Why are you arching into someone's arms? But he didn't push her away, and he held her in his arms, which meant that her behavior didn't bother him.

Mr. Chu is really a good person.

When Meng Yu and Chu Xiujin went downstairs, Xia Han and Ji Ya had already left. Xia Han and Ji Ya left a note for her, saying that they left early so they didn't bother them.

Meng Yu and Chu Xiujin were about to leave after breakfast. Chu Xiujin brought the breakfast and put the boiled oatmeal in front of her.

"There is no millet porridge abroad, so you can eat oatmeal."

In addition to oatmeal, there is a sandwich.

In fact, he is also a person who is used to being served, but he is so considerate to her. Because he couldn't get in touch with her, he came all the way from abroad to find her. He should have been very busy. Can he not be busy with such a big company

Although he said that's what a husband should do.

Although she really lacks love, she is easily moved when others treat her better.

But... He stood by her side to protect her when she was bullied, and he believed her unconditionally when she was slandered. He gave her money, put her name on his house, and bought her a luxury car.

How many men can do it

It is also possible that she was treated like this as his wife. Maybe he could do the same with another girl, but she was really moved.

She looked at the man sitting opposite, handsome, luxuriously dressed, and elegant in manner. She could only watch Mr. Chu from a distance, but she suddenly had an impulse in her heart.

She wanted to fall in love with him, she wanted to "play with" him.