Get Rid Of The Male God And Marry The Rich

Chapter 33


Meng Yusheng was afraid that he would find her pretending to be asleep, so he hurriedly relaxed himself. At this time, it would be quite embarrassing to face each other.

Meng Yu thought about the sentence she just heard, she couldn't believe that the sentence came from Mr. Chu.

She suddenly found that there seemed to be some discrepancy between the Mr. Chu she knew and the real him. As she knew him, he was gentle and polite, but the real him didn't seem to be like that. After all, a real gentle man couldn't say such vulgar words.

Could it be that Mr. Chu actually has a side she doesn't know about, or is it that men are virtuous in bed and are inferior to beasts

Meng Yu fell asleep in this kind of nonsense. When she woke up the next day, Chu Xiujin had been dressed neatly, a neat suit, well-cut, concise and clean. When she woke up, he greeted her, "Awake?"

Standing in front of him looked like a graceful young man, but she thought of the nasty words he said last night.

She was sure it wasn't her hallucinations.

Meng Yu recovered and said back and forth, "Wake up."

The two went downstairs to eat together. The man sitting opposite was slow and graceful in his gestures. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like a hooligan...

After eating, Chu Xiujin went to the company, and Meng Yu received a call from Wang's family, saying that her mother had accidentally fallen and was injured, and asked her to come and take a look.

After she got married, she never went back to Wang's house, even if she should go back.

Meng Yu didn't know if the Wang family deliberately found a reason to let her go back this time, but Qi Mei was injured and she had to go to see it no matter what.

Qi Mei was indeed injured and twisted her foot, but the injury was not serious. Surprisingly, Wang Weiguo and Wang Shuyuan were not at home, but Yan Wenwen was at Wang's house.

Meng Yu and Qi Mei chatted for a while and then planned to leave, but when they got in the car, they saw Yan Wenwen patted the window outside. The driver sent Meng Yu over today. Meng Yu rolled down the car window and asked her, "Is something wrong?"

"It's not easy to catch the train here, can you send me to the front, you'll drop by anyway." Yan Wenwen smiled ingratiatingly.

Meng Yu actually wanted to say that she didn't know her that well, she didn't have the obligation to send her, and the last time at Zheng's house was unpleasant, Yan Wenwen saw that she should be hiding, why was she still licking her face Minato

However, she knew something about Yan Wenwen, she probably guessed her purpose, Meng Yu immediately became interested and told the driver to open the door.

Yan Wenwen got into the car and hurriedly said, "Thank you Meng Yu, you are so kind, and you are willing to send me the way I did to you last time."

Meng Yu smiled and didn't speak, Yan Wenwen was silent for a while and then said, "Actually, I didn't want to do what I did last time, but Shuyuan she... You also know that I was afraid of her since I was a child, and I didn't dare to resist what she said, really. I'm sorry Meng Yu, that's not my intention at all."

Meng Yu nodded, "Well, I see."

Yan Wenwen's eyes lit up and she said, "You don't blame me, do you?"

Meng Yu didn't speak. Yan Wenwen sighed and said, "And when I was young... In fact, every time I think about it, I hate myself for why I treated you like that, but I really can't do anything about it. Shuyuan is forcing me to hate you, so I can't resist at all."

Meng Yu thought that when Yan Wenwen was a child, relying on Wang Shuyuan's power, she could bully her even harder than Wang Shuyuan.

"But you're fine now. With you here, I'm not afraid that Wang Shuyuan will force me to do anything to you again."

It's time to start showing off to her.

"Meng Yu, don't blame me, okay?" Yan Wenwen took her hand, "I used to be bad, but I had to force it. In fact, I wanted to be friends with you since I was a child, but we can't compare to Shuyuan. You also know that my family came to Yancheng because of my uncle."

They wanted to pull her into the same camp. Look, they all grew up under Wang Shuyuan's lewd power and shared the same illness.

"Shuyuan has really gone too far this time, even I can't stand it. Meng Yu, I really never thought of doing anything to hurt you."

Meng Yu thought that when Yan Wenwen made a mistake, Wang Shuyuan would have to take care of her, but now Yan Wenwen saw that Wang Shuyuan was unreliable and turned her head and betrayed her completely.

She didn't know if she should sympathize with Wang Shuyuan.

"The intersection is here, get out of the car." Meng Yu said to her.

Yan Wenwen's mouth twitched, "Where are you going in a while? Go shopping? I can go with you, I can help you get things or something."

Imagine eating and drinking with Wang Shuyuan before, and now eating and drinking with her

Meng Yu had no interest at all.

"Don't go, get out of the car."

The driver had already stepped forward to open the car door, but Yan Wenwen had no choice. After getting out of the car, she was unwilling and said to her, "If you need anything in the future, call me again. I promise to be there for you."

Meng Yu rolled up the car window and did not return to her, then she took out her mobile phone and sent the recorded conversation to Wang Shuyuan. When Yan Wenwen got in the car, she quietly pressed the record button, but Yan Wenwen didn't know it.

With Wang Shuyuan's temperament, if she knew that Yan Wenwen was not only down on her side but also spoke ill of her behind her back, she would definitely put Yan Wenwen to death.

Meng Yu put the phone back in her bag, and the rest of the dog-eat-dog drama was none of her business.

Although Xiao Qi is now resident in the Yancheng branch, he is occasionally recalled to the head office for meetings. Usually, the meetings are finished very late, and he will stay in Shenzhen for one night.

His previous house was not disposed of. First, because he would occasionally come to the head office, he had a place to stay in the house. Second, there were too many memories of him and Meng Yu in it, and he was reluctant to sell it.

Shortly after Xiao Qi came back, he heard someone knocking on the door, Xiao Qi opened the door, and Ai Qing was standing outside. He had deleted her fingerprint, and she couldn't unlock it with her fingerprint.

"How did you come?"

Ai Qing raised the wine in his hand to him, "You've been promoted, and I haven't had time to congratulate you."

"How do you know I'm back?"

"I asked someone from your company."

She even has the contact information of her colleagues in the company, and Xiao Qi is inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Will you not let me in?"

"Didn't I tell you not to come again?"

Since Xiao Qi knew that Meng Yu broke up with him because of Huanhuan, he could no longer face the mother and daughter calmly.

There is too much unwillingness and hatred in my heart, hating myself, hating everything that made her leave.

Ai Qing said, "I know that you have been promoted to the president of the branch now. I came here just to congratulate you, and... I plan to go back to my hometown. I also plan to sell the house you bought for me, and I will give you the money back. ."

"Need not."

"I just want to say goodbye to you at the end. After all, we have known each other since childhood. Are you not willing to give me the last bit of dignity?"

Xiao Qi finally let her in.

After entering the door, Ai Qing walked to the kitchen. When she came out again, she had two glasses of wine in her hand. She handed one of them to Xiao Qi, "This glass of wine is Sister Ai Qing's last blessing to you. I hope you can accept it. I will take Huanhuan back to my hometown to live, and I won't bother you again."

Xiao Qi thought it was fine, he was not in the mood to deal with them, or in other words, after losing her completely, he was not in the mood to deal with anything.

Going to the Yancheng branch and cooperating with Beiyue just wanted to get closer to her. Apart from that, he no longer had any interest in other things, or in other words, only in this way could he live less numbly.

He had never thought that she had so much power for him, and that her departure would be so deadly to him.

Xiao Qi took the wine and drank it. After drinking, he said to her, "It's getting late, you should go back early. I'm too tired to rest, so I can't see you off."

Ai Qing didn't leave either, she walked to the table and put down the cup, looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Are you okay?"

Ai Qing did not speak, but unbuttoned her windbreaker one by one.

Xiao Qi frowned slightly, "What are you going to do?"

Ai Qing took off her windbreaker, and she was wearing a black lace sexy lingerie. Xiao Qi hurriedly turned his eyes away, his face was heavy, "You put on your clothes."

Ai Qing slowly came over and hugged him, Xiao Qi seemed to have been stabbed and pushed her away.

"Let's stay together, I know you like me." She stepped forward, slipped her hands from his waist to his shoulders, and put her face on his shoulders.

Xiao Qi wanted to push her away, but he soon realized that something was wrong with his body, and a feeling of dryness suddenly spread from his lower abdomen to his whole body. He turned around suddenly and stared at her with a look of disbelief, "What did you add to the wine you gave me?"

"I want to be with you, but I have no choice, Qiqi, I am willing, and I am willing to do anything with you. Don't leave me alone, okay? Let's be together, don't you? Think about Meng Yu again."

Xiao Qi did not expect that Ai Qing would drug him, and the reason why he agreed to drink the wine she handed over was only because of the love we grew up with since childhood. She was his neighbor and sister. She had helped him before, and he said goodbye at the end. , he also wanted to give her dignity.

His eyes were red and his face tightened with anger, "Why are you doing this?"

Very disappointed, very disappointed, all the gratitude she gave him when she was young was gone.

This is the girl he once liked. He used to hurt Meng Yu's woman for her and her daughter, but now she is drugging him with such abusive methods.

He looked at the woman in front of him, the thing she was wearing made him sick, but it all hurt him like a kind of irony.

Ai Qing stepped forward and hugged him, "Can I take you to your room to rest?"

Her body was uncomfortably hot, and as soon as she came up against him, he instinctively had an urge, which was so strong that he subconsciously hugged her body with his backhand and let her carry him to the door of the room.

But the moment he entered the door, he suddenly realized that the room she brought him into was the one Meng Yu used to live in.

Reason returned to the cage in an instant, he tore off her hand and pushed her out, then backhanded the door and locked it. Ai Qing knocked on his door, but he didn't seem to hear it.

The body is so uncomfortable that it will blow up. There are times when he wants to open the door and bring in the woman outside. He really needs a woman right now, and he really needs it.

But Meng Yu's figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She walked to the bed in her pajamas and lay down. He hurriedly stumbled over, but there was no sign of her on the empty bed, but the pillow she slept on smelled of her, and he hugged the pillow in his arms and hugged it tightly. He called her name over and over again, letting the desire in his body torment him that he was about to burst.

It's so uncomfortable, Meng Yu, I'm really uncomfortable.

He clung to the sheets tightly, curled up into a ball in pain, not only because of being tortured by the drug, but also because of his deep thoughts of her.

Xiao Qi was tormented all night, until in the morning he found that his body finally relaxed a little, so he took a cold shower and it was better.

When he walked out of the room, Ai Qing was still outside. She had already put on her clothes. She had probably cried all night. At this moment, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, and there were still tears on her face.

Xiao Qi just stared at her like that, without saying a word.

Ai Qing was sitting on the sofa in a daze, when she heard the voice and looked at him, she was startled when he met his gaze.

His eyes were full of red blood, and the underside of his eyelids was bluish-black. His complexion was unbelievably pale, and his lips were bloodless, like a zombie crawling out of a grave.

"Qiqi..." She called his name, tears rolling down her face, she stepped forward and knelt on the ground with a thud, "Qiqi forgive me, forgive me, I'm really sorry."

"Go away." He said to her in a hoarse voice that seemed to have been ground by a rough stone.

Ai Qing stared at him blankly.

"Don't ever appear in front of me again in this life," he said.

"Qiqi." She cried and called his name.

"I leave you with the last dignity, don't force me to throw you out directly."

She finally got up slowly from the ground, she was crying loudly, but he didn't even look at her as if he didn't hear it.

"Sorry, take care of yourself."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the door, but she turned back three times in one step, but Xiao Qi never looked at her. She finally went out and closed the door again.

After the bang, there was only silence in the room. Xiao Qi moved to the sofa and sat down. He raised his hands and looked at them. His palms had been pinched and bleeding, and countless tooth marks had been bitten on his wrists.

Full of scars, inside and out.

How could he make himself like this, would she feel distressed if she saw it.

In the past, she would have been worried for a long time if she suffered a small injury, but now...

She won't worry about him anymore.

She won't worry about you anymore Xiao Qi, you have no one in love with Xiao Qi.

Can't think about it, really can't think about it at all, just thinking about something related to her will make him despair and make him hate it so much that he wants to kill himself.

If she was still by his side, he would definitely love her well, he would never do anything to hurt her again, he would definitely hold her in his palm and love her.

But... there is no turning back in life, if you miss it, you miss it, and this is the most painful thing.

Meng Yu received a call from Xia Han on the weekend. Xia Han was in a bad mood and asked her to go out for a drink. The two made an appointment at the tavern they had been to before. It was very quiet, and when they were lucky, they could meet a singer to sing.

"I'm finally weaned. I want to go out to work and he won't let me go. I have to wait for my child to go to kindergarten before allowing me to go. Why? Why can a woman only take care of her child at home, and I can make money? How can he? If I don't take care of my child at home, how can I earn money to support him? This dog man, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets."

Meng Yu comforted her, "Mr. Han has such a big company, how can you let him leave and take care of the child? Besides, think about how good Mr. Han was when you were pregnant, and he often came back to take care of you when he was so busy. , I will also give you the oil to prevent stretch marks, didn't I love it before, and now I'm scolding other people as a dog man."

Xia Han was still angry with him, but she couldn't think of his goodness, she snorted coldly and said, "If you think he is good, I'll give it to you for free."

Meng Yu "… "

Meng Yu saw that she drank a cocktail and two bottles of beer, and thought that she was a little drunk, so she didn't know her in general.

"What are you sending me for? I already have a husband."

"What if you have a husband? One is bigger and the other is smaller, and Han Moran will make it smaller for you."

"… "

Meng Yu really wanted to cut her.

Meng Yu drank with her for a while before being pulled to sing by her. Meng Yu looked at the woman who was singing and dancing the crab dance and pinched her brows.

Don't look at Mr. Xia's usual high-cold and old love, and his attributes will undoubtedly be exposed as soon as he drinks wine. Meng Yu was thinking about calling Han Moran and asking him to take him away, but she didn't expect that she would come before Han Moran called.

Chu Xiujin was also with Han Moran, and Meng Yu didn't expect these two to appear together.

Xia Han was singing at the top of her voice, and the crab dance was hilarious, but Meng Yu suddenly turned off the song for her. Xia Han was a little angry, and was about to turn her head to teach her a lesson when she saw two men standing at the door.

Xia Han was stunned for two seconds, then immediately flashed to Han Moran and covered his eyes.

"Illusions, all you see are hallucinations, forget them immediately!"

Han Moran pulled her hand off, and he reached out and pinched her face, "It's pretty, go back and dance for me."

"No!" Xia Han pouted at him.

The drunk Xia Han completely lost his usual high coldness.

Han Moran leaned slightly towards her face, "Are you acting cute for me? I can't help kissing you because you are so cute."

Xia Han kicked him and said with a blushing face, "Han Moran, you rascal."

Han Moran bent over and pressed her against her shoulder, "Okay, the rascal will take you home." Regardless of Xia Han hammering him and hitting him, he greeted Chu Xiujin and Meng Yu and carried them away.

Only Chu Xiujin and Meng Yu were left here, Chu Xiujin asked her, "Are you going?"

Meng Yu didn't move, but Chu Xiujin stepped forward and said, "Drinking? Do you need me to help you?"

In fact, she didn't drink much, her mind was still awake, and walking was no problem at all.

However, she still nodded, "Okay."

Chu Xiujin stretched out his hand to help her up, but after Meng Yu stood up, he covered his head and deliberately pretended to be dizzy and fell on him. Naturally, Chu Xiujin hugged her very gracefully.

"Can't go?" he asked.

"My head is a little dizzy." She looked at him and said delicately.

Chu Xiujin didn't say any more, and directly picked her up. Meng Yu, who was picked up, was obediently nestled in his arms. Mr. Chu was very personable, but she really wanted to know what Mr. Chu, who could say such dirty words, really looked like.

So... she wants to tear off his disguise, she wants to see him as a hooligan.