Get Rid Of The Male God And Marry The Rich

Chapter 44


After three seminars, North Vietnam and Pang Linghang finally discussed the final plan, and the driverless car leo, which the two companies cooperated with, finally started production.

Therefore, Chu Xiujin has a very tight schedule during this time, and sometimes he has to go to the company for meetings on weekends.

Meng Yu's book "Mr. Meng teaches you to learn Japanese" is selling well. Meng Yu called the editor-in-chief and told her that she was currently writing "Mr. Meng teaches you to learn French". The editor-in-chief was overjoyed after hearing this, saying that she wanted her to write a few more reference books like this and make a series, and the manuscript fee would be doubled for her.

Therefore, with the task Meng Yu can no longer be lazy like writing the first book. Uncle Chu is also busy, so is she, it is rare for the two to get together for a date or something. Meng Yu really wanted to date Uncle Chu, go shopping with him, watch movies, eat and eat, and then kiss in a romantic place. Although the two were husband and wife, she wanted to be a loving couple with Uncle Chu. However, Uncle Chu was too busy, and he liked to tie her to the bed whenever he was free, so there was very little time for the two to date.

So after Chu Xiujin came back that day, Meng Yu told him what he thought. Chu Xiujin was sitting on the sofa reading a book. Meng Yu squatted in front of him, with his hands on his knees, his chin resting on the back of his hands, "Is Uncle Chu going to a meeting this week?"

She raised her face and looked at him with big eyes, with some kind of expectation in her eyes, like a small animal expecting to be caressed. Chu Xiujin couldn't help scratching her chin with her fingers.

"There is no meeting this week, you can have a good rest."

Meng Yu's eyes lit up, but he ignored his ticklish chin and said, "Then let's go on a date, shall we?"

"Huh? How about a date?"

Meng Yu expressed his thoughts very simply, "Just go shopping, eat something, and watch a movie."

"Is that so..." He replied, flipping through the book again.

Seeing this, Meng Yu asked, "Is Uncle Chu not interested? What is Uncle Chu interested in? Let us discuss it."

Chu Xiujin asked, "Do you mean the cinema y by interest?"

Meng Yu "… "

Meng Yu looked at the man's face, his expression was extremely calm, as if asking her what she had eaten this morning.

Before, I thought Uncle Chu was a pitiful little boy and wanted to love him well, but in a blink of an eye, he started acting like a hooligan. Uncle Chu has such ability, one second makes people fall in love, the next second makes people want to hammer his dog's head.

This stinky hooligan is really... She can think about pornography in everything, so how did she like this stinky hooligan, she still likes it so much.

Meng Yu glanced at him and said, "You want to do it in a movie theater? Are you not afraid of being seen?"

Chu Xiujin's face was taken for granted, "How can people be seen? Of course, Dong Chu has to book a room to go to the movies."

Meng Yu "… "

So is this bastard really thinking like that? Cinema y? Luckily he figured it out.

"What's the point of that? Of course, going to the cinema requires a lot of people to sit and watch it together to have an atmosphere, and don't you think it's romantic if you're surrounded by young couples?"

"So, you mean, you want to be watched?"

Meng Yu "… "

In the past, Meng Yu actually wanted to show off to Mr. Chu, because at that time Mr. Chu was gentle, polite, and had an air of abstinence. This kind of abstinence man was particularly attractive to women, making people subconsciously want to flirt with him. . But after getting in touch with her, she found out that this man is a scumbag at heart. If you want to talk about show, she can't show him at all. He can make her blushing with just a few words, just like now, she doesn't know when she's blushing. How to answer.

"Of course I only want to watch the movie when I go to the cinema, so does Uncle Chu want to date me?"

Her puffed-up look made him feel happy, and he couldn't help rubbing her head, and said, "Of course, I will accompany you to do everything you want, okay?"

Although sometimes Uncle Chu is very erotic and stinky and likes to tease her, but when Uncle Chu is serious, he still spoils her very much. Meng Yu was in a good mood, she stood up suddenly, hooked his neck and sat on his lap, probably because she was too anxious to get up, Meng Yu was a little dizzy, she leaned her head on his shoulder, and subconsciously said, "Dizzy and dizzy. ."

Chu Xiujin looked at her sideways, the breath sprayed on her face, his lowered voice was a little hoarse, "Dizzy is dizzy, why do you say dizzy?"

Meng Yu said, "What's wrong with being dizzy? Doesn't dizziness sound cute? And you can't hear that I'm acting like a spoiled child?"

Chu Xiujin said, "Then you should know that if you act like a spoiled child to me, I want to do bad things to you."

Meng Yu "… "

It's on again, you bastard! Meng Yu looked at his handsome profile, and simply pinched the flesh on his face and took a bite.

Chu Xiujin groaned in pain, and he said, "You either bite my mouth or my face, do you want me to stew the whole person for you to eat?"

Meng Yu burst out laughing, "Why do I eat you, I don't eat human flesh."

Chu Xiujin said, "Then we have different tastes. You don't eat human flesh, I want to eat human flesh."

Meng Yu looked at him in surprise, "You want to eat human flesh? You have such a strong taste?"

He nodded, "Yes, I want to eat human flesh, only you."

Meng Yu "… "

Then he tilted his head and his mouth landed on hers, and later he proved how he ate her with practical actions.

Uncle Chu said he wanted to take her on a date, and he did what he said, and he did everything very thoughtfully. Booked the movie tickets early in the morning and gave her a surprise before the movie opened - he asked her to help him get something from the trunk, and when she opened the trunk, she was greeted by a bunch of balloons and roses.

It was so romantic that she covered her mouth on the spot and was so happy that she couldn't speak, and wished she could hug him and say she loved him 10,000 times.

There was no reserved room for the movie. They sat in the middle of a bunch of young couples, watching the movie while eating popcorn, and he also bought the popcorn and milk tea for her. It was really just watching a movie. During the period, because the air conditioner in the movie theater was too low, he took off his clothes very gentlemanly and put it on her lap.

Uncle Chu who got up as a gentleman and Uncle Chu who got up as a rogue are two completely different people.

After watching the movie, he took her to eat barbecue, which he ordered early in the morning, Arabian barbecue, just because she accidentally mentioned that she wanted to eat Arabian barbecue before.

In short, today's date went very well and smoothly. Meng Yu was so happy that he hugged him as soon as he got in the car, regardless of the driver in front of him.

Chu Xiujin stared at the girl in his arms and raised his eyebrows slightly, "You can't wait to take advantage of me?"

Meng Yu said, "Where can I take advantage of you, hug you is taking advantage of you? Then you can take it back."

Chu Xiujin curled the corners of her lips slightly, her smile was a bit bad, "Isn't it bad to be in front of the driver?"

Meng Yu "What's wrong? I hug you, you can hug me too."

Chu Xiujin, "I'm taking advantage of you by holding you?"

"Then don't you think I'm taking advantage of you when I hug you?"

"… "

For the first time, Mr. Chu jumped into the pit he dug. He coughed lightly and put his arms around her shoulders.

Meng Yu rested his chin on his shoulder and said to him, "Uncle Chu is so good today."

"Huh? Where am I?"

"Give me a happy date."

"Is this complete?"

"Of course, and... I tell Uncle Chu the truth. Actually, I was worried that you would touch me at the movie theater, but I didn't expect Uncle Chu to be a gentleman the whole time."

Chu Xiujin poked her forehead, "Why are you worried about this? I'm so perverted? You don't really think I'll face you in front of people, do you?"

Meng Yu said, "I was a little worried before."

Chu Xiujin, "Although I'm a hooligan, I'm not that hooligan yet, not to mention I don't want other men to see you being shy, not at all.

Uncle Chu's tone was really domineering, full of possessiveness towards her, but she liked it very much.

Meng Yu hugged her tightly and narrowed her eyes with a smile, "I really like today's date and Uncle Chu."

"How can you be satisfied so easily?"

Why can't it be satisfied? If he is willing to take care of her, she can be happy.

"Do you remember the couple we saw at the door when the movie opened?"

Meng Yu nodded, "Remember."

The couple was quarreling, probably because the girl wanted to drink hot milk tea, but the boy bought it on ice. The girl felt aggrieved and cried and said that the boy didn't love her.

"How did you mention this?"

Chu Xiujin said, "You can also make trouble with me like that girl."

Meng Yu said in surprise, "Why should I make trouble with you? Uncle Chu has done everything well."

"I always have things that I don't do well, such as today's barbecue, which doesn't seem to taste very good."

Meng Yu said, "It doesn't need to be so delicious, you can eat it."

"So... how can you be satisfied so easily without losing your temper at me?"

Meng Yu felt that there was something wrong with this person, "Isn't it okay not to lose your temper? You have to quarrel every day?"

Chu Xiujin said, "I mean, you can lose your temper with me properly."

"No!" She hugged his waist tightly, "I'm very sensible, so I won't lose my temper."

Chu Xiujin smoothed her hair with her fingers, "You don't need to be so sensible in front of me."

Meng Yuwei looked at him with a small face, she thought he was really strange, why would there be such a person, it's not good for his girlfriend to be sensible

Chu Xiujin said again, "In order to be with you, I have read a lot of books on coaxing girls, but when I am really with you, the skills I have learned are useless. I have read so many books for nothing. Yet?"

Meng Yu didn't quite understand his logic, but she said in surprise, "You read a lot of books just to be with me?"

"Well, there are many, many, so I think you can be self-willed to me. I have many skills to coax you."

Meng Yu stared at him blankly, but did not respond for a while.

Did he make these preparations to be with her

In fact, if there is a choice, who wants to be a sensible girl, too tired, wants to be willful, wants to be coaxed, but her conditions do not allow it.

The words she hears most are, "Don't be willful, do you want Wang Shuyuan to know?" "If you are self-willed, we will be driven out and starved to death on the street" or "I am very busy, don't be willful Meng Yu" "I Treating her well is just to repay her favor, so don't make trouble with me like this."

She can't be capricious, because capriciousness is useless, and no one will coax her.

But now, someone said to her, I think you are willful to me, because I have many skills to coax you.

In order to be with you, I read a lot of books on coaxing girls, just to coax you.

Meng Yu felt sore eyes and wanted to cry. Meng Yu jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

He answered bluntly, "Of course because of love."

Meng Yu burst out laughing, and tears rolled down her face, "Don't tease me."

"Do you think I'm teasing you? Don't you know I love you?"

She looked up at him, and he really had a serious face, but as soon as she looked up, he saw her tears, he reached out to wipe her away, and asked her, "Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing, I'm moved."

"Why are you moved?"

"Because I felt Uncle Chu's love for me." Meng Yu sniffed, feeling a little hypocritical.

He put his forehead on hers, and he said to her, "I will never forget that day, when it was raining and snowing, I was so hungry that I could only rummage through the rubbish heap. Later, a little girl appeared and put the All the money on me was given to me."

Is it because of this that he remembered it for so long and made him love her so much

"What's the point of that? That's just a small effort for me."

"However, with so many people coming and going at the station, you are the only one who can help me."

In fact, it's not just that. He has been in the market since he was a child, and he has never been to school. The only education he has received is to fight, fight for food, fight for a place to live. If you don't fight, you can't live. No one taught him morality and shame. In order to survive, he and other gangsters did a lot of things that they didn't know was bad at the time, robbing people, stealing people's things, beating people, and fighting for resources. The struggle between them is even crueler than the animal kingdom.

Coupled with the beating and scolding of his mother and uncle since he was a child, he developed a violent character since he was a child.

Having seen the selfish and darkest side of human nature, he thought the world was like this, but then that girl appeared, she bought him buns, and she gave him all the money.

His dark and cold heart seemed to be melted at that moment, and he experienced something completely different for the first time in this cold and unforgiving world.

Kindness, that was the first time he experienced kindness, it had a great impact on him and taught him to never forget it.

He put a kiss on her forehead, "So... I can do anything for you."

Meng Yu said, "I don't want you to do too much for me, I just need your love."

He smiled, "It's that simple, my whole body, my whole soul, the most I lack is love for you."

Meng Yu felt that her whole body was about to float up. Her uncle Chu, she really had been lucky for several lifetimes to meet him.

After the weekend, Chu Xiujin continued to work, and Meng Yu wanted to continue to work on her manuscript. But today is not very good, she held her chin and couldn't hold a word for a long time.

Near noon, she received a message from Chu Xiujin.

"Are you busy?"

Obviously we meet every day, but he still sends her messages every day. Meng Yu also likes the feeling of being missed by him. She is very happy every time she receives his news.

Meng Yu returned to the card.

What's wrong with Chu Xiujin

Meng Yu is stuck if he can't write it out.

Then Chu Xiujin stopped writing and had a good rest.

Meng Yu also felt that he couldn't hold back anything good at this time, and it would be good to take a break.

She is back.

Over there, Chu Xiujin quickly replied, "I ask the driver to take you here?"

Meng Yu? ? ?

Chu Xiujin came to my place to rest.

Meng Yu stared at these words for a while, and asked if Uncle Chu wanted to do something bad to me

Chu Xiujin, do I look like someone who would do bad things to you

Statue of Meng Yu.

Chu Xiujin's eyes are so good, you can tell at a glance, so do you want to come and rest

Meng Yu wants it.

Then Chu Xiujin really called the driver, and the driver came to pick her up after a while. When Meng Yu arrived in Beiyue, it happened to be Chu Xiujin's lunch break, but Meng Yu pushed open the door of his office, but there was no one inside.

She was about to call him when she suddenly came across from behind and wrapped her arms around her. The sudden movement startled her, but she quickly smelled the familiar smell on him, it was hers Uncle Chu.

"Why didn't you make a sound? You startled me."

Behind him, Chu Xiujin said, "I wanted to say hello to you, but Naihe moved too fast and ran up to hug you completely out of control."

It's all nonsense at all. He clearly wanted to take advantage of her while she wasn't paying attention, but Meng Yu liked to hear him say that, so he pretended to believe it.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Auntie made it very early today, so I ate before I came."

"Okay, let's rest now."

After he finished speaking, he picked her up at once. He hugged her and lay down on the sofa. His sofa was very wide and could sleep two people.

Putting her down on the sofa, he put his arm around her, clasped her head with the other, and kissed her lips directly, not polite at all.

"Don't you want to rest? What are you kissing me for?"

"Kiss before you take a break, will you give me your mouth?" There was a little pleading tone.

Then Meng Yu softened his heart and put his mouth up to him. He was rude and kept kissing her for a long time until the phone in his office rang.

He finally let her go to answer the phone, it was the secretary who called him.

Meng Yu heard him say to the other end of the phone, "Since you're here, prepare the conference room."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xiujin said to her, "Someone has come from Dangda Linghang, saying that there is a problem with their data. We need to discuss it again, so I have to go to a meeting first."

Although Chu Xiujin said it calmly, he secretly thought that Xiao Qizhen would pick the time, so it happened at this time.

Meng Yu asked, "What's the problem? Is it serious?"

"Nothing serious."

Meng Yu was relieved, and said again, "I just asked you to rest and you didn't rest. Now that you're well, you don't have time to rest."

Chu Xiujin put on his jacket and said very directly, "How can it be important to have a close wife when you have a rest?"

Meng Yu "… "

Shameless people can open their mouths for any shameless words.

After he finished speaking, he went out. Meng Yu stared at the closed door for a while before he regained his senses, only to realize that there was a smirk on his face.

She coughed lightly, feeling that she was useless, and Uncle Chu made her tremble with a single word.

Meng Yu rested here for a while, Chu Xiujin had been in the meeting and never came back. Meng Yu explained to Chu Xiujin's secretary that she planned to go back first.

The driver had already driven the car to the door to wait for her. Meng Yu didn't need to go to the underground garage, but went out directly from the door.

Meng Yu saw Ai Qing in the hall, Meng Yu thought it was very strange, how could Ai Qing appear here? This is North Vietnam and is not a giant pilot. Did she know that Xiao Qi came to the meeting and she also followed

Ai Qing was also followed by a woman, the woman's wrist was tightly clasped by Ai Qing, she kept her head down, and Meng Yu couldn't see her face clearly.

"Call all your assistants down, I have something to look for him."

Meng Yu got closer and heard Ai Qing say this.

Ai Qing's words made Meng Yu even more surprised. Ai Qing came to find Assistant Quan? How did these two know each other

The lobby manager was very disrespectful to her and told her, "Assistant Quan is not available to anyone who wants to see him, not to mention that he is busy with meetings and has no time to see you. If you have anything to tell me, I will help you."

Ai Qing said, "This is a private matter between Assistant Quan and I, and I can't tell you."

At this time, Meng Yu had already walked over from the elevator, and Ai Qing also saw her, but she just glanced at her and looked away. Originally, she didn't need to inquire about Assistant Quan's private affairs, but for some reason, Meng Yu stopped subconsciously. She wanted to know why Ai Qing was looking for Quanye.

Quanye was in a meeting with Chu Xiujin when he received the call from downstairs. After hanging up, he whispered in Chu Xiujin's ear, "Ai Qing came to the door with Lu Yi."

Chu Xiujin's expression didn't change, she simply said, "You go and solve it."

Quanye responded, "Yes." Then he temporarily left the conference room.

Quanye got off the elevator and saw Meng Yu who hadn't left. Quanye first walked over to Meng Yu and said to her, "Why hasn't Madam left yet, is the driver delayed?"

Quanye came very quickly. If Meng Yu guessed correctly, Quanye should have been with Chu Xiujin for a meeting at this time. He left the meeting and came to deal with private matters. It seemed that this private matter was very important to him.

Meng Yu probably guessed who the girl beside Ai Qing was, but in order to confirm her guess, she pointed at the two people at him, "They seem to be looking for you for something."

Meng Yu's voice was loud, and Ai Qing heard it too. Sure enough, she immediately walked over with the girl.