Ghost Bridegroom

Chapter 18


Mo Pan was punished by his master for seven days of confinement for provoking the magic guardian, but he was born with a temperament that could not sit still.

According to his idea, he wandered outside for a while without knowing it, and then went back to continue the seclusion, which not only relieved the boredom but also completed the confinement.

However, the reality is often cruel. As soon as he went out, he was entangled by people, and when he looked up, he saw two evil stars walking towards him, and even before he opened his mouth, Qian Ren raised his eyebrows in disgust, "Why where? Can I meet you?"

This is what he wants to say! Jiang Ducheng is so big, why does he meet the most dangerous two people every time he sneaks out! He was wrong, he should listen to Master's words and meditate in the room obediently!

Fang Mopan was looking sad and angry, but Zhuge Qingtian looked at the scene in front of him curiously.

Mo Pan didn't dare to dress up too ostentatiously after sneaking out of the teacher's door. He only wore ordinary Tsing Yi, and his hair was casually tied with a hair rope. He looked like a teenager who went out to play, and he couldn't find the characteristics of the heir of Tianshi Mansion at all. . At this time, the one who was holding him was a thin young man who was a little older. Although he was dressed in a clean and tidy clothes and had luxurious decorations on his body, his brows were full of sadness, so much so that he could only look at it at a glance. It gives the impression that this person must be having a very bad life.

After taking a few glances at this young man who was more like a ghost than himself, Zhuge Qingtian finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Who is this

In his words, the meaning of expressing your troubles to make everyone happy was too obvious, Mo Pan despised these two people watching the fun, but he firmly maintained his dignity as a disciple of the righteous path, "Don't think that Everyone is the same as a demon cultivator! I am a person who is determined to seek a Taoist companion until I am 30 years old!"

Different from the magic cultivator who is proud of how many people he has been pursued, Zhengdao has always regarded cultivation as a beauty. In Mo Pan's opinion, it is amazing that he has been able to resist the temptation of a group of junior sisters and cultivated for 30 years. , Qian Ren just responded with a mocking sneer, hehe, as a demon cultivator, he has taken longer than the righteous cultivator, I'm really sorry!

For a demon cultivator, breaking his sleeves is not a big deal. In fact, as long as they see the right eye, they will dare to double-cultivation with all kinds of monsters and monsters. However, the righteous way is not so bold. Even the acquaintances of the Dao must first ask the other party's teacher and then start getting along with the book. It is absolutely not allowed to go out together without saying hello to the elders. Although Mo Pan was a little naughty, he was still a disciple taught by the Tianshi Mansion, and naturally he had nothing to do with this young man. In fact, this was the people in the city who entrusted him to subdue the poor ghost.

This person's name is Qiu Fugui. The Qiu family was originally a wealthy family in Jiangdu City. The old man Qiu Taiping was originally just a countryman. In the era when the imperial court had not yet unified the construction of sea ships, he took the lead in organizing Jiangdu fishermen to explore a sea route and connect Jiangdu to Jiangdu. The sea salt produced was sold to various places, and he became the richest man in Jiangdu.

However, the good times did not last long. After Mrs. Chou passed away, his son was born timid and cowardly. It was difficult to maintain the family business. He did not dare to expand his business at all. Doing business requires vision and courage. Therefore, when the family business was passed to his grandson Qiu Fugui, it was already a lot of decline.

If this is the case, with the property left by Mrs. Qiu, although the Qiu family will not be able to return to the wealth and honor in the past, it is not a problem to maintain food and clothing. Who would have thought that ten years ago, the imperial court finally had the time to develop the maritime trade route, and for this purpose created a An imperial merchant fleet stipulated that all private fleets could not traffic smuggled salt, which completely eliminated the survival of the enemy.

Qiu Fugui had not learned any skills since he was a child. After selling the fleet and charts left by his ancestors to the imperial merchants, he only lived on the savings of his family. Although he was in the middle of the family, he didn't do anything about production. After selling all the fields, he burned incense and worshipped God every day, only to hope that the family's fortune would return and he would suddenly become prosperous like his grandfather.

The problem came at this moment. One day he woke up from a dream and suddenly found that the money box that stored all the belongings in the house was missing. The whole family searched up and down to no avail. The antique dealers left behind are trying to temporarily relieve their difficulties.

But that night, he suddenly dreamed that a skinny old ghost was sitting in the corner and smiling gloomily at him. When he woke up in shock, he found that the money he had just raised had disappeared again. It is Jiangdu's wealthy, and if he has fallen to such a situation, there must be evil ghosts who have defeated his luck. As long as the ghosts leave, they can restore their former glory.

Qiu Fugui has always believed in ghosts and gods. In the past, no matter how poor he was in the past, he would save his clothes and food to buy the peace charms sold by various sects, so he found the Tianshifu, claiming that there were poor ghosts at home, and begging the monks to save himself in danger. It just so happened that Mo Pan was about to accept ghosts for training at that time, and he accepted the commission as soon as he heard his complaints.

With a sad face and a clear reason for his love, Qiu Fugui once again pulled Mo Pan and begged: "Alas, how rich and noble my enemy was in the past, if it wasn't for the poor god's influence on the luck, why did it come to this, Xiao Tianshi, I donated one hundred taels to your house. Sesame oil money, you must save me!"

Isn't it bad for you to have those one hundred taels to go home and start a small business? Tianshi Mansion is not the God of Wealth, and no matter how much money you add, it won't give you a cash cow!

With such a slander in his heart, Mo Pan has no choice but to take this hatred of wealth and honor. Although he failed to subdue the poor ghost, he was too frightened to show up. How could he say that this person did not believe it, claiming that his family was still down because of poverty. The ghost hasn't left yet, but just blindly waited for Mo Pan at the entrance of the Tianshi Mansion.

Being so entangled by him also gave Mo Pan a headache. He was the one who sneaked out and dared to open the forum with great fanfare, but it was useless to go back on the task if he took it on himself, so he could only persuade him helplessly: "I said it all. As soon as the confinement time is over, I will come to your house to collect ghosts, can you wait patiently for a few days?"

It is normal for mortals to rely on ghosts and gods when they encounter bad things. However, as an innocent ghost who was once regarded as a god of grief by Zhu Jiaji, Zhuge Qingtian always felt that no matter how powerful a kid was, he would not be able to manipulate the court's actions, and it was still possible to steal money. It is too much to blame the poor ghosts for the decline of the family business. Their ghosts are not just a brick and they move wherever they need to take the blame. Thinking of this, he was dissatisfied and said: "With all due respect, even three-year-old children in the countryside know that those who don't work have no food to eat."

As a demon cultivator who grew up from fierce fighting, Qian Ren was born to have no sympathy for those who sat on the mountain and only knew how to seek God and worship Buddha. At this time, he responded by saying, "It is because he is so unpromising that he will be deep. Be loved by the poor."

The two evil characters can naturally taunt and sneer unscrupulously, but Mo Pan, as a monk of the right way, can't stop helping people because the other party is a well-known waste in the city, so he justly said: "Enough is enough, stop singing and hurting innocent people. The behavior of a good citizen! Even if he does look shabby, unpromising and annoying, you can't tell the truth in front of your face!"

No, you are the one who said the most ruthless, your client has been pricked to the point of crying...

Clearly aware of how annoying the heir of the Tianshi Mansion was, Qian Ren glanced at the young man who was instantly beaten, and said with suspicion: "The poor ghost is not a powerful ghost, you are a Tianshi Mansion. The cultivator can't figure it out?"

What he said is true. Poor ghosts are not fierce ghosts. Most of them were transformed by people who were poor and helpless during their lifetime. Because they have no money, they will stay in wealthy families after death. Those who are targeted by poor ghosts will lose all their fortunes, ranging from loss of property at best, or business failure at worst. Although such a kid is terrifying to mortals, he has no fighting power, and it is more than enough to subdue him with Jindanxiu. .

Logically speaking, this should be the case, but the ghost that Mo Pan encountered was extremely fast, and he almost couldn't catch up with his cultivation, so he could only say depressed: "I was going to catch that poor ghost, If you hadn't stopped him, how could he have escaped?"

Of course, his complaints only got the indifferent eyes from the great protector, "If I remember correctly, it seems that I smashed him down?"

At the same time, Zhuge Qingtian was also a husband and wife who gave contemptuous words everywhere, "You can't even catch a little devil, you are really worthless than Fu Hongye."

In Zhuge Qingtian's perception, there are only two types of cultivators, one is a powerful person who can beat him, such as Qian Ren; the other is a useless piece of wood that even he can't beat, such as Fu Hongye. It is true that he is a new ghost, and if he is serious, the top powerhouses can fight against him. However, this person has no such self-consciousness at all, and he considers himself to be a country scholar who is powerless. So in just a few days, the innocent young genius Fu Hongye was tragically reduced from the object of his longing to a unit of measurement for measuring the combat effectiveness of a monk.

Of course, at this time, as another young genius who is inferior to Fu Hongye, Mo Pan's heart also collapsed. He only has one idea now - so, who is that Fu Hongye? How useless is he!

After all, Mo Pan is also the heir of Tianshi Mansion. Naturally, he refuses to lose face in front of the demon cultivator. After being despised by these two people, he immediately raised his ambition to maintain the dignity of the righteous path, and he shouted to Qiu Fugui: "Young Master Qiu, don't worry, I will definitely catch the poor ghost today!"

In the eyes of Qiu Fugui, this Tianshi Mansion is an immortal immortal, and when he heard this, he instantly became happy, and only said: "Young Palace Master, my family's wealth depends on you! I will definitely add another hundred taels of sesame oil!"

Seeing that the two were walking towards the Qiu Mansion, Zhuge Qingtian was also interested, so he looked at Qian Ren expectantly, "Miss, I haven't seen a Taoist catching a ghost yet, let's take a look too?"

Are you a ghost to watch others catch ghosts

He looked at this person speechlessly. Although Qian Ren was not very interested in the small tasks of these young people to practice their skills, he thought that if he went back here, he would be harassed by Zhuge Qingtian until it was dark. After comparing the level of trouble between the two, In the end, he said indifferently, "As you like."

This way, Zhuge Qingtian also realized that for Qian Ren, not rejecting is tacit consent, so he pulled him forward, and said with great interest: "I don't know if he will shine this time, last time. The fire is very interesting, but it’s a little smaller, but the fireworks look better.”

"… "

Qian Ren didn't know how the Heavenly Master's House would feel if he heard that his secret method of collecting ghosts had only two advantages in the eyes of the ghosts: glowing and setting off fireworks. Now he only recognized one fact - Daoist Lingsui insisted on handing over Zhuge Qingtian to him. It was actually given to him because he had already been hit once by this person's weird thinking.

The author has something to say: Fu Hongye: Zhuge, you have changed, so I am your ideal QAQ

Zhuge Qingtian: But you like me more than your wife, wouldn't I be stupid if I become you again

Qian Ren (contemplation): Where did he get the self-confidence from

Author (whispering): It's not what you gave... Stop it, it's illegal to press the author on the keyboard because of Aojiao!

Forgot to mention that as a surname, Qiu is read as Qiu 233