Ghost Bridegroom

Chapter 26


Near the Chinese New Year Festival, the number of visitors to Wangui Academy has gradually increased. Not only famous spirits like Lu Ling, but also powerful ghosts from all walks of life have also rested on the island. Ghost Gushen never leaves Xiaoyu Mountain and naturally does not appear, but although the God of Joy has not arrived yet, the envoys sent by Yindu have already cleaned the palace for him, and his momentum is far greater than others.

Walking alone on a path full of blood-red lanterns, Zhuge Qingtian felt a little nervous. Since he met Qianren, he has not walked alone for a long time. The cool sea breeze in the ghost realm always reminded him of the days in the mass graves, as if he had woken up. When he comes, he will find that everything is just a dream. No man in black has ever appeared in his life, and he can only wander in this world alone.

Although he has lost his memory of being a ghost, his instinct is still there. No matter how powerful a cultivator was in the past, he couldn't make him feel fearful, but today it's just a small road in the woods that makes him a little scared.

It doesn't matter, the lady won't lie to him, she will definitely wait for him to go back there.

So comforting himself in his heart, the teenager looked up at the quaint plaque of the academy, and finally summoned up the courage to step in.

Although Wangui Academy is called an academy, it rarely gathers people to teach. If ghosts want to ask Fushang God for advice, they will live here by themselves. If you have any questions, just ask them, and how to get the answers is up to you. Therefore, the real teaching of Fushang Shen is mainly to teach poor ghosts to read and write.

The handyman here has long been aware of the ghosts who came to ask for advice. Seeing Zhuge Qingtian, he only said "Sir is in the library" and continued to sweep the floor. He didn't realize that this nervous young man was also a ghost.

Compared with the strangeness of the outside world, the layout of Wangui Academy is closer to the ordinary academies in the mortal world. However, in general academies, pines, cypresses and green bamboos are planted, but there are only shade trees such as mulberry and locust. In the darkness of the night, the bark of the locust tree, which is like a human face, and the white paper lanterns swaying in the wind make this place reveal a bit of desolation and strangeness.

Zhuge Qingtian is naturally not afraid of these ghostly landscapes, but he entered the library with some trepidation in the mood of meeting a big man. The God of Fusang is recognized as the strongest ghost in the world. He thought that the other party should be full of majesty, but who knew that through the heavy bookcases, the man in white lying on a rocking chair finally came into sight.

The man was only wearing simple mourning clothes. Although he was so pale, he couldn't hide the elegance and grace in his eyes. It is conceivable how dazzling this man must have been when he was alive. However, no matter how much splendor he once bloomed, he has died after all, so now he is just holding the scroll with a lazy expression, and when Zhuge Qingtian entered the door, he raised his eyes and looked over, "You are finally here."

"you know me?"

He didn't expect the other party to say hello first, Zhuge Qingtian was shocked, but Fusang Shen just handed him a futon to signal the young man to sit down, and then said softly, "Every ghost and god has a fixed ghost realm, from the time you enter the scope of Resurrection Island, I will I know that there is another ghost in the world."

This ghost is really as gentle as the Taoist Lingsui said. Seeing him like this, Zhuge Qingtian was a little relieved, so he sat on the futon and asked curiously: "I heard that the ghost can ask you anything you don't understand?"

"I don't know everything, it was just an old man who wanted to chat with others when he had nothing to do, but it made them spread mysterious."

Hearing this, Fusang Shen smiled helplessly. Seeing that he didn't seem to know how to speak, he took the initiative to ask, "What did you want to know here?"

"Excuse me, what can I do to become a ghost as powerful as you?"

The boy's question did not exceed his expectations. He glanced at him, and the expression of Fushen was very calm, "Pain, sadness, resentment and these emotions are the source of the ghost's power. You are a ghost at the same level as me. So weak is just because of the painful memories of the past. In my opinion, this is a very lucky good thing."

"However, if I don't get stronger, I'm afraid that my lady will one day not want me."

Zhuge Qingtian has never encountered a problem that needs to be solved by the power of ghosts and gods, and this power does not have much real feeling for him. What troubles him is the unease that he may return to his past life at any time. Fang Suihan's past was just recited, and he was shocked. If his memories were as sad as the people in front of him, he was not sure if he would be able to return to the way he is now...

Rubbing his sleeves hesitantly, he still wanted to try other ways to eliminate his anxiety, so he asked, "Do you know how to make a man marry me?"

"There are not a few ghosts who ask me for guidance. This is the first time I have heard such a question."

Looking at him unexpectedly, Fu Sang Shen really didn't expect that he would have a day when he would be consulted about breaking his sleeves. Fortunately, he is also an experienced man. After looking at Zhuge Qingtian, he guessed his concerns. He just asked, "Why do you want to marry him?"

"Because I like being with him."

"Master and apprentice, confidants, and friends can all be together. Why do you think of husband and wife as this?"

Zhuge Qingtian answered this question very readily and gave the reason without hesitation, but he was unconsciously stunned when he heard the next question from the God of Sorrow. In the end, he insisted on worshipping the church only because of Taoist Lingsui's words of reincarnation. After discovering that he was not Zhuge Qingtian, he knew that it was not that simple to be reincarnated, so why did he still want to marry Qian Ren? Moreover, these days he seems to be less obsessed with reincarnation than in the past...

He had never seriously thought about this issue before, but now he was dissected by Fushen and realized that something was wrong, and he couldn't help but wonder, did he really like that man? But why did he feel that something was wrong

Looking at his confused expression, he knew that this young man had not yet figured out his feelings and did not give much guidance, and asked again, "Have you ever thought about whether you want a lady or a Taoist companion?"

"Is there any difference between the two?"

Zhuge Qingtian didn't have much expectations for this ghost domain master at first, but now after the conversation, Fang felt that the other party really saw through the crux of his heart at a glance, so he became active in asking questions.

Seeing him so sullen, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, as if he remembered the appearance of his disciples asking for advice in the past, and his voice softened a lot, "Mortals follow the words of their parents' matchmakers, and only meet a few men and women. They can become husband and wife, and even if they have different temperaments, they can spend their lives respecting each other as guests. But monks never care about inheriting the lineage. The so-called Taoist couple first needs to be like-minded.

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingtian seemed to be enlightened, and asked again, "What is the Tao?"

"Tao is the direction of the heart. If you want to enter a person's heart, you must first know where his heart is."

After he finished speaking, Fusang Shen stretched out his hand and touched the position of the boy's heart, and when he saw his expression, he asked again, "Do you know what he likes?"

Since the two of them met, Qian Ren's expression has been light and never liked or disliked anything. Although he once said that he was interested in monsters and ghosts, Zhuge Qingtian also knew that it was a game language and could not be taken seriously. Now he can only shake it blankly. Shaking his head.

"Then you know what he hates?"

Qianren hates... Talk to him

This thought flashed through his mind subconsciously, and Zhuge Qingtian quickly shook his head to send away this terrifying conjecture. That man also said that he wanted him to be a teacher, so he must have some liking for him, right

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qingtian was stroking the storage bracelet on his wrist with uncertainty. There was still a river lantern given to him by a man, as if he had found confidence from it, and he finally understood why he did this. He always wanted to establish an intimate relationship with Qian Ren before he could rest assured. In the final analysis, it was just because he didn't know this person well enough.

"He has seen me through, but I still don't know anything about him, so that's why I'm uneasy."

With a sigh, all Zhuge Qingtian's problems were explained. He was attracted by Qian Ren's inadvertent gentleness, but he couldn't see the emotion behind this man's indifferent expression. It is precisely because of this that no matter how enthusiastically he pounces on him, Qian Ren always faces him with the eyes of a child, only treating him as a prankster and never taking his words seriously.

Zhuge Qingtian still doesn't understand what his feelings are, but he knows that he wants to get to know that man very much, and he likes the days of walking with him very much. That being the case, let's start with master and apprentice first. As long as he becomes Qian Ren's apprentice, sooner or later, he will know this person better than anyone else in the world, and no matter what kind of relationship he develops, it will be much easier than it is now.

That's right, since you don't know what the lady likes, let's become his favorite apprentice first!

Seeing that he was only depressed for a moment, he raised his head firmly, and a strange color flashed in Fushang Shen's eyes. Although he had seen many ghosts, there were few who were so tenacious. No wonder he was able to forcibly suppress himself. The evil spirits walk in the world like ordinary people. Only Fushen, who is also a ghost and god, knows how difficult it is to suppress evil spirits. Even if he has been in the world for hundreds of years, when he recalls the past, he will still cause the living creatures around him to fall into endless depression. Although he is immature, he can control it. The evil spirit, once the power is released, I am afraid that it will not be a bit weaker than him.

Hopefully no one will force him to the point of giving up his reason, there is no need for another ghost in this world.

He sighed secretly, he didn't say any more, just spread out the white paper and picked up a pen to write a few lines and handed it to Zhuge Qingtian,

"Take this piece of paper, and when you want to understand the questions above, you can find the answer without anyone's guidance."

Zhuge Qingtian has never been afraid of hard work, but now that his goal has been set, his whole body is relieved. He feels that the God of Fushang is indeed a kind and gentle gentleman, so he took the paper and smiled cheerfully: "Thank you, you are really a good person!"

The world of teenagers is still in the simple state of distinguishing people from good and bad, and it is cute that black and white are distinct. Fusang Shen has not been evaluated like this for a long time since his death, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard it. He didn't deny it, but just took out another scroll and gave it to him, with a deep meaning in his words, "Go, this is an item dropped by He Huan in the past, please bring it back to his disciple."

The author has something to say: Mr. Fang: After reading the tutorial, you can learn to cut your sleeves after completing this set of questions.

Zhuge Qingtian: Madam, you are right, sir, you know a lot!

Qian Ren: I took you to a lecture by a famous teacher, and you learned how to do basics? ?