Ghost Bridegroom

Chapter 63


Although Bi Fang was a little depressed by being rejected by the beauty under the moon as soon as they met, he still didn't want to go back to the sky like this, so he hid it in the Qin mansion to observe secretly. He thought it was because her temper became grumpy after she was reincarnated as a human being. Who knew that she would be polite and polite to the maids and servants from the end of the day. In the end, he only came to a conclusion - he would be beaten as if he was hated.

Just when he thought of this, he felt a little depressed when he looked at the familiar faces in the room who were quietly reading a book. A woman dressed in extremely wealthy clothes had already pushed in the door and looked at the woman who stood up respectfully. It was cold. Said: "I heard that you came back from the garden in a disheveled dress yesterday, but don't do anything shameful to ruin the reputation of my Qin mansion."

When Qin Qing returned to the room from the shock, he knew that the matter could not be settled. Now, if the mistress really came to the door, she could only plead aggrievedly, "Mother, I didn't."

Seeing her such a woman's expression, she became more and more impatient, and only said coldly: "Don't call me mother, I am not that lucky to have a daughter with a fairy-like appearance like you. The training is all read in vain."

She is the appearance drawn by Yue Lao with reference to the gods, and she is unique in the mortal world. However, in this world, a woman is born with the appearance of a god but does not have the transcendental strength of a fairy to protect herself. The ending, if you meet someone who is not good, you will just be wasted in vain, and you will just wait for your whole life.

Someone's harassment must be her misbehavior that attracts others to peep, and being molested is also her fault for showing up. Those swingers are naturally not serious people, but why did she leave other girls' homes without molesting and turn to her? It shows that she is not serious either. Girl, you should really strengthen discipline.

The people around Qin Qing have all thought like this since she was a child, so since she was an adult, she has not stepped out of the door, let alone looked at unfamiliar men. Who would have thought that those romantic sons who were so hidden would be more interested in her. Exhausted all means just to see the beauty of the Qin family, which led to many rumors and rumors, which made her even more disliked by the elders in the family.

Qin Qing knew that a daughter who was not loved by her parents would not be able to marry a good family in the future. She knew that her future was gloomy, but she still wanted to struggle with all her might before that future came. But there is a way for a man to study and become an official through the imperial examinations. Although the gentleman who taught her literacy praised her for her cleverness, he also said that it would not benefit her to study too many classic classics, as long as she could recite a few poems and get a name. After all, not many men in the world want to marry a girl who knows more than they do.

The honor and disgrace of her life will be decided by her future husband, as if she was born only for the purpose of pleasing men and producing heirs for her, Qin Qing felt uncomfortable thinking about such a thing. But serious women will not suffer because of these. They think that their husbands are proud of giving birth to sons. If there are no children, they will spurn themselves without others talking. In the end, she is just abnormal.

The words of the woman's accusations were still in her ears. Qin Qing sighed in her heart. She knew that she couldn't do anything. At this time, she could only compromise as obediently as before: "Ma'am, I won't go out of the room again..."

"Bi Fang, heaven has heaven's way, human beings are human, there will be many things in the mortal world that you cannot understand, but in their eyes, this is the rule of being a human being. People have their own development process, disrupting them Your footsteps won't necessarily lead to good results, so try not to interfere."

Bi Fang saw all this in his eyes. He watched his favorite beauty under the moon bow his head to the woman with a sad expression and admit his mistake, and clenched his fists unconsciously. There was only a sneer on the corner of his mouth when the Taoist priest Ge told himself.

This Daoman only said to try his best, didn't he already believe that he would definitely take action? That's right, he Bi Fang is only a decoration, how can he care about the rules of the world.

So, he raised his foot and kicked the door, as if he didn't see the shocked eyes of the people around him at all, he just walked up to her and extended his hand to her, "You are not happy here, come with me."

Qin Mansion has a lot of influence in Jiangnan, and Mrs. Qin did not expect that someone would dare to act so recklessly, and immediately screamed: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into Qin Mansion?"

Bi Fang is an upright immortal beast. He never lied, and he still didn't look at her. He just answered lightly, "I'm not a human, I just like her."

At that time, the Taoist ancestor was still thinking about the road in the immortal world. The mysterious gate was not established, the rivers and lakes were not completed, and there was a legend that the monks were secluded in the mountains and forests. How could Mrs. Qin guess his identity, she could only threaten him sternly: "You don't want to mess around, she has been appointed by the Shangshu Mansion, and she will become the third concubine of the old Shangshu on another day. If there is an accident, the Shangshu Mansion will decide. I won't let you go!"

"You never told me about this!"

Qin Qingyuan was a little hesitant about what the black-clothed man said. She thought it was just like the swingers who pestered her in the past to make her happy, but when she heard these words, she couldn't restrain her chill. It turned out that when she didn't know, she had already been given to others by the Qin mansion, and she was an old Shangshu old enough to be her grandfather, because it didn't matter what happened to her because it wasn't from the mistress? Her father, I'm afraid he doesn't remember who she is

However, even at this time, her questioning was only answered as a matter of course, "Marriage only needs the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents, how can you speak up? The Shang Shufu has already looked up to you by hiring a thousand dollars!"

What Mrs. Qin said is the reality. Everyone here is like this. This is the irreversible ancestral family law. It was because she understood Qin Qing's face that she instantly turned gray. She stopped thinking about the future and only knew herself. She wanted to leave this suffocating place, so she took Bi Fang's hand and said in a trembling voice, "Take me away."

Looking at her pale face, Bi Fang, who even if reprimanded by the Immortal Emperor himself, still stuck his neck and refused to admit his mistake, suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.

He turned his unique beauty under the moon into a lady of the Qin family who could be exchanged for gold and silver in the mortal world. That should be the only treasure that the immortals who were guarded by him would like to please in every possible way. It was sold here by a group of mortals. Daoman is right, he should wait patiently for another thousand years, until his painting becomes a fairy, at least, no one will ever bully her like that.

However, since he had done it, there was no room for regret, so he just picked her up as he did in the past, and then vacated the sky to embark on a journey that only belonged to them. He said, "Okay, I have been taking you with me."

On that day, the daughter of the Qin Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River was forcibly kidnapped by a man in black. At this time, the city was full of storms, but the culprit only flew leisurely in the air. As a bird, Bi Fang was born with a love for flying and was bathed in the cool night wind. He looked at the woman who was holding on to his clothes and did not dare to look down. For the first time, he knew what pity was, and he held her hand and comforted: "Don't be afraid, No one can bully you with me, and if anyone dares to hurt you in the future, I will pluck his head!"

At first glance, this man in black is not a mortal, I am afraid that he is still a monster. Qin Qing was worried about what would happen to her. Although she would rather be swallowed by a monster than be humiliated by a concubine, but Having never seen that bloody scene, I was unavoidably afraid. However, when I heard his words, I felt relieved inexplicably. I didn't know what to say, but I felt that the man's grip was painful. Seeing that the reckless man didn't realize it at all, he was holding it tighter and tighter, so he whispered: "Bi Bi Son, it hurts."


Bi Fang is an immortal beast that existed in ancient times. It is very powerful and loves to be lively. In the past, Heavenly Court was often tossed by it. It was because he was afraid that ordinary paper would be damaged by his claws. She has obtained the magic weapon of the fairy family, but now she does not have the same defensive power as in the past. When he shook hands with force, she would see red, and maybe there would be some congestion. Looking at the woman's weak hand with wide eyes, Bi Fang remembered what he had just said, and instantly gasped and cried—what should I do? It seems that the last Bi Fang bird in the world is about to die for the stupidest reason in the world!

Of course Bi Fang didn't want to pick his head like this, so he asked with a bitter face, "Let's discuss, can you wait for me to go to Jiutou Bird first to learn how to grow an extra head?"

"You're a weirdo."

Qin Qing had never seen such a serious person in the past. Seeing that he was really thinking about fulfilling his promise, he couldn't help but forget all the weird things and just smiled lightly, "Although he's weird, he's a good person."

No, he still doesn't regret it. The beauty under the moon who can smile shyly at him like this, even with a mortal body, is still his unique treasure.

Looking at her smiling face, Bi Fang had such thoughts in his heart, he remembered his original purpose, and said:

"I teach you to practice. With the cultivation of immortals, no one can hurt you."

"it is good."

At that time, although Qin Qing didn't quite understand what cultivation was, just seeing his expression, he knew it wasn't a bad thing, so he agreed. Seeing that she didn't despise him this time, Bi Fang immediately became happy, thought about it and asked again: "I'll give you a new name, and if you change your name, everything in this mortal world has nothing to do with you, okay?"

Changing the name and surname means that the family tree and the old clan are no longer considered a family. This has always been a major event. She never thought that she could do this in the past, and she only asked carefully: "What name?"

"When you couldn't speak or laugh, I've liked you for a hundred years, and now I'll be able to like you forever, so I'll call you Qin Jiu, okay?"

When he said this, no matter his words or expressions, he was very serious. He sounded like he was asking, "I will always like you, okay?" Generally, it was the first time a woman heard such bold words, and her face couldn't help but turn red. Still whispered a word, "Okay."

The author has something to say: Bi Fang: Do you know why my son likes to kick people? Because Bi Fang only has one foot, it is our instinct to stick his claws on people's faces when he is angry.

Zhuge Qingtian: Then what makes you unable to resist estrus

System: Administrator Bi Qianren has removed you from this group.

Law Ling: If I say anything, I will kick someone when I lose my temper! Fortunately, I have a dozen trumpets!

He Huan: Congratulations, apprentice, the group of relatives and friends has finally broken through to double digits, although half of them are your father's trumpet.