Ghost Bridegroom

Chapter 65


When Bi Fang found Qin Jiu, the beauty under the moon, whom he had cherished for hundreds of years, had become a cold corpse. The river had washed away all the blood. Now she is the same as when she was in the painting in the past. She can speak but can't smile, lying quietly among the water plants, the water waves flashing from the tear moles at the corners of her eyes, like tears sliding silently.

He silently carried her back to the heaven, however, Daoman, who could cite several examples for him to refer to even the birth of a human monster, only shook his head helplessly after seeing her corpse, and sighed in a low voice. Said: "Wait for the next life."

When it was judged that there was no hope at all, Bi Fang felt a drop of liquid in the corner of his eyes for the first time. He looked at the water droplets that fell on the woman's clean face, and asked blankly, "What is this?"

"It's tears."

Daoman's voice was a little sad, but he didn't believe it, and only muttered: "You lied to me, immortal beasts don't have tears, only humans can cry."

Yes, Bi Fang can't cry, has he become a human

"Daoman, you told me that mortals are very fragile. In order to prevent innocent people from dying, even if they regenerate their anger, they can't cause a fire. Then, why can such a weak mortal take other people's lives arbitrarily?"

Bi Fang has always had a bad temper but likes to be lively. Whenever someone ascends, he has to go up and see. There are few immortals in heaven who have not been burned by him, and when the immortals mention him, they have a headache.

He is an immortal beast that symbolizes the fire of the catastrophe, but in these years in the mortal world, he has never let go of the fire. He just wants to wait quietly for his under-the-moon beauty to soar. This is not a wish that is harmful to anyone, but why is there such a result

"Because mortals are ignorant, they think they are powerful, and they think they can dominate everything of another person. The ignorant are fearless, and it is because they are fearless that they are cruel."

Daoman had been practicing for a hundred years before his ascension. He could not find a way to save the world in such a long time. He could only put his hope in heaven. However, when he asked the Immortal Emperor how to make the world become a peaceful world, the most The strong immortal only replied helplessly, "Wait."

When they learn their lessons, when they have experienced enough tragedies, and when all this makes the world turn back, it will be the time of peace and prosperity.

Daoman understood the meaning of the Immortal Emperor, and also knew that the immortal's long lifespan would be able to wait until that day. He originally wanted to watch it quietly in the sky, but now Bi Fang only asked one question, and he was speechless. .

He asked, "Daoman, can you accept such a human world?"

Daoman did not answer him, but the silence itself was the answer. Bi Fang put the woman's soul in the picture, and he would not let her reincarnate as a human being. The next world is not a good place for people. But even so, he would not remain silent like Daoman. If only enough pain can make people reflect on themselves, then let him make the world suffer and punish all beings. This is the responsibility of the bird of catastrophe.

"The monks in Xitian said that you can become a Buddha with a single thought, and become a devil with a single thought. If you don't go to get them to become a Buddha, then it will be up to me to cross the world and become a devil."

If everyone is fearless, then he will let the world remember what fear is; if everyone is ignorant, then he will make the world dare not be ignorant.

O people, overcome me with the humanity you hold fast. If she really died of such an irresistible morality, maybe I wouldn't be angry anymore.

With the name of Bi Fang burnt out of the immortal manual, from then on, there will be no fairy beast Bi Fang in the heaven, the devil was born, and the world is in chaos.

The first day the Demon Venerable appeared, he slaughtered the entire Ziyun Sect. He couldn't tell who was the one who broke his formation, but it didn't matter, it was just a starting point. Those rules that made Qin Jiu miserable all his life, all those who follow them as truth, from here on out, he wants to kill them one by one.

He destroyed many cultivators, as well as the imperial court. Those who set the rules either bowed their heads to him or died at his hands. From beginning to end, no one dared to question him.

On the day of the conquest of the imperial court, the Demon Venerable sat on the corpses of the monks, looked at the civil and military officials kneeling down to him with blood-stained eyes, and asked, "I heard that the rules of the world are not to use lynching and not to kill indiscriminately. Innocent, no cannibalism, I violated all of them, do you want to punish me?"

This is the person who made the rules, this is the person who stipulated that his Qin Jiu can only be dominated by others in his life, they faced Qin Jiu who had never hurt anything, just because she married a non-human cultivator without hesitation Killed her to be righteous, but in the face of a Demon Venerable who was many times greater than her, he respectfully knelt on the ground without saying a word. In the end, it was just Yu Qing who frantically raised his head and replied, "My lord, that's just a rule to restrain mortals, you are a demon who can act recklessly!"

Yes, people's rules will always only be used to control those who have no ability to resist. They will use other people's lives to defend these rules. They really run into invincible opponents, and the people who are willing to defend themselves are nothing more than Only ten people.

Looking at the ten officials who were beheaded in front of the hall by the panicked emperor who insisted not to kneel, Mozun just shook his head and said, "Ten, too few, not enough."

As soon as these words came out, the people kneeling below couldn't help trembling again, but Yu Qing's eyes were full of excitement, "Lord, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Chang'an City!"

The Demon Venerable looked down at the lunatic, and seemed to find it a little funny, but he couldn't laugh in the end, he just said lightly, "It's not the same, it's people who stand to die, and those who kneel are just tamed animals. "

Yes, this is a human being. When he is strong, he can harm any creature for granted. If he is weak, he will cry and cry if he suffers a little pain. get pleasure in.

Qin Jiu turned him into a human being, but he didn't want to be human anymore, the common people could be saved, but he didn't want to save him.

He is the bird of calamity, and the only thing he has to do is to bring down calamities for the world.

Since it was the day when the robbery would end, when he realized that the picture was different, he glanced at the world that had turned into purgatory, and went overseas without hesitation. His hunch was right, Qin Jiu woke up and became an existence that had never appeared in the world. Like in the past, although she became a ghost and god cursed by the world, she still did not give up, she tried her best to give birth to the child in her womb, and then begged him to kill herself.

Qin Jiu told him that this child was his kind, and even without her, he would definitely be able to live peacefully in the world, and now that she is so dangerous, it is better to change back to the original picture.

This is the first time Bi Fang has rejected her request. He used his power from the Golden Crow to separate the sun and the moon, but he couldn't stop the evil spirit in her body from breaking out. He could only stop her time on that day and bring the child to see Find your own way.

The world only knows that the underworld is magical, but they don't know that the underworld is mortal, and it has the function of reshaping the body only because it is mixed with the ashes of the Golden Crow Yuanshen. And Bi Fang was the last descendant of the Golden Crow in the world.

That day, he coaxed the child with a clay figurine, and the child stretched out his hand to him, as if he wanted to hold his hand forever and tell him not to leave. Qin Jiu didn't lie to him, his own child was indeed different from other people's. No matter how long you hold it, it will not be annoying.

Such a small thing, even touching it is afraid that he will hurt him, why is there still people in the world who can watch their children die? Human beings are too complicated, and he really doesn't want to be human.

That day, Daoman looked at him full of demonic energy, and only sighed: "Bi Fang, I said, it's not a good thing to go down to earth."

"Yeah, all evil deeds will have retribution. But you say, if I don't do it, will the person who killed her really have retribution?"

He has existed in the world for thousands of years, how could he not know what the way of heaven is, but he also knows that the way of heaven does not care about the mortal world, and the mortal world only follows the way of human beings. Just like what Immortal Emperor said, they will just wait for it.

A person's death is not enough to bring down the catastrophe, so he can only do it himself.

Looking at the immortal who was haunted by immortal energy in front of him, he asked, "Daoman, I have reduced half of the people in the world, and all the worst people in the world have gathered around me. In this way, can you save the world?"

The Immortal Emperor did not order them to take care of the affairs of the world. He said that Heaven had already punished Bi Fang. This was a catastrophe for all beings, and people could only save themselves. However, Daoman still came to the world. When he came, he had already decided what he wanted to do, and at this time he could finally reply firmly to Bi Fang: "The world cannot be saved by only one person, but I will sacrifice my life to teach them how to save themselves. "

This is the look that Bi Fang is waiting for. Who knows that he has never met someone with such eyes, but finally met such an immortal. He finally smiled once. Although it was so faint that he could hardly see it, it was something that Demon Venerable never had in the past. "Okay, I will fulfill you."

Bi Fang's three souls and seven souls have been left by Qin Jiu's side, and now, along with a thunder of calamity, the last primordial spirit has also left the body. One-legged Bi Fang spread his wings and flew high into the sky after a long absence, so he did not enter the thundercloud until it disappeared, marking the end of this doom.

This is the usage of the bird of calamity. In the past, when the immortals defied the sky, its ancestor Jinwu spontaneously turned into the sun to destroy all the immortals who rebelled, and then used the life of a family to complete Hou Yi's feat of shooting the sun, leaving only the one-legged limb that he was born with. Incompletely, it was raised by the Immortal Emperor. To this day, the dark world of people's hearts is stagnant, and Bi Fang has also become a savior of the world with the resentment of the world.

Immortals cannot save the world, because immortals cannot kill people, but if you want to end an era, you must get rid of all those who are stubborn. Seduce the ones and then teach the rest to the right world.

The only end of the devil is to be cursed and die by the world, but the devil does not regret it. He wants the entire era to be buried with him. Although the outcome is not satisfactory, this is also his revenge.

As a result, at this time, he never looked back. Qin Jiu was right, he really was a man of extreme willfulness.

My son Qianren, although you were born in the darkest age in this world, I still hope that when you open your eyes, the world you see for the first time will be bright and warm. I hope you can grow up safely and see everything The best scenery in the world, and I hope you stay at the purest age and live forever without having to understand the love and hate in the world.

At the last moment before it turned into ashes, he looked down at the island with clear day and night, and finally disappeared into the thundercloud and disappeared.

Daoman used his primordial spirit to create a body that was indistinguishable from a living person. He kept the child in the blood pool forever as he instructed, and the remaining ashes were sprinkled in front of Qin Jiumen. flower field.

His death failed to save the people he loved, and the salvation of the world was all accepted by Daoman, but the Immortal Emperor remembered the achievements of the Jinwu lineage that destroyed the world thousands of years ago. Make Bi Fang become a spirit again in the thunder cloud, and slowly the current decree was born between heaven and earth.

On that day, Mozun Bi Fang died at the hands of Daozu, and the world returned to peace.

One month later, Xianren Daoman will cultivate immortal exercises all over the world. He can't make the world free from evil, but he can make the world cultivate the mind and seek the Tao. He firmly believes that evil cannot overcome righteousness. After completing all this, Daozu fell into the fairy lake with a smile.

A year later, a fisherman walked out of Luoxian Lake. He established the Xuanmen orthodox to spread Taoism, and established the Tiandao Alliance to manage the monks in the world.

Ten years later, Fang Suihan stood on Xishang officialdom. He wanted to cleanse the imperial court and restore the world to a clean one. Although he died, he still turned into a ghost and a god and waited for the day when the world was united.

A hundred years later, Xue Lingyun, the fairy of Xuanmen, went down to earth again and awarded the Emperor Xiliang the Wordless Book of Heaven. From then on, the emperor sought the way to ascension for his achievements, and he made great efforts to create a prosperous and prosperous world one after another.

Another hundred years later, the state of Xiliang was broken, and the three generations of Xuanmen's head, Qingxuzi, ruled the world, and a young man named Bu Qingyun climbed up from the pile of corpses. He vowed that as long as he was in the world, he would make the world peaceful.

Forty years later, Bu Qingyun, who has changed his name to He Huan, unified the way of the devil. He went out to sea in search of the secret treasure of the devil, and then, watching the name of the place left by the devil before his death, he realized that he lost his killing intent and found the original intention of peace in the world. He took away the baby in the arms of Demon Zun.

When Qian Ren opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the gentle smile of the devil He Huan at the common people. Although he has experienced many ups and downs to grow up, he also has the love of his master, the trust of his close friends, and he has also met people who want to be with him for a lifetime. The world may not be perfect, but he is happier than his father.

Finally, seeing all the history that he had forgotten, the corner of Lu Ling's mouth raised slightly, just like the appearance of the Demon Lord before he died, he opened his eyes, saw Zhuge Qingtian's surprised expression, and heard him ask worriedly, "Why does he laugh? Isn't the Demon Venerable as unsmiling as you?"

Fool's daughter-in-law, it's not that she doesn't smile, I have always liked to be lively. It's just that there are no things that make me happy in the world, so I really can't laugh.

Shaking his head, he put his palm on the boy's head and said softly, "Although this is not the result I expected in the past, I still want to thank you."

As soon as this ancestral head-touching action came out, Zhuge Qingtian knew that the real old man had woken up, but he still felt that the situation was wrong, and immediately reminded: "Wait, you touched the wrong person!"

Ignoring their surprised expressions, Lu Ling still rubbed his hair, and then smiled: "That's right, this is what I have been arguing with you for so long and I haven't managed to say it. Thank you very much for being here. The best time was in my son's life."

The author has something to say: Zhuge Qingtian: Are you sure we are not wronged

Law Ling: I am afraid that I will touch my son and be kicked out by him. After all, we are all irritable brothers.

Zhuge Qingtian: Actually, you can impress me for a few more minutes.

Law Ling: Impossible, it is your destiny to be kicked out by my son with me.

Zhuge Qingtian: I still want to hate you!

Qianren: I care about the eyes of the two fools.