Ghost Bridegroom

Chapter 70


With the arrival of You Jiang, the Great Elder finally left, and Zhuge Qingtian was relieved to see the door kicked open. "The first time I saw someone peeping was kicking in the door."

Of course, You Jiang didn't really come here to peek at a man taking a bath. In fact, he had expected that the first elder would not rest assured that Qian Ren and the cultivator of the right way would form a Taoist partner. here. But when I saw this person I once admired, I didn't know what to say, so I only emphasized: "I like women, but I'm not interested in you."

"You are the leader of the Demon Sect."

Zhuge Qingtian looked at him suspiciously, and Yu Jiang, who had never met a man in the Demon Dao for sixty-five years, expressed his anger at this, and immediately said: "Although anyone who is good-looking can join the Demon Cult, but the Demon Cult is not. The leader only loves Pretty in Pink, what's the problem?"

Of course there is no problem, but Zhuge Qingtian still felt that something was wrong with the leader emphasizing this issue to himself, so he looked at him and asked suspiciously, "So, you are here to tell me about the uniqueness of the leader?"

Of course, You Jiang wasn't bored to this level, but he couldn't tell what he wanted to do. He took a closer look at the boy in white, who was completely different from the past, and only sighed, "You were not like this before."

He didn't expect him to say this, Zhuge Qingtian was also stunned, and subconsciously replied: "You were not like this before."

As soon as these words came out, You Jiang tilted his head and looked at himself who had already become evil and charming in the bronze mirror. Indeed, the traces of time left on him were far more obvious than Zhuge Qingtian. He thought that although he regarded Zhao Huai'an as the most trustworthy leader, Jiang Fengzhi was probably just an ordinary disciple in his heart. If they talked about the past, they would have nothing to say, and if they wanted to seek revenge, they would have nothing to say. There is no grievance to speak of, so I can only say lightly: "Yeah, after so long, everything has changed."

"Fengzhi, I gave up resistance and chose to die at the hands of Jicheng, and I never thought about the fate of those who followed me. You are justified in complaining about me."

In fact, Zhuge Qingtian doesn't remember much about the past except for Zhao Jicheng. He didn't live easily at that time, and it was extremely difficult to take care of a younger brother. How could he pay attention to others when he was free? He also chose the most suitable appearance to win over the people in Tianshu Pavilion. Just people.

At the time, I didn't realize there was anything wrong with this, until I heard what You Jiang said outside the door just now, and I realized that he had always lived only for himself, and never considered anything other than the people he cared about, so he wasn't really a good person.

"What do you say, I don't use that name for a long time, and I was stupid back then, and I didn't even know that the throne was changed."

You Jiang didn't want to dwell on old affairs. He was no longer a child, and he didn't think that being in the same sect would naturally lead to friendship. However, the appearance of Zhao Huai'an walking from the green pines and cypresses in green clothes back then made him a little unforgettable when he was a teenager. At that time, he thought that if it was this royal seat, he would definitely be able to create a warm river and lake, because, no matter what, he couldn't. Imagine who even a man like him, who treats no-names gently, will have malice.

Although this person has removed the disguise of the past, his temperament has not changed much. He still has goodwill towards strangers. As long as the other party does not hurt him, he will not take the initiative to attack anyone. He is really a harmless creature. Because it is harmless, you can rest assured that you don't have to worry about being betrayed if you have a disagreement with him one day, and what their magic cultivators lack most is this sense of security.

"Actually, I should have discovered it long ago. You have never had any ambitions. You can sit for a day with a cup of tea when you have nothing to do. You really don't look like a hero who can take the battle to the world in his heart."

Zhuge Qingtian was already mentally prepared to talk about old things, but who would have heard such a sentence, he suddenly asked with some doubts: "You don't seem to be worried about Qian Ren?"

"You are a harmless rabbit. Although it hurts to bite people when you are forced, and you will pretend to be very vicious because there are too many wolves around you, as long as no one provokes you, you can eat and drink happily. Being alive is just right for Qian Ren, an old radish buried in the ground who refuses to see anyone."

You Jiang was originally puzzled by Qian Ren's choice of Zhao Huaian as his Taoist companion, but now he understands. Qian Ren is surrounded by powerful people like him and He Huan. They never listen to anyone's opinions. Once they decide what to do, they must do it no matter the cost.

Qian Ren has always tried their best to cooperate with them to achieve these goals, but they rarely seem to ask Qian Ren if he has something he wants to do. thought he had no feelings. It was only when he saw Lu Ling that he realized that Qian Ren had always cared about his life experience, but he never spoke these thoughts out in order not to hinder his great cause of magic.

If it wasn't for the elder's pressing too hard this time, this great protector might never leave the Demon Sect to find his own way. He, a close friend, is actually not very qualified.

Perhaps in Bi Qianren's life, only Zhuge Qingtian got along with him with the idea of "doing things that each other likes together". Those of them who only cared about themselves in the past should not give extra goodwill at this time. Bar.

With a secret sigh, You Jiang took a token from his sleeve and threw it away, but the words he said were in a normal tone, "The best vegetable in our field was just pulled out by you, and I will hug it in the future. Anyone who grabs him is not allowed to let go."

"This is?"

"The pass token from the periphery of the Demon Sect was given to you in advance as a gift."

A sect's pass token is very important, and it is even more impossible to give it to outsiders at will. Since it was given to Zhuge Qingtian, as the leader of the sect, You Jiang admitted that he is a member of the demon sect, and can freely enter and leave the sect from now on. Silently clenching the token in his hand, Zhuge Qingtian realized that he really missed a lot of things for Zhao Jicheng in the past, but at least he will not indulge in his own world again and forget others. After all, he has always been a very proactive person.

With a slight smile, he stepped forward and grabbed You Jiang's sleeve, and said positively: "Sect Master, let's get to know each other again, my name is Zhuge Qingtian, and the painting is very beautiful!"

You Jiang has always been used to scolding each other with the elders and guardians. Suddenly, he felt dizzy when he felt the friendly atmosphere coming to his face. With the thinking of a magician, he couldn't understand how this person could say such words in a grand manner. He could only glared at him and said angrily: "Go eat your carrots, my dignified Demon Sect leader will go to paint the erotic palace?"

Zhuge Qingtian, who had already experienced how awkward Qian Ren was, was not unfamiliar with the way a demon cultivator expresses his emotions, but he still felt the need to correct it, "No, I didn't say eroticism, after you entered the demon, are you interested in painting? What's wrong with the way?"

However, before he could pull the Fallen Painting Saint back to the right path, the wardrobe on the side suddenly opened, and the figure lying inside immediately fell into the two's field of vision. The old father calmed down instantly and expressed his opinion, "I don't agree with you saying that, how can an eggplant give birth to a radish, he must also be an eggplant!"

You are there! When did you get into the closet

Looking at him helplessly, Zhuge Qingtian touched the cold water, and sighed: "I just want to take a shower, what do you mean by running into my room one by one?"

Although Lüling is a little more heartless now, he also knew that the rivers and lakes were dangerous back then, thinking that Zhuge Qingtian suddenly became a Taoist companion without any relatives and no reason, I am afraid that there will be many people in the demon sect staring at him, and there is nothing to do with him. He sneaked in secretly, and seeing his whereabouts revealed at this time, he simply said calmly: "You are my daughter-in-law, I have to guard you not to be bullied by outsiders!"

His words made Zhuge Qingtian's heart suddenly warm, thinking that the bickering along the way was not a waste, after all, they had truly regarded each other as a family.

However, this demon sect said the tone of the dragon's pond and tiger's den, which made the sect leader a little uncomfortable, and immediately frowned: "Come on, when your son was bullied, your purple potato hadn't been plucked out yet, and now it's still here. I don't think it's very reliable to peep at his Taoist companion taking a bath."

"Who's looking at you stinky men, I'm looking at my wife!"

As an upright man who couldn't even see his son's broken sleeves, Lu Ling was resolutely unwilling to accept this kind of slander. Wife! With such a natural beauty, even in a painting, she is better than any man or woman in the world."

Qian Ren only said that he would write a detailed written report about Mozun. It was the first time that You Jiang saw someone holding a painting and called his wife. He was very suspicious of life for a while, "Is he serious? Have a son?"

Zhuge Qingtian, who is used to seeing the wind and waves, is very calm, "He is the omnipotent Demon Venerable."

However, after looking up and down again at the cat spirit in the cabinet, You Jiang raised another reasonable question, "But, it's impossible to like him even with a painting?"

"Probably, because he used to be the omnipotent Demon Venerable."

Continuing to answer calmly, Zhuge Qingtian felt strange in his heart. Two men who only liked women appeared in the room where he was going to take a shower. What happened to this world

However, he remembered something serious, and guessing that Qian Ren was coming back soon, he immediately said to the two who seemed to be fighting, "You two, I have to remind you that I'm going to take a shower."

When he said this, You Jiang's expression became stiff, but Lu Ling was still confused, "What's so good about you taking a bath as a man?"

Zhuge Qingtian wasn't so naive enough to think that the two of them were living in the same room as a quilt and just chatting, but he thought that with Qianren's conservative level of not kissing himself so far, he certainly wouldn't be able to do anything so shameful, and he might meet a lot of people. It is absolutely impossible for a person to be embarrassed to even kiss him. He must light the fire!

Thinking of this, he threw away all his shyness, and said truthfully to the two of them: "I'm going to wash up and try to seduce your radish. In order to make him talk, please go out. , by the way, ask someone to bring some hot water."

Just a single sentence instantly made a generation of Demon Venerable sluggish, and even You Jiang looked over with disbelief, until he was kicked out of the room together with the dazed Law Ling, the Demon Sect leader was still immersed in shock.

Qian Ren is He Huan's apprentice. I heard that a certain unruly old devil taught him to read and write with a erotic palace. He even tried to seduce him when he encountered such an opponent. What kind of fierce battle did this man want

He really underestimated his throne back then. Was this man so unrestrained in his heart

The author has something to say: Zhuge Qingtian: Daoist can't drive, what should I do

Law: what? Can men still drive

You Jiang: In the past, the male god Gao Lingzhihua collapsed, and my heart aches.

He Huan: But, why do I remember to teach him all the secrets of my life

Qian Ren: Haha.

Author: Driving? No, it doesn't exist, I'm someone who can write exhaust gas.