Ghost Crossing

Chapter 111: Pool events (10)


Fang Jing heard that Zuo Lu was hiding in the necklace. This necklace was a birthday present that Wen Hong (the senior boyfriend) gave her today. How could it be, how could Zuo Lu be hiding in it

Fu Xiaowan smiled and hurriedly explained: "That's it, knowing that your birthday is today, I want to send Zuo Lu to you by giving a gift, so I specially did some tricks on the necklace and placed Zuo Lu on the necklace. inside the pendant!"

Wasn't the necklace bought by Wen Hong? How could it pass through Fu Xiaowan's hand? Fang Jing still finds it difficult to accept this statement.

"Ahem, the necklace was dropped by me!" Fu Xiaowan didn't give Rong Hongqian out. It's better than saying that your boyfriend forgot your birthday. Bar.

Fang Jing reluctantly accepted this statement, hesitated for a moment and asked, "If I take the necklace away, Zuo Lu will not be able to enter my dream!"

"That's right!" Fu Xiaowan had an expression of 'of course'.

"Then, Zuo Lu said, come back to me tomorrow night, if the necklace is taken away, she can't come to me again!?" Fang Jing asked again uncertainly.

Fu Xiaowan nodded heavily: "Yes, take away the necklace, Zuo Lu will not be able to approach you."

When Fang Jing heard this, she was confused again, frowned and thought for a moment, then asked weakly: "But Zuo Lu said, come to me tomorrow night, if you take the necklace away, she can't come to me, Could it be... angry?" She couldn't find a word to describe it, so she simply expressed it with anger.

"This..." Fu Xiaowan twitched the corner of his mouth and said calmly, "You will definitely get angry if you are angry."

"Ah?" Fang Jing was a little nervous and asked fearfully, "She is angry. Will she do anything dangerous?"

Fu Xiaowan blinked, thought for a while and said helplessly: "It will affect a little bit. As for what will happen, I'm not sure right now."

"That's it!" Fang Jing was silent for a moment, then made a decision and said: "Fu Xiaowan, I think it's better not to take Zuo Lu away. She will definitely be angry. And maybe there will be doubts, this chain is My birthday present, how could I take off the necklace the next day. It was taken away by you, Zuo Lu would be angry by then, I'm afraid it would be even harder for her to put it down!"

With a look of approval in his eyes, Fu Xiaowan agreed with Fang Jing's statement. Some big heads said: "I know Zuo Lu will get angry by doing this, but there is no other way. One day, and under Zuo Lu's all-day surveillance, what can you answer tomorrow night? I am I'm afraid you will be embarrassed!"

Both fell silent, not knowing what to do for a while.

According to Fu Xiaowan's idea. Afraid that Zuo Lu would be hurt and embarrassing Fang Jing, she wanted to take Zuo Lu away, and then find a way to suppress Zuo Lu. Then send Zuo Lu back and let Fang Jing. Hmm, to influence her? But the problem with doing this is that Zuo Lu will become even more crazy because of this move, not only will he not be influenced, but will become even more intensified.

Fang Jing's idea was right, and she didn't want to arouse Zuo Lu's suspicion, but in this way, the necklace was hanging around her neck for 24 hours, and Zuo Lu watched her every move. How could she influence Zuo Lu, this Let's not mention it, just a little bit is difficult enough, that is, how will she answer tomorrow night's reply.

In a predicament for a while, the two girls looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes, and then they each thought of a feasible way.

As for Fu Xiaowan, as the cause of this troublesome incident, she felt very guilty. She wanted to try her best to solve this incident as perfectly as possible, so she naturally racked her brains.

As for Fang Jing, although she was caught off guard by this trouble, she didn't hate Fu Xiaowan because of it, but wanted Zuo Lu to untie her knot and reincarnate, which would be good for both parties.

The silence lasted for an hour, and finally the two decided to discuss the matter. They had some ideas in their hearts, but they were not perfect. The two discussed and discussed, maybe there would be a better way.

Fang Jing spoke first. Her mind was mainly on how to get Zuo Lu to untie her knot, so she spoke on this point: "Fu Xiaowan, I have some ideas, listen and see how it goes!"

Fu Xiaowan said the same: "You talk first, and then listen to my thoughts!"

"Okay!" Fang Jing frowned slowly and said, "As you said before, Zuo Lu doesn't understand what kind of impact and consequences two girls will have when they are together, so I think I should let Zuo Lu discover these consequences and let them She understands my pain, let her understand the impact that the union of two women will have on the family and herself. In this way, Zuo Lu will be more or less psychologically changed or loosened. Like you said, if she really loves I will definitely feel sorry for me, after all, I am still alive in the world, and I cannot ignore the opinions of my family and outsiders!"

Seeing Fu Xiaowan nodding her head in agreement, Fang Jing continued: "So I plan to take Zuo Lu home and ask my parents what they think about the two girls living together for a lifetime. Based on my parents' views, they are sure It's unacceptable, and then let Zuo Lu understand the difficulties after the two girls are together. But I haven't figured out how to do it. "

Seeing that she stopped talking, Fu Xiaowan understood that she had already said it, and hurriedly talked about her own opinion: "Your idea is good, but you are all in the later stage. The first thing you should think about now is tomorrow night. How to answer Zuo Lu, since you are worried that I will anger her by taking Zuo Lu away, then don't take it away, but in this case, you must answer Zuo Lu's multiple-choice question!"

Fang Jing kept nodding and felt that what Fu Xiaowan said was right. She didn't think about this issue at all just now, she just wanted to make Zuo Lu untie her happy knot and reincarnate. Fu Xiaowan said this now, she agrees very much, she is indeed the first and last It's upside down, now we should first consider how to answer tomorrow night.

Looking at Fu Xiaowan with burning eyes, Fang Jing asked, "Then how should I answer?"

Fu Xiaowan smiled and said, "You definitely don't want to break up!"

The chicken nodded as if pecking at rice. Fang Jing's face flushed a little when she thought of Wen Hong, and she replied shyly, "We have already agreed to get married after graduation."

"But you can't answer Zuo Lu like that, or Zuo Lu will definitely do terrible things, such as attacking you or your maddened kindness!" Fu Xiaowan is just guessing, it's scary for people to be crazy, that ghost Get crazy. It must be terrifying too! I just didn't expect that she was right. Zuo Lu had this idea and started to attack Wen Hong. Although Zuo Lu is now trapped in the pendant, as long as she touches the water, she can escape from the pendant. As for Fang Jing, every day when she washes her face and showers, she always has to come into contact with water.

Fang Jing's face turned pale, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose Wen Hong. She couldn't even think about it.

Seeing Fang Jing's panicked face. Fu Xiaowan hurriedly said again: "So you need to tell white lies!"

lie? Fang Jing's eyes flashed slightly, and she asked nervously, "What lie?"

"Trick Zuo Lu, tell Zuo Lu. You chose her, and you want to break up with Wen Hong!" Fu Xiaowan said loudly, and then continued without waiting for Fang Jing to ask, "Of course. Zuo Lu will definitely ask you to be her face. Break up with Wen Hong. You don't have to be embarrassed, you can just break up. I will explain to Wen Hong later, oh, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I am also a student in this school. And I have a friend who is Wen Hong good buddies!"

good buddies! Fang Jing stared at Fu Xiaowan strangely. This time, she completely believed what Fu Xiaowan said about the bag. It is estimated that this good buddy took the necklace off!

Fang did not know. She is not far from the truth, the necklace thing is indeed related to the good buddies. But it's not that the package is dropped, but this chain is basically sent by a good buddy.

Unaware that Rong Hongqian has been sold, Fu Xiaowan is still excitedly talking about her plan: "Of course, this can't be told to Wen Hong in advance, otherwise I'm afraid Zuo Lu will see something. With Zuo Lu, then you can untie Zuo Lu's heart knot according to your ideas."

"Ah, don't tell Wen Hong, I'm afraid he will be sad and sad!" Fang Jing couldn't bear it, her birthday was only today, so happy and romantic, so she will say goodbye tomorrow, how sad it should make Wen Hong so much. And I can't tell Wen Hong in advance, Wen Hong will be heartbroken.

Knowing that Fang Jing was reluctant to let her lover be sad, Fu Xiaowan reluctantly persuaded him: "I know that this kindness will make me sad, but it's better than losing my life. Besides, after the breakup is over, I will let someone comfort him and tell him the truth. He will definitely understand by then!"

"You're right." Fang Jing said quietly, and finally agreed with this method, and only hoped that Wen Hong would forgive her.

Seeing that Fang Jing didn't like this method, but still accepted it, Fu Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief and comforted: "Although it will be a little sad now, but it will be better in the future."

"Hope it!" Fang Jing felt very uneasy in her heart. She didn't understand how she could encounter such a thing. There are ghosts in the world, and she can still fall asleep. Although she was shocked, she still accepted these facts and only hoped that everything would be the same. If it can be solved smoothly, she can live a happy life with her senior, and Zuo Lu can also be reincarnated smoothly. I just hope that in the next life, Zuo Lu can have a good home.

(It's not that I despise women and homosexuals, it's just that this phenomenon is still somewhat unacceptable in this society. Even if the young people can accept it, the older generation still can't accept it.)

"Then, the plan is probably like this." Fu Xiaowan concluded, "You will tell Zuo Lu in your dream tomorrow night that you choose to be with her, and then you ask Wen Hong to go out in the day after tomorrow to break up, I will let Rong, cough Cough, let someone follow Wen Hong, tell the truth when the breakup is over, let Wen Hong stop contacting you for the time being, pretend that the breakup is real, and then it's up to you!"

Fang Jing nodded silently, then shook his head in disapproval and said, "No, Wen Hong has to contact me, it seems too unreal, our relationship is so good, we will stop contacting if we break up, it's not very decent, we should let Wen Hong Asked and pestered me many times, why did I break up."

Fu Xiaowan raised her eyebrows: "you're right, then I'll let Wen Hong send you messages or call you from time to time to ask why you broke up."

"Also, what's more, does Zuo Lu need to rest? If there is any problem, how can I contact you!" Fang Jing is still worried. If there is any problem, Zuo Lu is always monitoring her. Who should she turn to? Help go!

"This is a question!" Fu Xiaowan couldn't help frowning. This is a tricky question. How to avoid Zuo Lu's line of sight.

Seeing Fu Xiaowan thinking, Fang Jing stopped talking and just looked at Fu Xiaowan quietly. After all, she didn't understand anything about ghosts!

After thinking about it for a long time, Fu Xiaowan finally came up with a not very good solution: "Actually, Zuo Lu can monitor you because she is in the pendant and the pendant is on you. As long as you take off the pendant and put it away, she can't monitor you. It's gone!"

"Remove the necklace, but. The necklace is of great significance. How could I take it off at will? Wouldn't that arouse Zuo Lu's suspicions!" Fang Jing said embarrassedly.

Yes, the sudden removal of the necklace was indeed suspicious. Fu Xiaowan scratched at her hair with a headache, and suddenly her eyes lit up and said, "Why not, think about it. You told Zuo Lu that you were going to break up with Wen Hong. The necklace is a birthday gift from Wen Hong. In order to show that you really broke up with Wen Hong, the gift from Wen Hong can no longer be worn on your body! You have to take off the necklace. Zuo Lu has nothing to say! "

Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that! Fang Jing nodded again and again, but the next second, her face fell again, and she muttered: "But Zuo Lu is in the necklace. How can I take Zuo Lu with me when I take off the necklace?"

Sweat dripping. The solution of one problem brings another problem, Fu Xiaowan thought hard, and finally muttered in his heart: This Zuo Lu is really a headache, it has brought so many problems to them. I really want Zuo Lu to have a headache too!

This idea just flashed by, but in such a second, Fu Xiaowan shouted in surprise: "Oh. We are really stupid, Zuo Lu is hiding in the necklace. You pretended in your dream that you want to break up with Wen Hong, In order to cut off this relationship, you will return all the gifts from Wen Hong to Wen Hong, including the chain. Zuo Lu will naturally be anxious when he hears this. If the necklace is given away, she will not be able to approach you. , she will definitely find a way to let you keep the necklace! And if you succeed in leaving the necklace, you will be able to see things and think about people from time to time, and then take off the necklace when you feel troubled. Haha, Zuo Lu will definitely not doubt it. of!"

After successfully kicking the ball to Zuo Lu, Fu Xiaowan smiled happily.

Fang Jing suddenly realized, her face relaxed, this problem is not their worry, leave it to Zuo Lu!

Feeling relaxed, Fang Jing straightened out the plan. Knowing that the prelude was done, the follow-up was all up to her. She couldn't help showing a relaxed smile and thanked Fu Xiaowan: "This time it's really bothering you! If it wasn't for you, I don't even know what to do!"

This is the truth. No matter which one Fang Jing chooses, it will cause harm to one party. The most important thing is that she is also sad.

Fu Xiaowan waved his hands ashamed and hurriedly said, "Don't thank me, I brought all this trouble, and naturally I have to solve it, and if this matter is solved, it will also be good for me!"

good? Fang Jing thought of Fu Xiaowan's identity as a ghost crossing person, and more or less understood some of her responsibilities, but just nodded to indicate that she understood.

"Then, what should we do now?" After the topic ended, Fang Jing was a little bored and didn't know what to do. She was in a dream now, and she didn't know when she would wake up.

Fu Xiaowan curled her lips and said helplessly: "Actually, there is still a problem, I am in your dream now, and if I leave, I will appear in front of Zuo Lu. She will be surprised when she sees me, she knows that I have seen it before. You have talked to you, and you will definitely understand that everything she said to you was exposed!"

Fang Jing was stunned and asked dumbly, "Ah? What should I do? Then you just hide in my dream, don't go out!"

"No, as soon as you wake up, the dream will collapse, my soul will be damaged or even disappear, so I have to leave before you wake up!" Fu Xiaowan explained with a wry smile.

Can she say that she thought of the beginning but not the end, completely forgetting how she left after the dream ended.

"The consequences are so serious, then you must leave!" Fang Jing bit her lip, feeling a big trouble strikes again.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly, feeling that their brain cells were exhausted overnight.

What else can we do, we can only think of a way, the two sighed faintly and continued to think.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Fang Jing was not far from waking up from the dream, but the two women in the dream didn't notice it at all, which was really worrying.

At the critical moment, it was still her grandmother who did her best. She was always worried about Xiaowan, fearing that there would be a problem with her out-of-body soul, so she followed Fu Xiaowan all the time.

Grandma watched Zuo Lu and Fu Xiaowan fall into a dream one after another, and Zuo Lu came out not long after, but Fu Xiaowan didn't move. When someone wakes up, the dream collapses, this is going to happen!

Is there something wrong? Grandma's mind changed sharply, vaguely understanding that there must be something wrong with this Zuo Lu, otherwise Xiaowan wouldn't have come out for so long.

After waiting anxiously for a while, grandma couldn't wait any longer and felt that she had to do something.

Grandma rolled her eyes, and then flirted directly into the dormitory with a flirtatious laugh.

Zuo Lu has been quietly staying in the pendant. She didn't realize that there was a ghost hiding nearby, she was still proud of her cleverness, and even gave such a multiple-choice question, in the end, Fang Jing would definitely be with her.

Just when Zuo Lu fantasized about the scene where she and Fang Jing were dating in a dream every night, an old voice sounded.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there is one in this pendant!"

Zuo Lu was shocked. He quickly turned around and looked around. Seeing that it was an old ghost, he breathed a sigh of relief and said dissatisfiedly, "Old man. Ghosts will frighten ghosts to death."

Grandma smiled and said: "It's your blessing to meet me. Why, it's okay to be trapped in a pendant. I'll take you away and send you to the underworld to reincarnate!"

reincarnation! Zuo Lu refused with a straight face: "I'm not going to reincarnate!"

"Oh? What. You don't want to be reincarnated, do you want to be a lonely ghost? And I see you as a water ghost. I'll take you to reincarnation. You don't have to find a surrogate ghost, such a good thing You don't agree?" Grandma asked, pretending to be surprised.

Zuo Lu was shocked, what kind of identity is this old man? It actually saved her from having to find a dead ghost to reincarnate, which was comparable to Fu Xiaowan. By the way, Fu Xiaowan is a ghost hunter, so there really exists the existence of the underworld. If there is an underworld, there will naturally be ghosts. Could it be that this old man is a ghost.

Damn, is this called good luck or bad luck, first I met Fu Xiaowan, a ghost ferryman, and now I meet ghost bad.

After hesitating for a while, Zuo Lu made up a statement half-truth: "My last wish is not over, I don't want to reincarnate."

"So that's the case, then what is your last wish!" Grandma said, glancing at Fang Jing, who was in a state of sleep, and asked unequivocally, "Could it be related to this girl doll?"

Zuo Lu panicked, afraid that the old man would notice something, and quickly told her grandma with a pitiful expression: "That's right, she and I are very good friends, and I became a water ghost to save her, and I became a water ghost. After the ghost, I can't bear to find a ghost, I just want to meet my good friend and see how she is doing now, who knows that she has lost her memory, I was very worried about her, so I hid in this pendant."

Grandma nodded after hearing this, thinking to herself, it's the same as what Xiaowan said, but it's obvious now that this girl must have lied to Xiaowan, or why Xiaowan hasn't come out.

Feeling a little unhappy with Zuo Lu in her heart, grandma snorted coldly: "What you said is true? Don't you want to find this girl as a scapegoat?"

"It's true, it's absolutely true!" Zuo Lu promised again and again, swearing.

Grandma stared at Zuo Lu for a while, and said slowly: "Don't say whether you believe it or not, I'll go ask this girl myself!"

Zuo Lu was startled and asked in a panic, "Old man, what do you want to ask?"

"Of course it's a dream. I can see that this girl has been dreamed by you, right?" Grandma opened her eyes and said nonsense. She just knew in advance.

A ghost is a ghost, so powerful! Zuo Lu didn't know that she could still be seen in a dream, and she felt a little uneasy. She opened her mouth to explain, but she saw the old man wave his hand and a wisp of black mist came towards her.

Oh no, towards the pendant. Zuo Lu was shocked, and then found that she couldn't see or hear anything.

Because the black mist completely shrouded the pendant, blocking her sight and sound.

Zuo Lu hurriedly stretched out her hand to get rid of the black fog, but the black fog was very powerful, soft, and completely unfocused. She had no clue about the black fog.

Seeing this situation, Zuo Lu became a little anxious. She was afraid that what Fang Jing said would attract the attention of the old man, but she felt that she really had no intention of taking Fang Jing as a dead ghost. The old man just asked a few questions, and Fang Jing just answered directly. If nothing else, it shouldn't be suspected because of the old man.

Hey, I can only see how Fang Jing answered, Zuo Lu waited anxiously.

And grandma, as soon as she trapped Zuo Lu, immediately got into Fang Jing's dream and shouted, "Fu Xiaowan, don't you come out soon, dead girl!"

This sound is earth-shattering! In an instant, the two who were still thinking about how to get out were startled.

Fang Jing was startled and stared at Fu Xiaowan with wide eyes: "I'm looking for you?"

Fu Xiaowan shouted with joy, "Grandma!"