Ghost Crossing

Chapter 112: Pool events (11)


"Grandma, why are you here?" Fu Xiaowan rushed forward in surprise and hugged grandma's arm.

Grandma scolded angrily: "How will you leave if I don't come? Don't you know what time it is?"

"Grandma, I don't want to, it's not Zuo Lu!" Fu Xiaowan was about to complain when she suddenly remembered how grandma came in when Zuo Lu was outside, and asked in surprise, "Hey, grandma, how did you come in?"

"Is it difficult for that little girl to get your grandma and me!" Grandma hummed her chin proudly, and then asked: "By the way, what's the matter with you, Zuo, Zuo Lu? Is there any problem? ?"

"Grandma, I'm so stupid to be deceived so easily!" Fu Xiaowan said the entanglement between Zuo Lu and Fang Jing with a sad look on his face.

After listening to the short version of the story, grandma booed endlessly, and glanced at Fang Jing next to her with a strange look: "It's a sin, how can a woman and a woman live together? It's ridiculous. Then what are you going to do? It came out! Fortunately, you are clever, you know to come and have a look, otherwise you will be in big trouble!"

Fu Xiaowan shook her grandma's arm and acted coquettishly: "Grandma, I know I'm wrong, I'm already making up for it, I've discussed it with Fang Jing, let's do this next..." Quickly put her and Fang Jing's plan together After I said it, I looked at my grandma eagerly after I finished speaking, with an expression of complimenting me.

Grandma kept nodding: "Well, the plan is not bad, but the rest is up to Fang Jing, you have to help out, don't be the boss!"

"How could it be, I'll be responsible to the end!" Fu Xiaowan swore a promise, completely forgetting that she is now the boss of Lao Ding's affairs.

Fang Jing looked at the two young and old, who were showing off their affection, speechlessly. Since the old grandma came in, Fu Xiaowan jumped up as if seeing a savior, and then acted coquettishly and rolled around in all kinds of cuteness.

Although the old man was scolding and reprimanding, but his expression was smiling, full of indulging in addition to doting!

"I said, it's getting late!" Seeing that the two had completely forgotten the time, Fang Jing had to remind them. time to go.

Uh! Fu Xiaowan and her grandmother were embarrassed at the same time. The two of them made the same action in unison, stretched out their right hand to silently bridge their noses, and then sneered and said in unison, "Let's go!"

Fang Jing's mouth twitched. He could only nod silently and watch the two leave.

Grandma took Fu Xiaowan to leave smoothly, let Xiaowan hide first, and then recalled the black fog. He released the control of Zuo Lu and said with a serious face: "Well. I asked, this little girl, Fang Jing, right? She told me. You really can't bear to look for a surrogate, you have been looking for her. ."

As soon as Zuo Lu saw that he was free, the old man appeared. The heart suddenly raised, listening to the old man at this moment is not angry or abnormal. After saying this again, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "What I said is true!"

"Well, since what you said is true, now that you have found Fang Jing, and she has recovered her memory, don't you want to be reincarnated?" Grandma pretended to be serious, but her heart was already blooming. Now, I think this is really fun, but it's getting late, we have to solve this matter quickly and let Xiaowan's soul go back to his body.

"I, I just met Fang Jing again, I don't want to leave so soon!" Zuo Lu played the sympathy card with a pitiful look on her face.

Seeing this, grandma waved her hand helplessly: "Since you don't want to leave yet, then you can stay here for the time being. I still have something to do. I'll come to you when I'm done. It's up to you whether you want it or not!" Without waiting for Zuo Lu to answer, she immediately flashed.

Zuo Lu reluctantly watched the old man leave, thinking Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, feeling that she was in trouble. This ghost messenger doesn't seem to be as good as Fu Xiaowan. What if she was forced to take herself away next time when she came

Hey, it seems that we need to change places as soon as possible, but Fang Jing is still in school, and she is reluctant to leave Fang Jing.

Forget it, let’s take one step at a time, let’s see how Fang Jing chose, and then make plans.

And Fu Xiaowan waited outside the window for a while, and when she saw her grandmother's words, she came forward and hugged her happily, and the two hurried back to the villa.

This stay is one night, the body should freeze!

The two hurried back to the villa, the sky was already slightly bright, Fang Jing's eyes moved, and he woke up.

She rolled her eyes and stared blankly at the top of the bed, as if she had had a long dream.

This dream is so real!

Fang Jing blinked, then suddenly sat up, nodded slightly and looked at the necklace pendant on her chest, and touched the pendant with her right hand. Is this dream real

Zuo Lu! Yes, Zuo Lu, she remembered, really remembered, Zuo Lu died, in order to save her, she died, and now she has become a water ghost to find her, forcing her to choose to break up or find a surrogate.

There is also Fu Xiaowan, this name is a bit familiar, she said that she is also a student of the school, just ask about it and you will know.

That old grandmother, cough, forget it, she came here for Fu Xiaowan.

Shaking his head, Fang Jing sighed, touched the pendant again, and sighed, "Wen Hong, good morning!"

On the surface, she was thinking of her boyfriend in front of the necklace, but she was actually a little afraid of Zuo Lu in the pendant thinking wildly.

As for Fu Xiaowan, she entered the guest room with her grandmother. As a soul state, she naturally couldn't feel the heat or cold, but after returning to her body at the urging of her grandmother, she began to complain.

Hiss, it's so cold! It's too cold to move!

Grandma was heartbroken when she saw that, and hurriedly shouted, "Come out soon to warm up!"

"Grandma~Grandma~I, I'm so cold~~~" Fu Xiaowan said yin and yang angrily, because of the cold, the tone was very strange.

Seeing that Fu Xiaowan was so frozen that she couldn't move, grandma had to take the initiative to help her open the door of the freezer. This help caused the black mist on grandma's body to lighten a little, but she didn't say anything to Xiaowan, because she didn't want Xiaowan to let it go. Worry.

Not only did she open the freezer door, but grandma directly turned off the power of the freezer. There was no air-conditioning, and the heat in the room poured directly into the freezer. Fu Xiaowan was rescued.

Stiffening her body, she crawled out of the freezer without moving and stopping, Fu Xiaowan wrapped her arms around her arms with difficulty, trembling non-stop. The teeth kept fighting and clucking, and finally he finally crawled out of the freezer.

The temperature in the guest room was 30 degrees. Although Fu Xiaowan was cold, he recovered quickly. Of course, it was not without sequelae.

"Ha Qiu!" The sequelae is that he has a cold! I have a fever!

nonsense. Who goes to the freezer for a night. Then come out and take a sauna, it's hell if your body can take it.

"Milk, grandma. I seem to be sick!" Fu Xiaowan sniffed pitifully, moved to the bed and quickly took out a tissue to wipe her nose.

Grandma rolled her eyes angrily: "Bullshit, the inevitable outcome of the soul out of the body. I have a cold, take a good rest for a few days and you will be fine!"

"Ha Qiu!" Fu Xiaowan sneezed again. Said sadly, "But you didn't say it before!"

"I said you won't do it?" Grandma snorted coldly, seeing that Xiaowan's soul and body fit perfectly, and there was no abnormality. He calmed down and said dissatisfiedly: "It's better not to have another time, grandma will go back first. I'm exhausted, I haven't slept all night!"

After speaking, grandma disappeared. Only Xiaowan who was still sneezing was left.

Xiaowan murmured in disbelief, Grandma is a ghost, do you still need to sleep

What she didn't know was that the ghost had to pay a price to touch the entity. Tonight, grandma wasted her energy trapping Zuo Lu for her, and then opened the freezer door and turned off the power of the freezer. Grandma's soul has been damaged.

Grandma didn't want Xiaowan to worry, so she went back to the underworld by herself to recuperate. The underworld's yin was heavy enough to allow her to recover slowly, though, very slowly.

Aunt Zhang woke up very early to prepare breakfast. She was just ready to go out to buy food when she was surprised to see Fu Xiaowan walking out of the guest room: "Xiaowan, what are you doing, sleeping in the guest room?"

"Ha Qiu! Aunt Zhang!" Fu Xiaowan burst into tears when she sneezed. She looked at Aunt Zhang tearfully and said, "Can you get me a bowl of ginger soup first?"

"Oh, what's the matter with you, you have a cold!" Aunt Zhang was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Fu Xiaowan on the sofa, put her big hand on her forehead, and exclaimed, "I have a fever! No, I have to take antipyretics. I'll get it for you. !"

Some commonly used medicines are still available at home. Aunt Zhang hurriedly went to get the antipyretic medicine for Fu Xiaowan to take, and then went to make ginger soup, but she was wondering, how could I have a fever in this summer!

Well, the air conditioner must be turned on too low! Aunt Zhang thought so.

The ginger soup was quickly boiled, Fu Xiaowan drank a large bowl of ginger soup, and finished the breakfast, which made her feel more comfortable, but because of the medicine, she was a little groggy and wanted to sleep, so she shook Youyou went upstairs to make up for her sleep.

Although * was in a state of 'death', but the soul was busy all night, Fu Xiaowan was very tired and needed a rest.

Aunt Zhang saw that Xiaowan had gone to rest, so she went to clean up the guest room, but she was dumbfounded as soon as she entered.

Xiaowan didn't turn off the air conditioner when she left the room. The temperature inside was still 30 degrees, which was too hot. Aunt Zhang stayed there as soon as she entered. What, it was a hot day. Xiaowan slept at 30 degrees last night, and she caught a cold! What's wrong with this world!

Aunt Zhang, who was full of doubts, hurriedly packed her room and went out to buy groceries. Although she was curious, she would not go and ask Fu Xiaowan's private affairs, she had no right.


Fang Jing woke up in the morning after washing up and went to the classroom. Because she was worried about Zuo Lu's affairs, she was a little stunned today, and the whole person was not in the state.

But in Zuo Lu's eyes, she thought she was struggling with that multiple-choice question.

It takes a day to think about it, in fact, there is no need to think about it. Fang Jing already has a choice. What she is pondering now is, that dream should be real, right? I'll find out at night and see if Zuo Lu will come to find her in the dream.

With a faint sigh, Fang Jing grabbed the pendant on her chest with complicated eyes, not only worried about Wen Hong, but also worried about Zuo Lu's affairs.


Although Fu Xiaowan woke up from sleep with a bit of a stuffy nose and sneezing from time to time, the fever has subsided and her head doesn't hurt as much.

After taking a comfortable bath, people became more energetic, and Fu Xiaowan went downstairs leisurely. It was noon at this time, and Aunt Zhang was preparing lunch. Of course, a bowl of pork liver and ginger soup was indispensable.

Seeing Fu Xiaowan going downstairs, Aunt Zhang asked worriedly, "Xiaowan, are you feeling better? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fu Xiaowan shook his head, rubbed his itchy nose, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's alright, much better!"

"It's fine, just sit down first. The dishes will be ready soon!" Aunt Zhang spoke while the work in her hands didn't stop. She quickly poured the last dish into the pan and brought the dish to the dinner table.

In order to make the cold better as soon as possible, Fu Xiaowan forced herself to drink two bowls of ginger soup, and felt that her nose was much smoother, so she chatted with Aunt Zhang at random and went upstairs.

After a morning break, she had to contact Rong Hongqian in the afternoon. In the evening, Fang Jing will start planning. Time is running out.

The phone was connected, and before Fu Xiaowan could speak, Rong Hongqian said excitedly, "Fu Xiaowan, why did you call me. What's the matter?"

"Not very good!" Fu Xiaowan replied in a hoarse voice.

Rong Hongqian heard the change in Fu Xiaowan's voice after just one sentence. Before she could speak again, he shouted in surprise, "Why did your voice change like this?"

"Cough, I have a cold!" Fu Xiaowan said weakly.

"Uh, pay attention to your body!" Rong Hongqian said it was very eggy and painful. It's really rare to catch a cold in summer!

I could hear the unnaturalness in Rong Hongqian's tone. Fu Xiaowan sniffed helplessly and said, "There's something wrong with Zuo Lu." Then she told Zuo Lu's situation and, of course, her plan together, and finally said her request to Rong Hongqian. : "I need you to guard Wen Hong. After Fang Jing goes to break up, you have to explain it clearly to him. I don't want to break up a couple because of this!"

After Rong Hongqian digested the content. Very emotional, I didn't expect Zuo Lu to do this. This plan is good, but his good buddy will suffer a little, but there is still him, he will definitely comfort Wen Hong at that time, and Rong Hongqian hurriedly assured: "Don't worry, I will definitely explain to Wen Hong well. of!"

"It's up to you on Wen Hong's side. I will contact Fang Jing here. If there is any problem, we will contact each other!" Fu Xiaowan said and hit Ha Qiu.

"Okay!" Rong Hongqian agreed, and then said, "If you're not feeling well, take a rest, and I'll let you know if you have any questions!"

Fu Xiaowan hung up the phone with satisfaction, feeling that Rong Hongqian was quite reliable, he did things very honestly, and nothing went wrong. With him, there was no problem on Wen Hong's side, but the main problem was on Fang Jing's side. , but she can do very little for Fang Jing, she can only watch from a distance, waiting for Fang Jing's contact.

--That night--

Under everyone's intense anticipation, night came again, Fang Jing fell asleep early, and Zuo Lu quickly fell asleep as soon as she fell asleep.

Because Fang Jing has been worried about Zuo Lu's affairs, Fang Jing didn't have a dream tonight, so the dream was a vast expanse of whiteness. A little person slept in this vast expanse, and slept very peacefully.

As soon as Zuo Lu came in, she saw Fang Jing who was sleeping soundly. Looking at Fang Jing with a peaceful sleeping face, Zuo Lu's eyes were full of love. She stepped forward gently, squatted down, and reached out to touch Fang Jing's face. .

Fang Jing woke up when she touched her face. She opened her eyes abruptly, and saw Zuo Lu staring at her with hot eyes, and there was a warm palm on her face. She immediately turned her face away in embarrassment, avoiding Open palm.

Seeing this, Zuo Lu's face changed, stood up, and asked in a cold tone, "Fang Jing, the time of the day is up, how are you thinking about it!"

Fang Jing also stood up, looked at Zuo Lu deeply, and sighed: "Zuo Lu, you know, I won't hurt anyone, you can't bear it, how can I bear it!"

"Oh?" Zuo Lu's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, but she pretended not to understand and asked: "So, did you choose to be with me?"

"En!" Fang Jing nodded her head pretending to be very difficult, "I promise you, I will be with you!"

"That's great!" Zuo Lu shouted happily, but seeing Fang Jing's ugly face, she immediately explained, "I mean, it's great that you don't have to look for a dead ghost!"

Fang Jing was very disappointed, Zuo Lu didn't know that she already knew everything, and she was still acting here.

Although Zuo Lu was very distressed when she saw Fang Jing's sadness, she still said cruelly: "Since you choose to be with me, you must be single-minded!"

Nodding heavily, Fang Jing said bitterly, "I know what you mean, I will break up with Wen Hong tomorrow!"

The bottom of my heart was already blooming, but Zuo Lu didn't dare to show it, but comforted Fang Jing pretending to be embarrassed: "Doing this will make you too embarrassed!"

"No, I owe you too much, I voluntarily. As for me and Wen Hong, maybe we have no relationship in this life. I will have a good talk with him. It is best to break up peacefully. If not, I will also You can only be a bad woman once!" Fang Jingxin was bleeding, imagining when she broke up with Wen Hong. Wen Hong's unbelievable and painful appearance made her wish to change her mind, but she couldn't, because Zuo Lu might hurt Wen Hong.

Seeing Zuo Lu's obviously happy but not showing any expression, Fang Jing took a deep breath and threw a landmine: "After breaking up, I will completely cut off everything between me and him, everything he gave. I will return it all to him. A trace of miss." After speaking, she sighed, lowered her head and grabbed the necklace pendant on her chest, her eyes were very reluctant. He kept stroking the pendant with his hands.

Hearing this, Zuo Lu was still happy, feeling that Fang Jing really wanted to be with her, otherwise she wouldn't be so cruel.

It's just that Fang Jing touched the necklace with a reluctant expression. Suddenly a thunderbolt, it seems. This necklace was a birthday present from that man. If Fang Jing returned everything, then this necklace would naturally be the first to be returned.

But, but. She is hiding in the necklace. If the necklace is returned, how can she and Fang Jing be together forever!

no. Never give the necklace back!

Zuo Lu's eyes flickered, thinking about what excuse to use!

Think for a while. Zuo Lu said quietly: "Fang Jing, I know it's very difficult for you to make this decision, and it must be very difficult for you to make this decision. I'm also very sorry for Wen Hong, because I broke you up. If, if you want, You can keep the gift from him, I won't mind!"

This statement seems to be very generous, but Fang Jing understands that Zuo Lu is worried about the necklace.

I felt disdain in my heart, thinking how could Zuo Lu become such a villain and disgusting! But on the surface, Jing Shang still showed an embarrassed look, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "No, since we want to break up, we must be thorough. I don't want him to still think about me."

what! Still have to return the necklace! Zuo Lu was shocked, her expression became a little flustered, her eyes rolled straight, and she finally said with a frown: "Actually, it doesn't matter what I sent, I think he, a big man, will definitely not care about it. Besides, you Doing this will make Wen Hong even more sad, think you are too heartless, and I don't want you to be too difficult, just say goodbye, and don't say anything else, I'm afraid you won't be able to say it! "

This statement is very awkward, Zuo Lu also can't think of a reason to keep the necklace, otherwise she would not say these words without logic, and if she wants to keep the necklace, she will naturally keep other things, or just keep the necklace. , isn't it suspicious

Zuo Lu is also very depressed. If it wasn't for the necklace she wanted to leave behind, she would have liked Fang Jing to throw away all the things that Wen Hong had given and return it. She had to aggrieved to leave the gift from Wen Hong.

Fang Jing struggled, but in the end she was still reluctant, looking at Zuo Lu eagerly: "Is it okay? Can I really keep these things? You won't be angry, will you?"

Zuo Lu was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but she nodded solemnly: "Yes, as long as you are happy, I am willing to make some concessions!"

"Then, I really left what Wen Hong sent!" Fang Jing hesitated for a moment, but still agreed not to return the gift.

In fact, the performances of the two were very unusual, but both parties did not care about the other's reaction in order to achieve their own goals, so this matter was settled naturally.

It's just that it doesn't matter if Zuo Lu's reaction Fang Jingfa finds out, because she already knows the truth.

But Zuo Lu, because she was worried that the necklace would be sent away, neglected Fang Jing's attitude change too fast. She is just rejoicing at this moment. Fortunately, fortunately, Fang Jing told her about it in her dream, otherwise she would break up tomorrow. Just return all the things, where is she going to cry

Having made a decision, Fang Jing stood a little lost and stopped talking.

Seeing Fang Jing's pained expression, Zuo Lu kindly and consciously left, leaving Fang Jing to be alone, but after returning to the pendant, Zuo Lu cheered and cheered inside.

As for Fang Jing, seeing Zuo Lu leaving the dream, she breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down helplessly cross-legged, thinking about what she should do after breaking up with Wen Hong.

The next day!

As soon as Fang Jing woke up, he sent a message to Wen Hong and asked to meet in the old place. Wen Hong naturally agreed, because Fang Jing seldom made invitations on his own initiative. This time, he agreed happily.

Zuo Lu saw all this in her eyes, and she was very excited and looking forward to seeing Fang Jing breaking up with that man today, great, from now on, Fang Jing can only be hers alone! l