Ghost Crossing

Chapter 18: Pregnant woman ghost (3)


It's a simple lunch, but it's also rich in nutrition. Chicken soup, small farm pork, and green vegetables are all original ingredients. Besides, Aunt Zhang's cooking tastes so good. Thought, maybe I should buy a house in a small town, and I can come over to eat when I have free time, ahem, live!

Similarly, Xing Jun was also left for lunch. Unfortunately, he did not find any suspicious people. The atmosphere in the town was very good. Even if he slept with the door open, the villagers would not enter other people's houses. , not to mention stealing.

It was Xing Jun's first thought that outsiders were stealing things, but when he asked that there were no outsiders yesterday, he had to guess that it was people in the town who stole things!

As soon as this idea was uttered, it was immediately refuted by the owner, who firmly believed that it could not be done by the people in the town.

Because of the owner's insistence, Xing Jun didn't say anything, and just silently began to investigate the people nearby.

Xing Jun was walking around the town, Fu Xiaowan was looking around in Zhang Qing's house, his eyes finally landed on the upstairs, and asked curiously, "Aunt Zhang, who lives upstairs?"

"Oh, upstairs, my son and daughter-in-law live here. What's the matter? Do you want to go up there and have a look?" Zhang Qing had just packed up her tableware when she saw Fu Xiaowan who was standing under the stairs looking curiously.

After a moment of silence, Fu Xiaowan nodded decisively: "Of course, is it convenient for me to go up?"

Zhang Qing smiled and said: "It's not inconvenient, you can go up and see, there's nothing."

Now that he got the consent, Fu Xiaowan was of course not polite, took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and went upstairs.

Aunt Zhang didn't keep up. Fu Xiaowan was her employer, and she didn't think Fu Xiaowan could value the things in her home. And tomorrow she has to visit her daughter-in-law, so she has to prepare food for tomorrow. After all, her daughter-in-law is living in someone else's house, so she would be embarrassed to eat other people's food.

Going upstairs, Fu Xiaowan slowed down, stretched out her tender tongue and licked her lips, she was so nervous, she didn't know what kind of ghost she would see this time.

Adjusting his breathing, his eyes began to search for ghosts, walking extremely slowly, and finally saw a shadow beside the bed.

Sure enough, here, it seems that the ghost is eyeing Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law. After looking around outside, he couldn't find it, and he came back to find it.

Breathing almost stopped, Fu Xiaowan swallowed hard, looked at the bloated back in front of him, and stammered: "That, that!"

The ghost in front of him had his back to Fu Xiaowan, he was not very tall, with a slightly bloated figure, wearing a white skirt, with long hair draped behind him, floating by the bedside, as if he was staring at the bed. Maybe thinking, why is the pregnant woman on the bed gone

Hearing the voice of someone talking, the ghost turned around slowly and slowly.

"Ah!" A scream came out, but it was short and fleeting.

Zhang Qing was shocked when she heard Fu Xiaowan's screams coming from upstairs, and rushed upstairs in a hurry to shout, "Xiaowan, what's the matter?"

And there was another person who heard the screams, that is Xing Jun, who wandered to the vicinity. He felt that the theft was done by people in the town, so he wandered around the town and asked about things related to the owner, such as the recent relationship with the owner. Whoever had a grudge or something, just turned to the vicinity of Zhang Qing's house, and unexpectedly heard a short scream.

As a policeman, Xing Jun immediately locked Zhang Qing's house, and then rushed in quickly. He also saw Zhang Qing rushing upstairs, and immediately rushed upstairs.

"Xiaowan, are you alright? What's wrong?" After Zhang Qing went upstairs, she saw Fu Xiaowan, whose face was pale and trembling with fear, and glanced at the house, there was nothing!

Xing Jun followed, heard her question, and then looked at the person being questioned, it turned out to be the woman who sent him home, but now the woman's face was not quite right, as if she had seen something terrifying. His face turned pale with fright, and his eyes widened.

Similarly, Xing Jun also glanced at the house vigilantly, looking at all the places where people could hide and escape, but the upstairs was very simple, and he could see all the situation at a glance, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

There is nothing, what is this woman screaming!

Xing Jun stared suspiciously at Fu Xiaowan, and asked in a slightly puzzled tone, "What happened!"

"No, nothing, I, I am, practicing my voice!" Fu Xiaowan stammered and replied embarrassedly but fearfully.

But obviously, no one believed her words this time, nonsense, and her face turned white with fear? Who believes it!

Fu Xiaowan blinked in a guilty conscience, knowing that the excuse this time would not work, but she couldn't tell the truth, could she tell them, did she see a terrifying ghost? If you can't speak, then keep silent.

It turned out that the ghost looked normal when its back was turned, but when it turned around, it was very scary.

All the muscles on her face seem to have shifted, a hideous face, this is not scary, the most scary thing is that her stomach was cut open, revealing blood, something I don't know what it is, The white skirt was stained red with blood, and drops of blood were dripping down, and an umbilical cord was dragged on the ground.

Seeing the ghost like this, Fu Xiaowan couldn't help but scream out, it was terrible! And because of her screaming like this, the female ghost seemed to be frightened, and disappeared immediately, hiding somewhere again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Qing and Xing Jun came over after hearing the call.

The calf trembled a little, Fu Xiaowan forced a smile, and said with a bright face: "Aunt Zhang, I'm a little uncomfortable, can you help me to rest?" She really couldn't walk.

Zhang Qing felt very inexplicable. She couldn't figure out why Fu Xiaowan was screaming, and she was screaming in her daughter-in-law's room. Suddenly, she thought of what the fairy said, the female ghost followed her daughter-in-law. Could it be that Fu Xiaowan saw it... Dirty stuff

Her heart tightened, Zhang Qing glanced around the room in fear, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaowan, did you see something?"

Xing Jun looked suspiciously at Zhang Qing, who was talking. Could it be that she knew something and saw something? what

Fu Xiaowan understood what Aunt Zhang meant. She had said about Xian Gu, that is, she believed in ghosts. Naturally, she asked about seeing ghosts, but of course she would not admit it. She shook her head hurriedly: "See what? I didn't see anything. I was practicing my voice, and suddenly a mouse ran over and I screamed in fright."

Rats, Aunt Zhang is dubious. There are indeed rats in the house. Fu Xiaowan lives in such a good environment and should have never seen a mouse. It is normal to be scared, but is it really because of seeing a mouse

Scared of mice! ? Xing Jun glanced at Fu Xiaowan silently, thinking to himself, she is a squeamish woman who screams when she sees a mouse, but this excuse is a bit credible, there are a few women who are not afraid of mice.