Ghost Crossing

Chapter 47: The serial case of the death of a young girl (7)


"The ghost attractor originally existed with the ghost hunter. People have feelings, friendship, family, love, and hatred. The ghosts' last wishes are all related to these feelings. In the past, many ghosts' last wishes were with those who still survived. Communication, like you just said, fall in love or something like cooking a meal for the wife at the end, in order to get more ghosts, ghost attractors appear!" Grandma's tone was a little helpless to explain Getting up, speaking of this faint sigh, he continued to speak.

"A ghost attractor, his physique can attract ghosts, and let the ghost get on his body, so that the ghost can use the ghost attractor's body to fulfill his last wish."

When Fu Xiaowan heard this slap in the face, he hurriedly asked, "Then how can there be a ghost attractor now?"

"Don't worry, just listen to me!" Grandma gave Fu Xiaowan a dim look and continued, "Originally, the appearance of the ghost attractor was a good thing, but then some problems occurred, and the work of the ghost attractor was stopped. , no further inheritance!"

"Stop! Why? What happened?" Fu Xiaowan was surprised.

"Because of the special physique of the ghost attractor, no matter the ghost can get on the body, but there is an old saying, greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, some ghosts occupy the body behind and do not want to leave, and there are even multiple ghosts sharing the upper body, resulting in The soul of the ghost attractor is damaged, becomes an idiot, or even dies!"

Fu Xiaowan was stunned. How could this happen? The ghost-seeker kindly helped the ghost to fulfill his last wish, but his body was forcibly taken, which is so pitiful.

"Reality is so cruel, because of the greed of ghosts, the work of the ghost attractor is terminated!" Grandma said this with a bit of hesitation, her eyes flickering, as if she didn't say anything.

"Grandma, don't you have anything else to say?" Fu Xiaowan couldn't help but ask suspiciously when she saw her grandmother's expression of wanting to speak.

"Hey, grandma doesn't lie to you. Although the work of the ghost attractors has stopped, there are still ghost attractors in the world!" Grandma gave Fu Xiaowan a meaningful look and said slowly, "Also, the ghost attractors must be Appeared with the ghost hunter!"

appeared together! Fu Xiaowan's eyes narrowed, and a few people flashed across her mind instantly, Xing Jun, Fu Xiaoya, Nomad, these are the people who are currently around her.

Xing Jun, full of yang energy, fears ghosts, ghosts dare not approach him, it can't be him.

So, is it Fu Xiaoya or one of the nomads

Nomads can see ghosts too, maybe he

"What, someone has chosen?" Grandma saw Fu Xiaowan's thoughtful look, and knew that she was guessing who the ghost attractor was.

Fu Xiaowan looked at her grandma hesitantly and asked, "Yes, Xiaoya, or a nomad?"

"Hey!" Grandma sighed heavily, "The ghosts and ghosts are destined to appear together. They will both be women and born in the same family!"

"It's Xiaoya!" Fu Xiaowan exclaimed, but immediately asked suspiciously, "But Xiaoya can't see ghosts, and I haven't heard of her being occupied by ghosts!"

"That's because she hasn't drank before. As long as Xiaoya drinks, she will become a carrier, and any ghost can get on her body." Grandma seemed a little helpless, and explained: "After the underworld discovered the special situation of the ghost attractor, I wanted to cancel the ghost attractor, but I found that the physique of the ghost attractor could not be changed, and finally, in order to protect the ghost attractor, I added a little bit, only after drinking will I be caught by the ghost!"

Fu Xiaowan was stunned, this is all right, and then added: "Is it drunk, or not drinking at all?"

"You can't drink at all, it will give off a smell that attracts ghosts!" Grandma said with a serious expression, "Don't let Xiaoya drink! Do you understand?"

"En!" Fu Xiaowan nodded her head, she didn't want to see Xiaoya's accident, and then asked a second question: "Grandma, since the other victims have gone to the underworld to report, can't you directly help me ask who is the murderer? ?"

With a displeased expression on her face, grandma said angrily, "If the ghosts just come to the underworld and you come to the underworld, I can still help you. Now that the ghosts are reincarnated, who should I ask?"

Clicking her tongue, Fu Xiaowan asked in a daze: "No, I just reincarnated, why so fast!" It seemed that there was a long wait in line to watch the reincarnation in the movie.

Grandma snorted: "It was in ancient times, the population was small, and there were few newborns born every day. Ghosts had to queue up to be reborn, but now, how many babies are born every day? There are simply not enough ghosts, even if there is no reincarnation on that day, at most a week There's a spot!"

The corner of her mouth twitched, Fu Xiaowan was helpless, but fortunately there was a ghost who didn't report to the underworld, maybe she saw the murderer.

"By the way, grandma, I want to tell you something!" Fu Xiaowan was about to say goodbye to grandma, but suddenly remembered the nomadic thing and reported it, "I plan to give the way to deal with ghosts to the nomad, okay?"

"As you like!" Grandma waved her hand indifferently, and this time she disappeared completely.

The next day, all four woke up early in the morning, and Xing Jun went to find Fu Xiaowan after breakfast.

When he arrived, Nomad opened the door for him. After entering the house, he saw that Fu Xiaoya was making breakfast while Fu Xiaowan was still washing.

After 15 minutes, Fu Xiaowan and others had breakfast, Xing Jun said, "Let's go!"

Fu Xiaowan hurriedly said: "Wait, we don't need to group up and go directly to the ghost of the third victim. The other victims have already been reincarnated."

Xing Jun was stunned when he heard this, and he asked, "How did you know that!"

Fu Xiaoya turned her eyes and shouted happily: "I see, it was grandma who told you, right?"

The nomad looked in agreement, Fu Xiaowan's grandmother should work for the underworld, and it is easy to find a soul.

Xing Jun suddenly realized that this was the case, and it saved a lot of time.

The four then set off together to search for the ghost of the third victim.

With great unity and strength, the four of them searched together. They learned from the victim's friend that the victim had always liked a boy in the school, so the four locked the target and went directly to the school to find the boy.

on campus.

When the four of them arrived at the school, they went straight to the boys, and then Fu Xiaowan and Nomad showed joy at the same time and found them.

Xing Jun and Fu Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their expressions, it seemed that they had found it, which was great.

"Let's wait for the boys to leave the school before taking action!" Xing Jun said, because he suspected that the murderer was a student of the school, he didn't want to startle.

The four of them took turns waiting. When it was Fu Xiaowan's turn to guard, she saw the boy come out, and the third victim was floating beside him, but the expression on the victim's face was very strange, and the eyes were full of affectionate love. However, there was a hint of pain and disappointment in his eyes, which made Fu Xiaowan wonder why he had such an expression.

I looked at the boy again. He was wearing a gray sports suit. He was not very tall, but he was very thin. He walked towards the school gate with an expressionless face.

The victim's vision is really unique, and he actually likes such a boy.

Fu Xiaowan sighed and hurriedly notified Xing Jun and the others. Xing Jun and the others came quickly and followed the boy.

With the formidable policeman Xing Jun there, the boy didn't notice that he was being followed, but it might have something to do with the boy's personality. He seemed to be indifferent to everything around him, as if he was the only one in the world.

The boy took the bus after leaving the school, and Xing Jun continued to follow him.

Half an hour later, the boy got out of the car and walked for a while to the rental house. He pushed in the door and disappeared in front of the four of them.

But what surprised Fu Xiaowan and Nomad was that the ghost of the third victim did not follow up, but stayed in front of the rental house with a sad look on his face.

what happened? Nomad and Fu Xiaowan looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions in their eyes.

Seeing this, Xing Jun asked, "What's wrong?"

Fu Xiaowan glanced at the ghost, then looked at Xing Jun and said suspiciously, "The ghost stopped at the door and didn't follow up!"

Fu Xiaoya stared at the door with wide eyes, but couldn't see anything, and said sullenly, "Maybe ghosts are also shy, so embarrassed to enter the boys' room!"

Will it be so? Fu Xiaowan frowned, since the boy had already entered the house and the ghost stayed outside, they could go directly to the ghost to talk to.

"You stay in the car, I'll bring her!" Fu Xiaowan opened the car door and walked towards the rental house.

"Student Xu Yun!" Fu Xiaowan called softly after walking in.

The ghost named Xu Yun was stunned, looked at Fu Xiaowan in surprise, pointed to his nose and asked, "Can you see me?"

"Yes, I can see you, can you come with me?" Fu Xiaowan pointed to the direction of the car.

Xu Yun blinked, seeing a few people in the car, and looked at Fu Xiaowan nervously, she is a ghost, why does this woman still see herself and let herself go to the car? Isn't she a bad person? ? Taoist priest? To destroy yourself

Seeing Xu Yun's expression of fear, Fu Xiaowan said incredulously: "The policeman is in the car. He invited me to solve the case. I came to you to find out about the murderer!"

Xu Yun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It turned out to be the case, but he was the murderer!

Xu Yun's eyes flashed, he nodded in agreement, and floated towards the car.

When Fu Xiaowan returned to the car, his voice increased, and he said to Xing Jun, "She's here!"

"En!" Xing Jun glanced at the inside of the car, only to feel that the temperature inside the car had dropped a lot for no reason, but he couldn't see where the ghost was, so he drove away and stopped at a random roadside.

Then Fu Xiaowan asked, "Xu Yun, have you seen what the murderer looks like?"

Xu Yun glanced at him and was surprised to find that there was still a man in the car who could see him. on.

Hearing Fu Xiaowan's question, Xu Yun's eyes flashed with sadness, and then he shook his head firmly and said, "No, I didn't see clearly what the murderer looked like!"