Ghost Crossing

Chapter 54: The Death of a Girl Serial Case (14)


When I clicked on the video, it was pitch black inside, but it soon lit up, and I saw a girl lying softly on the ground, unable to see clearly, only a human figure was seen.

After a while, a man appeared in the camera, just a back, but Fu Xiaowan and others recognized Zeng Peng at first sight, and he walked quickly to the girl lying on the ground.

Immediately leaned down and began to sully the girl.

Seeing this, Fu Xiaowan immediately pressed the pause and handed the camera to Xing Jun: "That's right, Xing Jun, take it!"

Xing Jun reached out and took the camera, then walked directly to Zeng Peng, grabbed the handcuffs rudely, and then dragged Zeng Peng out. When he reached the door, he looked back at Fu Xiaowan, his eyes full of gratitude: "At seven o'clock in the evening, Lan See you at the Moon Club, my treat!"

With an ok gesture, Fu Xiaowan nodded with a smile: "No problem!"

Xing Jun responded with a smile, then dragged Zeng Peng away.

Fu Xiaowan stood on the spot and sighed deeply, because of his uniqueness, it was a good thing to help solve the case.

"Where is Fu Xiaoya?" Suddenly, the nomad exclaimed.

Fu Xiaowan was startled. Looking around, she and the nomad were the only ones left in the house. Fu Xiaoya disappeared, and she didn't know where she went.

With a sharp look in his eyes, Fu Xiaowan gritted his teeth and called out the names of two people: "Xu Yun, Wang Lili!"

But on second thought, Xu Yun was left for Zeng Peng, Zeng Peng had been arrested, Xu Yun should go to the underworld to report, then, it was Wang Lili who controlled Xiaoya's body.

And Wang Lili's last wish is also very simple, it is to date Li Hao!

It must be Wang Lili who controlled her body and sneaked away while they were watching the video.

Fu Xiaowan's eyebrows tightened more and more. When her grandmother told her that Xiaoya was a ghost attractor, why didn't she ask, now that Xiaoya is possessed, what should I do? No matter, let's find Xiaoya first.

"I know where Xiaoya is, come with me!" Fu Xiaowan stretched out her long legs and turned to leave, not knowing whether it would be harmful to Xiaoya's body after being possessed for a long time.

After leaving the rental house, Fu Xiaowan reluctantly found that he and Xing Jun were in the same car when they came, but Xing Jun drove away and they had no car, so they had to take a taxi to find Xiaoya.

However, Zeng Peng's address is relatively biased, and ordinary cars rarely come here to wait for passengers, so Fu Xiaowan had to pull the nomad to wait for the bus.

At this time, Fu Xiaoya, Wang Lili, was sitting in the car.

When Xu Yun left her body, Wang Lili gained control of her body. She found that Fu Xiaowan and others were paying attention to the video on the camera, so she quietly left the rental house and was about to find Li Hao.

Wang Lili was lucky. As soon as she went out, she met a taxi that turned back and left without a hitch.

Because it's not her own body, Wang Lili is worried at the moment, and she doesn't know how to explain it when she meets Li Hao, how to make Li Hao accept that this body is hers.

Moreover, I don't know how long I can control this body, will the owner of this body wake up and I have to leave.

Soon, Wang Lili arrived at the KFC store. She hesitated at the door, not knowing whether she should go in or not.

It just so happened that Li Hao discovered 'Fu Xiaowan'. Seeing Fu Xiaoya, Li Hao immediately thought of Wang Lili's case and wondered if there was any progress in the case, so the girl who had been with the police came to inform him. .

Although he didn't understand why Fu Xiaoya lingered at the door and hesitated not to come in, Li Hao took the initiative to meet her.

"I remember you, you came with the police last time, what's the matter?" Li Hao's dark eyes were full of hope. He hoped that the murderer who killed Wang Lili would be arrested and brought to justice.

When Wang Lili saw Li Hao approaching, her heartbeat accelerated, and her face began to turn red. She twisted the corner of her clothes, lowered her head and bit her lip, feeling embarrassed. After hearing Li Hao's question, she suddenly regained her senses. Now she is Fu Xiaoya. Instead of Wang Lili.

Feeling a little bitter in her heart, Wang Lili gently shook her head: "No, it's fine!"

"Lily's case, hasn't it progressed yet?" Li Hao said with a slightly regretful tone.

Wang Lili was stunned, and countless bubbles of joy filled her heart. Li Hao really cared about herself. It was a pity that she couldn't be with him and her eyes dimmed, but Wang Lili quickly figured it out.

Fortunately, I and Li Hao didn't start, otherwise, wouldn't Li Hao be even more painful now.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, Wang Lili looked up at Li Hao deeply: "The murderer has been caught."

"Really? Great!" Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

"That." Wang Lili's eyes flashed, her watery eyes stared at Li Hao, and she said, "Can you accompany me today?"

Li Hao couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and glanced suspiciously at Fu Xiaoya. When he saw her eyes, he was shocked.

Surprisingly, Li Hao nodded slowly.

After nodding his head, he was very annoyed, what was wrong with him, how could he inexplicably agree because his eyes were a bit similar to Lily.

"You agreed! That's great!" Wang Lili was surprised. She didn't expect Li Hao to agree. She cheered with joy, but she was a little unhappy the next second. Didn't Li Hao like herself? Why did she use Fu Xiaoya's The body made this kind of dating-like request, and he actually agreed.

Could it be that he is also a half-hearted person, who likes himself in his heart, but can agree to other girls' invitations at will.

The look of joy gradually subsided, and a look of resentment appeared on Wang Lili's face.

"Sorry, I took you as Wang Lili. Just now, your eyes looked like Lily." Li Hao regretted it, and he quickly explained. Immediately, he looked embarrassed and was thinking about how to reject Fu Xiaoya, and he agreed. How could he say no now

It turns out that Li Hao still likes her. Wang Lili immediately narrowed her eyes happily, showing a comfortable look.

And this look was often revealed by Wang Lili during her lifetime, which made Li Hao stunned.

"Anyway, you just nodded and agreed, then you can accompany me from now on, don't go back!" Wang Lili was afraid that Li Hao would go back on it, so she immediately grabbed Li Hao's arm.

Li Hao's face stiffened, he stared at 'Fu Xiaoya' holding his arm in embarrassment, and sighed helplessly, what should I do now

Seeing that Li Hao was very embarrassed, Wang Lili lowered her head with a sad expression and said, "Just once, after this time, I will disappear in front of you forever, and I won't pester you again!"

There was a feeling of goodbye when saying this sentence, Li Hao couldn't help frowning and didn't speak any more.