Ghost Crossing

Chapter 95: Ding Hong's suspicion


Ding Hong's side was quiet, and Fu Xiaowan's eyes flashed a hint of pity, but she didn't say anything to comfort him, because Ding Hong definitely needs to be quiet now.

As she thought, Ding Hong really needs to think about it quietly at the moment. He still holds the fax in his hand. The fax is a will. The will states that all the property belongs to Ding Hong, and Ding Weiren can't get it. any property.

This will appeared very strange and abrupt, but judging from the handwriting, it was indeed Grandpa's handwriting.

And the previous suspicions have now become reasonable. Grandpa doesn't know why he left all his property to handwriting. When uncle knows about it, he will be cruel to grandpa, and this will falls into his hands. Uncle is afraid that the will will be exposed. If he had nothing, he would be ruthless.

How could this happen, how could things become like this, why didn't grandpa leave any property to his uncle, did his uncle do something that chilled his heart

The hand holding the fax could not help but start to tremble, Ding Hong's eyes jumped, and finally he couldn't control his emotions and slapped the fax on the table and shouted, "Why!"

Fu Xiaowan was startled and asked cautiously, "Ding Hong, what's the matter with you?"

Ding Hong took a deep breath, his eyes were full of pain, he looked up at Fu Xiaowan, and said weakly, "It's nothing, I'm a little uncomfortable and I'll go first."

Fu Xiaowan pretended to be stunned, and then nodded repeatedly to show that he knew.

This is the first time that Ding Hong has left early. It seems that he has been stimulated a lot in his heart. Although he can't bear it, everything is for his own good, and he has to do it if he can't bear it.

Ding Hong left the company in a trance, not knowing where he went. However, Fu Xiaowan was not worried, because Xing Jun had secretly sent the police to follow and protect him for 24 hours, fearing that he would have an accident.

Fu Xiaowan cleaned up his tail for him and smashed the fax of the will.

On Ding Weiren's side, he took out a notebook directly from the drawer after making a phone call earlier, and soon a video screen appeared on the screen, and that picture was Lao Ding's house.

I saw Ding Weiren thought about it and adjusted the recording time to last weekend. Then watch it carefully.

In the picture, two people entered the house quickly. It was Ding Hong and Fu Xiaowan.

After that, Fu Xiaowan soiled his clothes, Ding Hong left the room, and Fu Xiaowan entered a room.

Switch the screen. When the picture reached the back room, I saw Fu Xiaowan burrowed straight under the bed, and crawled out after a while, with an extra item in his hand. But she didn't open it, but tucked it directly into her trouser pocket.

Seeing this, Ding Weiren pressed the pause button. The muscles in his face began to shake.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and muttered: "Okay, okay, so this Fu Xiaowan came for the will, but. How did she know where the will was hidden?"

His breathing became rapid, and the muscles at the corners of Ding Weiren's eyes were also twitching, obviously out of anger. He couldn't figure out where Fu Xiaowan came from. She first sneaked into the company. Later, she approached Ding Hong intentionally, and now she took the will directly. What did she want to do

Is Fu Xiaowan a helper invited by Ding Hong or Ding Youdong? Impossible, if it is, she should publish the will directly, why is it still hidden in the company now.

Judging from Ding Hong's performance, he didn't know that the old man had left a will. If he knew that he could take the will by himself, why bother to let Fu Xiaowan steal it

So is the dead Ding Youdong? Before he died, he left a will and explained to others, and this person was Fu Xiaowan. After the old man died, Fu Xiaowan secretly came to get the will, but why didn't she publish the will.

After thinking hard, he couldn't figure it out, Ding Youdong simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he had just called someone to check Fu Xiaowan's information, and he would soon know why.

But right now, this Fu Xiaowan is still beside Ding Hong. If she said something provocative in Ding Hong's ear, Ding Hong would be suspicious of him.

No, Fu Xiaowan has to be fired!

No, no, he doesn't know what Fu Xiaowan is going to do. Now he can watch it under his nose in the company. If he is fired, wouldn't he have to guard her secretly in the future

Ding Weiren's thoughts turned sharply, his mind was a little dizzy, and finally he decided to put Fu Xiaowan under his eyelids and watch.

Fu Xiaowan didn't know that the matter of her going to take the will had been exposed. How could she have thought that Ding Weiren had installed a camera in the house, and she didn't know that Ding Weiren had already sent someone to investigate her information.

In the evening, Ding Weiren had already obtained a thick document containing all the information of Fu Xiaowan.

He stared gloomily at the file for a while, and finally opened the file bag and began to read it.

My parents died early, my grandmother also died, and I was not close to my uncle when I was a child, but they reconciled not long ago. I have some property in my family. I am still a student, but I am on suspension. I have a high IQ, but my reputation in school is not very good. Well, it was rumored that it was close, big, and money, but it was obviously fake news, because Fu Xiaowan's family had money and a lot of assets.

Glancing at Fu Xiaowan's asset status, Ding Weiren frowned. This asset is no less than the Ding family.

Looking further down, Fu Xiaowan started to run around after the school leave, aimlessly.

The weirdest thing is that he even dealt with the police.


Ding Weiren's heart skipped a beat. Fu Xiaowan had dealt with the police. Did the two policemen who came before knew Fu Xiaowan

The information did not specify which police officer Fu Xiaowan dealt with, but only stated that she went to the police station many times.

Knuckles tapped on his knees, a sharp light flashed in Ding Weiren's eyes, and he quickly wrote down the time when the old man died and the time of Ding Hong's accident on paper, and then compared Fu Xiaowan's information.

According to the information, it was not long before she dropped out of school, and she was in normal classes before. From this point of view, it is impossible for Fu Xiaowan to know the old man.

Looking at the time of Ding Hong's car accident, Fu Xiaowan was still in school, but he dropped out of school not long after that, and then ran around without a certainty.

After that, he had been to the hospital where Ding Hong stayed. It was her nanny-in-law giving birth to a child, and she went to visit. However, there was a small accident in the hospital that day, and it was the ward where Fu Xiaowan went to malfunction.

After the hospital dealt with the matter, Fu Xiaowan also left the hospital and did not go to Ding Hong's ward, indicating that Fu Xiaowan did not know Ding Hong at that time.

Fu Xiaowan and the old man and Ding Hong have absolutely no intersection at all!

Ding Weiren was a little unbelievable to come to this conclusion. How could he know where the will is if he didn't know Fu Xiaowan

After the old man died, he searched the house and couldn't find the will. But she found the will accurately the first time she went and stole it.

I don't know why Ding Hong said he was familiar when he saw Fu Xiaowan.

Something must have happened in the meantime that he didn't know about.

Ding Weiren pondered for a long time. Finally, I made another phone call and told the other end, "Go and check if Fu Xiaowan and the two police officers who came to the company today know each other, and check the itineraries of the two police officers for nearly half a year. Also. Find someone smarter. Follow Ding Hong, and report to me if there is any abnormality!"

After hanging up the phone, Ding Weiren stood up a little restlessly and paced back and forth in the office. Finally, he gritted his teeth and made another call: "Go find me some honest and timid people who are in urgent need of money, if not, find me some people who have committed crimes and just came out and have no jobs!"

After speaking, Ding Weiren hung up the phone with a snap. The haze in his eyes kept surging, and the progress of things exceeded his expectations. It seemed that he had to plan for the worst.

Ding Hong was wandering in despair, and his mind was now a mess. Don't know what to think.

He didn't know if his guess was right, and if it was right, what should he do? But if it's not right. Did you misunderstand uncle

But the handwriting of the will, he dared to be 100% sure that it was his grandfather's handwriting. But that's just a fax, not necessarily real.

And Zhu Tao's death, is it related to Grandpa and him

Walking in a daze, he didn't even see the traffic lights, and he had to cross the road when the lights were red.

Fortunately, all the way people caught him quickly, and nothing happened.

The passer-by grabbed Ding Hong and saw that his eyes were blank. He held back his accusations and patted Ding Hong on the shoulder comfortingly: "Brother, take it easy, life is the most important thing!"

Ding Hong's dazed eyes gradually returned to clarity. He stared blankly at the passing vehicles, and then remembered that he was rescued just now. He quickly thanked him, but when he turned around, he saw that the person was gone. It turned out that the green light was already on. People are gone.

Thinking of what that person said just now, life is the most important thing, yes, he almost lost his life, how could he be so careless.

Whether those guesses are true or not, there must be life in order to verify them.

He will definitely figure it out. If it's not true, he can also ask for peace of mind. If, if it's true, he must figure it out, why

The clear eyes in his eyes turned into a firm color, and Ding Hong stopped the car and went straight to the police station.

police station.

Xing Jun had already been reported and knew that Ding Hong had come to the police station, and he knew that their plan had worked.

Ding Hong entered the police station very smoothly, found Xing Jun, and asked bluntly, "I want to know about Zhu Tao's case and your views!"

"You can understand Zhu Tao's case, because we suspect that he has something to do with you. As for our police opinion, I'm sorry, I can't tell you!" Xing Jun said as he handed over the prepared materials, and Start the video evidence collected by the player.

Zhu Tao's son was admitted to the hospital earlier, and Ding Youdong was sent to this hospital later. One week after Ding Youdong was hospitalized, Ding Youdong was sentenced to death, and Zhu Tao's son's medical expenses were paid the next day and the operation began.

The source of the money is unknown!

Just after reading the information, Xing Jun tapped the table and pointed to the screen.

Ding Hong looked and saw a figure outside the ward where he lived. After zooming in, he could clearly see that person, it was Zhu Tao.

Zhu Tao really went to the hospital to visit him! Ding Hong's heart sank again.

Not long after seeing himself, Zhu Tao was murdered and killed.

These are not enough, Xing Jun took out another document and threw it to Ding Hong, and said sarcastically: "Look at this again!"

Ding Hong felt that the stimulation he received today was big enough, but he didn't expect the bigger ones to come. He was stunned when he looked at the data.

Uncle actually has a child outside. And there's more than one! And it's not the same woman!

Thinking that he always thought that his uncle was not good for women and lustful, and only regarded himself as his own son, and now seeing all this information, Ding Hong had a tangled feeling that he wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Putting down the information, Ding Hong smiled bitterly: "I think the police must have the same guess as me."

Xing Jun raised his eyebrows: "Oh, what's your guess?"

Uncle murders people for property! Ding Hong wanted to say this guess. But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say it. Looking at Xing Jun with a faint look in his eyes, he said solemnly, "Detective detective, can you inform me about the progress of the case?"

With his arms folded over his chest, Xing Jun said irrefutably, "If the case is related to you, we will definitely contact you. If it is irrelevant, we will not disturb you again!"

"Thank you!" Ding Hong knew that eight or nine times out of ten this should be true. The police also have suspicions in this regard, and the next step is to collect evidence. After thinking about it, he said the matter of the will.

"That's it, someone faxed a will to the company today." Ding Hong felt that he should work hard to cooperate with the police, which would help solve the case faster.

A smile flashed in Xing Jun's eyes. Hastily asked: "What kind of will, what is written on it? What is it?"

When Ding Hong thought that the will was still left in the office, he became a little nervous. But thinking that Fu Xiaowan cleans the table every day, he should not be discovered by his uncle. He could only pray silently that the fax would not be discovered by his uncle.

Thinking that he had left the will on the table so carelessly, Ding Hong replied slightly annoyed: "In my office, it says that all of my grandfather's property will be inherited by me, and my uncle, he has nothing!"

"So that's the case. In this way, Ding Weiren has a motive for committing the crime. This news is very important." Xing Jun wanted to laugh as he spoke. Didn't he fax the will, and now he has to pretend he just knew it. , something weird.

Ding Hong's eyes darkened, and then he said with some uncertainty: "It's a fax. Although it looks like my grandfather's from the handwriting, I'm not sure if it's true. Maybe, it's fake news!"

Xing Jun couldn't help but be speechless. Now Ding Hong is still thinking that he has made a mistake, but this is normal. Who left him with only such a trusted relative.

However, he naturally had a way to let Ding Hong completely eliminate the only trust, Xing Jun said directly: "Actually, this is very simple, as long as you find the person who sent the fax, we will investigate this, if we can find the original will, That would be the best!"

Original will!

Ding Hong's heart skipped a beat. If the original will was found, wouldn't it really mean that the uncle had a motive for committing the crime, and that his uncle really did these things that hurt the heavens, the animals, and the beasts!

Clenching his hands into fists involuntarily, Ding Hong gritted his teeth and said, "If there is anything I need to do, just let me know!"

"Not yet, just to remind you that if your guess is right, you should be careful about your own safety during this time. But don't worry, I will send plain clothes to protect you, but you have to pay attention to your diet." Jun meaningfully reminded that your uncle might kill you during this time.

Ding Hong suppressed the bitterness and hoarseness in his heart: "I see."

---- Another day has passed----

Ding Hong came to the company with Wuqing's dark circles under his eyes. Fu Xiaowan was shocked when he saw this. The child's heart is too weak to bear it. It must have been a night without sleep!

At the moment, Fu Xiaowan made a cup of coffee and Ding Hong drank it, his head was still a little dizzy.

However, the coffee still had some effect. After a while, Ding Hong recovered, glanced at the table and hurriedly asked, "That fax from yesterday!"

"Don't worry, I've already taken it and smashed it, no one will see it!" Fu Xiaowan replied quickly.

Hearing that, Ding Hong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it has been shattered, so no one can see it. I don't know when the police will be able to find the original.

--Ding Weiren Office--

There was a pile of scattered documents on the desktop. Ding Weiren stood at the window with a blushing face. He just finished reading all the documents and straightened out some things.

That female police officer, Li Meng, was nothing but autopsy at the police station all day.

And that male police officer, Xing Jun, actually lived in the same community as Fu Xiaowan, and they were in contact with each other, but they had never met before. They only met when they were handling a case, and they got to know each other later.

After that, the two also appeared in the hospital together, which is even more outrageous. There was also a man named Nomad who appeared in the hospital at that time.

And this nomad also came with some information, it turned out to be Fu Xiaowan's bodyguard. The most ridiculous thing is that the second generation of rich abandoned Fu Xiaowan. The second generation of rich was pretending to be a nomad.

Ding Weiren sneered out loud, this Fu Xiaowan is really amazing, after joining the company, he was full of scandals and rumors. Let him always mistakenly think that she is not a good woman. She was allowed to approach Ding Hong, but she silently used Ding Hong to steal the will.

Now it seems that Fu Xiaowan should be an undercover agent sent by the police.

Oops. In this way, isn't the will that Fu Xiaowan stole in the hands of the police!

Damn, didn't the police know the contents of the old man's will and know that he couldn't inherit a penny.

No wonder. No wonder the two police officers came directly to the door, feeling that he had a motive for murder. But suffering from no evidence, he came to the door to bluff.

No, it's not a bluff, it's to remind Ding Hong. Make this kid suspicious of him.

Although the police have this will, they cannot convict him, and at most the will is published. Ding Hong got all the property, but what about this? Ding Hong trusted him. Even if he gets all the property, he will still be in power in the company, and he can slowly find an opportunity to kill Ding Hong.

As soon as Ding Hong died, Ding Weiren was the only one who could inherit the property.

But now, the police came to the door to cast doubts, which made Ding Hong suspicious of him, and then figured out the matter of the will. No matter how much Ding Hong trusted him, he had to suspect that he had harmful motives.

In this way, even if the police can't find evidence to convict him, he can escape the punishment of the law, but he has lost Ding Hong's trust. At this time, when the will comes out, Ding Hong gets all the inheritance, and Ding Hong will never let him again. Being in power in the company will never give him the opportunity to get property.

Damn, damn it! When are these cops so insidious!

What to do now? What to do to solve the problem at hand!

Ding Weiren was pale and staggered into the chair, and began to think hard about countermeasures.

Ding Hong's trust is very important, Ding Hong can no longer be suspicious of him, and Fu Xiaowan can no longer stay by Ding Hong's side.

Well, we have to find an excuse to transfer Fu Xiaowan away from Ding Hong.

Then, we have to pay attention to this kid Ding Hong to see if he has any abnormal behavior.

Now I don't know if the police have shown the will to Ding Hong. If Ding Hong has seen the will, then Ding Hong must be suspicious of him, so he can't pay too much attention to Ding Hong.

If he hasn't read the will, he can still fight for it to make Ding Hong trust him. As long as Ding Hong still trusts him, what can the police do to him!

And then!

Don't let the police find evidence, think carefully, have you missed any clues in what you did before.

Ding Weiren has been immersed in these issues all day, recalling whether he has missed anything, but after so long, he can't remember clearly.


Ding Hong received Xing Jun's call and hurried to the police station, looking at Xing Jun expectantly.

Xing Jun also very forcefully took out the real will and handed it to Ding Hong, although he affirmed: "The will has been authenticated, it is true!"

A real testament! Ding Hong took the will and hurriedly opened it and looked at it. It was exactly the same as what was written on the fax. Grandpa really left all his property to him.

His eyes were a little hot, and Ding Hong choked up and said, "How did you find the will?"

Xing Jun naturally couldn't say that the will was already with him, and that Fu Xiaowan went to steal it. He said politely, "This is the case handling process of our police, so you don't have to ask."

Immediately afterwards, Xing Jun's tone changed, and he said very seriously: "There is another situation to tell you, you are being watched!" While speaking, he took out a stack of photos and threw them on the table.

Ding Hong picked up the photos suspiciously and looked at them one by one. He was surprised to find that the same man followed him wherever he went. It was painful to ask: "Then I'll come to the police station?"

"Don't worry, my people have stopped him, he didn't know you came to the police station!" Xing Jun didn't know at this time, not only Ding Hong was being followed, but Fu Xiaowan was also being watched.

After listening to Xing Jun's words, Ding Hong breathed a sigh of relief. If his uncle, no, that person, Ding Weiren knew about his coming to the police station, the investigation by the police would be even more difficult, and he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't. If you realize that you are being followed, it will have no effect on your case handling, right?"

"It's nothing, what we mainly focus on now is to find evidence, favorable evidence. The main reason to tell you is that you are afraid that something will happen to you. If you have an accident, it will be the responsibility of our police!" Xing Jun pouted, this case had no solution at first, if it weren't for Fu Xiaowan, How can Ding Hong be involved! l