Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 109: Let go of him


My feet hurt from being stabbed by branches and thorns, but I couldn't care to look down. I just wanted to find Xuan Cang quickly and face him with him.

I remembered the night I saw him for the first time, he looked at me very domineeringly and said: "I want to marry you, no one can stop!"

I remembered that he took me out shopping for the first time after listening to Sister Zhou in order to please me...

Thinking of him walking beside me, gently holding my hand...

I remembered that he was sitting across from me, saying in the most charming voice in his life, "Because you like it"...

For some reason, tears kept flowing out of my eyes. Why do you cry? Obviously I was tired of crying, and I would just hide in the corner and sob when I was tired of being bullied.

"Xuan Cang!" It was just a trot, but I was already breathless.

The sound swayed slowly throughout the night, stunned the birds and beasts in the forest.

"It's that little girl!" I faintly heard the voice of the Taoist priest. I took a breath immediately and ran towards the place where the aura was flashing.

When I jumped out of the forest and appeared in front of Xuan Cang, my whole body was already scarred by branches and thorns.

Xuan Cang was already covered with scars at this time, his hands were suspended in the air, his whole person was like Jesus was nailed to the cross, he was tied to a big tree trunk by Taoist magic.

At this time, he lowered his head, his black hair was hanging messily, and his black hair was wet and stuck to his face, covering most of his face. There were a few more holes in the clothes on his body, and there were several scars on his body, both large and small, and looked very embarrassed.

"Xuan Cang!" I exclaimed, staring angrily at the Taoist priest holding a peach wood sword. "What did you do to him?"

The Taoist flicked the wooden sword in his hand and stroked the beard on his jaw with his left hand. "Little girl! People and ghosts have different paths. It is not good for you to follow these ghosts every day!"

"Pan Dao is now on behalf of Tian Xing Dao, helping you to clean up these two monsters! You will thank Pang Dao in the future." Taoist priests are poignant, as if to persuade the lost girl.

"Shut up!" I was a little irritated by his idiots.

The Taoist priest was stunned by the roar, staring at me with wide-open eyes, and shut his mouth as expected.

I looked up at the wounded Xuan Cang, and then looked down at the red sister Zhou lying on the ground. She also seemed to be seriously injured, with a blue aura on her body, and fell to the ground motionless.

"You let them go!" I didn't understand spells, so I had to ask for it directly.

"Naughty!" As soon as the Taoist priest heard what I said, he was instantly angry.

The right hand flicked the peach wood sword in his hand, and the left hand dangling out. A blue aura sphere immediately appeared in his hand.

Looking at the sphere in his hand, a picture flashed across my mind.

I was standing on the roof of the Sedum Building, and not far away I looked at a man in black, who also had a gleaming sphere in his hand.

The difference is that the man in black is holding a black sphere mixed with blood; while the Taoist priest is holding a somewhat clear blue sphere.

"Stop! Lian Yang! What do you want?" There seemed to be red blood flowing in front of them.

In my ear, it seemed to hear someone crying. "You let her go! Let go of her!"

I seem to see someone holding a knife, walking up to San'er, and slitting her wrist. "No! Don't—"

The sights in my mind kept stimulating my senses. I felt my head was a little bit awkward, and I wanted to stop the flashing images. But when I lifted my eyes, I saw a wounded Xuan Cang.

"Let him go!" I stroked my head hard with my left hand, and pointed my right hand sharply at the Taoist priest.

The Taoist glanced at me sideways and continued to chant the spell.

"Hmm..." Xuan Cang snorted, his body finally moved. The clothes that were already messy were blown away by a strong wind.

"Xuan Cang!" I was chanting his name, and when I was about to walk up, I saw that there seemed to be blue auras swimming in his body.

The aura seemed to travel all over his body, and then broke out of his body.

His muffled hum, which seemed to be a light description, actually suffered much pain and torture.

"You let him go!" The pain was still unbearable, I propped my head with one hand, and rushed towards the Taoist priest when I lifted my foot.

I told myself, no matter what, I must not let him hurt Xuan Cang any more. If this continues, Xuan Cang will definitely die!

He can't disappear, can't disappear into my life so suddenly after he suddenly appeared and made a mess of my life.

"You let him go, let him go..." I waved my hand and greeted the Taoist priest like a shrew.

The Taoist priest was beaten by me at a loss and could only dodge. I knew he was manipulating the blue spiritual ball, and jumped to the ball while he was not paying attention.

The blue sphere seemed cold, but it was extremely hot when I dragged it on my hand. I folded my hands and held it in the palm of my hand, still feeling the uneasy trembling of the sphere in my palm.

"Give me the artifact!" Realizing that the artifact was taken away by me, the Taoist priest could hardly keep his breath anymore, and his face immediately became extremely ugly and ugly.

I held the blue sphere in my hands, rolled from the ground, and stood up from the ground again embarrassed.

"You let them go!" I talked about terms with the Taoist priest.

The Taoist's complexion darkened, and he pressed his lips tightly and said, "I tell you to return the magical artifact to me!"

I clutched the magic weapon tightly and refused to give in. "You let them go!"

The two of them were in a stalemate for a few seconds, and the Taoist priest suddenly threw his peach wood sword in his hand and made a few gestures in the air. In my opinion, it seems to have played a set of swordsmanship that is not like swordsmanship.

Suddenly, his left hand was pointed with a sword, and he swiped from the outside to the inside, and he shouted: "Broken!"

The magic weapon in his hand seemed to be dragged by something, emitting bursts of scorching temperature.

"Ah!" I just didn't pay attention, and the magic weapon immediately flew out of my hand. I lifted my foot and wanted to go forward and chase me. As soon as the Taoist priest’s peach wood sword pointed at me, he said "Bench!" My outstretched hand immediately seemed to be severely pulled by something, and I was pushed backwards. Towed for several meters.

"Looking at it!" The Taoist snorted coldly, turning his body to catch the magic weapon. Holding the peach wood sword in his left hand, he thrust it into the ground fiercely, and Xuan Cang, who was planning to make a quick battle, solved it first!

As the Taoist urged his mana, the spiritual orb in his hand turned faster and faster, and the somewhat transparent blue gradually became deeper and deeper.

"Ah..." Xuan Cang was tossed in pain by the spiritual light in his body, and the green blood kept flowing outward along with the blue light.

"Xuan Cang!" I exclaimed. I wanted to go over and see him, but his left hand was bound by something invisible, and his body couldn't get close to him and the Taoist priest.

The night is deep, the breeze is blowing, and the leaves are rustling.