Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 111: Only forget the spirit


"Come here!" The raised palm waved towards the Taoist priest, a strong suction force forced his body to slide towards me immediately.

The Taoist priest stretched out his hand to stop, my figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"What..." The Taoist priest was also a little stunned, looking up and looking for me.

"Mengshengqin in the mirror of seeking the spirit, Linglong judge has lunar; Fenglianliang king Shentu seal, Qilin judges the birth of the long breast..." A melodious voice came from behind the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest turned his head in astonishment, and saw me in a crimson flame, slowly extending his right hand, covering the spherical magical instrument with his left hand.

"The ten palaces of the Hades, only forget the spirit! This magical tool, is the world look down on it!" I gently held my hand, it was originally a blue spiritual bead flame, and immediately turned into a glamorous flame under my touch. Red.

"You..." The Taoist exclaimed, and hurriedly threw the Soul Orb from his hand, covered his hand and stepped back.

The Ding Lingzhu fell to the ground and rolled twice in the grass clippings. Everywhere I went was burnt black by fire, and there was a smell of dust in the air!

I lowered my eyes and stretched out my hand, and raised it slightly towards the Ding Lingzhu. The bead immediately rose in the air and was held in my hand.

"Ding Lingzhu ah Ding Lingzhu... Tsk tsk..." I looked at the Ding Lingzhu, and slightly cocked the corners of my mouth contemptuously. The right hand violently flicked the Ding Lingzhu outwards, and the red beads immediately flew towards Xuan Cang and Sister Zhou behind me.

The scarlet bead drew a long arc in the air, and the blue spiritual power in Xuan Cang's body was instantly absorbed by the spiritual bead and disappeared. Sister Zhou's body was like a blue light covered with a thin layer of ice, and she was also disintegrated in the blink of an eye.

When the Taoist priest saw this situation, he felt bad in his heart. If I don't let him go, he will not be able to escape tonight. Thinking of this, he secretly chanted a spell and started a trick with his right foot on the ground.

With his right hand, he secretly took out a yellow talisman from his arms, pinched the sword fingers fiercely, and imagined a sharp sword, and Fei body rushed towards me.

"Husband—" Sister Zhou, who just woke up, looked at the movements of the Taoist priest in surprise.

I slowly turned back, my red eyes lifted slightly, and a sharp red light rushed out of my body. The red light was like a giant hand, holding the Taoist's body horizontally in the air.

With a "咻—", the Soul Orb that was thrown out by me was taken back into my hand by my left hand.

"Huh!" I snorted coldly, looking at the red-faced Taoist priest, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a bloodthirsty smile.

Slowly stretched the Ding Lingzhu held in his left hand to the Taoist priest. I approached him step by step, and slowly floated into the air, staring at the Taoist priest.

"Don't you like this Ding Lingzhu?" My right hand grabbed the goat's whiskers fiercely, and a fierce flare flashed in my eyes. "Then I will return it to you!"

The Taoist priest was forced to open his mouth because of the pain. Pushing the scarlet soul orb with my left hand, I was about to stuff it into the Taoist priest's mouth abruptly.

"Madam don't!" Sister Zhou exclaimed, flying towards me as soon as she shook her figure.

"Huh?" I narrowed my eyebrows and glared back. The erratic figure of sister Zhou, like the Taoist priest, was held in the air by me.

I looked at her, looked at that beautiful face that was free from the smell of human fireworks. It should be a ghostly, expressionless face, why is it filled with pain and exclamation

I was a little curious, and let go of the hand that was pulling the Taoist's beard. Turning around and slowly drifting towards Sister Zhou, I faced her face to face, blinked and asked her: "Do you not want that Taoist priest to die?"

Sister Zhou frowned and looked at me worriedly. "Madam..."

My head faintly twitched, I twisted my eyebrows, and my body immediately drifted back. I squeezed the Ding Lingzhu in my hand and asked her: "So? Are you going to die for him?"

As soon as they uttered the words, Sister Zhou and the Taoist were both stunned.

The Taoist turned his head to look at Sister Zhou puzzledly, while Sister Zhou looked at the Taoist with sadness and entanglement.

"Hahaha! Exciting! Exciting! Exciting! It seems that not only humans like to kill each other, but you ghosts also like to kill each other! Hahaha... enjoyable, enjoyable!" The Taoist suddenly raised his head and laughed insanely. The tone and attitude make people very dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" I roared and gave the Taoist a palm from the air.

The Taoist priest who could not move his body immediately made a'poof', like a dispute that was disconnected, and I fell to the ground. Red blood kept spitting out from his mouth.

Before I turned around, I wanted to give him another palm, which would directly kill him.

Sister Zhou struggling to reach out and grab my clothes to stop me from going to kill the Taoist priest. "lady!"

I turned back impatiently, and forced a palm to hit Sister Zhou directly.

The blue figure rushed over in an instant, and my icy fingers clasped my raised wrist.

"Yu'er! Enough!" Xuan Cang whirled, dragging me from the air back to the ground.

Without the power control of her body, sister Zhou's body also floated down from mid-air.

I looked at Xuan Cang, and the red flame in my hand instantly extinguished a lot. I didn't speak, frowned slightly, as if searching for his identity in my mind.

Who is he? Why are you so familiar? And why can't I remember

My head hurts again! I retracted my hands, and the Soul Orb on my left hand fell to the ground again. I held my head and staggered back two steps.

"Pain..." I snorted, feeling my head hurt as if something was burning in it.

Xuan Cang stretched out his hand and hugged me in his arms. Even with the scars on his body, he still couldn't smell the slightest odor in his arms.

"It's okay! Don't be afraid... I'm okay already!" Xuan Cang stroked my head lightly, his tired voice filled with tenderness and comfort.

Listening to his voice, my mood slowly calmed down miraculously.

The hot feeling in my body seemed to start from my head, slowly retreating downwards, and finally all returned to where it started.

The red aura on my body also slowly disappeared, and the Soul Orb that fell on the ground gradually changed from the original red to the original blue.

The dead leaves on the ground scorched by the red aura were moved by the wind, and finally everything returned to calm again.

The Taoist priest who was beaten lying on the ground breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing the red aura disappeared from my body. Turned over and lay flat on the grass, ready to take a rest!

He was really exhausted just now!

"Hey..." Xuan Cang's tight heart was slightly relieved as the red light on my body faded.

When he saw me go violently, he was stunned!

I shrank in his arms, and the cold touch eased a lot of discomfort on my body. The fight just now has an impression in my mind.

I was just thinking that when I almost killed a person just now, there was still a lot of fear in my heart for that power.