Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 112: There is no absolute black and white


I was just thinking that when I almost killed a person just now, there was still a lot of fear in my heart for that power.

Living in a society under the rule of law, I always pay special attention to the importance of human life.

Even if I killed this today, Xuan Cang would be able to destroy the body without letting anyone know. But I can't hide it from the world, but I can't hide it from my heart!

Xuan Cang hugged me and waited for my aura to stabilize a little before he lowered his eyes to the fixed spirit beads that fell on the ground.

Just as he was lucky to pick up the soul orb, suddenly another yellow spiritual power rushed over, trying to snatch the soul orb with him.

"..." Xuan Cang raised his eyes and met the Taoist priest in the air.

Both of them were injured. The Taoist injury was lighter than Xuan Cang, but Xuan Cang's foundation was much deeper than him. The two spiritual powers converged in the air, and for a time it turned out to be quite inseparable.

Xuan Cang was protecting me with one hand, and his eyes glanced back slightly. Sister Zhou immediately received the order, and flew towards the Soul Orb that was contested by the two forces.

"Ah—" Sister Zhou exclaimed. Before her hand touched the fixed spirit orb, she was blasted away by two forces.

I heard Sister Zhou's exclamation and immediately looked up from Xuan Cang's arms. The line of sight stretched from Xuan Cang's right hand to the fixed spirit orb hanging in the air.

In the end, it fell to the opposite side, not far from the Taoist priest who was still lying on the ground, grabbing the soul bead from Xuan Cang.

That nasty Taoist priest, I cursed secretly in my heart. I knew that if the Lingzhu was robbed by the Taoist priest again, he would still have to deal with Xuan Cang!

He looked down at Xuan Cang's ruined clothes and the scars all over his body. I gritted my teeth and turned around and walked out of Xuan Cang's arms!

I can't let him have a chance to hurt Xuan Cang again!

"Yu'er..." Xuan Cang was afraid that the spirit beads would hurt me, and wanted to tell me to go back to him.

I looked back at him and grinned at him. Xuan Cang was stunned for a moment, and watched me walk towards the Taoist priest who was still lying on the ground.

When I walked to the Taoist priest, I lifted my foot and wanted to give him a few feet. But with his feet raised high, looking at the pieces of anxious clothes on the Taoist priest, and the bloodshot eyes hanging from the corners of his mouth, they couldn't fall.

"… "All right! Since you can't get your feet down in the front, you can change to the back.

My feet stood on the ground again, and I raised my feet and walked around behind the Taoist priest. Lifting the foot is about to step on his back, but the lifted foot is facing his skinny back, and he can't help it.

After changing the posture of kicking the Taoist priest several times, in the end he had to give up. I still can't do the kind of beating, or the kind of hurting others while they are in danger.

"..." He raised his head and looked at Xuan Cang a little apologetically, while he looked at me speechlessly and helplessly.

Seeing that fixed spirit bead floated towards the Taoist priest a little bit, Xuan Cang's expression became more and more ugly. My heart immediately became a mess. Seeing the triumphant expression gradually appeared in the Taoist priest's eyes, I was anxious, knelt down to the Taoist goat's whisker, and severely tore off a beard.

"Ah! Ouch, oh..." The Taoist priest jumped up from the ground in pain, and touched his beard with his hand in pain and looked at me angrily. "You, you little girl! Why are you so bad?"

I raised my hand and threw a beard in my hand back to the Taoist priest. Seeing that Xuan Cang had taken the Ding Lingzhu in his hand, my hanging heart finally fell.

Without this Ding Lingzhu, this Taoist priest should not be Xuan Cang's opponent. I don't have to worry, this Taoist priest will come to Xuan Cang's trouble again!

But what I didn't expect was that Xuan Cang who got the Ding Lingzhu would in turn kill the Taoist priest.

In the blink of an eye, Xuan Cang jumped over to me and the Taoist priest from a place a dozen meters away. He shielded me behind him, and with a raised hand he threw the Taoist priest who was jumping with his beard on his feet.

The Taoist priest's body hit the tree trunk, making a clicking sound. I don't know if it was the sound of the Taoist priest's broken waist, or the sound of the tree trunk being broken.

I was stunned by the sudden change in front of me.

Because I have never thought about whether Taoist priests who have lost the ability to explode will become the dead souls of Xuan Cang's men.

Xuan Cang turned and walked towards the Taoist priest. The corners of sister Zhou, who had risen from the ground, moved, as if she wanted to speak, but after all, because of her master and servant status, she suppressed the words in her mouth again.

"Xuan Cang!" I quickly stepped forward and stood in front of the Taoist priest, reaching out to stop Xuan Cang.

"..." Xuan Cang looked at me, his jet-black eyes looked at me quietly, without speaking.

I frowned slightly and looked at him, and pleaded with him: "Xuan Cang! He has no ability to kill you, let him go!"

Xuan Cangmo's eyes were like waves, and he seemed to have a thousand words to say to me, and finally put everything in silence.

"You said that the weak and the strong eat the flesh, and you said that killing ghosts and ghosts are the laws of heaven. But this is a vicious circle. If ghosts don't harm people, how can there be Taoists killing ghosts?" Xuan Cang said to me before. I remember all of them. I know what he said is correct, but I don't fully agree with it.

"If there is justice in this world, evil will be born. You always like to kill. Why do you forget that the ghost is also a person before death?" I don't know how to persuade Xuan Cang to give up killing that Taoist priest. Tell your thoughts truthfully.

Xuan Cang looked at me in silence, Sister Zhou looked at the Taoist priest in silence, and the Taoist priest was also silent... Looking down at the loess in front of her.

Maybe we all have our own stand in this world, but stand cannot determine my good and evil.

Some people are dressed in good skins and sit down with terrible things; some people stand in a position of evil that the world is supposed to do, but they do good things to save others and help the world.

"There has never been so-called black and white in this world!" Xuan Cang looked at me, dropped this sentence, turned and left in the look of expectation in my eyes and sister Zhou!

I was stunned to watch him leave, and finally his body looked like a doll that had lost its horsepower, and collapsed to the ground.

When Xuan Cang left, the Taoist priest's tight body also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The clenched fist slowly loosened, the yellow Taoist robe turned over on the ground, lazily raised his head and fell to the ground, looking at the night sky above his head.

"Madam!" Sister Zhou exclaimed and ran up anxiously to support me.

Looking at the place Xuan Cang left with empty eyes, the words he left were still floating in my mind.

In this world, there has never been so-called black and white!

At this time, there is no so-called extreme evil, nor so-called pure good. We all live in this world with our own selfish hearts.

Some people sit for good things with bad intentions, and some people do bad things with good intentions.

"Let's go back!" Standing up from the ground, I quietly said to Sister Zhou.