Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 113: Doomed tragedy


"Let's go back!" Standing up from the ground, I quietly said to Sister Zhou.

Waiting for the urgent matter to pass before I felt pain from the inside out. The bones hurt, the limbs hurt, and the skin felt hot and painful.

I cast my eyes down weakly, and there were wounds scratched by thorns and branches everywhere on my hands and feet.

Sister Zhou nodded, "Hmm!" She helped me to walk towards the house. After two steps, she couldn't help but turn her head and looked at the Taoist priest more.

The Taoist priest was still putting big characters on the ground, looking up through the leaves and branches above his head, looking at the stars above his head.

When Sister Zhou and I returned to the house, Xuan Cang disappeared again.

When I woke up the next day, I saw that the door of Yin Yang Magazine had been repaired. I don't need to ask, I know that this was repaired by Sister Zhou who took the "person" last night.

It's just that the ground burned in front is not something that these lone souls can repair.

At first glance from afar, the bald land is a bit ugly.

Sister Zhou was standing at the gate at this time, looking in the direction of the woods where she fought yesterday.

"Sister Zhou!" I walked out of the door and called out softly.

At this time, she had changed back to the appearance of her daily work, wearing a black bag skirt with a white chiffon long-sleeved dress.

She turned her head to see me and smiled with her mouth curled. "Madam! Early..."

I stood beside her and followed her and looked towards the woods. Last night, I looked down at my hands, feeling all sorts of things in my previous life. It was hard to imagine that I had such a terrible power burst out last night.

"Did the Taoist priest go?" I asked Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou's eyes flashed, as if she was avoiding something, she lowered her eyes and said nothing, and shook her head for a long time.

"He's still there?" I was a little surprised.

The night in the mountains and forests is very difficult. Not to mention the heavy humidity, the snakes, insects, rats and ants are also terrible.

Sister Zhou still didn't speak, turned around and walked into the room.

Looking at her figure, I looked back at the direction of the woods. There was a voice in my heart telling me that Sister Zhou and the Taoist priest might have some ties.

Maybe their origin is not in this life, maybe in the previous life, or the previous life.

Work is on the right track. Sister Zhou said that this time the magazine should be warm and inviting, so I searched for the material stories in the pile of materials.

The time for serious work always flies quickly, from morning to noon to 5:30 in the afternoon, and it's time to get off work in a blink of an eye.

He San'er hasn't seen me for a long time, and I have made an appointment with her online to have dinner together in the evening.

Only when I saw the name "Shadow without Soul" on QQ, my heart jumped. There was a momentary stagnation in the blood vessels, and then everything returned to normal again.

The beginning of every story is met without opinion. I met him that afternoon, and that story that started with calculations that was not good, ended in failure!

Perhaps this QQ profile picture will never light up again! This is the first time in my memory, a man who confessed to me and officially expressed his desire to pursue me...

I told Sister Zhou to go out to eat at night, holding my wallet and mobile phone, and went out without going back to change clothes.

San'er said that she had a news to follow, and that she would directly meet with Huahe Shopping Center in the evening.

Her work is much busier than mine, and her time cannot be as casual as mine. I deliberately left the house an hour earlier, and I arranged to meet her at 8 o'clock, and I arrived in the city before half past six.

I didn't go directly to Huahe Square, but got off the car on the street where I was looking for Lian Xuan.

There is also a square nearby, and many people pass by there every day. I even forgot the name of the square, but I remember that I distributed flyers there and met such a scary man!

Almost along the entire process of the incident in my memory, I walked it again. I don't know why I come here again, but there seems to be something in my memory that reminds me that I should come here again.

When I walked into that dark alley, it was still dilapidated and gloomy, and the air was filled with the smell of decay and ruin.

It is always dark in summer, and there is still a lot of light outside at half past six.

Even in the daytime, there are few people in this alley. It seems to be an existence that has been forgotten by everyone, standing alone there.

"Hey..." I stood at the entrance of the alley and looked into the alley.

The fragments in the memory that I don't want to think of again, reappear in my mind one by one.

That terrifying woman's head, and the man who deceived me with bad intentions, they took up almost all the pictures in my mind.

"Hungry, hungry... Eat, eat..." I suddenly thought of the woman's head, with a bag in her mouth, slowly drifting towards me.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised at the time, as if she was smiling. It's just that horrible appearance, but it makes people feel even more eerie and terrifying.

But why does she act like this? Why does she think I am hungry and want me to eat? Instead of others

Thinking in my heart, the mobile phone I was holding suddenly vibrated.

"Hey! Saner..." I turned on the phone and called Saner naturally. Because in my mobile phone, there is only her number, and I happened to have an appointment with her today!

"Hungry, hungry, hungry... Eat-eat-" It's just the voice coming from the phone, but it makes me feel terrified.

The harsh, gloomy sound of horror passed through my eardrums, and through every pore of my body, there was a deep chill.

My teeth trembled a little, and my body trembled. I felt the hand holding the phone, and I started to tremble!

"You...who are you?" I swallowed hard and squeezed three words from my mouth.

"Eat-eat-" But the voice kept repeating those two words, as if he hadn't heard what I said.

And the sound seemed to come directly from my ear, not from my mobile phone. The voice got closer and closer, as if it was behind me, right in my ear...

My whole body was so stiff that I could make creaking joints when I moved it casually.

"..." The hand holding the phone slowly dropped, and I stared at the front with wide-eyed eyes. It seemed to see a human head faintly, gradually drifting closer to me.

Just when the head floated to my eyes, and I looked at each other nose to nose, eye to eye. The phone in my hand vibrated suddenly again. I was taken aback and looked down at the phone. It said'San'er' on it!

When I looked up again, the woman's head had disappeared.