Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 114: Taoist mausoleum is clear


One month later...

"Sister Zhou! The warm route of the last issue of the magazine seems to have aroused many readers' emotions!" A little tired, putting down the mouse in my hand, I rubbed my eyes and stretched out, looking at the opposite sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou smiled at me, her mouth pursed and did not speak.

"But... It seems that there are more magazines in the underworld! Are you ghosts so sentimental?" I am still a bit disappointed when I think of the few replies from my magazine.

Sister Zhou picked up the tea cup on the table and stood up. When she passed by me, she couldn't help but glance at the Taoist priest who was sitting next to me, holding her hands and staring at me probingly.

The smile came from Sister Zhou's face, replaced by a deep disgust.

"Living people always like to be interested in more controversial things, and ghosts are the product of extreme emotions. It is normal for positive publications to react rather than negative publications!" After Sister Zhou finished speaking, she picked up the teacup on my desk and said. He glared at the Taoist priest and turned to leave.

This Taoist priest was the one who almost killed Xuan Cang a month ago and was almost killed by Xuan Cang and I.

His original name is unknown, but his name is Lingqing. Inheritance is the prestigious Dao of the Alliance, which is what we often call the Dao of the Heavenly Master. Since he started his teacher, he has traveled outside alone, and he is considered a leisurely Taoist.

Speaking of this Lingqing Taoist, I think if he is not the most powerful Taoist, he must be the thickest-skinned Taoist. Since San'er and I had an appointment to return that day, before entering the gate, I saw this Taoist priest sitting at the gate in dilapidated clothes.

At that time, I thought that he hadn't planned to give up dealing with Xuan Cang, and was more alert and hostile towards him.

Who knew that as soon as this person saw me, he immediately ran up with a smile, saying that he wanted to study the ghost in my stomach.

When I heard him say the word'ghost tire', I was dumbfounded at the time. Because I never thought that I was already pregnant with Xuan Cang's child.

Seeing that I didn't believe me, the Taoist Lingqing told me about the previous two violent walks and explained to me that the reason why I was like this was entirely because of the influence of the fetus in my belly.

Under the double blow of "I have been pregnant with ghost babies" and "He wants to study ghost babies," my face went white for a week. Every time I see Daoist Naling Qing, I feel my heart is suffering.

But when I calculated my menstrual period back and forth. Realizing that I was really real, and I had not had a menstrual period twice in a row, I immediately panicked!

Xuan Cang returned a week later, and when he saw Ling Qing Dao's face for a long time, his expression was also hostile and murderous.

I don’t know why, after Ling Qing Dao Chang talked with Xuan Cang in private, Xuan Cang turned a blind eye to Ling Qing's existence!

Xuan Cang's hope of driving away Ling Qing failed, but I still couldn't let go of his study of ghost fetuses. Seeing him, it is inevitable to show some expressions!

But this man seemed to be a fool who couldn't understand the human face, no matter how I spoke harshly, how acrid and sarcasm him, he happily let me scold him.

He laughed from start to finish, as if he didn't understand him at all.

Seeing him like this, I didn't bother to pay attention to him later, and let him watch if he wanted to. As long as I didn't directly interfere with my activities, I didn't bother to pay attention to him again!

What surprised me most about the changes in this month was the change in sister Zhou's attitude towards Lingqing.

At the beginning, she was obviously gentle and polite, and she looked like a hesitant girl seeing a lover. But I don't know what's wrong, so I changed from looking at the lover's face to looking at the night lady's face!

Before Lingqing, in order to follow me, he built a shed with cloth in the small woods nearby. After Xuan Cang came back, he moved into the house directly and grandiosely.

Sister Zhou's attitude towards him seemed to be not long after he moved into the house.

It's a pity that I wanted to ask Sister Zhou several times why she suddenly changed her attitude towards Ling Qing, but every time she gave him a prevarication from him.

Later, seeing sister Zhou really didn't want to say it, I gave up the idea of asking her!

Everyone has the mind of gossip, but it must be suitable. When the person concerned doesn't want to talk, no matter how curious, he can only shut up obediently.

Sister Zhou helped me make the tea and put the tea cup carefully by my hand. I looked up and thanked her: "Thank you!"

She smiled at me, looked back at Ling Qing with a gloomy and complicated look, and returned to her own desk with her cup of tea.

Just after processing a piece of information, I habitually clicked on QQ, holding the warm tea in my left hand, and blowing it gently by my mouth.

The head of San'er flashed twice suddenly, and I clicked on it. Two pictures of long suits appeared in the dialog box.

Immediately afterwards, San'er sent another sentence: The mysterious killing of the door, a certain star was killed at home. Related personnel are suspected of being mysteriously cursed, and have suffered bad luck...

"Hmm..." I was stunned for a long time looking at San'er's words.

On the contrary, the Taoist priest on the side noticed the content on my screen, reduced the smile on his face, and his expression became a little more serious.

I hesitated and moved the mouse over the long picture and double-clicked to enlarge it.

But when I saw the bloody scene above, I was shocked!

The pictures above are full of flesh and blood. The level of bloody nausea made me wonder if I was watching a certain horror film in Europe and the United States.

There are small and detailed pictures as well as large overall pictures. Some are human limbs, and some are enlarged parts of the human head. In short, no matter what it is, it makes people look a little creepy.

I didn't dare to take a closer look. I quickly turned the mouse to push the picture up.

"Eh eh eh... Slow down, slow down!" Ling Qing on the side seemed to take it seriously and complained that I pushed too fast.

Glancing at him with my head sideways, I said angrily: "You like to watch yourself go to the scene!"

Ling Qing was murdered by me, and immediately closed his mouth and said nothing, staring at my display with skeletal eyes. A face with goat's whiskers, solemnly made me a little strange.

I closed the first long picture and clicked on the second one.

There is no particularly scary and bloody picture in the latter picture. The first picture above is a photo of many policemen and forensic doctors in uniforms in a certain villa, processing the scene.

In the photo, there are five police officers in uniform, two standing guarding the guard at the door, and three looking around. There are also two forensic doctors in white clothes and masks. The two of them were carrying a stretcher in their hands and were carrying something out of the house.

Below that picture is a picture of a man lying on a bed with a bandage all over his body.

Below is a photo of another man with a cane in his hand and obedience from the hospital.

The long pile of photos are pictures of some people injured.