Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 119: The same woman


Those people can't see me! Am I dead? This thought suddenly popped into my mind.

As I looked at those people and walked through my body, my whole body was messed up!

"Miss! I finally came to the capital! When you find your uncle, you don't have to worry about your master forcing you to marry the Su family again!" A maid in a goose-yellow narrow-necked dress supported a green veil. The woman walked slowly from a distance.

The woman in a green veil was Ping Ting, curly and Nana, with the help of the maid, and gradually walked in front of me.

And when I marveled at the figure of the woman, when I saw her face, I was completely stunned!

"This... this..." I opened my eyes wide and looked at the woman incredulously, who actually had exactly the same face as me.

The moment I saw her face, I immediately lowered my head and took out the phone, and when I saw that my face on the mirror did not change, I let out a long sigh.

At that moment, I thought someone changed my face!

The master and servant walked in front of me and walked towards the stone bridge not far away.

"Miss! Look... it's the young man!" The maid held her own young lady with one hand, and suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed to the blue-clothed young man on the stone bridge.

Shocked by the little maid, I couldn't help but looked up and followed the direction she was pointing.

When I looked up, I looked silly again!

Standing on the stone bridge, the blue-clothed man with fluttering clothes, isn't it Xuan Cang!

"Xuan Cang!" Seeing Xuan Cang, I was excited and ran over immediately.

I thought these mortals couldn't see me, Xuan Cang should always see me!


When I ran forward, Xuan Cang saw the two masters and servants, and a smile immediately appeared on the solemn faces. "Girl Situ!"

Xuan Cang turned around and passed through my body and walked towards the woman in green.

"..." I stood on the stone bridge in a daze. Looking back at Xuan Cang, he walked with another woman who had exactly the same face as me.

The woman's eyes were shy, and she blessed Xuan Cang. "I have seen Young Master Xuan!"

He can't see me! He couldn't even see me... I was so shocked by this fact that I almost broke down.

Looking at the interaction between Xuan Cang over there and the woman in green clothes, the discerning person saw that there was something tedious between the two.

"Girl Situ is in Beijing this time..." Xuan Cang walked side by side with the green-clothed woman, still chatting with her.

The ghost servant girl secretly retreated to the back, a short distance away from Xuan Cang and the green-clothed woman in front. As he walked, there was still a thief smile in his eyes.

I stood on the stone bridge, watching the man and the woman go shoulder to shoulder. I feel a little empty in my heart, I can't tell what it feels like!

"Perhaps... he's not Xuan Cang! He just happens to look a lot like him!" I comforted myself, sitting on the bridge head and started to start dazed.

People come and go on the stone bridge, there are always people walking behind me, and I am not worried that they will step on me, anyway, they can't see me!

The sun above his head gradually slanted westward, and Xuan Cang, who had left the woman, walked back again.

"Since Qing first saw Mingjing dim, he stopped talking about everything..." Xuan Cang stood on my body, lowered his head and took out a pale green silk scarf from his arms.

Although it doesn't hurt to be stepped on by him, it is indeed strange to look up at him so much.

He couldn't hear him anyway, so I immediately jumped up from the ground. I happened to see that on the green silk scarf in his hand, with light yellow silk thread embroidered with the word'Language'!

I was taken aback for a moment, overlapping with Xuan Cang's figure, looking at the silk scarf he held in the palm of his hand.

"Since Qing first saw Ming Jing's dark, I stopped talking about everything..." I repeated his words whisperingly, feeling like I had heard them somewhere before.

Xuan Cang didn't know that anyone could hear him, so he put the silk scarf back in his arms and looked up at the trickling water under the bridge. "Master! Disciple's heart is no longer stable. I am afraid that I will fail your old man's wish..."

After the words were over, Xuan Cang turned and walked to the other side of the stone bridge.

"What, what the hell?" I stood there in a daze, learning the posture of Xuan Cang, looking at the flowing water under the bridge. But under that bridge, there is nothing but the flowing water circle!

I turned my head and watched Xuan Cang leave behind, hurriedly chasing after me from my stupefaction. "Hey! Wait for me..."

It's a pity that I only took a few steps after chasing him, and the scene before me suddenly turned into darkness.

"Wh, what's going on..." Unable to see the road in front of me, the surroundings are quiet, except for the occasional wind, I can't hear or see anything at all.

I was a little frightened, and took out the phone with a trembling, and wanted to turn on the lights and look around.

But just took out the phone and illuminated the road ahead, only to realize that he was standing in a ruined temple.

"Where..." I curiously stretched out my hand and pushed the dilapidated temple door open.

Before I had time to raise my foot and walk in, I saw another figure passing through me, holding a lantern and walking in.

"Eh..." I stupidly looked at the familiar green figure, carried the red lantern, and walked into the ruined temple.

What caught my eye was a somewhat embarrassed blue figure sitting on the haystack.

"You are here..." Xuan Cang's voice was a little haggard, and there was some powerlessness between his breath.

The woman hung the lantern on the stone seat on the side. The bodhisattva on it had turned into a broken stone, and the original face was already invisible.

"Master Xuan! Your injury..." The woman sat down beside Xuan Cang and looked at him worriedly.

Xuan Cang shook his head, and reached out his hands to close the robe on his body. When she just came in, he happened to be changing his dressing. "It's okay! Miss Situ, don't take it to heart."

The woman lowered her eyes, her long curly eyelashes trembled slightly, as if a pearl was about to fall.

Seeing that she seemed to be crying, Xuan Cang immediately became nervous, and suddenly clenched his seemingly inadvertent hand on his lap: "Situ..."

"You have paid so far for me, so far you still don't want to call me a bestie, but you want to be called a miss?" The woman said with a gruff, raising her teary and blurred eyes, crying at Xuan Cang.

Xuan Cang was stunned, a thousand words choked in his throat. Open mouth, but can't call that word.

He looked at her tears distressedly, and carefully wiped them with his hand.

She stretched out her hand and held his hand tightly in her hand. "Why? Why are you willing to die for me, but don't want to be honest with me?"

"..." Xuan Cang's hand trembled, and his dark eyes looked at the woman in front of him complicatedly.

"You take me away!" He didn't want to speak, but she didn't want to wait any longer.

A trace of surprise flashed in Xuan Cang's eyes, before turning into an extremely gentle smile. He gently wiped her face, her face pale because of the injury, gradually regaining some luster.

"Yu'er..." He finally softened his attitude and called out her name softly.