Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 12: Tsing Yi man


But in the blink of an eye, I was held by Xuan Cang and stood outside the black coupe. And inside the car, I don't know when there were more men in blue and white shirts.

The man named Sumire was enchanting, lying slightly embarrassed in the driver's seat.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Xuan Cang had not left at that time, the man now and there would be sitting in his arms at this time.

As soon as I imagined the scene in my head, the corners of my mouth twitched, not knowing what it was like.

Just seeing Xuan Cang's obviously displeased face, I actually wanted to laugh a little bit badly.

Hahaha! On weekdays, he is always not afraid of the sky and the earth. He looks like he is strategizing, and there are still such embarrassed times. Thinking about it makes people feel secretly refreshed.

I was thinking about joy when I suddenly felt a pain in my waist. After returning to my senses, I saw Xuan Cang staring at me with warning in his eyes.

"Uh-ha ha! You, your friend is really-enthusiastic!" I did something and smiled at him, his scalp numb when he stared at me.

Not to mention it's okay, Xuan Cang's face became even more ugly when he opened his mouth! I shut up immediately, and reached out to cover my mouth obediently.

"Xuan! This woman—" The figure of Jin in the car flashed, and he stood in front of Xuan Cang in the blink of an eye.

When he saw me, his face was slightly choked. A trace of consternation and resentment flashed across the handsome handsome face.

I was a little depressed and puzzled, and frowned at him, wanting to see some clues on his face.

I'm pretty sure, this is the first time I have met him. I can understand if he is interested in Xuan Cang and resents me for being so close to him.

But-what does the flash of surprise in his eyes mean

"It has nothing to do with you!" Xuan Cang said coldly, his deep voice with some dangerous aura.

Jin was stunned for a moment, glanced at me faintly, then chuckled up and looked at the non-existent Mingyue above his head and said: "Since the beginning of the emperor, the mirror is dark, and I'm not talking about everything. You treat her really—"

I looked at the man named Sumire inexplicably, watching his figure slowly turn into a mist, and then slowly disappear.

I didn't understand what he was reading, I just felt that Xuan Cang was holding me tightly, as if he was afraid of falling me, and as if he wanted to tie me firmly.

"Huh? He, he just left?" I put my right arm around Xuancang's neck, and my left hand pointed at the place where Pansy disappeared.

Xuan Cang cast his eyes down and glanced at me, but this time it carried some depth and complexity that I couldn't understand.

I don't know why, when I was seen by him like this, I suddenly felt a little guilty. As for the guilty conscience, I don't know myself, but I just lowered my head and dared not look at him.

"Hold tight!" Xuan Cang hugged me and walked slowly for two steps, and then suddenly exhorted again.

I raised my eyes to look at him, only to feel that my body was suddenly flying into the air, and the wind screamed all over my body, and the scenery on the ground suddenly became extremely small in this dark night.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, and immediately hugged Xuan Cang tightly with both hands, and my body was close to his. I was afraid that if he missed his hand, he would throw me down in mid-air.

Xuan Cang seemed to be stunned for a moment, and looked down at me. The black eyes in his eyes looked like a black pool, dark but mysterious.

His body is not warm, but I feel a little at ease while holding it inexplicably. For the first time, it felt like flying into the air in a martial arts drama, and it was not as scary as I imagined.

The previous fear was slowly dismissed in his arms.

I slowly opened my eyes, and what caught my eyes was his firm but beautiful chin.

Opened his eyes and looked dumbly at the man in front of him, his cheeks were so close to his chest, and the touch of the cloth could not feel the breath and temperature of human beings, let alone the heartbeat that was a sign of being alive. .

He is really not a human being, even if he looks like it, he can't change the fact that he is not an ordinary person-I thought sullenly in my heart.

I just looked at him like that, watching and watching, tears streaming down without any warning for some reason. My heart is a little sad, but I don't know what I am saddening.

At the moment when the tears came out of my eyes, I felt Xuan Cang's body trembled, and the hand that held me was tight without a trace, causing me a little pain.

Being hugged by him is a bit unbearable, and I immediately yelled out dissatisfiedly: "Hey! You go down!"

Xuan Cang ignored me, but the hand that held me was still faintly loose.

I took a long sigh of relief, and I couldn't understand this Xuan Cang even more.

He obviously always keeps a cold face towards me, but sometimes he feels that he is not as annoying as it seems on the surface.

Although I didn't get along with him for a long time, sometimes it made her feel, but there was always a strange sense of familiarity.

Thinking of something messy in my head, my head suddenly hurt like a needle.

I exclaimed "Ah!" and was overwhelmed by the sudden pain.

Xuan Cang trembled by my sudden scream, looked down at me with a frown, dark eyes with a little doubt.

I grinned at him awkwardly, and touched my head with my hand in wonder.

I couldn't help but wonder: Was it my illusion at the moment

But the pain was so obvious, but it was so fast that I couldn't catch it at all, so that I was a little doubtful whether it was my own illusion.

Xuan Cang scorned me and continued to look up at the front. It feels like watching a boring childish child playing a prank.

"Ahem!" I coughed dryly, feeling that it was necessary to say something to prove that I was not that boring person.

But after thinking about it for a long while, I really don't know what to say.

So I looked at Xuan Cang very badly, and asked, "Who is that person called Jin?"

Xuan Cang still looked at the front, his lips pressed tightly as usual, and he didn't intend to pay attention to me at all.

I tilted my head and thought, and still didn't give up and asked, "He said you have been gone for more than a hundred years! How long have you lived?"

Xuan Cang remained silent, and his black eyes stared at the front without blinking, as if he didn't hear me.

Just when I thought he wouldn't answer me, he opened his mouth solemnly: "It's been nearly five hundred years!"

I stared at him dumbfounded, and stared at his face for a long time, just to see if he was actually a wrinkled, bony old monster under his smooth and young skin.

"Five or five hundred years?" I stammered, looking at him incredulously. Then he said something that made himself quite regretful.

I said, "Then, aren't you an old monster? Why are you still looking so young?"