Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 16: One life


"Why?" I don't understand why Xuan Cang refused to help that woman.

Although the time spent with him is not very long, my feeling tells me that he should not be a cold-blooded person.

But why did he look so arrogant and indifferent at this time, as if he didn't care about his life or death at all

"There is no reason!" Xuan Cang walked into the house gracefully, and sat down on the ancient wooden seat on the side.

I looked at his light and windy appearance, and I almost jumped with anger.

"There is no why, it is a life!" He can stop Li Zhen's affairs, but I can't turn a blind eye to a missing child.

In this seemingly peaceful era, but in reality chaos. Many people choose to sit on the sidelines and complain about the indifference and injustice of this society until things fall on their own heads.

Have there been few cases of robbing children and pulling women in the street? Children are abducted and trafficked every year.

If it is all self-sweeping, how terrible this society will become in the future

"You said too!" Xuan Cang stretched out his hand to take the tea that Sister Zhou had poured for him, and took a sip before continuing: "This is a human life!"

He deliberately emphasized the word "person" to express the difference between me and him.

I'm angry, don't look away from him.

After taking N deep breaths, waited for the anger in his chest to calm down a bit before looking at him again.

"You don't care, that's your business! But I won't let it go!" Angrily picked up the information on the table, I turned around and went to the printing room.

Sister Zhou looked at me and Xuan Cang from the side, and tried to persuade her several times, but she closed her mouth in a daze.

It took me nearly two hours that day to sort out the materials and photos of Li Zhen and his son.

I also sent messages to those students who are also studying news media, telling them about Tangtang's disappearance, and I hope they can help pay attention to it.

Then I took a thick stack of printed leaflets and walked out of the printing room.

Sister Zhou sat at the desk to continue her work, while Xuan Cang was still sitting at the ancient wooden table, drinking the tea on her hand without a sip.

"Huh!" I gave him a blank look, and did not call sister Zhou, and walked outside the magazine with the pile of propaganda sheets.

Anyway, sister Zhou didn't have Xuan Cang's order, she wouldn't dare to help me any more. Rather than embarrass her and let Xuan Cang read the jokes, I might as well rely on myself in the beginning.

"Where?" Xuan Cang said coldly when I walked to the door of the magazine.

I paused. Although I didn't want to talk to him, I turned around and responded, "Don't worry! Knowing that you are great, I won't run away!"

Xuan Cang snorted, put down the brown tea cup in his hand, and glanced at me with a slight contempt.

I was so angry that he saw my heart suddenly jumped up again. Angrily turned his head and paced, and quickly rushed out of the magazine.

Because of the group of ghosts on the bus last time, I was a little afraid to ride this time.

But then I thought about it, if I walked back to the city center this way, I was afraid that I would have to go until dark. That way, I would be even more dangerous!

After weighing the two phases, I climbed onto the bus at the bus stop.

The driver is still the same driver I met the last two times.

He saw me and nodded at me politely. I smiled back at him with some embarrassment, and looked at the trunk of the car timidly.

This time there were two people in the carriage, two men. One is in his thirties, sitting in the middle orange seat on the right hand side; the other is a handsome man in his twenties, wearing a denim T-shirt, with a canvas bag on his back, sitting on the left hand side of the back double row of seats.

With earplugs in his ears, he is looking sideways at the car window.

This time I also looked at their feet specially, and after confirming that they had shadows, I was relieved to breathe a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the coin box, my embarrassment suddenly recurred.

I stood aside stupidly, with a constipation look on my face, but I didn't know how to speak. After all... I am going to ride in a bully car!

With a'ding jing', the sound of two coins colliding and falling in the coin box suddenly came.

I looked up in surprise, and then I saw the handsome man who was sitting in the double-row seat before, looking at me with a considerate smile.

I raised my head and hurriedly looked at him, and immediately bowed my head blushing embarrassedly.

"Thanks, thank you!" I hurriedly thanked him, and I immediately walked back.

The handsome guy followed behind me and sat back.

I was sitting in the first row on the right side of the two-row seat, and he was still sitting in the first row on the left hand side. I looked at each other and smiled, but it was strange that no one spoke first.

I sat in the commercial plaza near Xili Kindergarten to get off the bus, but the handsome guy suddenly stopped me.

"Huh!" he called.

I turned back puzzled: "Huh?" I didn't understand what he was doing.

"Here!" He stretched out his hand to me suddenly, with a slight smile on his face, but sincerely.

I frowned slightly and stretched out my hand subconsciously.

'Dang Cang! 'With a sound, two coins fell in the center of my hand.

"..." I looked at him surprised and moved.

He smiled slightly, and said warmly: "When you go back, don't be afraid!"

After getting off the bus, I stood in front of the still hot square, but I was a little moved.

It is said that modern people are marketable, realistic, indifferent, and utilitarian, but I found that... In fact, after this, there are still people who do not care about gains and losses, and retain a simple heart!

Because the sky is not dark yet, there are not many people in the square. Maybe it's because it's close to the end of get off work hours, and there are sporadic men and women who will pass by.

I looked for a relatively remote place and put down the thick leaflet in my hand. Then he picked up another pile and started to distribute it to pedestrians passing by.

When I was in college, I did a lot of part-time jobs in order to keep myself alive. The distribution of leaflets is one of them, so I won’t find it difficult to sit up now.

But this practice of waiting on the sidelines is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Seeing those pedestrians took the leaflets, they didn't take a few steps and then discarded them.

I know this approach is stupid and may not be effective. But I can't tolerate it, I don't do anything!

They lost the leaflet, and I walked over to pick it up again.

I told myself: I can be disappointed, but I can't despair! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I cannot give up easily.

As night fell gradually, the surrounding lights gradually turned on.

The anxious employees of the company who walked through before have gradually become relaxed, dressed-up men, women and children.

There are more and more people, and I am more and more anxious to hand over the leaflets in my hands to them.

Although most people are indifferent, occasionally there will be kind people who stop to ask me a few words.