Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 19: Female ghost


That is the most uncomfortable laugh in the world I have ever heard.

I was so overwhelmed by the laughter that goose bumps came out all over my body.

But I didn't have the strength to get up from the ground, I could only limp on the ground, watching the man who inadvertently blew out his shoulder lamp, slowly being swallowed by the gushing fear.

Sometimes people are too fragile, so fragile that the other party only needs to exert a little force to crush them.

But at this time, I hate myself for being too strong. Strong enough to see the woman with only the head left, slowly opened her blood basin and her mouth was so big that she swallowed the man's head.

"Ah..." I listened to the man's miserable cry, waving his hands in the air and struggling.

I can't do anything, I can only be so clear, staring at everything happening in front of me.

The woman's head dragged her long black hair and floated slowly into the air.

The man's body was also dragged into the air. He kicked his feet in the air, protected his head with both hands, trying to break the woman's mouth and pull his head out.

I was so scared that I had forgotten to scream, staring blankly at the woman's hair making'gudong, gudong', similar to the sound of swallowing saliva.

It's just that the voice was much louder than usual, and I was sweating all over my body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was cried out by him, and my abdomen churned again.

If it hadn't been for my body to collapse so badly, I would have turned over and vomited!

Because I saw that, following the man's painful cry, the underside of the woman's head, that is, the part connected to the neck, was constantly bleeding out.

The blood was sticky and smelly, and it was like half-melted maltose.

Soon, there was a pool of blood on the ground.

I closed my eyes and didn't want to look at the terrifying and disgusting picture before me.

After taking a few more deep breaths, the body gradually regained consciousness. I struggled to stand up from the ground half-dazed, and staggered forward two steps.

"Oh..." I inadvertently glanced at the bloody water on the ground, and finally I couldn't help rushing to the corner of the wall, helping the wall to vomit.

That pool of blood can hardly be described as'water'.

The yellow and white rotten flesh is also mixed with red and yellow sauce, and even more terrifying is the black and white eyeballs. And that eyeball seems to be able to move, and the appearance of sliding left and right seems to be alive!

"Oh—" I felt like I was going to vomit out even the previous night's meal, and the feeling of nausea rolled over.

But I only have the food that I ate with today's breakfast and lunch in my stomach, which is not enough to vomit. After a while, even the bile was spit out!

In fact, I wanted to run, because I don't know if the female ghost, after dealing with the man, turned around to deal with me.

Even if he knew that maybe Xuan Cang still had a great deterrent against these ghosts.

But he is not by my side after all, and I don't know if it's true. All the ghosts left in the world, no matter good ghosts or evil ghosts, will listen to him.

"Huh—" I forcibly supported the wall, and could only close my eyes and keep doing mental construction for myself, telling myself not to think about it anymore.

I don't know how much time it took to calm down, but when I felt better, my numb feet could gradually move.

She stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks, and her fingers touched the skin of the palm of her hand, and there were bursts of tingling pain. Only then did I realize that my right hand was already full of blood.

I pursed my mouth, gently rolled my hand and put it down. As soon as he turned his head, he bumped into a pale and corrupt woman's face face to face.

I screamed "Ah!" and squatted down on the ground.

The woman is standing in front of me, yes! She is clearly standing in front of me. It's just that the body belongs to the man before. Judging from his limbs and body, it undoubtedly belongs to the man before.

It's just that his hands fell weakly, and his feet were weakly padded on toes, as if they were not standing on the ground, but by something hanging on the ground.

"Ah!" Realizing that the man might have been killed by the female ghost, I yelled again in horror.

I looked at the female ghost in horror, she was also looking up at this time, looking at me droopingly with a little black in the white of her eyes that didn't know when.

Her posture was very strange, which made me feel weird and horrified.

I kept this posture with the woman and confronted each other for a while.

"Eat..." The female ghost suddenly dragged the man's body and moved towards me.

I immediately climbed my hands and moved back.

"Eat..." The female ghost spit out another word ardently, staring at me, and moving towards me again.

I stepped back desperately, but the moment my hand touched the wall, I almost cried.

The female ghost seemed to know that I was inevitable, her head suddenly pulled off from the body, approached me full, and finally landed in front of me, keeping face to face with me, just as close as her nose to her nose.

I pressed my head against the wall and hurriedly closed my eyes, really afraid that I and the female ghost would stare at them with such big eyes.

It feels more terrifying than she killed me directly.

"Eat..." The female ghost's voice resounded in my ears again, and the voice was still dry, harsh and unpleasant.

But in that voice, I didn't hear the gloomy feeling of horror.

On the contrary... it feels like a child, full of expectation.

Feeling weird in my heart, I secretly squinted and slowly opened the right eye against the wall.

"Huh?" I looked at the other end suddenly turned and floated away, and I was a little curious, not knowing what she was doing.

While she was leaving, I hurriedly got up from the ground lightly. Just about to drive away, the woman's head flew back again. There seemed to be a bag in his mouth, a very ordinary red plastic bag with a white convenience box inside.

She flew slowly in front of me, pushing the red plastic bag in front of me.

After hesitating, I stretched out my hand tremblingly and took the red plastic bag from her dark mouth.

The surrounding light is dim, and the dilapidated and dim yellow lights on the alleys exude a little bit of starlight.

I can vaguely see the object, but I can't see what it is.

Just as I took the plastic bag, I suddenly saw something in the female ghost's mouth.

But I didn't dare to reach in and take it, just glanced quickly, and vaguely saw what seemed to be a red strip.

It was also because she opened her mouth just now, and I was able to see it. But I'm not sure, and I don't even dare to guess what it is.

"Hungry..." The female ghost moved her head and mouth, and her head hung in the air again.

I looked stiffly at the dirty plastic bag on my hand, which had dropped a lot of dirt and dust. I thought: This female ghost, shouldn't it be that I want to eat something from it!