Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 2: I want to marry you, no one can stop


The male ghost was very impatient with my reaction and urged sister Zhou: "The time is coming."

Sister Zhou seemed very scared of the male ghost, and despite my desperate struggle, she dragged me to the side door on the left of Xitang.

I never thought that there would be a woman with such strength, it felt like there was an Iron Man holding my hands and feet, and then I thought, what kind of woman, this is obviously a female ghost!

I was pressed by Sister Zhou on an antique carved wooden bed. She picked up the big red wedding dress folded and placed it next to me, and changed it to me after making a gesture.

I was so scared that my heart was twitching. I couldn't care about the fear of female ghosts. I held onto sister Zhou's hand, crying and begging: "Sister Zhou, I beg you, you let me go. I am a living person, how can I marry a ghost?"

Sister Zhou looked at me wanting to speak, and finally sighed and said, "Yao Yu, I can't help you in this matter, so please change your clothes and don't embarrass me."

My tears came down, now who is embarrassing who is it, you are forcing me to marry a ghost!

Sister Zhou looked at me like this, maybe she felt guilty and comforted me a few more words, but because of my non-violent and uncooperative attitude, she finally tied me up directly until she was sent to the man after she changed into a happy suit. In front of the ghost, I was the one who could only be slaughtered by others.

The male ghost didn't react at all to the fact that Sister Zhou tied me up. He just said to Sister Zhou, "Let them all come over, it's time to worship."

The "them" that a ghost said could not be a person. I thought that this room would be crowded with ghosts, and my hair would explode.

I racked my brains to escape this horrible "marriage", and dared to talk to the male ghost with a trembling voice: "Why do you have to marry me? Isn't it okay to marry a female ghost? , It's really inappropriate."

The male ghost looked at me jokingly and let out a sneer.

"Marrying you is naturally because you are useful to me. As for the separation of yin and yang, you can rest assured that this is not a problem."

What does it mean that this is not a problem

I looked at his gloomy and white face, and suddenly thought, maybe he wanted to kill me, go to the underworld to reunite with him!

This guess was like a balloon that was rapidly inflated, swelling in my mind, and it could blow up my bones with a "pop" at any time.

I wanted to say something more, but a noisy voice came from behind me.

Are those ghosts coming

I didn't dare to look back, and I didn't dare to look. Although this male ghost and Sister Zhou didn't look much different from a living person, who can guarantee what the other ghosts are like

"Congratulations, my lord on the wedding."

"I wish my lord and madam respect each other as guests, and love for a lifetime."

"It's really an honor to have the wedding wine of the adults."

In my ears were those ghosts' textual congratulations. I couldn't help but wonder when they heard them call this male ghost "adult" again and again.

Is this that he had an official position during his lifetime, or did he have an official position after his death

The male ghost ignored those who came to congratulate him, and only said to Sister Zhou: "It's good time."

Sister Zhou hurriedly pushed me to the center of Xitang, and whispered to me: "This is the end of the matter, so stop struggling. The adults are not happy. You are the one who suffers."

I bit my lower lip, my head buzzed, and I felt sister Zhou untie the rope on my wrist.

At that time, I couldn't take care of this, but I was a living person, and the others were all ghosts. Can I escape these things

The survival instinct made me turn around and run after being unbound. The ghosts in Xitang exclaimed.

"I didn't want to be like this, but you keep pushing me."

The man came into my ears with a sullen voice, and I suddenly realized that I was stiff in place, I could do nothing but breathe and blink.

Then, something even more panic happened to me.

My hands and feet violated my will, turned to face Xitang, and walked back step by step.

I finally saw the ghosts in Xitang in the action of raising my head. They wear clothes from all dynasties. The most recent look is the Chinese tunic suit of the Republic of China.

I desperately wanted to reverse my actions, but I just made a fool of myself in front of these ghosts.

A short male ghost shouted weird words on the side.

"One worship to the Jifu, two worship to the King of Yama, and the husband and wife worship each other."

Amidst the roar of the ghosts, I was led by the male ghost and sent into the bridal chamber.

The male ghost led me through the side door on the right. The white wall and wooden pillars in the corridor looked like a smell of ancient times.

After knowing that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of his control over me. I was already discouraged at this time and gave up the struggle.

Obviously I just want to find a job where I can make ends meet, so why am I so unlucky

The wooden door pasted with rice paper was opened, making a long "crunch" sound.

The layout of the new house looks similar to the costume drama. There are various auspicious foods on the table. The room is decorated with red happy characters. Even the brocade quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water is sprinkled with a lot of red dates, peanuts, longans, etc. Dried fruits.

The male ghost directed me to sit on the side of the bed, tap his finger lightly, and the candle in the room brightened again.

He lifted my jaw and forced me to look at him, and my pale face was reflected in the frost-stained black eyes.

"Remember, my name is Xuan Cang."

I stared at him stupidly, what can I do if I don't remember, he can force me to marry a male ghost of him, can he force my memory to fail

"Don't make me angry, you will regret it." Xuan Cang seemed to see what I was thinking in my heart, and his thin lips provoked an arc of disdain.

The only thing I can control my flexible movements is my eyeballs, and I immediately looked away.

In the next second, I was viciously thrown onto the large carved mahogany bed by Xuan Cang's actions. The bed wailed overwhelmedly, and my back was hurt by the dried fruits of longan and lotus seeds.

"I married you, as long as you are obedient and obedient, I won't treat you badly." Xuan Cang's handsome face was so close to me, it made me clearly feel that the other person really didn't have any warmth.

Cold, like a corpse capable of talking.

I heard what he said, but I couldn't refute it with anger: "But I never asked you to marry me, who would want to marry, marry..."

My words stuck in his throat in Xuan Cang's face that went dark for an instant, and he couldn't say it completely.

His pupils were so black that they seemed to be shining, and his bloodless face gradually turned blue, looking extremely terrible.

"I want to marry you, no one can stop it." Xuan Cang tore the red dress on my body, with an extremely arrogant and arrogant expression.

I felt cold and my heart felt tight.

Even at this time, I don't want to be married to a ghost!

Xuan Cang gave a cruel smile, and his jade-cold hand slid down my body, and a cold breath sprayed on my face in cold sweat.

"Don't worry, you will be very comfortable."