Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 22: Is it true or false


I was a little baffled by Sister Zhou, and she reached out and touched her face: "Um... Sister Zhou, why are you staring at me like this?"

Sister Zhou's eyes trembled, and she quickly took it back.

"Um... Nothing! Just curious, why are you so interested in this matter."

I pursed my mouth for a while, but I don't know why I am concerned about this matter.

"Perhaps... it's gossip! After all-these big stars, ordinary people like me, are somewhat curious. Especially this kind of contemporary Chen Shimei's negative news, I can't help but pay more attention!"

I think maybe everyone has a "hero dream" in their hearts!

That dream cannot be realized in the cruel reality, so every negative news, or positive news, appears. A large number of keyboard men will emerge, fiercely criticizing negative news and suspicious and ridiculing positive news.

All people use their own thinking and cognition to criticize right and wrong in this world.

I don't know... If this matter falls to him, he may not be able to handle it better, or make a better choice.

"Oh!" Sister Zhou answered, and continued to type on the keyboard with her eyes down.

I looked at her stupidly and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Um... Could it be that she forgot my question? What does an "oh" mean

"These news... don't we need to verify or... interview?" I looked at the information in hand and changed my questioning method.

Sister Zhou looked at me and thought for a while before saying: "We have our own interview and verification channel for these news materials."

My heart sank, Sister Zhou said so, it must be a very channel!

"And... it's just lace news. Who knows if it's true or false? We are a magazine, not a documentary. Readers are satisfied with it, and who cares if it is true or false!" Sister Zhou Fan said that I was speechless.

Because I know, she was right.

When I was in school, I used to help the teacher's studio to do news, I have seen it a long time ago!

I don't know how to refute Sister Zhou's words, or even the righteous words, seem too pale and weak in the face of this reality.

"Where is Xuan Cang?" I asked.

Sister Zhou choked for a while, as if she didn't adapt to my sudden change of topic.

"My lord, he's out!"

Go out again! I'm a little curious, what exactly does Xuan Cang do every day, why does he not see anyone early in the morning every time, and wait until so late to show up

Had it not been for seeing him walking into the sun with my own eyes, I would really doubt whether he had found a place to hide during the day.

"Do you know where he went?" I continued to ask, looking at Sister Zhou with burning eyes.

Sister Zhou looked away uncomfortably, and smirked: "My lord-his matter, how can I be a humble kid knowing about him!"

Looking at Sister Zhou quietly, I sneered and sat down on the chair with helpless eyes.

She didn't know how she reacted, but she just didn't want me to know it!

Nothing! Originally, Xuan Cang and I were not a normal husband and wife, let alone any emotional foundation. I have no idea where he is going!

Sister Zhou and I were busy with the work at hand. I deliberately extracted Lian Yang's news materials and prepared to save them until the end.

At first the office only heard the sound of the keyboard, except for the sound of my breathing, it was so quiet that there was not a trace of popularity.

I don't know how long I have been busy, but suddenly there was the sound of Sister Zhou opening the drawer from the other side. She walked up to me, reached out and handed me a very small silver recorder.

"Huh?" I looked up at Sister Zhou in surprise, not knowing what she meant.

"Don't you want to know whether the news is true or false?" Sister Zhou looked at me helplessly.

"Ah?!" I was surprised and delighted, staring at Sister Zhou blankly, unable to react for a while.

I don't understand, what was the opportunity in this quiet time that made sister Zhou change her mind.

"Huahe Plaza! They will show up around three o'clock this afternoon." Sister Zhou put the recorder on my table, holding her chest in her hands, so she could look at me in time.

"Ah!" I finally reacted, and immediately picked up the recorder with joy, smiled and jumped up from the chair.

"Thank you! Sister Zhou!" My dear, holding the recorder, was so happy that he couldn't help but want to rush forward and give Sister Zhou a hug.

But thinking that she is also a ghost, I still held back.

I was so excited that I packed my things so that I took my mobile phone, bank card and a little cash.

There was still a little money left in the bank card from a part-time job when I was studying, and the cash was the change I found when I went out to buy things with Xuan Cang last time.

"Sister Zhou! I'm out!" I checked the phone time, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and I didn't know if I could make it in time.

Sister Zhou calmly watched me turn around and out, until I rushed to the door with my bag on my back, she suddenly said again: "Madam!"

I moved for a while, my back stiffened and looked back at her in a daze.

"Even if I didn't let you go today, you will find a way to check it yourself!" Sister Zhou didn't know if she wanted to be affirmed, or if she wanted to ask my thoughts.

My face sank slightly, and the excitement in my eyes faded.

In fact, Sister Zhou was right. Even if she didn't let me go out for the investigation today, I would find a way to do the investigation by myself.

It's not because of how much I like Liancheng, or how much justice I am. It's just a voice in my heart. He is telling me that I must go and find out this matter!

"I'm out!" I didn't answer Sister Zhou's words, smiled and turned and walked out.

Sister Zhou looked at my back and muttered something. I didn't hear clearly, only the word'adult' was faintly heard.

In fact, I don’t know how long it will take to get from the graveyard to Huahe Square.

Coincidentally, the bus passing by the cemetery happened to pass the Huahe Square.

This time I brought the money, and when I got into the car, I saw the driver who had seen him several times.

He nodded and smiled at me, gentle and polite with a touch of respect. I also smiled at him, and walked to the back of the car after inserting the coin.

There are more people in the car today. The seats for the old, weak, sick and disabled in the front are already full, and the double-row seats at the back are scattered with four people.

I saw the guy who helped me with the coin last time was there, so I waved to him.

He also saw me and smiled back at me.

He did not sit in the first row today, because there was a man in his fifties who was wearing a gray cloth with heavy spectacles.

I went to the first row on the left and sat down, put the backpack on my shoulder on my lap, and started to organize the content of the interview today.