Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 31: The companionship of the shadow


Xiucai is a person with real talent and learning. It didn't take long before he received the news of going to Beijing to rush the exam.

This parting lasted for several months. After the husband and wife said goodbye, the girl stayed at home alone to wait for the show to return.

The subsequent development did not have any new ideas or turning points.

It's like every story of a "infatuated woman, unhappy man" I've heard...

The girl waited hard at home, picking beancurd and grinding stones, waiting for the return of her beloved husband.

The days of waiting day after day, month after month, year after year... Waiting for the time to be gone, waiting for the face to grow old, her husband never came back.

Some people told the girl not to wait any longer. Her husband must be outside. He met other women and had already married her!

Someone also told the girl that her husband had passed away from illness on the way and would not come back again!

Someone else told her that her husband had already had a girl he was thinking of, but he was afraid that he had taken the money and stayed with that woman.

The girl listened to many people and said a lot. But no one told her that her husband would come back to find her! They all told her not to wait any longer, and to marry him sooner while she was still young.

But she didn't believe it. She always believed what she was thinking in her heart. She felt that as long as she persisted, her husband would definitely come back to look for her.

And this class is thousands of years.

She didn't even know that she was already dead, that dynasties changed and changed, or that this era had moved from feudalism to social democracy.

She continued to pick up Douhua repeatedly day after day, waiting for the man who would never come back.

Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but snorted a little at the story. But when I think about it, the protagonist of this story still exists, and I can't help feeling a little sad.

"Wait until the end... Did the man still not come back?" I looked at the direction the old woman had left, and I couldn't tell whether I felt more pity or fear.

Xuan Cang looked into the distance, then turned to look at me. The eyes are deep and... compassion, I can't believe it, I should see this kind of pity and full of vicissitudes in his eyes.

The heart suddenly beats a little fast. I quickly looked away, avoiding looking at him.

"Why don't you tell her that she is dead... And that man can't reappear?" Isn't the existence of ghosts all because of resentment and obsession

If she knew that she was dead and that man had already disappeared, then she wouldn't have to wait so hard!

A wait of nothingness is a blank after all! The truth that has always been firmly believed will only be more painful in the end.

"That man came back!" Xuan Cang's next words were a little bit beyond my expectation.

I stared at him blankly, waiting for his next words. But he was silent, staring down somewhere on the ground and he could see God.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

He recovered, looked up at me, and shook his head slowly.

"Nothing! Let's go!" He stretched his hand to hold me.

His hands are still cold without any temperature, and I seem to have adapted to this coldness.

I looked up at the sky and found that the sun above my head was not so hot anymore, and the sky was gradually turning late.

"Where to go?" He took my hand, and I followed him.

I looked at the front of his feet, and there was only my shadow on the ground. He seems to be a nihilistic existence, a existence that will drift away when a gust of wind blows at any time.

Suddenly... My body shook suddenly, and I stopped, and even held Xuan Cang with it.

As if he knew I would stop, he turned around calmly, looking at me faintly in his eyes.

I looked up at him with shock and disbelief in my eyes.

"You said that the man is back, but the woman doesn't know..." I stared, and my lips trembled uncontrollably.

Xuan Cang looked straight at me, no mood swings in his eyes. He just looked at me that way, as if for a thousand years, but he didn't give me the answer.

Suddenly, the tip of his nose was sour and tears flowed uncontrollably. I stretched out my hand to wipe it, a cold finger gently rubbed my cheek, wiping away the warmth for me.

"It's just a story!" He sighed.

But because of his action, my tears fell more ferociously.

Xuan Cang had no choice but to pull me over, stretched out his long arm, and took me in his arms.

Just now when I saw only my shadow on the ground, I suddenly understood. Xuan Cang said before that the man came back outdated and silent. He looked down at the ground, but he didn't just look at the ground.

But—what he saw was actually my shadow.

Ghosts have no shadows, and the woman is afraid that she would have died very early.

But she didn't know that she was dead, it was because that man became her shadow, guarding her by her side.

Xuan Cang only said that the folks in the village persuaded her to marry him while she was still young. But she didn't say at all whether she was getting old or not.

In other words, she is very likely to have died when she was young. She hasn't grown old at all!

"That man... how did he die?" I asked Xuan Cang muffledly after I had enough crying.

Seeing my persistence, Xuan Cang sighed helplessly: "On the way to Beijing for the exam, I was killed by a classmate who killed someone and took money."

"Where's that woman? How did she die?" I chased me, wanting to get an accurate answer from him.

Xuan Cang was very helpless, so he took my hand again, turned and led me forward.

Still reluctantly, I asked again: "When is that woman on earth?"

He said: "This is just a story!"

In the setting sun, the red sun shining obliquely across the city.

My shadow was stretched by the sun so long that I couldn't grow so high in my entire life.

I lowered my eyes to look at my shadow, and then looked sideways at Xuan Cang, who was walking beside me and holding my hand. There is a bit of sorrow and sorrow in my heart...

That woman's husband turned into her shadow companion, and my shadow? Will it be his company? And what exactly is Xuan Cang's existence like


When I returned to the yin and yang, the sky was completely dark.

Looking at the graveyard where the magazine is located, in fact, I still feel a little guilty in my heart.

Xuan Cang and I entered the hall back and forth, and Sister Zhou had already been waiting there.

I am actually not worried that Xuan Cang will punish Sister Zhou, because I know that without the approval of this big demon, even if Sister Zhou had the courage, she would not dare to release me privately.

For this, I am actually very grateful to him. But Xuan Cang didn't say anything, I didn't bother to expose it.