Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 32: Salvation


The night was deep, and after running outside for most of the day, I fell asleep with my head on the pillow.

Xuan Cang followed me to bed, stretched out his hand and gently embraced me in his arms.

Against his cold skin, I frowned slightly uncomfortably, but Xuan Cang seemed to enjoy it.

I froze, a little afraid to move.

I thought I was so hugged by him that I shouldn't be able to sleep. Who knew that after a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep faintly.

The breeze is fainting outside the window, and the house is quiet and quiet.

There seemed to be a light breeze blowing across my cheek, and it was very comfortable in this summer night.

I couldn't help but cocked the corners of my mouth, showing a slightly comfortable smile. Suddenly, my body trembled. After that comfortable feeling, my whole body was like a superfluous ice cellar, and it was so cold that it was unbearable.

"Well—" I murmured uncomfortably, holding myself in my hands, raising my brows and slowly opening my eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that the door of the house was actually open.

A five or six-year-old boy was carrying a red and blue schoolbag on his back. Just so quietly, staring at me with wide eyes.

I was a little frightened when he saw him. I felt that the little boy seemed familiar, but he felt strange to him.

The little boy and I just looked at each other from a distance. I was lying on the bed while he was standing at the door.

I hesitated whether to call the little boy in. Hesitating, do you want to talk to him.

Recently I have encountered too many strange things. I am already a little afraid of contact with people I don't know, just because he turns around and turns into something terrible.

"Are you looking for that child? I've seen it, and I can take you there—" At the moment when I shook God, the kid at the door suddenly became a man.

The man is not tall and looks a little thin. The face is delicate and looks very friendly.

He looked at me, his eyes were clear, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his face was sincere and harmless.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at the man in front of me. He always felt that his face looked very weird, and it made people feel creepy.

"Let's go! Good food—" The man was halfway through his words, and suddenly his head was hit hard by something.

In an instant, he seemed to have a big hole in his head, and he kept bleeding from the top of his head.

At first it was only reddish-brown blood, and slowly there was yellow brain plasma, which was sticky down the top of the head.

The reddish-brown blood mixed with yellow brains made him stick all over his head, and in the end he couldn't even see his face clearly.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, and subconsciously bounced off the bed.

The man looked at me very strangely, raised his foot step by step, and walked slowly towards me.

"Uh-" He had just walked two steps, and suddenly his whole head seemed to be caught by something. The saturated face collapsed suddenly, and the skin and mucus on it disappeared, turning into a dry yellow-brown.

The corners of my mouth twitched, and a cold sweat broke out on my body. I want to scream, or hide my body back, who knows that because I was too scared, I froze.

"Haha!" Suddenly a woman's chuckle came from my ear, and she stimulated my eardrums with a slightly harsh voice.

"Eat! Eat!" The voice kept repeating a word.

I stared in horror, feeling that I was soaked in cold sweat.

"Why, why don't you eat?" Suddenly the woman's voice became very angry, and the body of the man in front of me was suddenly scattered like particles.

A woman's floating head immediately emerged from his body.

The jet black head rested on the long black hair, which kept rippling back and forth in the air.

She kept dangling in front of me, several times trying to fly to the bed from outside, but she bounced back as if blocked by something.

My teeth trembled from the big mouth of her blood basin when she flew closer, but my body couldn't move, and tears were about to fly out.

"Child! Child—my child, Tangtang! Where are you?" The head was flying happily, and suddenly there was a woman's cry outside the house.

The voice was so miserable that my heart was broken by the shouting.

I have never felt the love of my mother since I was a child, so every time I see other mothers taking great care of their children, I can’t help feeling very envious in my heart.

There will always be more love for the kind of love that protects the calf.

I listened to the woman's yelling, and suddenly a woman flashed in my mind, and she was pleadingly standing in the office of Yin Yang Magazine.

She cried and knelt in front of Sister Zhou, begging to her, seeking Xuan Cang's help to find her son.

I also remembered that holding a thick stack of leaflets, I quarreled with Xuan Cang and walked out.

"Ah!" There was a sudden scream from the woman shouting outside.

The door of the room in front of me slashed open with an air current, and it came straight towards the door of my face.

I was amazed, before I had time to react, the air currents rushed in front of me.

And I saw with my own eyes that the airflow hit a layer of air ring, forming a white and purple light ring.

"Yao Yu!" Someone shook me violently, and an anxious male voice came in my ear.

"Hmm..." I groaned with a headache, and slowly opened my eyes.

Xuan Cang's worried eyes appeared in front of me with feelings that I didn't understand.

His face was still pale, too white without a trace of blood, as if he looked closely at it as if it were transparent.

I looked at him stupidly, and it took a long time before I got a trace of my gaze.

"Go away!" After realizing who the person in front of me was, I immediately reached out and pushed him away.

Xuan Cang's body was not pushed by me, but my body retreated a bit.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that I was strange, Xuan Cang hurriedly reached out to touch my head.

I avoided disgustingly, and said angrily: "Don't touch me!"

This hateful man, I didn't expect that he would erase what I encountered that afternoon.

After remembering the events of that day and connecting them, I suddenly understood what San'er said, the reason why I lost contact for three days.

Maybe it wasn't that I was missing for three days, but Xuan Cang used a magic technique to make me fall asleep for three days.

As for his erasure of my memory that day, maybe he just didn't want to deal with my anger, or he just didn't want me to take care of Li Zhen's affairs and add trouble to him!

"Yao Yu!" Xuan Cang frowned, looking at me rather angry and helpless.

"Xuan Cang! Do you think that you can control a person's memory at will, which makes you very proud?" With tears in my eyes, I hately looked at Xuan Cang who was close at hand.

Even if he was close enough to touch my face, I couldn't even feel the breath that belonged to him.

He is nothing but a visible air to me!