Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 33: There was no quarrel


Xuan Cang's hand hung in the air, staring at me silently for a long time.

I thought he would use persecution as before to achieve his own goals.

And he—just looking at me like that, then suddenly turned around and got out of bed and left.

I stared blankly at the back of him leaving, and then at the vacant position beside me, I didn't get back to my senses for a long while.

This seemed to be his first time, after I made him angry, I turned around and left without doing anything.

I know that because of what happened in the alley last time, I moved to Xuan Cang, which was very unfair to him. After all, it's me who is nosy, it's me who insists on going out to find someone alone, and it's me who is easy to believe that others say words.

I have no right to blame him at all. He is just unwilling to help Li Zhen find her son. He has no obligation to do so.

That night, I was lying on the bed alone, with a lot of thoughts and thoughts in my head.


For several days, Xuan Cang never appeared.

I'm like a normal office worker. I get up at 8 o'clock in the morning, eat, and go to work at 9 o'clock every morning. At noon, under the arrangement of Sister Zhou, I will have lunch, take a nap, and continue to work at two o'clock, and leave work until six o'clock.

When Xuan Cang was absent, my life seemed to return to an ordinary, unwavering day. Except for occasional dreams, there will always be the black pennant that I saw on Guo Rui that day.

It is like alive, constantly rippling and flying in my mind when I dream back. And the less I don't want to see it, the clearer its image in my mind.

I had no choice but to let the flag toss in my head.

Sister Zhou had implicitly hinted to me whether I would continue to go out to interview Lian Yang, or whether I would continue to help Li Zhen find her son Tangtang.

Looking at the dark clouds and graves outside the house, I remembered the man tricked into the alley that night, and shook my head leisurely.

Suddenly I remembered that when I came back from Huahe Square that day, San'er called me.

I hurriedly took out my phone and went back to her.

"Beep, beep, beep—" The sound of a call connection came from the phone, but no one answered it for a long time.

My heart became unstable, and I wondered if something happened to San'er? If not, how could she not answer the phone

"Hello! The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please call again later!" I won't close the line until the cold voice of a woman is heard on the other end of the phone.

I was afraid that San'er was busy with other things. I missed answering the phone and didn't dare to call too often. I had to call her again every half an hour.

That day was the most anxious day I had ever had. I kept holding the phone in my hand and kept looking at it to see if there was an echo.

"Madam! What's the matter?" Sister Zhou looked at me fidgeting, and finally asked when I picked up the phone again.

I raised my eyes and glanced at Sister Zhou, and I tried to show her a smile at the corner of my mouth, but failed.

Sister Zhou stared at me for a while, then suddenly laughed lightly.

I looked at her suspiciously, wondering why she suddenly laughed.

"Dare to ask, ma'am! Have you quarreled with an adult?"

I forcibly resisted the motion of rolling my eyes, and couldn't help sighing in my heart. It seems that whether it is a person or a ghost, that kind of gossiping heart follows like a shadow!

It took so long for sister Zhou to ask, and it was really embarrassing for her to hold back all the time!

"No!" I curled my lips.

I thought: Xuan Cang didn't say a word, so this is not a quarrel, right? After all, I am the only one who is angry, and he may not care at all.

"No?" Sister Zhou pursed her lips and smiled secretly. The gossip and worried expression was exactly the same as the reaction of a human being to gossip.

I didn't want to continue to struggle with this issue with Sister Zhou. I looked down at the phone in my hand and saw that half an hour had passed. I was busy unlocking and wanted to call San'er again.

This time I hadn't dialed the number, so San'er called me.

After hurriedly answering the phone, I put the phone to my ear, and before I could speak, the roar of San'er lion's voice came from inside.

"Hey! Yao Yu, you are going to rebel! I'll go in for a meeting, and the phone will blow up for you!"

My throat choked, and suddenly there was a feeling of speechlessness and full of emotion.

The hanging heart finally landed safely when she heard her full of vitality.

"You-don't bring your cell phone to the meeting!" I took two deep breaths, a little mist in my eyes.

"Nonsense! Our company brings a cell phone to the meeting, but the bonus is to be deducted! Put it in your office drawer before the meeting." San'er might have guessed my worry, so he turned to happily said: "Hey! Girl Now you know how I feel! Last time I played for three days in a row, you haven't had it for a long time!"

"Okay! I was wrong, Miss! What's the situation on your side?" I smiled at her.

"What's the situation?" San'er asked me back.

My heart suddenly burst, and I can't allow me to make any speculation about her reaction, and she suddenly "Oh! You told me to pay attention to the child named Tangtang before!"

"Just after you talked to me, I released a message for people to pay attention to. Later, I received a private message from an anonymous netizen saying that Tangtang had been seen and it was brought by a woman."

"At that time, I was skeptical, and I went to see where the netizen told me with my colleague. But we didn't see Tangtang and any woman, but there were children’s clothes and shoes, and I don’t know if it was the one you mentioned. Sugar candy."

San'er briefly described the facts again, but I heard it with suspicion, and I couldn't figure it out.

"That netizen, are you still in contact with him? Are there any clues for you later?" I asked immediately.

The San'er over there was silent, and it took a long time to make a big decision. He took a deep breath and asked, "Yao Yu! Do you believe that there are mysterious and unknowable powers in this world? ?"

My mind was stunned by these words, I took a quick glance with a deep intention, and had already sat back to the opposite sister Zhou.

I believe! Of course I believe it! It is estimated that no one can have a better understanding like me!

But I can't tell San'er so bluntly that I can see things that others can't see since I was a child. I don't want to scare her, let alone make her think that I am a weird person.

"Why, what's wrong?" I carefully blocked my mouth with my hand and lowered my voice.

"That day—the colleague who accompanied me, has not been in good spirits since he came back, and said that he always dreamed of a woman walking around beside his bed at night." San'er’s voice suddenly became very low. The tight voice made the listener feel a tight forehead.